Don't Wander Off The Plantation


Platinum Member
Mar 27, 2012
Because, if you do.... You won't like what happens.

This is what passes for color-blindness in the dimocrap party, people.

dimocraps will lecture you until they're (and you) blue in the face about not judging people based on the color of skin.

But, it seems to me, that's the only thing that's important to them... What color someone's skin is.

And should you wander off the dimocrap plantation.... Their wrath knows no bounds.

From a few days ago..

Kobe Bryant Disagrees With Miami Heat?s Support For Trayvon Martin | News One

In the March 31 issue of the New Yorker, Kobe Bryant discussed life, race and the inevitable conclusion of his illustrious basketball career with Ben McGrath. Perhaps most shocking is Bryant’s assertion that wide-spread support for Trayvon Martin was premature and he refused to show support for the slain teen simply because he’s African American.

According to Colorlines, when McGrath asked Bryant’s opinion on the Miami Heat’s show of solidarity with Martin in the now iconic “Hoodie” photo, the 35-year-old L.A. Laker said that such a move showed lack of “progress”:

I won’t react to something just because I’m supposed to, because I’m an African-American,” he said. “That argument doesn’t make any sense to me. So we want to advance as a society and a culture, but, say, if something happens to an African-American we immediately come to his defense? Yet you want to talk about how far we’ve progressed as a society? Well, we’ve progressed as a society, then don’t jump to somebody’s defense just because they’re African-American. You sit and you listen to the facts just like you would in any other situation, right? So I won’t assert myself.”

The profile goes on to quote former NFL running back Jim Brown, who at one point said, “[Kobe] is somewhat confused about culture, because he was brought up in another country.” Bryant then defended himself on Twitter, writing, “A ‘Global’ African American is an inferior shade to ‘American’ African American?? #hmmm. that doesn’t sound very #Mandela or #DrKing sir.”

From yesterday:

Kobe Backlash: Called 'Confused,' 'Cornball,' 'Jerk' After Refusing to Back Trayvon Martin

Jamilah King at Colorlines lambasted Bryant for this “stingy insistence on clinging to a ‘post-racial’ identity, this very old, conservative notion that black people should not be treated differently in this country—despite all of the evidence, like Martin’s death, that they are.” A piece at The Urban Daily (ellipses in original) declared, “Over the span of Kobe Bryant‘s career….we’ve seen him do and say some very smug, cavalier and even cornball things at times but the comments that he made regarding the Miami Heat’s support after Trayvon Martin was killed…by far takes the cake!” The piece calls Bryant a “jerk” and in strange, non sequitur fashion—sorry for being “smug” and a “jerk”—dubs his opinion “beyond reproach.”

The message? Don’t think. We’ll do that for you. Shut up and play basketball. Unless you’re the Miami Heat, of course, and wear your groupthink over your brain. Then you can offer our, er, your opinion.

So, what they're saying is simple: Black people are ALWAYS right and non-Black people are ALWAYS wrong. And if you don't side with the Black people EVERY time, you are a bad person.

Sounds racist to me.

dimocraps and liberals in general, are THE most intolerant, THE most racist, THE most abusive people on earth.

The evidence mounts up every day
Good for Bryant in this case!! I'm still angry that he got away with a rape here in Colorado but I'm glad he uses basic, common sense where racial issues are concerned.

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What? Right or wrong, Bryant's exercising his first amendment rights, right?
Because, if you do.... You won't like what happens.

This is what passes for color-blindness in the dimocrap party, people.

dimocraps will lecture you until they're (and you) blue in the face about not judging people based on the color of skin.

But, it seems to me, that's the only thing that's important to them... What color someone's skin is.

And should you wander off the dimocrap plantation.... Their wrath knows no bounds.

From a few days ago..

Kobe Bryant Disagrees With Miami Heat?s Support For Trayvon Martin | News One

In the March 31 issue of the New Yorker, Kobe Bryant discussed life, race and the inevitable conclusion of his illustrious basketball career with Ben McGrath. Perhaps most shocking is Bryant’s assertion that wide-spread support for Trayvon Martin was premature and he refused to show support for the slain teen simply because he’s African American.

According to Colorlines, when McGrath asked Bryant’s opinion on the Miami Heat’s show of solidarity with Martin in the now iconic “Hoodie” photo, the 35-year-old L.A. Laker said that such a move showed lack of “progress”:

I won’t react to something just because I’m supposed to, because I’m an African-American,” he said. “That argument doesn’t make any sense to me. So we want to advance as a society and a culture, but, say, if something happens to an African-American we immediately come to his defense? Yet you want to talk about how far we’ve progressed as a society? Well, we’ve progressed as a society, then don’t jump to somebody’s defense just because they’re African-American. You sit and you listen to the facts just like you would in any other situation, right? So I won’t assert myself.”

The profile goes on to quote former NFL running back Jim Brown, who at one point said, “[Kobe] is somewhat confused about culture, because he was brought up in another country.” Bryant then defended himself on Twitter, writing, “A ‘Global’ African American is an inferior shade to ‘American’ African American?? #hmmm. that doesn’t sound very #Mandela or #DrKing sir.”

