Doubts About Donald Trump's Own Medical Records Emerge

Quick question for everyone on this thread...................have any of you had physicals where your doctor described your health in the same terms that Trumps did?
I'd love to see the terms this doctor uses to describe a colonoscopy
We don't need to worry about Hillary's health, she has a real Intern as her doctor with a real medical assessment given to us.

Mr. Trump WROTE THAT LETTER for his health assessment....

These are the words
Trump uses,"the talk, Trump talks", the bull crap talk of donald Trump.

And WE KNOW Donald Trump FORGED his Tax accountant's signature once before when on his taxes he claimed he was a consultant for his own business so he could take some extra tax write offs and paid himself zero for being a so called "consultant" and when called on it, his tax accountant's signature was on the forms and his tax accountant said that it was his signature, but HE DID NOT SIGN IT.....

someone had a thread on this the other day....

SOOOOOO, in my opinion, if the Donald did this the first time around with his accountant's signature, he would not think twice about doing it again with this supposed "clean bill of Health" from some gastro doc.

What is he hiding???

And it is Donald's stinks to high Heaven of him....

I simply can not see how anyone, even Trump supporters, can not see this?
oh i believe the doctor signed it, or gave his permission.

i just don't believe he wrote it or that it reflects a real doctor/patient relationship.
It reads so blatantly like something Trump would write about himself it almost looks like something from SNL
The signature looks more like Barron than Bornstein.
LOL. The signature looks like "Hillary Rodham Clinton" to me
That's ok. An exit hole in the Pentagon's C-Ring looks like an entrance hole in the outside of the E-ring to you. So you can imagine what I think of your cognitive abilities. :thup:

That's okay because you like to make up facts that are convenient for you, so I am not the one with the imagination issues.
You're not the one with the "imagination issues??"

You actually posted a photograph of a 12 foot hole, pointing out a 757 couldn't fit through it as though anyone ever claimed 757 went through that hole. Talk about delusions. :cuckoo:
So far this is just some of the ailments posters have discovered with Hillary:
Spot on tongue
Cannot walk up stairs
mental problems
trouble breathing
Social disease

What happened to the Republican bread and butter issue: a communist?
It reads so blatantly like something Trump would write about himself it almost looks like something from SNL
The signature looks more like Barron than Bornstein.
LOL. The signature looks like "Hillary Rodham Clinton" to me
That's ok. An exit hole in the Pentagon's C-Ring looks like an entrance hole in the outside of the E-ring to you. So you can imagine what I think of your cognitive abilities. :thup:

That's okay because you like to make up facts that are convenient for you, so I am not the one with the imagination issues.
You're not the one with the "imagination issues??"

You actually posted a photograph of a 12 foot hole, pointing out a 757 couldn't fit through it as though anyone ever claimed 757 went through that hole. Talk about delusions. :cuckoo:
Link please so that everybody can see who is lying?
"Laboratory test results were astonishingly excellent"
"His physical strength and stamina are extraordinary"
"If elected, Mr Trump, I can state unequivocally, will be the healthiest individual ever elected to the presidency"

Who else but Trump could come up with such hyperbole about himself?
John Barron...of course!
He knows The Don better than anyone.
The signature looks more like Barron than Bornstein.
LOL. The signature looks like "Hillary Rodham Clinton" to me
That's ok. An exit hole in the Pentagon's C-Ring looks like an entrance hole in the outside of the E-ring to you. So you can imagine what I think of your cognitive abilities. :thup:

That's okay because you like to make up facts that are convenient for you, so I am not the one with the imagination issues.
You're not the one with the "imagination issues??"

You actually posted a photograph of a 12 foot hole, pointing out a 757 couldn't fit through it as though anyone ever claimed 757 went through that hole. Talk about delusions. :cuckoo:
Link please so that everybody can see who is lying?


Now, about that "757" that hit the Pentagon...

This is the hole it left

Not this shit again? :ack-1:

What's wrong with that hole it left?

