Dozens of former republican national security advisors are endorsing Biden

These are officials in prior republican administrations. They probably aren’t psyched about Biden - they just know a moron who doesn’t know what the fuck he is doing needs to be removed.

I'm not thrilled with voting for Biden either.

I voted my conscience in the primary.

I love America so I will vote for Biden in November for the good for our nation and world.

Four more years of that abomination will destroy our nation.

Yeah, record economies are soooooooo destructive. LMAO

Oh this is a record economy huh?

Sure it is, May saw the largest job gains in US history. June will likely be the same. Still waiting on that link.

I noticed you're one of those moronic posters who demands links but never provides their own. Just to teach you a lesson on being stupid when it comes to Trump, I am going to show you how pathetic Trump's economy has been in comparison to Obama's. Obama's last three years of job growth were better than Trump's best year.

I guess you could be impressed with maobama if you like part time jobs. Trump brought full time, good paying manufacturing jobs back on shore and got existing plants expanded. Wages were pretty much flat the whole term maobama occupied the WH, before covid wages were raising rapidly. So you keep sucking that milk chocolate dick, I ain't buying.

I’m sorry where is your evidence Trump crested more full time jobs? Here you go again lol. Obama’s last three years created more jobs than Trump’s best year and you pull that non sense from your ass.

Nuff said.

See your dumbass doesn’t seem to be making the comparison connection to Trump but whatever. I guess that’s too much to ask for your feeble mind.

You missed the edit commie.

I’m falling to see your point if each of Obama’s last 3 years still created more jobs than Trump’s best year. I mean call it a win with more manufacturing jobs if you feel so desperately wanting to win something, but jobs are jobs. Trump’s administration failed to hold a candle to Obama’s in terms of job growth.

If jobs are jobs, you do the low wage part time shit and I'll push my kin to the higher paying full time jobs. Yep, you're not very smart.

God you’re fucking stupid. Manufacturing jobs don’t necessarily mean full time idiot.

Yeah and higher wages doesn't necessarily mean more money, right?


These are officials in prior republican administrations. They probably aren’t psyched about Biden - they just know a moron who doesn’t know what the fuck he is doing needs to be removed.
The globalist pigs are squealing, four years of no new wars as promised by our great peacetime President.

They know if we go a full eight years, the people won’t put up with their warmongering bullshit again.
Why would former officials care if the US goes to war? What do you they get out of that? Also, I’ll bet you anything that if Trump wins a second term, he’ll go to war. Without a fucking doubt.
Why would President Trump take us to war intentionally? He isn’t part of the war for profit regime the Dems and Neocons are. He is drawing our military back, and focusing on jobs in America, for Americans not foreigners. Why is that so hard for you to accept?

These are officials in prior republican administrations. They probably aren’t psyched about Biden - they just know a moron who doesn’t know what the fuck he is doing needs to be removed.

I'm not thrilled with voting for Biden either.

I voted my conscience in the primary.

I love America so I will vote for Biden in November for the good for our nation and world.

Four more years of that abomination will destroy our nation.

Yeah, record economies are soooooooo destructive. LMAO

Oh this is a record economy huh?

Sure it is, May saw the largest job gains in US history. June will likely be the same. Still waiting on that link.

I noticed you're one of those moronic posters who demands links but never provides their own. Just to teach you a lesson on being stupid when it comes to Trump, I am going to show you how pathetic Trump's economy has been in comparison to Obama's. Obama's last three years of job growth were better than Trump's best year.

I guess you could be impressed with maobama if you like part time jobs. Trump brought full time, good paying manufacturing jobs back on shore and got existing plants expanded. Wages were pretty much flat the whole term maobama occupied the WH, before covid wages were raising rapidly. So you keep sucking that milk chocolate dick, I ain't buying.

I’m sorry where is your evidence Trump crested more full time jobs? Here you go again lol. Obama’s last three years created more jobs than Trump’s best year and you pull that non sense from your ass.

Nuff said.

See your dumbass doesn’t seem to be making the comparison connection to Trump but whatever. I guess that’s too much to ask for your feeble mind.

You missed the edit commie.

I’m falling to see your point if each of Obama’s last 3 years still created more jobs than Trump’s best year. I mean call it a win with more manufacturing jobs if you feel so desperately wanting to win something, but jobs are jobs. Trump’s administration failed to hold a candle to Obama’s in terms of job growth.

If jobs are jobs, you do the low wage part time shit and I'll push my kin to the higher paying full time jobs. Yep, you're not very smart.

God you’re fucking stupid. Manufacturing jobs don’t necessarily mean full time idiot.

Yeah and higher wages doesn't necessarily mean more money, right?

What are you even talking about? You haven’t proven jack shit that Trump’s jobs were those of higher wages. You just sound dumb.

