Dozens of former republican national security advisors are endorsing Biden

Hey guess what moron? The median wage was already increasing under Obama so your point is moot. None of this change the fact that overall job growth under Trump pales in comparison to job growth under Obama. All in all, economies in general do better with democratic presidents. These are facts.
HA HA. Even the Obama-friendly BEA's won DGP charts show the stark difference between the economics & business savvy Trump, and the "community organizer" airhead, Obama. Trump's chart shows good GDPs of around 3% growth or better, and similar readings for each quarter (only exception the last quarter of 2018-the shutdown), showing STABILITY.

In contrast, besides Obama's sinking 2015 numbers, overall his 8 year numbers are all over the map. They are up and down all over the place, They look like the crayon scribblings of a 3 year old child.

Plus, Obama did not have to be distracted by, and have to put up with constant badgering attacking, from the opposition party, like Russian collusion and impeachment.

That's what you get from an economics dunce community organizer.

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PS - the Obama friendly BEA cooked these books and increased Obama's numbers, while reducing Trump's. Example > Trump's last quarter of 2017, was reduced from 4.2% to 3.5.

Hey guess what moron, "increasing" does not = RECORD HIGHS.
Hey guess what you dumb piece of shit? I’m going to explain to you economics. Specifically RECESSIONS. See Obama INHERITED a recession. That would explain why GDP growth could have been better. Trump INHERITED a stretch of job growth. Despite Obama inheriting a recession, he still managed to turn it around and preside OVER THE LONGEST STRETCH OF JOB GROWTH FOR ANY PRESIDENT. Trump on the other hand? He had the benefit of an economy that was already strong.

I'm a former college economics teacher. You now are my student. So far you're doing badly. You DODGED my last post, noting that OVER 8 YEARS, Obama's
GDPs look like child scribbling. There was no consistency,. No control over the economy. That is a subject apart from inheriting a recession. Obama had 6 full years of normal recoil to help him, and the result ? In 2015, his GDPs sunk > 3.2...3.0...1.3...0.1, and these dreadful numbers come from an agency (the BEA) highly friendly to Obama, that is notorious for altering numbers in his favor.

As for Trump having the benefit of an economy that was strong, FALSE! He got a failing economy that averaged 1.5 GDP growth over Obama's final 6 quarters, and promptly raised GDP growth up to 4.2% (now altered by the BEA).

In summation, Obama stunk on the economy. Trump has been terrific, setting all-time records in stock market highs, low unemployment, and STABLE GDP.

Back to the 8th grade for you.

Check the BEA chart. Even their cooked books can't help Obama.



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If they were so damaging, why did the recession end and non stop stretch of job growth begin?
ALL recessions are followed by normal post-recession recoil, in which economies bounce back up. The US economy would have bounced back if Pee Wee Herman were president. What is noteworthy, is how inconsistent GDPs were over these 8 years (2009-2016) indicating a stark lack of control over the economy.

Trump, an experienced businessman, has restored STABILITY.
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