Dossier, Dossier, Dossier

Does any one on the right understand how an investigation works?

If something can already be proven it doesn't need to be investigated.

Also... the Mueller investigation is not exclusively about collusion. The main focus is on Russian interference in the election. If collusion is a part of that, then it will be investigated.

so, Woodward is simultaneously a slanderous liar and a reliable source at the same time? Woodward wasnt in a position to see that.
Woodward isn't a prosecutor, and doesn't have subpoena power, search warrants, or the ability to extract plea deals.

legal insurrection is far right with mixed record on factual reporting.
Manafort is going to squeal.

Manafort has already cooperated. As usual the trumpkins are a day late and a dollar short.

So who does this leave?

don jr



....and still no Russian connection

No Russia connection ?????

How about thy little team trump
Meeting with the Russians . The one about “adoptions “? The one the trumpers kept lying about ?
Or the emails to Don Jr. that the information would be from 'high level' sources as part of the Russian government's efforts to support Trump.

Or Trump systematically lying and trying to obstruct the investigation into that meeting in his efforts to cover it up.

Or Trump officials telling Papodopolous to go to a meeting with Russian Ministry of Foreign Affairs officials to collect 'thousands of emails' and dirt against Hillary, directly from the Russian government.

Or the Spanish wiretaps of Don Jr. setting up a meeting with Russian Intelligence Handler Alexander Torshin before the 2016 election.

The absurd denials have a desperate 'rocking-back-and-forth' quality to them at this point.
Does any one on the right understand how an investigation works?

If something can already be proven it doesn't need to be investigated.

Also... the Mueller investigation is not exclusively about collusion. The main focus is on Russian interference in the election. If collusion is a part of that, then it will be investigated.

so, Woodward is simultaneously a slanderous liar and a reliable source at the same time? Woodward wasnt in a position to see that.
Woodward isn't a prosecutor, and doesn't have subpoena power, search warrants, or the ability to extract plea deals.

legal insurrection is far right with mixed record on factual reporting.
Manafort is going to squeal.

Manafort has already cooperated. As usual the trumpkins are a day late and a dollar short.

So who does this leave?

don jr



....and still no Russian connection

No Russia connection ?????

How about thy little team trump
Meeting with the Russians . The one about “adoptions “? The one the trumpers kept lying about ?
Didn’t happen...
Quit falling down the well
Imagine if a legitimate prosecutor aimed his sights on the democrats how many indictments and pleas would be forthcoming....for crimes back as far as 2006

"Imagine" being the operative word.

This is exactly why its so hard to have a rational conversation with a conservative. As they respond to reality, facts and evidence with their imagination.

We have actual crimes, 8 guilty pleas, dozens of indictments, 8 felony convictions and $46,000,000 in fines in only 15 months. And you counter with 'imagine'?

I'll stick with reality, thank you. Imagination, I leave to you.

We have to use imagination because the goddamn DOJ is so politicized that the dems get bullshit excuses made so they don't get prosecuted, and the GOP gets special prosecutors that find crimes unrelated to their original assignment. We know that Hillary should be in prison for her illegal server and mishandling classified data, as well as for the UraniumOne scandal. How many crimes were committed by the Clinton Foundation? What about the Podesta crimes, the same ones as Manafort. I can't imagine why the dems aren't being prosecuted other than there is a double-standard in the DOJ.
I'll gladly put Woodward's credibility up against Trump's.
I would gladly put Trump's credibility up against MUELLER'S right now....

...because so far there is more evidence that has been presented proving Mueller's conflict of interest, evidence of his criminal Obstruction (refusing to comply with a Congressional Subpoena), evidence of his participation in a Conspiracy (Oher testifying he and Steele were communicating with Mueller already in early 2016), AND Mueller in his past withheld information / evidence that proved a man to be innocent and sent the innocent man to jail anyway.

So far there is no evidence of a crime warranting an investigation, no evidence of a crime warranting a Special Counsel, and no evidence of criminal collusion between Trump and Russians (ass opposed to the evidence of illegal criminal collusion between Democrats, to include Obama, Hillary, and potentially even Mueller - and his Oligarch friend believed to have written the Dossier).
Much like mccain, mueller became a deep state player. His past does not mean anything anymore...
Career politicians/civilian federal employees are absolute trash, they are accountable to nobody. And they just are a bunch of fuck ups

Mueller seems pretty damn good at his job. He's gotten 8 felony convictions, 8 more plea deals, and has dozens of indictments in only 15 months. He's systematically getting to the truth by working his way up the ladder.

