Doubts About Donald Trump's Own Medical Records Emerge

Quick question for everyone on this thread...................have any of you had physicals where your doctor described your health in the same terms that Trumps did?

I get a letter from the VA every six months after my physical that is very similar. The major difference is the analysis of my blood tests.
Really? I've NEVER gotten that from any of the CBOC's or VAMC's in the two VISN's I've been enrolled/registered. Now that My Healthy Vet has been working decently for the last 3-4 years, more or less, I've been able to read the notations and findings online, but I've never gotten a letter re: health status.

I have been getting a letter detailing my health status from my Doctor at the VA Clinic where I go since 2004. I did have to use My Healthy Vet to get the results the few times that I went to the VA Hospital. She actually sends it snail mail instead of email.
Interesting! Like I said, I've never gotten a thing from the Tacoma, WA VMAC or the CBOC South of there I went to in VISN 22 or the Phoenix, AZ VAMC or the CBOC I go to West of there in VISN 20. But then, both of those VISN's have had well documented issues since about 2012.

I only use the VA for prescriptions to save the ~$1000-1200 Medicare quarterly copays. All my medical care is private and I'll never let them treat me for anything ever again after what I've been through with those careless and unqualified butchers!

Thanks for being civil. Many on USMB are not. I go to the VA clinic for several reasons. One is to get prescriptions for $9, but I only take two prescriptions so it is hard to justify the 20 mile round trip. Like you, I primarily use private medical care, but it never hurts to get a second opinion. The Doctor at the VA Clinic is outstanding, as is my private Doctor and they actually accept each others findings and blood work so I don't have to get it done twice.
I did go to the VA Hospital before they opened the Clinics, and went their to get some hearing aids, but I would go to a private hospital if I needed surgery for anything.

Is their official correspondence written on an official VA letterhead or is it just typed in like Trumps?

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I can't believe a candidate for President of the US could come up with such an inept amateur medical report

Beyond the obvious Trumpish language about lab results being "astonishingly excellent" and having "extraordinary strength and stamina" ...a guy worth 10 billion dollars uses a doctor who does not even have stationary with a printed letterhead? This medical professional relies on a Microsoft Word printed letterhead?
How to spot a bogus signature? Rather than signing in the YUUUGE open space, the doctor signs over his own signature block

But the real kicker

The letter starts....."To Whom My Concern:"

Come on have $10 fucking billion dollars
You can't come up with a better fake document?

You mean you have never had a Doctor tell you that your prostate is "astonishingly" normal or that your heart is beating in an "extraordinary" manner? :woohoo:
It took until this late in the day for the Trump daily outrage. Unbelievable.

Your Candidate is dying. Face it. She's passing out, staggering, forgetting what she is going to say and having seizures.

It looks like your candidate has his tiny fingerprints all over his own health documentation. What do you figure he's hiding having to see a specialist for forty years?
Get back to me when he has seizures and collapses on camera.
I have a note from my doctor that states unequivocally, that I am the healthiest individual ever to post on USMB
It took until this late in the day for the Trump daily outrage. Unbelievable.

Your Candidate is dying. Face it. She's passing out, staggering, forgetting what she is going to say and having seizures.

It looks like your candidate has his tiny fingerprints all over his own health documentation. What do you figure he's hiding having to see a specialist for forty years?
Get back to me when he has seizures and collapses on camera.

Hillary did not have to fake her medical records
"Laboratory test results were astonishingly excellent"
"His physical strength and stamina are extraordinary"

Who else but Trump could come up with such hyperbole about himself?
Exactly. Who would say all his tests had positive results?
Did he test positive for HIV and other STD's? How about colon and cervical cancer? If he tested positive for those he can kiss his ass good by sooner than later!!!!:rofl:
You really think Trump has cancer of the cervix?

Get checked out, you have a real problem.
It took until this late in the day for the Trump daily outrage. Unbelievable.

Your Candidate is dying. Face it. She's passing out, staggering, forgetting what she is going to say and having seizures.

