Dozens of former republican national security advisors are endorsing Biden


Democratic Socialist
Nov 10, 2011

These are officials in prior republican administrations. They probably aren’t psyched about Biden - they just know a moron who doesn’t know what the fuck he is doing needs to be removed.

These are officials in prior republican administrations. They probably aren’t psyched about Biden - they just know a moron who doesn’t know what the fuck he is doing needs to be removed.
I am with them all the way. Not psyched with Biden either, but I know when it's bad and horribly obvious that Trump didn't deserve one term.

These are officials in prior republican administrations. They probably aren’t psyched about Biden - they just know a moron who doesn’t know what the fuck he is doing needs to be removed.
I am with them all the way. Not psyched with Biden either, but I know when it's bad and horribly obvious that Trump didn't deserve one term.
Yeah I think actual intelligent moderate conservatives are in panic mode. Trump is just unprecedented in how terrible he is.

These are officials in prior republican administrations. They probably aren’t psyched about Biden - they just know a moron who doesn’t know what the fuck he is doing needs to be removed.
Did they also endorse Hillary last time. Like Powell did?
So warmongers from previous warmongering regimes don't like Trump....oh boo hoo!
Why would national security advisors automatically be warmongers?
Clinton bombed Serbia, Bush Jr started wars in Afghanistan and Iraq that led to THOUSANDS dead based on lies, Obama bombed Syria, Yemen, etc etc. So yep warmongers.

These are officials in prior republican administrations. They probably aren’t psyched about Biden - they just know a moron who doesn’t know what the fuck he is doing needs to be removed.
Did they also endorse Hillary last time. Like Powell did?
I don’t know. Maybe. There was a moron at stake on winning the office last time.
So warmongers from previous warmongering regimes don't like Trump....oh boo hoo!
Why would national security advisors automatically be warmongers?
Clinton bombed Serbia, Bush Jr started wars in Afghanistan and Iraq that led to THOUSANDS dead based on lies, Obama bombed Syria, Yemen, etc etc. So yep warmongers.
So did these people actually advise them or do presidents just do this shit?

These are officials in prior republican administrations. They probably aren’t psyched about Biden - they just know a moron who doesn’t know what the fuck he is doing needs to be removed.
I am with them all the way. Not psyched with Biden either, but I know when it's bad and horribly obvious that Trump didn't deserve one term.
Yeah I think actual intelligent moderate conservatives are in panic mode. Trump is just unprecedented in how terrible he is.
At work we have some very high profile clients. They are mod republicans and they are disgusted with Trump and his AG Barr. Two of them are from Florida and they despise DeSantis as well. Being like minded sure makes it easier to do my job.

These are officials in prior republican administrations. They probably aren’t psyched about Biden - they just know a moron who doesn’t know what the fuck he is doing needs to be removed.
The deep state knows that they can control a senile schizzo like Joey, so sure they want him in

These are officials in prior republican administrations. They probably aren’t psyched about Biden - they just know a moron who doesn’t know what the fuck he is doing needs to be removed.
I am with them all the way. Not psyched with Biden either, but I know when it's bad and horribly obvious that Trump didn't deserve one term.
Yeah I think actual intelligent moderate conservatives are in panic mode. Trump is just unprecedented in how terrible he is.

Lol. I remember 10 years ago, people like you were running on an anti-war platform. Now, when warmongers endorse your favorite guy for president, you scream for joy. Trump won't start WWIII and they're (and by proxy you) are mad.

To be crude, you leftists can't tell your ass from your face. You switch positions almost as much as the people in the illustrations of Kama Sutra sex manuals do. You're freakin' delusional.

These are officials in prior republican administrations. They probably aren’t psyched about Biden - they just know a moron who doesn’t know what the fuck he is doing needs to be removed.
The deep state knows that they can control a senile schizzo like Joey, so sure they want him in
I did not think there were still people out there dumb enough to buy into Trump’s deep state bullshit.

These are officials in prior republican administrations. They probably aren’t psyched about Biden - they just know a moron who doesn’t know what the fuck he is doing needs to be removed.
Actual real black and white reps have switched to republican past 3 months

These are officials in prior republican administrations. They probably aren’t psyched about Biden - they just know a moron who doesn’t know what the fuck he is doing needs to be removed.
I am with them all the way. Not psyched with Biden either, but I know when it's bad and horribly obvious that Trump didn't deserve one term.
Yeah I think actual intelligent moderate conservatives are in panic mode. Trump is just unprecedented in how terrible he is.

Lol. I remember 10 years ago, people like you were running on an anti-war platform. Now, when warmongers endorse your favorite guy for president, you scream for joy. Trump won't start WWIII and they're (and by proxy you) are mad.

To be crude, you leftists can't tell your ass from your face. You switch positions almost as much as the people in the illustrations of Kama Sutra sex manuals do. You're freakin' delusional.
Lol only you idiots are calling them war mongers. Just because war has happened under republican presidents, it doesn’t mean national security advisors are the puppet masters. I mean in Bush’s case it was Dick Cheney. Bush was just a simpleton he could push around.

These are officials in prior republican administrations. They probably aren’t psyched about Biden - they just know a moron who doesn’t know what the fuck he is doing needs to be removed.
The deep state knows that they can control a senile schizzo like Joey, so sure they want him in
I did not think there were still people out there dumb enough to buy into Trump’s deep state bullshit.
Well at least you know that you do not think

You ought to try it sometime


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