These are officials in prior republican administrations. They probably aren’t psyched about Biden - they just know a moron who doesn’t know what the fuck he is doing needs to be removed.

I'm not thrilled with voting for Biden either.

I voted my conscience in the primary.

I love America so I will vote for Biden in November for the good for our nation and world.

Four more years of that abomination will destroy our nation.

Yeah, record economies are soooooooo destructive. LMAO

Oh this is a record economy huh?

Sure it is, May saw the largest job gains in US history. June will likely be the same. Still waiting on that link.

I noticed you're one of those moronic posters who demands links but never provides their own. Just to teach you a lesson on being stupid when it comes to Trump, I am going to show you how pathetic Trump's economy has been in comparison to Obama's. Obama's last three years of job growth were better than Trump's best year.

I guess you could be impressed with maobama if you like part time jobs. Trump brought full time, good paying manufacturing jobs back on shore and got existing plants expanded. Wages were pretty much flat the whole term maobama occupied the WH, before covid wages were raising rapidly. So you keep sucking that milk chocolate dick, I ain't buying.

I’m sorry where is your evidence Trump crested more full time jobs? Here you go again lol. Obama’s last three years created more jobs than Trump’s best year and you pull that non sense from your ass.

Nuff said.

See your dumbass doesn’t seem to be making the comparison connection to Trump but whatever. I guess that’s too much to ask for your feeble mind.

You missed the edit commie.

I’m falling to see your point if each of Obama’s last 3 years still created more jobs than Trump’s best year. I mean call it a win with more manufacturing jobs if you feel so desperately wanting to win something, but jobs are jobs. Trump’s administration failed to hold a candle to Obama’s in terms of job growth.

If jobs are jobs, you do the low wage part time shit and I'll push my kin to the higher paying full time jobs. Yep, you're not very smart.

Hey moron you still haven’t shown that Trump created more full time jobs.

See post 102 ya stupid little commie.

Nope still haven’t.
Oh you’re just too much of a pussy to accept the truth.
I KNOW the truth. You're not telling it. 2016 was a FLUNK.
Nope, your ilk are failures as always.
So you don't know that GDP growth SUNK in 2016 ? So you're ignorant. Not my problem.


These are officials in prior republican administrations. They probably aren’t psyched about Biden - they just know a moron who doesn’t know what the fuck he is doing needs to be removed.
Swamp critters all.

These are officials in prior republican administrations. They probably aren’t psyched about Biden - they just know a moron who doesn’t know what the fuck he is doing needs to be removed.
I am with them all the way. Not psyched with Biden either, but I know when it's bad and horribly obvious that Trump didn't deserve one term.
Yeah I think actual intelligent moderate conservatives are in panic mode. Trump is just unprecedented in how terrible he is.

How terrible is he.

Please show us.

Until the left wing asswipes in the N.E. forced a country wide shutdown...things were pretty good.

Except that our CIC tweeted his ass off calling out all the bullshit you clowns do.

You are a first-class shit-for-brains (critical thinking ? You don't come close)
What are you even talking about? You haven’t proven jack shit that Trump’s jobs were those of higher wages. You just sound dumb.
In 2017, Trump had achieved the highest median wage ($61,372) in US history. You don't know THAT either ? Liberals are the most information-deprived people in America,

In 2019, the median wage went even higher to another Trump record >> $65,976.


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What are you even talking about? You haven’t proven jack shit that Trump’s jobs were those of higher wages. You just sound dumb.
In 2017, Trump had achieved the highest median wage ($61,372) in US history. You don't know THAT either ? Liberals are the most information-deprived people in America,

In 2019, the median wage went even higher to another Trump record >> $65,976.


Hey guess what moron? The median wage was already increasing under Obama so your point is moot. None of this change the fact that overall job growth under Trump pales in comparison to job growth under Obama. All in all, economies in general do better with democratic presidents. These are facts.

These are officials in prior republican administrations. They probably aren’t psyched about Biden - they just know a moron who doesn’t know what the fuck he is doing needs to be removed.
This OP FAILS to prove it's claim of "Dozens" of former republican national security advisors. The article it links to mentions THREE. That's exactly 21 less than the minimum of what would need to be, to be just 2 dozen.
Hey guess what moron? The median wage was already increasing under Obama so your point is moot. None of this change the fact that overall job growth under Trump pales in comparison to job growth under Obama. All in all, economies in general do better with democratic presidents. These are facts.
HA HA. Even the Obama-friendly BEA's won DGP charts show the stark difference between the economics & business savvy Trump, and the "community organizer" airhead, Obama. Trump's chart shows good GDPs of around 3% growth or better, and similar readings for each quarter (only exception the last quarter of 2018-the shutdown), showing STABILITY.