And with his investigation costing $20 million while he's already collected $46 million in fines, Mueller's investigation is actually *making* the tax payers money.
I'll gladly put Woodward's credibility up against Trump's.
I would gladly put Trump's credibility up against MUELLER'S right now....

...because so far there is more evidence that has been presented proving Mueller's conflict of interest, evidence of his criminal Obstruction (refusing to comply with a Congressional Subpoena), evidence of his participation in a Conspiracy (Oher testifying he and Steele were communicating with Mueller already in early 2016), AND Mueller in his past withheld information / evidence that proved a man to be innocent and sent the innocent man to jail anyway.

So far there is no evidence of a crime warranting an investigation, no evidence of a crime warranting a Special Counsel, and no evidence of criminal collusion between Trump and Russians (ass opposed to the evidence of illegal criminal collusion between Democrats, to include Obama, Hillary, and potentially even Mueller - and his Oligarch friend believed to have written the Dossier).

This Mueller????

Flatfooted Robert Mueller Surprised by Boston Marathon Bombers' Mosque's Terror Connections

This one????

FBI Director Mueller Doesn't Know Anything About IRS Investigation

Or this Mueller?

"The" Mueller that has already gotten 8 guilty pleas, dozens of indictments, 8 felony convictions, and $46,000,000 in fines in only 15 months?

Yeah, that Mueller.

... and still no Russian connection
If there is nothing to the claims against Trump

Why won’t he testify under oath?
....and still no Russian connection're joking, right?

You mean other than Trump admitting that his campaign colluded with a Russian Operative to collect dirt on Hillary as part of the Russian government's effort to support Trump?

This while the Russian government was attacking the United States in an effort to support Trump?

You mean other than Trump lying his ass off trying to cover up that meeting with a Russian Operative in Trump tower, compelling others to lie to cover up the meeting and trying to shut down the investigation looking into that meeting?

You mean other than Trump's National Security Adviser lying to the FBI about contacts between the Trump team and the Russians....and pleading guilty?

You mean other Trump officials telling their foreign policy adviser to go to a meeting with officials from the Russian Ministry of Foreign Affairs to collect dirt on Hillary and 'thousands of emails' directly from the Russian government?

You mean other than Don Jr. being caught by Spanish authorities trying to set up yet *another* secret meeting between the Trump Campaign and the Russians, this time with Russian Intelligence Handler Alexander Torshin?

And that's just what we know publicly.

Ignore all you like. But you can't make us ignore the mountains of evidence we already have of collusion between the Trump team and the Russian government.
The Clintons have always been in bed with Russia, they are incestuous like that... There is no one on the planet more repugnant than the Clintons
Imagine if a legitimate prosecutor aimed his sights on the democrats how many indictments and pleas would be forthcoming....for crimes back as far as 2006

"Imagine" being the operative word.

This is exactly why its so hard to have a rational conversation with a conservative. As they respond to reality, facts and evidence with their imagination.

We have actual crimes, 8 guilty pleas, dozens of indictments, 8 felony convictions and $46,000,000 in fines in only 15 months. And you counter with 'imagine'?

I'll stick with reality, thank you. Imagination, I leave to you.

We have to use imagination because the goddamn DOJ is so politicized that the dems get bullshit excuses made so they don't get prosecuted, and the GOP gets special prosecutors that find crimes unrelated to their original assignment. We know that Hillary should be in prison for her illegal server and mishandling classified data, as well as for the UraniumOne scandal. How many crimes were committed by the Clinton Foundation? What about the Podesta crimes, the same ones as Manafort. I can't imagine why the dems aren't being prosecuted other than there is a double-standard in the DOJ.

And by 'you know', you mean you imagine.

The FBI investigated Hillary's server and found no grounds for prosecution. With the IG (under Trump, mind you), finding that the FBI's conclusions were reasonable based on the law and precedent. With no evidence of political bias in investigative decisions.

So we have the evidence of TWO investigations contradicting your narrative. And you once again countering with your imagination.

