Dopey President Dufus Now Pissed Off At Top Lawman Sessions

Jeff Sessions offered to resign as attorney general after drawing Trump’s ire: ABC News

06 JUN 2017 AT 18:47 ET

Gage Skidmore/Flickr)

Attorney General Jeff Sessions offered to resign amid a growing rift between himself and President Donald Trump, ABC News’ Jon Karl reports.

Jonathan Karl


Trump/Sessions rift is real. I'm told Sessions even offered to resign. Asked about that, his spokesperson declined to comment
Curious who provided this info to the reporter. Did he confirm with a second source?
The more I hear about Trump the more I fucking hate him. This guy is a thug and should be investigated and removed from office.
You mean the top lawman that the Democrats would not have let be confirmed if Harry Reid had not used the nuclear option in 2013?
Yes, that one. The guy is a shady character to start with, but not shady or stupid enough to stand in front of the firing squad with trump, although he has got the possibility of facing criminal charges himself, including treason, so a firing squad is a possibility.
You are just angry that the name Dopey President Dufus is in the thread title. Mocking the Hippie Hairdo President angers you but you need to get used to it.
I am not the one making moronic comments about treason and firing squads and long as you continue to post stuff this stupid get used to being mocked. Now I'm going to go watch baseball the Rangers are sucking this year but watching them is still better than responding to anymore of your idiocy.
I wonder if Pence refuses to be in the room alone with The Creature as well, given his nervousness with women...
The idiot US President is reported to be angry and pissed off at the top law enforcement official of The United States of America, Attorney General Jeff Sessions.

We are watching the death rattles of a dying Presidency.
Racist Jeff Sessions was meant to be Trump's man with a mission to isolate the United States president from all investigations but he is failing.
The idiot US President is reported to be angry and pissed off at the top law enforcement official of The United States of America, Attorney General Jeff Sessions.

We are watching the death rattles of a dying Presidency.
Didn't this news come out months ago?
I do not know why it is getting new attention today. It is being covered by multiple news sources as a current situation.
I saw coverage on it later in the evening, on CNN. It seems to just be "priming the pump" for Comey's testimony by piquing interest in all things Trump vs. DOJ. The gossip was "at some point in the past eight weeks" (since the Sessions recusal) so it is particularly useless and, again, non-news.
What IS interesting is the coverage CNN reported, more palace gossip but with a ring of truth, that Trump is increasingly unhappy with EVERYONE around him for not being able to make all this shit go away. A cornered narcissist is not a pretty sight. Duck and run, folks.
Okay, Xelor, maybe you're right.

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