It looks like your candidate has his tiny fingerprints all over his own health documentation. What do you figure he's hiding having to see a specialist for forty years?
Get back to me when he has seizures and collapses on camera.

Hillary did not have to fake her medical records
Of course she didn't....they are lies....:lol:
"Laboratory test results were astonishingly excellent"
"His physical strength and stamina are extraordinary"

Who else but Trump could come up with such hyperbole about himself?
Exactly. Who would say all his tests had positive results?
Did he test positive for HIV and other STD's? How about colon and cervical cancer? If he tested positive for those he can kiss his ass good by sooner than later!!!!:rofl:
You really think Trump has cancer of the cervix?

Get checked out, you have a real problem.

Maybe that is why his hands are so tiny
"Laboratory test results were astonishingly excellent"
"His physical strength and stamina are extraordinary"

Who else but Trump could come up with such hyperbole about himself?
Exactly. Who would say all his tests had positive results?
Did he test positive for HIV and other STD's? How about colon and cervical cancer? If he tested positive for those he can kiss his ass good by sooner than later!!!!:rofl:
You really think Trump has cancer of the cervix?

Get checked out, you have a real problem.

Maybe that is why his hands are so tiny
Hitlerys sure are huge....:lol:
I can't believe a candidate for President of the US could come up with such an inept amateur medical report

Beyond the obvious Trumpish language about lab results being "astonishingly excellent" and having "extraordinary strength and stamina" ...a guy worth 10 billion dollars uses a doctor who does not even have stationary with a printed letterhead? This medical professional relies on a Microsoft Word printed letterhead?
How to spot a bogus signature? Rather than signing in the YUUUGE open space, the doctor signs over his own signature block

But the real kicker

The letter starts....."To Whom My Concern:"

Come on have $10 fucking billion dollars
You can't come up with a better fake document?
Obama doesn't have nearly that much money and look at what a better job he did with his birth certificate.
I can't believe a candidate for President of the US could come up with such an inept amateur medical report

Beyond the obvious Trumpish language about lab results being "astonishingly excellent" and having "extraordinary strength and stamina" ...a guy worth 10 billion dollars uses a doctor who does not even have stationary with a printed letterhead? This medical professional relies on a Microsoft Word printed letterhead?
How to spot a bogus signature? Rather than signing in the YUUUGE open space, the doctor signs over his own signature block

But the real kicker

The letter starts....."To Whom My Concern:"

Come on have $10 fucking billion dollars
You can't come up with a better fake document?
Obama doesn't have nearly that much money and look at what a better job he did with his birth certificate.
Good thing for hitlery she has a copy....:lol:
I can't believe a candidate for President of the US could come up with such an inept amateur medical report

Beyond the obvious Trumpish language about lab results being "astonishingly excellent" and having "extraordinary strength and stamina" ...a guy worth 10 billion dollars uses a doctor who does not even have stationary with a printed letterhead? This medical professional relies on a Microsoft Word printed letterhead?
How to spot a bogus signature? Rather than signing in the YUUUGE open space, the doctor signs over his own signature block

But the real kicker

The letter starts....."To Whom My Concern:"

Come on have $10 fucking billion dollars
You can't come up with a better fake document?
Obama doesn't have nearly that much money and look at what a better job he did with his birth certificate.

What is funny is Trump spent millions investigating Obama's birth certificate with a microscope and teams of experts

But when it comes to Donald faking a medical record, he uses a home computer and some phrases that only Trump could come up with

"To Whom My Concern" ????
I can't believe a candidate for President of the US could come up with such an inept amateur medical report

Beyond the obvious Trumpish language about lab results being "astonishingly excellent" and having "extraordinary strength and stamina" ...a guy worth 10 billion dollars uses a doctor who does not even have stationary with a printed letterhead? This medical professional relies on a Microsoft Word printed letterhead?
How to spot a bogus signature? Rather than signing in the YUUUGE open space, the doctor signs over his own signature block

But the real kicker

The letter starts....."To Whom My Concern:"

Come on have $10 fucking billion dollars
You can't come up with a better fake document?
Obama doesn't have nearly that much money and look at what a better job he did with his birth certificate.