Um, I don't think a 757 fits through that hole.... not even close.

That is the type of hole a cruise missile makes. A 757 is not a projectile. It would've "bounced off" the Pentagon.

... now who ever said a 757 fit through that hole? It's the fucking exit hole on the C-ring, ya fruit loop dingus, not the entrance hole on the outside of the E-ring.

G'head ... this is where you project again that I'm the one with "imagination issues."
I guess both Clinton and Trump are physically unfit......Gary Johnson is a bicyclist, skier, and has climbed the highest peak on each continent.....let's elect the healthy choice! :lol:
Nothing suspicious here,

Nobody treats clowns better than clown doctors.
LOL. The signature looks like "Hillary Rodham Clinton" to me
That's ok. An exit hole in the Pentagon's C-Ring looks like an entrance hole in the outside of the E-ring to you. So you can imagine what I think of your cognitive abilities. :thup:

That's okay because you like to make up facts that are convenient for you, so I am not the one with the imagination issues.
You're not the one with the "imagination issues??"

You actually posted a photograph of a 12 foot hole, pointing out a 757 couldn't fit through it as though anyone ever claimed 757 went through that hole. Talk about delusions. :cuckoo:
Link please so that everybody can see who is lying?


Now, about that "757" that hit the Pentagon...

This is the hole it left

Not this shit again? :ack-1:

What's wrong with that hole it left?

Um, I don't think a 757 fits through that hole.... not even close.

That is the type of hole a cruise missile makes. A 757 is not a projectile. It would've "bounced off" the Pentagon.

... now who ever said a 757 fit through that hole? It's the fucking exit hole on the C-ring, ya fruit loop dingus, not the entrance hole on the outside of the E-ring.

G'head ... this is where you project again that I'm the one with "imagination issues."

You are also the one with the literacy issues case you did not notice TWO DIFFERENT USERNAMES Dekster =/= LaDexter This one doesn't do 9/11 conspiracies. Sorry. Not sorry.
"Laboratory test results were astonishingly excellent"
"His physical strength and stamina are extraordinary"

Who else but Trump could come up with such hyperbole about himself?
Exactly. Who would say all his tests had positive results?
Did he test positive for HIV and other STD's? How about colon and cervical cancer? If he tested positive for those he can kiss his ass good by sooner than later!!!!.:rofl:
If he has cervical cancer he's been using the wrong restroom for a long time.
the best part about the ridiculous letter - trump thanked the doctor's dead dad for writing it

too bad dr. jacob bornstein died in 2010.

so... should we really believe the letter?

In the posted letter Dr Harold Bernstein clearly stated that Trumps previous Doctor was his father, Dr Jacob Bernstein. You seem to be easily confused.
oh i see. so trump thanked a man dead for at least 5 years for writing the letter because he used to see him, even though the letter was actually (supposedly) written by another doctor

Trump admitted he referred to his previous Doctor by mistake.

But how could he confuse his doctor's father as his own personal physician?

Somebody needs to explain to you that his previous personal physician was the father of his present personal physician. Trump used the wrong first name. I don't know about you, but I do not talk to my Dr using her first name.

I imagine Trump uses first names, I call my doctor by his first name but he crews aboard my boat and we've known each other a long time.
Quick question for everyone on this thread...................have any of you had physicals where your doctor described your health in the same terms that Trumps did?

I get a letter from the VA every six months after my physical that is very similar. The major difference is the analysis of my blood tests.
All the brouhaha over Hillary Clinton's health has overflowed to a December 2015 letter that Donald Trump used to validate his good health. On closer inspection, Newsweek Magazine has noted quite a few discrepancies and because of that new calls for Donald to present evidence of his health are being called. The letter in question seems at best contrived and at worst fake. More to come on this subject for sure, I can't but wonder why Donald Trump would fake something like this unless there is something in his own record he would fear.

"A fake in the sense that Trump wrote it and his sycophant doc signed it:

On December 4, 2015, the Trump campaign released…something.

