Dow reaches 4 year high, NASDAQ reaches 11 year high

The CAPITAL CLASS does seem to be in a recovery.

It's the laboring classes that are still on the skids.

I do not expect much relief for those classes anytime soon.
The CAPITAL CLASS does seem to be in a recovery.

It's the laboring classes that are still on the skids.

I do not expect much relief for those classes anytime soon.

The rich got richer and the so called party of the poor is cheering.

GDP has been growing since 2009.
The GDP has been growing since this country was FOUNDED! Unfortunately, since 2009 the rate at which it's grown is LOWEST IT'S BEEN SINCE THE GREAT DEPRESSION! LESS than 1%!

The stock market has doubled since 2009.
Unfortunately that's because it fell to it's lowest point since CLINTON was president. More than a 2 1/2 times crash. And it is STILL more 20% off of it's 2007 highs!

Americans net worth is up $9 trillion as ridiculous a damn thing I've ever seen written. The total net worth of Americans is 56 trillion, which is the 2009 low of 47.5 trillion. But it was 65 trillion in 2007. Just exactly how in the hell is THAT an improvement...little on a 9 trillion dollar increase? That increase would have to DOUBLE just to break even with what it was in 2007!

3.2 million private sector jobs have been created since 2009.
That is wonderful...except that more than 12 million people lost their jobs by the end of 2009. Not to mention that more than half of that 3.2 million jobs were TEMPORARY and service sector jobs! We are a LONG way from the days of 4% unemployment...full employment.

Auto sales are up.
Retail sales are up.
Home sales are up.
We have had 4 months TOTAL of demand for durable goods (planes, trains and automobiles) that even approached 200 billion since 2009. Before that we had 8 years of demand between 250 and 350 billion dollars. I don't know where you are getting your stats, but retail sales, excluding automobiles actually FELL by .4% the last report. EXISTING home sales are up...MODESTLY. New home know, the ones that create jobs...WRONG, they are down by nearly 40% since '07! One good month don't mean SQUAT!

Unemployment is down.
LOL...instead of 17.5 million people out of work...there are only 16 million. Let's see, there were fewer people than that by HALF uninsured and this group of idiots had to pass Obamacare to fix it. Wonder what he'll do about this. Oh yeah, shovel ready jobs!

Bin Laden and Gaddafi are dead, and we are out of Iraq.

Obama has done a very good job.
Yep...VERY good job. IF murdering US Citizens (al-Awlaki, and his infant son) who had not even been CHARGED with a crime little on given due process OR entering into an armed conflict in Lybia without congressional approval and in DIRECT violation of the Constitution OR keeping a Nixon style political enemies list OR calling appointing cabinet members "recess appointments" while congress IS in secession in yet another DIRECT violation of the Constitution OR on and on and on is your idea of a "good" president, then yeah he's done good...for a FASCIST!

Uncle Joe (Stalin) would be PROUD!

Dude sucks as a Constitutional Law major. As a president...HE IS TREASONOUS!!!
Wall Street and Main Street do not move in unison.

They never really have.

Trying to make political hay out of a move in the market is just silly.

But this is the place where the silly come to post their silly ideas, so I guess this kind of pointless positioning by the boards clueless partisans is to be expected.
This current fake Wallstreet rally was driven by FDIC Bank Reserve Releases. These FDIC bank reserve releases are driving bank profits, not revenue or earnings.

You lie so well.


The Wall Street Journal: Banks Depleting Earnings Backstop - The rainy-day funds that U.S. banks have been tapping to boost their earnings could soon begin to dry up, and that doesn't bode well for bank profits.

Many banks have been "releasing" reserves against bad loans since the worst of the crisis passed and the economy began recovering. That money flows to the bottom line, helping some banks boost earnings at a time when lending and trading profits have been soggy.

Scroll back a year.

The New York Times: Banks’ Underlying Problem Is Revenue - A big chunk of the newfound earnings, nearly a third, comes from those withdrawals.

So bank earnings since the peak of the financial crisis in 2008 have been exaggerated to a large degree, in both directions, by the shuffling of money into and out of reserves.

...Industrywide, revenues are off 17 percent from their peak in 2007, and the latest figures are flat or declining.

“This decade for U.S. banks will show the worst revenue growth since the decade of the Great Depression,” said Michael Mayo, a longtime banking industry analyst. “It’s a real issue for long-term investors.”

...“It’s the revenue picture that remains the wild card,” said Charles Peabody, a financial analyst at Portales Partners. “How and when revenue returns is the big issue for the banks.”

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