What is funny is Trump spent millions investigating Obama's birth certificate with a microscope and teams of experts

But when it comes to Donald faking a medical record, he uses a home computer and some phrases that only Trump could come up with

"To Whom My Concern" ????
My favorite line was how he would unequivocally be the healthiest president evah!
I can't believe a candidate for President of the US could come up with such an inept amateur medical report

Beyond the obvious Trumpish language about lab results being "astonishingly excellent" and having "extraordinary strength and stamina" ...a guy worth 10 billion dollars uses a doctor who does not even have stationary with a printed letterhead? This medical professional relies on a Microsoft Word printed letterhead?
How to spot a bogus signature? Rather than signing in the YUUUGE open space, the doctor signs over his own signature block

But the real kicker

The letter starts....."To Whom My Concern:"

Come on have $10 fucking billion dollars
You can't come up with a better fake document?
Obama doesn't have nearly that much money and look at what a better job he did with his birth certificate.

What is funny is Trump spent millions investigating Obama's birth certificate with a microscope and teams of experts

But when it comes to Donald faking a medical record, he uses a home computer and some phrases that only Trump could come up with

"To Whom My Concern" ????
My favorite line was how he would unequivocally be the healthiest president evah!

We laugh....but it shows what an insecure, twisted fuck Trump really is

He can't just release a report that says he has been examined and is a healthy individual. Trumps ego forces him to add phrases like "astonishingly excellent" and having "extraordinary strength and stamina" and unequivocally the healthiest president ever
"Laboratory test results were astonishingly excellent"
"His physical strength and stamina are extraordinary"

Who else but Trump could come up with such hyperbole about himself?
Exactly. Who would say all his tests had positive results?
Did he test positive for HIV and other STD's? How about colon and cervical cancer? If he tested positive for those he can kiss his ass good by sooner than later!!!!:rofl:
You really think Trump has cancer of the cervix?

Get checked out, you have a real problem.
Well I do think he's a big pussy! Who knows what diseases he suffering from other than dementia, enlarged ego and congenital hubris?
All the brouhaha over Hillary Clinton's health has overflowed to a December 2015 letter that Donald Trump used to validate his good health. On closer inspection, Newsweek Magazine has noted quite a few discrepancies and because of that new calls for Donald to present evidence of his health are being called. The letter in question seems at best contrived and at worst fake. More to come on this subject for sure, I can't but wonder why Donald Trump would fake something like this unless there is something in his own record he would fear.

"A fake in the sense that Trump wrote it and his sycophant doc signed it:

On December 4, 2015, the Trump campaign released…something.

It purports to be a medical letter, but it is one of the most ridiculous documents ever to emerge in any political campaign. First, the letterhead is in the same font as the letter, which appears to have been created using Microsoft Word. The signature from the doctor is several inches past the signature line—the result you might get if the document had been signed as a blank and filled in later. The letterhead includes a Gmail address—something doctors tell me is extremely unusual, since doctors do not want patients contacting them directly by email as a substitute for scheduling an appointment.

There is also a website listed, but if you follow the URL (, it takes you to, a blank page that asks if you want to upload an update to a Flash program onto your computer (the domain name,, is still for sale. No, I can’t explain that.) If you decline, it does so anyway and, based on the response of the security system on my computer, the “program” on the doctor’s supposed website is a virus.

Then, there is the doctor who allegedly signed this document. His name is Harold N. Bornstein, and he is a gastroenterologist. This kind of physician is a specialist who treats the digestive tract. This is not an internist, who is trained specifically in providing full histories and physicals of patients. The letter signed by Dr. Bornstein, who did not return an email from Newsweek seeking comment, says that he has treated Trump since 1980. However, it mentions no history of the gastrointestinal problem that led the Republican candidate for president to seek out his help. In fact, the letter says Trump has had no significant medical problems. So why has he been seeing a gastroenterologist for over 35 years?"

read:Donald Trump tests positive for everything, according to his own doctor

Once again the Left shows that they know that they cannot say anything positive about their own policies, or their results, nor even really attack the policies of Trump.

