Don't Waste Your Money On the Salvation Army

In lieu of the Salvation Army, I'd like to recommend the following:

The American Legion
National Commander receives a $0.00 zero salary.
Your donations go to help Veterans and their families and youth!

The Veterans of Foreign Wars
National Commander receives a $0.00 zero salary.
Your donations go to help Veterans and their families and youth!

The Disabled American Veterans
National Commander receives a $0.00 zero salary.
Your donations go to help Veterans and their families and youth!

The Military Order of Purple Hearts
National Commander receives a $0.00 zero salary.
Your donations go to help Veterans and their families and youth!

The Vietnam Veterans Association
National Commander receives a $0.00 zero salary.
Your donations go to help Veterans and their families and youth!

Make a Wish: For children's last wishes.
100% goes to funding trips or special wishes for a dying child.

St. Jude Research Hospital
100% goes towards funding and helping Children with Cancer who have no insurance and can
not afford to pay.

Ronald McDonald Houses
All monies go to running the houses for parents who have critical Children in the hospital.
100% goes to housing, and feeding the families.

Lions Club International
QUOTE="WinterBorn, post: 10388730, member: 33912"]The Salvation Army is a religious organization, based on christian beliefs. They do not refuse to serve or help gays. They simply want their leaders and employees to be examples of what their faith believes.

Many times over the years people have complained that gays want to force the churches to be "gay churches". I always claimed that there was no such desire. That gays simply want to be treated fairly and equally. Howey, here is your chance. The Salvation Army is not withholding help from gays. They will still take care of them when they are down, help them with addictions and offer them guidance. Does that mean that they have to throw out the beliefs they have in order to satisfy the world? The Salvation Army is asking its employees to conform to the faith and to abide by it. Why is that wrong? They are not forcing anyone else to do so. They still have the same mission they always have, and help the needy.[/QUOTE]

Actually, the SA will turn away gay partners from their shelters, unless one of them is willing to sleep somewhere else. I found out about this about three weeks ago. consequently, I cut out some Chic-fill-a coupons and the next time I passed a bell ringer, deposited them in to the kettle.
The SA does more to help the poor than damn near anyone or org, and b/c they don't support gays, you want to hurt them.

faggot, your self pity and hate is harming poor people you ignorant self righteous poser
Catholic Church does far more, as does the Mormon Church. Don't need to endorse fringe Christianity to help the poor.

Um no you ignorant ass. Evangelical charities do more for the world than another.

Any in case you didn't notice the Catholic and Mormon church have the same view on fags!
I wasn't talking about all evangelical charities, but the Salvation Army. Stay on topic.

And I would disagree, as the Mormon and Catholic churches don't have the same view on homosexuality. Unless you are suggesting that all Christian denominations believe the same thing when it comes to any issue, let alone the issue of homosexuality.

The Salvation Army does not need to abide by a political check list, they are not probed by the senate with a need prove themselves worthy to the satisfaction of someone else's ideological opinion, they are a self sustaining privately run charitable organization seeing to the needs of the less fortunate. When I make a decision to give to a charity, I don't require them to first fill out an application to see if those services they provide meets with my approval. Either you make the decision to give to those who are less fortunate or you don't.
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Actually, the SA will turn away gay partners from their shelters, unless one of them is willing to sleep somewhere else. I found out about this about three weeks ago. consequently, I cut out some Chic-fill-a coupons and the next time I passed a bell ringer, deposited them in to the kettle.
So are you saying that the homeless should have to put up with two guys fucking while sharing the common shelter the Salvation Army provides them? You can't control yourselves in the presence of others?
QUOTE="AvgGuyIA, post: 10393992, member: 22468"]
Actually, the SA will turn away gay partners from their shelters, unless one of them is willing to sleep somewhere else. I found out about this about three weeks ago. consequently, I cut out some Chic-fill-a coupons and the next time I passed a bell ringer, deposited them in to the kettle.
So are you saying that the homeless should have to put up with two guys fucking while sharing the common shelter the Salvation Army provides them? You can't control yourselves in the presence of others?[/QUOTE]


Excuse me, Average, but I don't recall saying that. I figure that you will prove that you are not a liar by quoting anything I posted even remotely similar to the bold part of your post
The SA does more to help the poor than damn near anyone or org, and b/c they don't support gays, you want to hurt them.

faggot, your self pity and hate is harming poor people you ignorant self righteous poser
Catholic Church does far more, as does the Mormon Church. Don't need to endorse fringe Christianity to help the poor.

and they support gays even less you moron.
The SA does more to help the poor than damn near anyone or org, and b/c they don't support gays, you want to hurt them.

faggot, your self pity and hate is harming poor people you ignorant self righteous poser
Catholic Church does far more, as does the Mormon Church. Don't need to endorse fringe Christianity to help the poor.

Um no you ignorant ass. Evangelical charities do more for the world than another.