Again, this is why its so hard to have a rational conversations with conservatives. In the face of facts and evidence they cite whatever they make up.
Last edited:
Is it any wonder PoliticalChic won fiction writer for the tenth straight year? You go PC, 2018 may already be in the bag, you'll soon need a larger award cabinet.

Trump denounced the Steele dossier as fake, but many of its contents are turning out to be true

"Here’s a recipe for instilling doubt: insert quotation marks around words such as ‘evidence’ or ‘experts’. Add some paid critics of the accepted evidence. Celebrate their courage. Capitalise upon the intrinsic ambiguity of epidemiological research. Propel healthy skepticism towards propaganda. Stir. Season. Without providing truth, you have coerced the other side to question theirs." Why is the brain prone to florid forms of confabulation? | Aeon Ideas
Is it any wonder PoliticalChic won fiction writer for the tenth straight year? You go PC, 2018 may already be in the bag, you'll soon need a larger award cabinet.

Trump denounced the Steele dossier as fake, but many of its contents are turning out to be true

"Here’s a recipe for instilling doubt: insert quotation marks around words such as ‘evidence’ or ‘experts’. Add some paid critics of the accepted evidence. Celebrate their courage. Capitalise upon the intrinsic ambiguity of epidemiological research. Propel healthy skepticism towards propaganda. Stir. Season. Without providing truth, you have coerced the other side to question theirs." Why is the brain prone to florid forms of confabulation? | Aeon Ideas

And the dossier wasn't the basis of the Mueller investigation. Making any attacks on it irrelevant to Mueller's investigation.

So we can add 'strawman' to wasteland of logical fallacies that is the OP.
I'll gladly put Woodward's credibility up against Trump's.
I would gladly put Trump's credibility up against MUELLER'S right now....

...because so far there is more evidence that has been presented proving Mueller's conflict of interest, evidence of his criminal Obstruction (refusing to comply with a Congressional Subpoena), evidence of his participation in a Conspiracy (Oher testifying he and Steele were communicating with Mueller already in early 2016), AND Mueller in his past withheld information / evidence that proved a man to be innocent and sent the innocent man to jail anyway.

So far there is no evidence of a crime warranting an investigation, no evidence of a crime warranting a Special Counsel, and no evidence of criminal collusion between Trump and Russians (ass opposed to the evidence of illegal criminal collusion between Democrats, to include Obama, Hillary, and potentially even Mueller - and his Oligarch friend believed to have written the Dossier).
Much like mccain, mueller became a deep state player. His past does not mean anything anymore...
Career politicians/civilian federal employees are absolute trash, they are accountable to nobody. And they just are a bunch of fuck ups

Are you saying the trump staff did it meet with Russians? That’s all a lie ?

You won’t answer the question . You will with reply with nonsense like :
1- deep state
2-fake news
3- hilllary Hillary Hillary
4- bias FBI .
5 - (insert insult here)
Imagine if a legitimate prosecutor aimed his sights on the democrats how many indictments and pleas would be forthcoming....for crimes back as far as 2006

"Imagine" being the operative word.

This is exactly why its so hard to have a rational conversation with a conservative. As they respond to reality, facts and evidence with their imagination.

We have actual crimes, 8 guilty pleas, dozens of indictments, 8 felony convictions and $46,000,000 in fines in only 15 months. And you counter with 'imagine'?

I'll stick with reality, thank you. Imagination, I leave to you.

We have to use imagination because the goddamn DOJ is so politicized that the dems get bullshit excuses made so they don't get prosecuted, and the GOP gets special prosecutors that find crimes unrelated to their original assignment. We know that Hillary should be in prison for her illegal server and mishandling classified data, as well as for the UraniumOne scandal. How many crimes were committed by the Clinton Foundation? What about the Podesta crimes, the same ones as Manafort. I can't imagine why the dems aren't being prosecuted other than there is a double-standard in the DOJ.

And by 'you know', you mean you imagine.

The FBI investigated Hillary's server and found no grounds for prosecution. With the IG (under Trump, mind you), finding that the FBI's conclusions were reasonable based on the law and precedent. With no evidence of political bias in investigative decisions.

So we have the evidence of TWO investigations contradicting your narrative. And you once again countering with your imagination.

Again, this is why its so hard to have a rational conversations with conservatives. In the face of facts and evidence they cite whatever they make up.