So they have to resort to the most base forms of propaganda and Logical Fallacies.
I can't believe a candidate for President of the US could come up with such an inept amateur medical report

Beyond the obvious Trumpish language about lab results being "astonishingly excellent" and having "extraordinary strength and stamina" ...a guy worth 10 billion dollars uses a doctor who does not even have stationary with a printed letterhead? This medical professional relies on a Microsoft Word printed letterhead?
How to spot a bogus signature? Rather than signing in the YUUUGE open space, the doctor signs over his own signature block

But the real kicker

The letter starts....."To Whom My Concern:"

Come on have $10 fucking billion dollars
You can't come up with a better fake document?
Obama doesn't have nearly that much money and look at what a better job he did with his birth certificate.

What is funny is Trump spent millions investigating Obama's birth certificate with a microscope and teams of experts

But when it comes to Donald faking a medical record, he uses a home computer and some phrases that only Trump could come up with

"To Whom My Concern" ????
My favorite line was how he would unequivocally be the healthiest president evah!

We laugh....but it shows what an insecure, twisted fuck Trump really is

He can't just release a report that says he has been examined and is a healthy individual. Trumps ego forces him to add phrases like "astonishingly excellent" and having "extraordinary strength and stamina" and unequivocally the healthiest president ever
Fortunately his ego isn't so big we would have had to endure "and he has the biggest Johnson" evah!
All the brouhaha over Hillary Clinton's health has overflowed to a December 2015 letter that Donald Trump used to validate his good health. On closer inspection, Newsweek Magazine has noted quite a few discrepancies and because of that new calls for Donald to present evidence of his health are being called. The letter in question seems at best contrived and at worst fake. More to come on this subject for sure, I can't but wonder why Donald Trump would fake something like this unless there is something in his own record he would fear.

"A fake in the sense that Trump wrote it and his sycophant doc signed it:

On December 4, 2015, the Trump campaign released…something.

It purports to be a medical letter, but it is one of the most ridiculous documents ever to emerge in any political campaign. First, the letterhead is in the same font as the letter, which appears to have been created using Microsoft Word. The signature from the doctor is several inches past the signature line—the result you might get if the document had been signed as a blank and filled in later. The letterhead includes a Gmail address—something doctors tell me is extremely unusual, since doctors do not want patients contacting them directly by email as a substitute for scheduling an appointment.

There is also a website listed, but if you follow the URL (, it takes you to, a blank page that asks if you want to upload an update to a Flash program onto your computer (the domain name,, is still for sale. No, I can’t explain that.) If you decline, it does so anyway and, based on the response of the security system on my computer, the “program” on the doctor’s supposed website is a virus.

Then, there is the doctor who allegedly signed this document. His name is Harold N. Bornstein, and he is a gastroenterologist. This kind of physician is a specialist who treats the digestive tract. This is not an internist, who is trained specifically in providing full histories and physicals of patients. The letter signed by Dr. Bornstein, who did not return an email from Newsweek seeking comment, says that he has treated Trump since 1980. However, it mentions no history of the gastrointestinal problem that led the Republican candidate for president to seek out his help. In fact, the letter says Trump has had no significant medical problems. So why has he been seeing a gastroenterologist for over 35 years?"

read:Donald Trump tests positive for everything, according to his own doctor

Once again the Left shows that they know that they cannot say anything positive about their own policies, or their results, nor even really attack the policies of Trump.

So they have to resort to the most base forms of propaganda and Logical Fallacies.
Policies of Trump? Are you drunk? There is no propaganda here only the truth, a physician didn't write this letter, Donald Trump did and he needs to reveal his medical records because something isn't right with that boy.

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