It purports to be a medical letter, but it is one of the most ridiculous documents ever to emerge in any political campaign. First, the letterhead is in the same font as the letter, which appears to have been created using Microsoft Word. The signature from the doctor is several inches past the signature line—the result you might get if the document had been signed as a blank and filled in later. The letterhead includes a Gmail address—something doctors tell me is extremely unusual, since doctors do not want patients contacting them directly by email as a substitute for scheduling an appointment.

There is also a website listed, but if you follow the URL (, it takes you to, a blank page that asks if you want to upload an update to a Flash program onto your computer (the domain name,, is still for sale. No, I can’t explain that.) If you decline, it does so anyway and, based on the response of the security system on my computer, the “program” on the doctor’s supposed website is a virus.

Then, there is the doctor who allegedly signed this document. His name is Harold N. Bornstein, and he is a gastroenterologist. This kind of physician is a specialist who treats the digestive tract. This is not an internist, who is trained specifically in providing full histories and physicals of patients. The letter signed by Dr. Bornstein, who did not return an email from Newsweek seeking comment, says that he has treated Trump since 1980. However, it mentions no history of the gastrointestinal problem that led the Republican candidate for president to seek out his help. In fact, the letter says Trump has had no significant medical problems. So why has he been seeing a gastroenterologist for over 35 years?"

read:Donald Trump tests positive for everything, according to his own doctor

All of you LWNJ's need to worry about Hillary's health. She takes Coumadine, a blood thinner, that is usually prescribed for those who have had a stroke. Her family has a history of stroke problems, and strokes are often disabling or fatal.

Coumadin is prescribed for a variety of reasons not solely for a stroke. Clinton developed blood clots by high altitude flying and this is how her doctor treated the problem.
I guess both Clinton and Trump are physically unfit......Gary Johnson is a bicyclist, skier, and has climbed the highest peak on each continent.....let's elect the healthy choice! :lol:

Gary Johnson will phone it in at 3AM because he is too stoned to answer.
All the brouhaha over Hillary Clinton's health has overflowed to a December 2015 letter that Donald Trump used to validate his good health. On closer inspection, Newsweek Magazine has noted quite a few discrepancies and because of that new calls for Donald to present evidence of his health are being called. The letter in question seems at best contrived and at worst fake. More to come on this subject for sure, I can't but wonder why Donald Trump would fake something like this unless there is something in his own record he would fear.

"A fake in the sense that Trump wrote it and his sycophant doc signed it:

On December 4, 2015, the Trump campaign released…something.

It purports to be a medical letter, but it is one of the most ridiculous documents ever to emerge in any political campaign. First, the letterhead is in the same font as the letter, which appears to have been created using Microsoft Word. The signature from the doctor is several inches past the signature line—the result you might get if the document had been signed as a blank and filled in later. The letterhead includes a Gmail address—something doctors tell me is extremely unusual, since doctors do not want patients contacting them directly by email as a substitute for scheduling an appointment.

There is also a website listed, but if you follow the URL (, it takes you to, a blank page that asks if you want to upload an update to a Flash program onto your computer (the domain name,, is still for sale. No, I can’t explain that.) If you decline, it does so anyway and, based on the response of the security system on my computer, the “program” on the doctor’s supposed website is a virus.

Then, there is the doctor who allegedly signed this document. His name is Harold N. Bornstein, and he is a gastroenterologist. This kind of physician is a specialist who treats the digestive tract. This is not an internist, who is trained specifically in providing full histories and physicals of patients. The letter signed by Dr. Bornstein, who did not return an email from Newsweek seeking comment, says that he has treated Trump since 1980. However, it mentions no history of the gastrointestinal problem that led the Republican candidate for president to seek out his help. In fact, the letter says Trump has had no significant medical problems. So why has he been seeing a gastroenterologist for over 35 years?"

read:Donald Trump tests positive for everything, according to his own doctor
I doubt very seriously that his BP rate is 110/65, what with the high pressure business he is in, and what makes a person turn orange?

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