The IG can't prosecute or call witnesses outside the FBI, they just present data.
The FBI has no credibility when investigating Hillary, that is a simple fact, just read the Strzok/Page emails, as well as the disgusting Comey/McCabe conspiracy to let Hillary skate and to frame Trump (i.e. "no intent???"). The "evidence" isn't done until a real prosecutor follows the law. Is John Huber a legitimate prosecutor???
Imagine if a legitimate prosecutor aimed his sights on the democrats how many indictments and pleas would be forthcoming....for crimes back as far as 2006

"Imagine" being the operative word.

This is exactly why its so hard to have a rational conversation with a conservative. As they respond to reality, facts and evidence with their imagination.

We have actual crimes, 8 guilty pleas, dozens of indictments, 8 felony convictions and $46,000,000 in fines in only 15 months. And you counter with 'imagine'?

I'll stick with reality, thank you. Imagination, I leave to you.

We have to use imagination because the goddamn DOJ is so politicized that the dems get bullshit excuses made so they don't get prosecuted, and the GOP gets special prosecutors that find crimes unrelated to their original assignment. We know that Hillary should be in prison for her illegal server and mishandling classified data, as well as for the UraniumOne scandal. How many crimes were committed by the Clinton Foundation? What about the Podesta crimes, the same ones as Manafort. I can't imagine why the dems aren't being prosecuted other than there is a double-standard in the DOJ.

And by 'you know', you mean you imagine.

The FBI investigated Hillary's server and found no grounds for prosecution. With the IG (under Trump, mind you), finding that the FBI's conclusions were reasonable based on the law and precedent. With no evidence of political bias in investigative decisions.

So we have the evidence of TWO investigations contradicting your narrative. And you once again countering with your imagination.

Again, this is why its so hard to have a rational conversations with conservatives. In the face of facts and evidence they cite whatever they make up.

The IG can't prosecute or call witnesses outside the FBI, they just present data.

And the data they presented, after investigating and interviewing those involved in the FBI server investigation....

....was that the FBI's conclusions were reasonable and based in law and precedent. And that there was no evidence of political bias affecting investigative decisions.

And this was the IG under the Trump administration.

The FBI has no credibility when investigating Hillary, that is a simple fact, just read the Strzok/Page emails, as well as the disgusting Comey/McCabe conspiracy to let Hillary skate and to frame Trump (i.e. "no intent???"). The "evidence" isn't done until a real prosecutor follows the law. Is John Huber a legitimate prosecutor???

Says your imagination. Meanwhile, the IG report addresses Strzok directly, finding no evidence that political bias affected his investigative decisions either.

You literally have to ignore evidence and the IG report and replace it with your imagination. Sigh.....again.
I'll gladly put Woodward's credibility up against Trump's.
I would gladly put Trump's credibility up against MUELLER'S right now....

...because so far there is more evidence that has been presented proving Mueller's conflict of interest, evidence of his criminal Obstruction (refusing to comply with a Congressional Subpoena), evidence of his participation in a Conspiracy (Oher testifying he and Steele were communicating with Mueller already in early 2016), AND Mueller in his past withheld information / evidence that proved a man to be innocent and sent the innocent man to jail anyway.

So far there is no evidence of a crime warranting an investigation, no evidence of a crime warranting a Special Counsel, and no evidence of criminal collusion between Trump and Russians (ass opposed to the evidence of illegal criminal collusion between Democrats, to include Obama, Hillary, and potentially even Mueller - and his Oligarch friend believed to have written the Dossier).
Much like mccain, mueller became a deep state player. His past does not mean anything anymore...
Career politicians/civilian federal employees are absolute trash, they are accountable to nobody. And they just are a bunch of fuck ups

Are you saying the trump staff did it meet with Russians? That’s all a lie ?

You won’t answer the question . You will with reply with nonsense like :
1- deep state
2-fake news
3- hilllary Hillary Hillary
4- bias FBI .
5 - (insert insult here)

They are stuck in a conspiracy loop. If you want a real giggle, look at Easy's thread on how Comey and Mueller are trying to MURDER a man cited in the Papodapolous investigation.

These increasingly bizarro and fantasy fueled conspiracies are getting more and more desperately detached from reality as the evidence against team Trump continues to grow.
I'll gladly put Woodward's credibility up against Trump's.
I would gladly put Trump's credibility up against MUELLER'S right now....

