Don't you dare tell me the right is patriotic!

Yup. you are indeed factually challenged....or are you just stupid? This attack below, is not vandalism silly girl.


Without any description or context about the pictures, this is nothing more than a bullshit innuendo on your part.

That's the DVC adjunct professor who is part of that antifa terrorists. That's him attacking someone for which he has been arrested and charged with four felonies. Maybe you should be paying more attention to what these assholes are doing...
The majority arnt being charged because they were not violent and did not riot. What part of that is so hard to undertand?
212 people are being charged, dumbass. The majority of that 212 did not commit any crime.

Que pasa, mutha?

Says you, dumb ass. You have no way of knowing, only wishing it to be true. They will figure it out.
This is the problem with people who riot and are destructive during protests, they may also drag some innocent people down with them. So stop making excuses for them already. You only encourage more of the same.
That's the DVC adjunct professor who is part of that antifa terrorists. That's him attacking someone for which he has been arrested and charged with four felonies. Maybe you should be paying more attention to what these assholes are doing...
You can't even bring yourself to mention the names of the terrorist organizations on the right...

Oath Keepers
Proud Boys​

...let alone comment on them.

Another thing you so-called patriots won't comment on is the added sentences by the District of Columbia (on quite possibly innocent people) in an effort to silence future protests of the Trump Administration. One would figure anything that had the color of 1st amendment suppression, someone with a love of country would be outraged. Not you guys. Not one person on the right will even comment on that.

Instead, you deliberately keep pushing this false narrative that these people rioted and destroyed property as if all 200 people participated in these acts. You only talk about rioting and destruction of property as if that was the only thing that occurred.

You people make me sick! Not only are you Fake Patriots, but your major hypocrites as well. You defend every disgusting act Trump does (just like you did with Bush) and in contrast, Obama can't even kill Usuma Bin Laden without you fuckers bitching about it.
Says you, dumb ass. You have no way of knowing, only wishing it to be true. They will figure it out.
This is the problem with people who riot and are destructive during protests, they may also drag some innocent people down with them. So stop making excuses for them already. You only encourage more of the same.
Shove that false narrative up your ass, mother-fucker!
80 years in fucking prison for exercising a Constitutionally protected right!

In an Unprecedented Court Escalation, Trump Protesters Could Be Facing Decades in Prison for Inauguration Demonstrations
A frightening crackdown on free speech is underway across the country.

Nearly six months after Donald Trump was sworn into office, more than 200 protesters who gathered in Washington, D.C. to protest his inauguration are facing felony charges that carry sentences of 70 to 80 years.
Conservatives don't love this country, they hate it! They are criminalizing a core American value............dissent.
Ahem, that happened 6 blocks from where the Presidential motorcade was supposed to be. They destroyed property and did everything but protest.

If your going to engage in violent behavior within such close proximity to the president, be prepared to have your ass hauled to jail for the next half century.

Play stupid games win stupid prizes.
Says you, dumb ass. You have no way of knowing, only wishing it to be true. They will figure it out.
This is the problem with people who riot and are destructive during protests, they may also drag some innocent people down with them. So stop making excuses for them already. You only encourage more of the same.
Shove that false narrative up your ass, mother-fucker!
Triggered aren't we, Billo?
Says you, dumb ass. You have no way of knowing, only wishing it to be true. They will figure it out.
This is the problem with people who riot and are destructive during protests, they may also drag some innocent people down with them. So stop making excuses for them already. You only encourage more of the same.
Shove that false narrative up your ass, mother-fucker!
You want false narrative? Here's your false narrative!
Says you, dumb ass. You have no way of knowing, only wishing it to be true. They will figure it out.
This is the problem with people who riot and are destructive during protests, they may also drag some innocent people down with them. So stop making excuses for them already. You only encourage more of the same.
Shove that false narrative up your ass, mother-fucker!
You want false narrative? Here's your false narrative!

Wow moer CNN BS. So supprising
Says you, dumb ass. You have no way of knowing, only wishing it to be true. They will figure it out.
This is the problem with people who riot and are destructive during protests, they may also drag some innocent people down with them. So stop making excuses for them already. You only encourage more of the same.
Shove that false narrative up your ass, mother-fucker!

You make excuses for people who destroy other peoples property, shops, stores, cars, whatever. because you don't like Tump. Because people dont like Trump based on False narratives doesnt give them an excuse to be violent. Shove it up your own. Your being an idiot.
39 million idiots are responsible for making the lives of 300 plus million people in this country lives miserable...ah, the power of the vote. Listen, Trump's end is coming and I pray to God its at the lips of former FBI Comey....fingers crossed.
39 million idiots are responsible for making the lives of 300 plus million people in this country lives miserable...ah, the power of the vote. Listen, Trump's end is coming and I pray to God its at the lips of former FBI Comey....fingers crossed.
261 Million people didn't vote and they let 39 million pick the winner. I'm sure there are a whole pack of liberals in the 261 million I'd say that's pretty tough titty, Geecheegirl. Maybe next time.
39 million idiots are responsible for making the lives of 300 plus million people in this country lives miserable...ah, the power of the vote. Listen, Trump's end is coming and I pray to God its at the lips of former FBI Comey....fingers crossed.
261 Million people didn't vote and they let 39 million pick the winner. I'm sure there are a whole pack of liberals in the 261 million I'd say that's pretty tough titty, Geecheegirl. Maybe next time.
Uh, according to the nut, 300 million voted illegally....LOLOLOLO and I think Elvis was among them
Says you, dumb ass. You have no way of knowing, only wishing it to be true. They will figure it out.
This is the problem with people who riot and are destructive during protests, they may also drag some innocent people down with them. So stop making excuses for them already. You only encourage more of the same.
Shove that false narrative up your ass, mother-fucker!

You make excuses for people who destroy other peoples property, shops, stores, cars, whatever. because you don't like Tump. Because people dont like Trump based on False narratives doesnt give them an excuse to be violent. Shove it up your own. Your being an idiot.
Sweetie, people don't like Trump based on the shit this monkey ass white mf say and do..nice try distorting facts.
39 million idiots are responsible for making the lives of 300 plus million people in this country lives miserable...ah, the power of the vote. Listen, Trump's end is coming and I pray to God its at the lips of former FBI Comey....fingers crossed.
261 Million people didn't vote and they let 39 million pick the winner. I'm sure there are a whole pack of liberals in the 261 million I'd say that's pretty tough titty, Geecheegirl. Maybe next time.
Uh, according to the nut, 300 million voted illegally....LOLOLOLO and I think Elvis was among them

D'ya think a re-count is in order? Just think, President Hillary Rodham "Inmate" Clinton.
"They are criminalizing a core American value............dissent."

No, if your facts are accurate, what is being criminalized is CRIME. Dissent is one thing, but the rioting and destruction of the Left is a crime. Time to shut this crap down, this country is sick and tired of the rioting anarchist babies on streets and college campuses who use any excuse they don't agree with to break windows, turn over cars, attack and destroy.
"They are criminalizing a core American value............dissent."

No, if your facts are accurate, what is being criminalized is CRIME. Dissent is one thing, but the rioting and destruction of the Left is a crime. Time to shut this crap down, this country is sick and tired of the rioting anarchist babies on streets and college campuses who use any excuse they don't agree with to break windows, turn over cars, attack and destroy.

Plus, when they start bringing dynamite to protest rallies, it's time to bring tranquilizers.

39 million idiots are responsible for making the lives of 300 plus million people in this country lives miserable...ah, the power of the vote. Listen, Trump's end is coming and I pray to God its at the lips of former FBI Comey....fingers crossed.

Keep dreaming nignog.

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