Don't you dare tell me the right is patriotic!

39 million idiots are responsible for making the lives of 300 plus million people in this country lives miserable...ah, the power of the vote. Listen, Trump's end is coming and I pray to God its at the lips of former FBI Comey....fingers crossed.

Keep dreaming nignog.
No, bitch you keep dreaming, or better still, stay locked in your white hope nightmare..either way, I could give a rats fuck about you white morons, really
39 million idiots are responsible for making the lives of 300 plus million people in this country lives miserable...ah, the power of the vote. Listen, Trump's end is coming and I pray to God its at the lips of former FBI Comey....fingers crossed.

Keep dreaming nignog.
No, bitch you keep dreaming, or better still, stay locked in your white hope nightmare..either way, I could give a rats fuck about you white morons, really

I don't have to dream coon we won and we're still winning.
Ahem, that happened 6 blocks from where the Presidential motorcade was supposed to be. They destroyed property and did everything but protest.

If your going to engage in violent behavior within such close proximity to the president, be prepared to have your ass hauled to jail for the next half century.

Play stupid games win stupid prizes.
Again, the majority of the 200 people arrested committed no crime, vandalized no property and committed no violence. The fact that you lunatics keep speaking as if that was the only thing that went on regarding this event, show just how disingenuous, how dishonest and how willing you are ready to lie about anything, to advance your sick agenda.

It is more than obvious this country takes a backseat to your egotistical narcissism.
You make excuses for people who destroy other peoples property, shops, stores, cars, whatever. because you don't like Tump. Because people dont like Trump based on False narratives doesnt give them an excuse to be violent. Shove it up your own. Your being an idiot.
You convict innocent people who have done nothing wrong because you don't have the balls or love country to stand up for what is right.
"They are criminalizing a core American value............dissent."

No, if your facts are accurate, what is being criminalized is CRIME. Dissent is one thing, but the rioting and destruction of the Left is a crime. Time to shut this crap down, this country is sick and tired of the rioting anarchist babies on streets and college campuses who use any excuse they don't agree with to break windows, turn over cars, attack and destroy.
You are such a fucking liar! The majority of the 200 arrested committed no crime, yet you right wing lunatics keep shoving your bullshit lunacy all around because you don't love this country enough to stand up for other Americans.

And if you want to talk violence...

Who are the Oath Keepers?
Who are the 3-percenters?
Who are the Proud Boys?
Do you have the fucking balls to answer those questions? If you do, then you're the first alt righty in this thread who had the stones to do so. So far, all you fuckers are too pussy to do it.
39 million idiots are responsible for making the lives of 300 plus million people in this country lives miserable...ah, the power of the vote. Listen, Trump's end is coming and I pray to God its at the lips of former FBI Comey....fingers crossed.

Keep dreaming nignog.
No, bitch you keep dreaming, or better still, stay locked in your white hope nightmare..either way, I could give a rats fuck about you white morons, really

Than why do you keep bringing the white devils up?
How many people have they assaulted?

How many cars have they set on fire?

How many neighborhoods have they burned?

How many roads have they blocked?

How many stores have they looted?
According to this, the Oath Keepers started all the violence at the antifa rally at Berkley masquerading as antifa members.

Oath Keepers claim to have infiltrated major antifascist organizations in order to act as agents provocateur and collaborate with Law Enforcement.

From now on, any major acts of destruction carried out in the name of antifascism may be the work of Oath Keeper pinkertons.

So, uh... Thanks for the deniability? All property damage and assault is clearly the work of Oath Keepers from now on. In addition to our noble work against the spread of fascism, we should be raising awareness of these violent and traitorous vandals.
I hope they all get life in prison.
Even the ones who have committed no crime.

Why do you hate this country so much?
Where do you get this "hate this country so much?" I see the Liberal Pukes using that tired phrase all the time and it gets old. Nobody hates this country more then Progressive Liberal Pukes. Remember what I always say about Liberal Puke Turnspeak?

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