...because so far there is more evidence that has been presented proving Mueller's conflict of interest, evidence of his criminal Obstruction (refusing to comply with a Congressional Subpoena), evidence of his participation in a Conspiracy (Oher testifying he and Steele were communicating with Mueller already in early 2016), AND Mueller in his past withheld information / evidence that proved a man to be innocent and sent the innocent man to jail anyway.

So far there is no evidence of a crime warranting an investigation, no evidence of a crime warranting a Special Counsel, and no evidence of criminal collusion between Trump and Russians (ass opposed to the evidence of illegal criminal collusion between Democrats, to include Obama, Hillary, and potentially even Mueller - and his Oligarch friend believed to have written the Dossier).
Much like mccain, mueller became a deep state player. His past does not mean anything anymore...
Career politicians/civilian federal employees are absolute trash, they are accountable to nobody. And they just are a bunch of fuck ups

Are you saying the trump staff did it meet with Russians? That’s all a lie ?

You won’t answer the question . You will with reply with nonsense like :
1- deep state
2-fake news
3- hilllary Hillary Hillary
4- bias FBI .
5 - (insert insult here)
Trump had nothing to do with the Russians... obviously
If there would’ve been something that would’ve leaked a long time ago

Quit falling down the well
I'll gladly put Woodward's credibility up against Trump's.
I would gladly put Trump's credibility up against MUELLER'S right now....

...because so far there is more evidence that has been presented proving Mueller's conflict of interest, evidence of his criminal Obstruction (refusing to comply with a Congressional Subpoena), evidence of his participation in a Conspiracy (Oher testifying he and Steele were communicating with Mueller already in early 2016), AND Mueller in his past withheld information / evidence that proved a man to be innocent and sent the innocent man to jail anyway.

So far there is no evidence of a crime warranting an investigation, no evidence of a crime warranting a Special Counsel, and no evidence of criminal collusion between Trump and Russians (ass opposed to the evidence of illegal criminal collusion between Democrats, to include Obama, Hillary, and potentially even Mueller - and his Oligarch friend believed to have written the Dossier).
Much like mccain, mueller became a deep state player. His past does not mean anything anymore...
Career politicians/civilian federal employees are absolute trash, they are accountable to nobody. And they just are a bunch of fuck ups

Are you saying the trump staff did it meet with Russians? That’s all a lie ?

You won’t answer the question . You will with reply with nonsense like :
1- deep state
2-fake news
3- hilllary Hillary Hillary
4- bias FBI .
5 - (insert insult here)

They are stuck in a conspiracy loop. If you want a real giggle, look at Easy's thread on how Comey and Mueller are trying to MURDER a man cited in the Papodapolous investigation.

These increasingly bizarro and fantasy fueled conspiracies are getting more and more desperately detached from reality as the evidence against team Trump continues to grow.

Blah, blah, blah..... every time you post you prove my earlier statement correct. You post opinion, insults, personal attacks, and random snowflake crap but never anything factual or that contributes intellectually to the conversation. You're like a butt-hurt dripping faucet. :p
I'll gladly put Woodward's credibility up against Trump's.
I would gladly put Trump's credibility up against MUELLER'S right now....

...because so far there is more evidence that has been presented proving Mueller's conflict of interest, evidence of his criminal Obstruction (refusing to comply with a Congressional Subpoena), evidence of his participation in a Conspiracy (Oher testifying he and Steele were communicating with Mueller already in early 2016), AND Mueller in his past withheld information / evidence that proved a man to be innocent and sent the innocent man to jail anyway.

So far there is no evidence of a crime warranting an investigation, no evidence of a crime warranting a Special Counsel, and no evidence of criminal collusion between Trump and Russians (ass opposed to the evidence of illegal criminal collusion between Democrats, to include Obama, Hillary, and potentially even Mueller - and his Oligarch friend believed to have written the Dossier).
Much like mccain, mueller became a deep state player. His past does not mean anything anymore...
Career politicians/civilian federal employees are absolute trash, they are accountable to nobody. And they just are a bunch of fuck ups

Are you saying the trump staff did it meet with Russians? That’s all a lie ?

You won’t answer the question . You will with reply with nonsense like :
1- deep state
2-fake news
3- hilllary Hillary Hillary
4- bias FBI .
5 - (insert insult here)

They are stuck in a conspiracy loop. If you want a real giggle, look at Easy's thread on how Comey and Mueller are trying to MURDER a man cited in the Papodapolous investigation.

