Double-dip recession 'inevitable'

And for the record we never left the first recession, money was dumped on the markets and that makes numbers go up, but it didn't fix anything.
Personally, I always expect the next bubble is about to pop any minute but this guy in the article seems to have a minority opinion on the matter. Why did you think it was worthy of posting here? Wishful thinking?
Personally, I always expect the next bubble is about to pop any minute but this guy in the article seems to have a minority opinion on the matter. Why did you think it was worthy of posting here? Wishful thinking?
'Minority opinion' Gracie? Really?

Knowing what was...and what IS...and expecting it with this POTUS?

Are you serious based on politics?

I think it is worthy posting here.
And for the record we never left the first recession, money was dumped on the markets and that makes numbers go up, but it didn't fix anything.
oney was also DUMPED into Unions as payback...same result.
Theres a multi pronged communist fork obama is using.
*destroy the ability of self sustaining energy. Transportation industry vital to business and consumers. Drive up the cost,squash personal and corporate profitability.
*destroy free market enterprise by delegating power to unions.
*de facto non prosecution or deportation of illegal immigrants.
*globalization and elimination of industry.

Shall i continue?
entitlement society,no independent capitalist society.
Welcome back Carter..".we tease him alot b/c we got him on the spot"

9 consecutive days of dow going neg = Carter lost

Under obumer rinse and repeat.

Dow?s losing streak now in ninth day - MarketWatch

[ame=""]Welcome Back Kotter - YouTube[/ame]
that's my old high school in the welcome back kotter video....:)

i took that train in the video to get to school every day....for 9th and 10th grade....then we moved to another state
Achuthan's views are not widely accepted. In a CNNMoney survey of economists in December, they cut the double-dip recession risk to 20% from 30% only three months earlier. The Federal Reserve Bank of Philadelphia's survey of economists finds that most forecast improved growth and hiring through this year and for the next three years.
One man’s minority opinion.

You rightists are pathetic. You actually hope Americans continue to suffer so you might realize some perceived political gain.
This makes cons gleeful.

Just math ring a bell you fucking moron or is it to much fur you to get your head out of your orfice and realize what is taking place..are you paying attention or are you too fauking lazy to realize your purchasing power has decreased by 20% based on the current actions in iran.

don't be bothered with your own self entertainment is more important but like soon to be a fix junky whore...lving on the streets.

Yeah, there's certainly a chance we could go back downhill. This financial crisis has been unlike anything the world has seen, deeper and broader and more complicated by far. The American consumer used credit to live far beyond his means; Wall Street turned into a freakin' casino, with massive moneyed interests leveraging 15 to 20 times further than they should (I'm in the industry and neck deep in it every day); American politicians using money borrowed from China to fund wasteful wars and a bloated bureaucracy, and, worst of all, our incredibly irresponsible fiscal and financial behavior spreading through the interconnected world like an aggressive contagion.

Sure, point the partisan fingers all you want, what the hell. This disaster was decades in the making, and it could easily take decades to unwind. A double-dip recession? Yeah, possible. And we all have a hand in it. Okay, spin away.

Yes it is inevitable and the major stimulus is fuel prices. I am paying 60 cents more a gallon for gas this year compared to last year at this time and it will rise at least another dollar without any disruption to supplies by May which would make it at least $4.50 here. When it hits $4 the economy will stall and if it gets to $5 it will crumble. If the people have to spend 20 to 30% more on gas every week that takes a large chunk out of discretionary spending and this does not even include the effects on consumer products as the result of the rising costs.

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