From yesterday:

Kobe Backlash: Called 'Confused,' 'Cornball,' 'Jerk' After Refusing to Back Trayvon Martin

Jamilah King at Colorlines lambasted Bryant for this “stingy insistence on clinging to a ‘post-racial’ identity, this very old, conservative notion that black people should not be treated differently in this country—despite all of the evidence, like Martin’s death, that they are.” A piece at The Urban Daily (ellipses in original) declared, “Over the span of Kobe Bryant‘s career….we’ve seen him do and say some very smug, cavalier and even cornball things at times but the comments that he made regarding the Miami Heat’s support after Trayvon Martin was killed…by far takes the cake!” The piece calls Bryant a “jerk” and in strange, non sequitur fashion—sorry for being “smug” and a “jerk”—dubs his opinion “beyond reproach.”

The message? Don’t think. We’ll do that for you. Shut up and play basketball. Unless you’re the Miami Heat, of course, and wear your groupthink over your brain. Then you can offer our, er, your opinion.

So, what they're saying is simple: Black people are ALWAYS right and non-Black people are ALWAYS wrong. And if you don't side with the Black people EVERY time, you are a bad person.

Sounds racist to me.

dimocraps and liberals in general, are THE most intolerant, THE most racist, THE most abusive people on earth.

The evidence mounts up every day

You are getting you panties in a bunch for nothing. Kobe has an opinion and so do the people that have attacked him like he did when he attacked the Miami Heat. Quick tip on human nature. The guy you agree with is always right.
Because, if you do.... You won't like what happens.

This is what passes for color-blindness in the dimocrap party, people.

dimocraps will lecture you until they're (and you) blue in the face about not judging people based on the color of skin.

But, it seems to me, that's the only thing that's important to them... What color someone's skin is.

And should you wander off the dimocrap plantation.... Their wrath knows no bounds.

From a few days ago..

Kobe Bryant Disagrees With Miami Heat?s Support For Trayvon Martin | News One

In the March 31 issue of the New Yorker, Kobe Bryant discussed life, race and the inevitable conclusion of his illustrious basketball career with Ben McGrath. Perhaps most shocking is Bryant’s assertion that wide-spread support for Trayvon Martin was premature and he refused to show support for the slain teen simply because he’s African American.

According to Colorlines, when McGrath asked Bryant’s opinion on the Miami Heat’s show of solidarity with Martin in the now iconic “Hoodie” photo, the 35-year-old L.A. Laker said that such a move showed lack of “progress”:

I won’t react to something just because I’m supposed to, because I’m an African-American,” he said. “That argument doesn’t make any sense to me. So we want to advance as a society and a culture, but, say, if something happens to an African-American we immediately come to his defense? Yet you want to talk about how far we’ve progressed as a society? Well, we’ve progressed as a society, then don’t jump to somebody’s defense just because they’re African-American. You sit and you listen to the facts just like you would in any other situation, right? So I won’t assert myself.”

The profile goes on to quote former NFL running back Jim Brown, who at one point said, “[Kobe] is somewhat confused about culture, because he was brought up in another country.” Bryant then defended himself on Twitter, writing, “A ‘Global’ African American is an inferior shade to ‘American’ African American?? #hmmm. that doesn’t sound very #Mandela or #DrKing sir.”

From yesterday:

Kobe Backlash: Called 'Confused,' 'Cornball,' 'Jerk' After Refusing to Back Trayvon Martin

Jamilah King at Colorlines lambasted Bryant for this “stingy insistence on clinging to a ‘post-racial’ identity, this very old, conservative notion that black people should not be treated differently in this country—despite all of the evidence, like Martin’s death, that they are.” A piece at The Urban Daily (ellipses in original) declared, “Over the span of Kobe Bryant‘s career….we’ve seen him do and say some very smug, cavalier and even cornball things at times but the comments that he made regarding the Miami Heat’s support after Trayvon Martin was killed…by far takes the cake!” The piece calls Bryant a “jerk” and in strange, non sequitur fashion—sorry for being “smug” and a “jerk”—dubs his opinion “beyond reproach.”

The message? Don’t think. We’ll do that for you. Shut up and play basketball. Unless you’re the Miami Heat, of course, and wear your groupthink over your brain. Then you can offer our, er, your opinion.

So, what they're saying is simple: Black people are ALWAYS right and non-Black people are ALWAYS wrong. And if you don't side with the Black people EVERY time, you are a bad person.

Sounds racist to me.

dimocraps and liberals in general, are THE most intolerant, THE most racist, THE most abusive people on earth.

The evidence mounts up every day

You are getting you panties in a bunch for nothing. Kobe has an opinion and so do the people that have attacked him like he did when he attacked the Miami Heat. Quick tip on human nature. The guy you agree with is always right.

That’s correct the guy that agrees with you is right and smart, but the guy that disagrees is both wrong and dumb. However, the people that I admire are those that can see the truth regardless of where it comes from.

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