These increasingly bizarro and fantasy fueled conspiracies are getting more and more desperately detached from reality as the evidence against team Trump continues to grow.

Don forget how they ran with the Benghazi witch hunt for years !!! Which lead to the whole email server thing .


Lol! Ain’t karma a bitch?
Is it any wonder PoliticalChic won fiction writer for the tenth straight year? You go PC, 2018 may already be in the bag, you'll soon need a larger award cabinet.

Trump denounced the Steele dossier as fake, but many of its contents are turning out to be true

"Here’s a recipe for instilling doubt: insert quotation marks around words such as ‘evidence’ or ‘experts’. Add some paid critics of the accepted evidence. Celebrate their courage. Capitalise upon the intrinsic ambiguity of epidemiological research. Propel healthy skepticism towards propaganda. Stir. Season. Without providing truth, you have coerced the other side to question theirs." Why is the brain prone to florid forms of confabulation? | Aeon Ideas

I have a minute....let me put you in your place:

"After 18 months of steely-eyed investigation, the only parts of the dossier that have been "confirmed" are bland factual statements -- Moscow is a city in Russia -- while the untrue parts are anything having to do with Trump or his associates.

As New York Times national security reporter Matthew Rosenberg explained to MSNBC's easily excited Chris Hayes last March:

"Both journalists and others who had copies of it for a long time have not been able to report much of it out. We've heard that, you know, the FBI and the Intelligence Community believe about 30 percent of it may be accurate, but most of that 30 percent, if not all, has been non-Trump stuff."
February 7, 2018 - CARTER PAGE: AGENT 000

“Not one claim concerning Trump in the Steele Dossier has ever been verified by the FBI, according to Andrew McCabe himself in recent testimony to the House Intelligence Committee. The only confirmed fact is unsurprising: former Trump campaign adviser Carter Page traveled to Moscow on his own dime and met with various Russians—all perfectly legal.

Comey and then-CIA Director John Brennan laundered the Steele Dossier through the U.S. intelligence community to give it an aura of credibility and get it to the press. It was also used by the FBI and senior DOJ officials to secure wiretap warrants from a secret Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act (FISA) court. Then its contents, via court-authorized FISA warrants, were used to justify the illegal unmasking of the identities of wiretapped Trump officials.” The Politicization of the FBI

Drop back for another beating tomorrow...m'kay?
Is it any wonder PoliticalChic won fiction writer for the tenth straight year? You go PC, 2018 may already be in the bag, you'll soon need a larger award cabinet.

Trump denounced the Steele dossier as fake, but many of its contents are turning out to be true

"Here’s a recipe for instilling doubt: insert quotation marks around words such as ‘evidence’ or ‘experts’. Add some paid critics of the accepted evidence. Celebrate their courage. Capitalise upon the intrinsic ambiguity of epidemiological research. Propel healthy skepticism towards propaganda. Stir. Season. Without providing truth, you have coerced the other side to question theirs." Why is the brain prone to florid forms of confabulation? | Aeon Ideas

And the dossier wasn't the basis of the Mueller investigation. Making any attacks on it irrelevant to Mueller's investigation.

So we can add 'strawman' to wasteland of logical fallacies that is the OP.

Another spanking for you, simple???

Sure thing:

1. “… the dossier was used by government officials to justify a spy warrant against Page,…. the FISA application “extensively” cited an Sept. 23, 2016 news article that was in effect planted by Fusion GPS.

2.That is significant because the article, written by veteran reporter Michael Isikoff, is itself based on the unverified dossier.
No evidence has emerged validating the claims made about Page in the dossier.

3. The FISA application made no mention of the link between the Isikoff article and the dossier. Instead, the article was treated as corroborating evidence for the dossier. The memo says that the FISA application “incorrectly assesse[d]” that the Isikoff article was based on information separate from the dossier.

4. …McCabe told the House Intelligence Committee in December that “no surveillance warrant would have been sought from the FISC without the Steele dossier information.”

5. The memo, which was crafted by House Republicans, also says that the FBI’s deputy director, Andrew McCabe, told Congress that a FISA warrant against the campaign adviser, Carter Page, would not have been granted without use of the dossier. That despite the FBI later determining that very little of the Democrat-funded document was corroborated.