Any in case you didn't notice the Catholic and Mormon church have the same view on fags!
I wasn't talking about all evangelical charities, but the Salvation Army. Stay on topic.

And I would disagree, as the Mormon and Catholic churches don't have the same view on homosexuality. Unless you are suggesting that all Christian denominations believe the same thing when it comes to any issue, let alone the issue of homosexuality.

The Salvation Army does not need to abide by a political check list, they are not probed by the senate with a need prove themselves worthy to the satisfaction of someone else's ideological opinion, they are a self sustaining privately run charitable organization seeing to the needs of the less fortunate. When I make a decision to give to a charity, I don't require them to first fill out an application to see if those services they provide meets with my approval. Either you make the decision to give to those who are less fortunate or you don't.

libs don't give half as much as don't worry too much:)
How about we all put a few dollars in a kettle tomorrow, along with a little note stating the donation is in the name of "Howey" from the
I can't afford to give them any money because of the homofascist obama's energy policy. So I'm going to give them a Christmas card from Howie.
Eh? I doubt their minimum donation is much. You can for sure afford to give.
Nope. Can't afford it. I make my donations with time and labor.
QUOTE="WinterBorn, post: 10388730, member: 33912"]The Salvation Army is a religious organization, based on christian beliefs. They do not refuse to serve or help gays. They simply want their leaders and employees to be examples of what their faith believes.

Many times over the years people have complained that gays want to force the churches to be "gay churches". I always claimed that there was no such desire. That gays simply want to be treated fairly and equally. Howey, here is your chance. The Salvation Army is not withholding help from gays. They will still take care of them when they are down, help them with addictions and offer them guidance. Does that mean that they have to throw out the beliefs they have in order to satisfy the world? The Salvation Army is asking its employees to conform to the faith and to abide by it. Why is that wrong? They are not forcing anyone else to do so. They still have the same mission they always have, and help the needy.

Actually, the SA will turn away gay partners from their shelters, unless one of them is willing to sleep somewhere else. I found out about this about three weeks ago. consequently, I cut out some Chic-fill-a coupons and the next time I passed a bell ringer, deposited them in to the kettle.[/QUOTE]

Some years ago I worked in the hospitality industry. We would have occasion to help the SA by providing rooms for people they want to help, usually stranded travelers. They always asked if they were married before they put them in rooms.
QUOTE="WinterBorn, post: 10388730, member: 33912"]The Salvation Army is a religious organization, based on christian beliefs. They do not refuse to serve or help gays. They simply want their leaders and employees to be examples of what their faith believes.

Many times over the years people have complained that gays want to force the churches to be "gay churches". I always claimed that there was no such desire. That gays simply want to be treated fairly and equally. Howey, here is your chance. The Salvation Army is not withholding help from gays. They will still take care of them when they are down, help them with addictions and offer them guidance. Does that mean that they have to throw out the beliefs they have in order to satisfy the world? The Salvation Army is asking its employees to conform to the faith and to abide by it. Why is that wrong? They are not forcing anyone else to do so. They still have the same mission they always have, and help the needy.

Actually, the SA will turn away gay partners from their shelters, unless one of them is willing to sleep somewhere else. I found out about this about three weeks ago. consequently, I cut out some Chic-fill-a coupons and the next time I passed a bell ringer, deposited them in to the kettle.

Some years ago I worked in the hospitality industry. We would have occasion to help the SA by providing rooms for people they want to help, usually stranded travelers. They always asked if they were married before they put them in rooms.[/QUOTE]

Got a source on this?
I'm all for marriage equality, but the Salvation Army does a lot of good. They feed hungry people, they provide a lot of help to poor families.

So I'm willing to give them a mulligan on this one.

Shit, two posts from you I don't despise, this must be a record.

People who want to punish the SA on this one thing are throwing the baby out with the bathwater, pure and simple.
The SA does more to help the poor than damn near anyone or org, and b/c they don't support gays, you want to hurt them.

faggot, your self pity and hate is harming poor people you ignorant self righteous poser
Catholic Church does far more, as does the Mormon Church. Don't need to endorse fringe Christianity to help the poor.

and they support gays even less you moron.
Before calling people Morons check the public statements. Neither the Mormon or Catholic Church has said killing gays is biblically supported. A Salvation Army leader said it was biblically supported. Hardly 'less', especially in the case of the recent Pope.
Never buy from them, let alone support them. Got a plushie husky from them when I was 10, but that's about it.

Figured they were some weird Christian socialist cult when I was growing up, and that they were a second hand store at the same time.
profound ignorance.

NO ! ......, profound stupidity.
in your dreams. Bet you were smoking crack at ten, if you think what people think as a child corresponds exactly to what they think as an adult.

By your logic, if someone gets a test wrong at x age, they are stupid. Even if they go to university, get a degree, or join NASA.

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