In contrast, besides Obama's sinking 2015 numbers, overall his 8 year numbers are all over the map. They are up and down all over the place, They look like the crayon scribblings of a 3 year old child.

Plus, Obama did not have to be distracted by, and have to put up with constant badgering attacking, from the opposition party, like Russian collusion and impeachment.

That's what you get from an economics dunce community organizer.


PS - the Obama friendly BEA cooked these books and increased Obama's numbers, while reducing Trump's. Example > Trump's last quarter of 2017, was reduced from 4.2% to 3.5.

Hey guess what moron, "increasing" does not = RECORD HIGHS.
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Why would former officials care if the US goes to war? What do you they get out of that? Also, I’ll bet you anything that if Trump wins a second term, he’ll go to war. Without a fucking doubt.
Yes, he'll go to war allright. Against BLM, Antifa, and all the leftist, traitorous, Democrat loonies that been trying to tear this country down.. Oh wait, he's already at war with them. :biggrin:
Hey guess what moron? The median wage was already increasing under Obama so your point is moot. None of this change the fact that overall job growth under Trump pales in comparison to job growth under Obama. All in all, economies in general do better with democratic presidents. These are facts.
HA HA. Even the Obama-friendly BEA's won DGP charts show the stark difference between the economics & business savvy Trump, and the "community organizer" airhead, Obama. Trump's chart shows good GDPs of around 3% growth or better, and similar readings for each quarter (only exception the last quarter of 2018-the shutdown), showing STABILITY.

In contrast, besides Obama's sinking 2015 numbers, overall his 8 year numbers are all over the map. They are up and down all over the place, They look like the crayon scribblings of a 3 year old child.

Plus, Obama did not have to be distracted by, and have to put up with constant badgering attacking, from the opposition party, like Russian collusion and impeachment.

That's what you get from an economics dunce community organizer.

View attachment 354973

PS - the Obama friendly BEA cooked these books and increased Obama's numbers, while reducing Trump's. Example > Trump's last quarter of 2017, was reduced from 4.2% to 3.5.

Hey guess what moron, "increasing" does not = RECORD HIGHS.
Hey guess what you dumb piece of shit? I’m going to explain to you economics. Specifically RECESSIONS. See Obama INHERITED a recession. That would explain why GDP growth could have been better. Trump INHERITED a stretch of job growth. Despite Obama inheriting a recession, he still managed to turn it around and preside OVER THE LONGEST STRETCH OF JOB GROWTH FOR ANY PRESIDENT. Trump on the other hand? He had the benefit of an economy that was already strong.

Despite Obama inheriting a recession, he still managed to turn it around and preside OVER THE LONGEST STRETCH OF JOB GROWTH FOR ANY PRESIDENT.


And it ended in June 2009.
Magic Obama, after 7.5 years, still the weakest recovery. Moron.
Despite Obama inheriting a recession, he still managed to turn it around and preside OVER THE LONGEST STRETCH OF JOB GROWTH FOR ANY PRESIDENT.


And it ended in June 2009.
Magic Obama, after 7.5 years, still the weakest recovery. Moron.
Hey idiot maybe you don’t know this, but 8 million jobs just don’t materialize when a recession ends. You do get that right?

We look at Joe Biden and see more of the same. It’s about the era he came up. It’s about his identity — he’s a rich, old white man. What are his credentials to us, other than Obama picking him?

It’s nice that he worked with Obama. But let’s keep it real: That was a political calculation. Obama thought he needed a white man to get elected, just like Biden thinks he needs a Black woman to get elected. We can see through that.
Despite Obama inheriting a recession, he still managed to turn it around and preside OVER THE LONGEST STRETCH OF JOB GROWTH FOR ANY PRESIDENT.


And it ended in June 2009.
Magic Obama, after 7.5 years, still the weakest recovery. Moron.
Hey idiot maybe you don’t know this, but 8 million jobs just don’t materialize when a recession ends. You do get that right?

8 million jobs just don’t materialize when a recession ends.

Especially when you're busy piling on moronic, economically damaging regulations.
Imagine how much weaker the recovery would have been if that twat had been able to outlaw
Despite Obama inheriting a recession, he still managed to turn it around and preside OVER THE LONGEST STRETCH OF JOB GROWTH FOR ANY PRESIDENT.


And it ended in June 2009.
Magic Obama, after 7.5 years, still the weakest recovery. Moron.
Hey idiot maybe you don’t know this, but 8 million jobs just don’t materialize when a recession ends. You do get that right?

8 million jobs just don’t materialize when a recession ends.

Especially when you're busy piling on moronic, economically damaging regulations.
Imagine how much weaker the recovery would have been if that twat had been able to outlaw
If they were so damaging, why did the recession end and non stop stretch of job growth begin?

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