6. And in another stunning revelation, the memo asserts that Justice Department official Bruce Ohr was used to pass information from the author of the dossier, Christopher Steele, to the DOJ.
Ohr’s wife, Nellie Ohr, worked at the time for Fusion GPS, the opposition research firm research firm that commissioned the dossier. Bruce Ohr, who worked closely with Deputy Attorney Generals Sally Yates and Rod Rosenstein, passed his wife’s opposition research on Trump to the FBI, the memo says.

7. Steele at one point told Ohr that he “was desperate that Donald Trump not get elected and was passionate about him not being president.”

8.The memo notes that the Papadopoulos information “triggered” the FBI investigation into possible Trump campaign collusion.
It says that there is no evidence that Page and Papadopoulos engaged in a conspiracy. “
Spy Warrant Granted Based On Dossier And News Stories Planted By Fusion GPS
I would gladly put Trump's credibility up against MUELLER'S right now....

...because so far there is more evidence that has been presented proving Mueller's conflict of interest, evidence of his criminal Obstruction (refusing to comply with a Congressional Subpoena), evidence of his participation in a Conspiracy (Oher testifying he and Steele were communicating with Mueller already in early 2016), AND Mueller in his past withheld information / evidence that proved a man to be innocent and sent the innocent man to jail anyway.

So far there is no evidence of a crime warranting an investigation, no evidence of a crime warranting a Special Counsel, and no evidence of criminal collusion between Trump and Russians (ass opposed to the evidence of illegal criminal collusion between Democrats, to include Obama, Hillary, and potentially even Mueller - and his Oligarch friend believed to have written the Dossier).
Much like mccain, mueller became a deep state player. His past does not mean anything anymore...
Career politicians/civilian federal employees are absolute trash, they are accountable to nobody. And they just are a bunch of fuck ups

Are you saying the trump staff did it meet with Russians? That’s all a lie ?

You won’t answer the question . You will with reply with nonsense like :
1- deep state
2-fake news
3- hilllary Hillary Hillary
4- bias FBI .
5 - (insert insult here)

They are stuck in a conspiracy loop. If you want a real giggle, look at Easy's thread on how Comey and Mueller are trying to MURDER a man cited in the Papodapolous investigation.

These increasingly bizarro and fantasy fueled conspiracies are getting more and more desperately detached from reality as the evidence against team Trump continues to grow.

Don forget how they ran with the Benghazi witch hunt for years !!! Which lead to the whole email server thing .


Lol! Ain’t karma a bitch?
Karma is a bitch...
I would gladly put Trump's credibility up against MUELLER'S right now....

...because so far there is more evidence that has been presented proving Mueller's conflict of interest, evidence of his criminal Obstruction (refusing to comply with a Congressional Subpoena), evidence of his participation in a Conspiracy (Oher testifying he and Steele were communicating with Mueller already in early 2016), AND Mueller in his past withheld information / evidence that proved a man to be innocent and sent the innocent man to jail anyway.

So far there is no evidence of a crime warranting an investigation, no evidence of a crime warranting a Special Counsel, and no evidence of criminal collusion between Trump and Russians (ass opposed to the evidence of illegal criminal collusion between Democrats, to include Obama, Hillary, and potentially even Mueller - and his Oligarch friend believed to have written the Dossier).
Much like mccain, mueller became a deep state player. His past does not mean anything anymore...
Career politicians/civilian federal employees are absolute trash, they are accountable to nobody. And they just are a bunch of fuck ups

Are you saying the trump staff did it meet with Russians? That’s all a lie ?

You won’t answer the question . You will with reply with nonsense like :
1- deep state
2-fake news
3- hilllary Hillary Hillary
4- bias FBI .
5 - (insert insult here)

They are stuck in a conspiracy loop. If you want a real giggle, look at Easy's thread on how Comey and Mueller are trying to MURDER a man cited in the Papodapolous investigation.

These increasingly bizarro and fantasy fueled conspiracies are getting more and more desperately detached from reality as the evidence against team Trump continues to grow.

Don forget how they ran with the Benghazi witch hunt for years !!! Which lead to the whole email server thing .


Lol! Ain’t karma a bitch?

Nice attempt to drag the thread into another off-topic dive into the twisted snowflake mind and false narratives.

(Perhaps someone can explain to you off to the side what criminal investigation and Fact-Finding is different....not likely without drawing you a picture.)

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