Dozens of former republican national security advisors are endorsing Biden

These are officials in prior republican administrations. They probably aren’t psyched about Biden - they just know a moron who doesn’t know what the fuck he is doing needs to be removed.

Wow, I'm impressed, they've joined the 3-4% of republicans that don't support the president. ROFLMFAO And now billy triple nothing is chugging their piss like they've always been commies.

It’s certainly an indication just how susceptible simple minded republican voters are to the cult they are in.

Is projection all you got? Damn child, do you ever have an original thought?

You said it yourself. 96-97% support. That’s batshit crazy like a cult. Republicans are morons after all.

So tell the class what percent of commiecrats support quid pro joe.

Definitely way less than 96%. Liberals can actually think for themselves. I mean the majority of people voting for Biden just want to get the current moron out of office. Who takes his place is secondary to that.



These are officials in prior republican administrations. They probably aren’t psyched about Biden - they just know a moron who doesn’t know what the fuck he is doing needs to be removed.

Dozens? Out of thousands? Wow!

These are officials in prior republican administrations. They probably aren’t psyched about Biden - they just know a moron who doesn’t know what the fuck he is doing needs to be removed.

I'm not thrilled with voting for Biden either.

I voted my conscience in the primary.

I love America so I will vote for Biden in November for the good for our nation and world.

Four more years of that abomination will destroy our nation.

These are officials in prior republican administrations. They probably aren’t psyched about Biden - they just know a moron who doesn’t know what the fuck he is doing needs to be removed.

I'm not thrilled with voting for Biden either.

I voted my conscience in the primary.

I love America so I will vote for Biden in November for the good for our nation and world.

Four more years of that abomination will destroy our nation.

Yeah, record economies are soooooooo destructive. LMAO


These are officials in prior republican administrations. They probably aren’t psyched about Biden - they just know a moron who doesn’t know what the fuck he is doing needs to be removed.

I'm not thrilled with voting for Biden either.

I voted my conscience in the primary.

I love America so I will vote for Biden in November for the good for our nation and world.

Four more years of that abomination will destroy our nation.

Yeah, record economies are soooooooo destructive. LMAO

Oh this is a record economy huh?

These are officials in prior republican administrations. They probably aren’t psyched about Biden - they just know a moron who doesn’t know what the fuck he is doing needs to be removed.

I'm not thrilled with voting for Biden either.

I voted my conscience in the primary.

I love America so I will vote for Biden in November for the good for our nation and world.

Four more years of that abomination will destroy our nation.

Yeah, record economies are soooooooo destructive. LMAO

Oh this is a record economy huh?

Hoovervilles and soon Trumptowns, if this bozo is reelected.

A "Hooverville" was a shanty town built during the Great Depression by the homeless in the United States. They were named after Herbert Hoover, who was President of the United States during the onset of the Depression and was widely blamed for it.

These are officials in prior republican administrations. They probably aren’t psyched about Biden - they just know a moron who doesn’t know what the fuck he is doing needs to be removed.

I'm not thrilled with voting for Biden either.

I voted my conscience in the primary.

I love America so I will vote for Biden in November for the good for our nation and world.

Four more years of that abomination will destroy our nation.

Yeah, record economies are soooooooo destructive. LMAO

Oh this is a record economy huh?

Sure it is, May saw the largest job gains in US history. June will likely be the same. Still waiting on that link.


These are officials in prior republican administrations. They probably aren’t psyched about Biden - they just know a moron who doesn’t know what the fuck he is doing needs to be removed.

I'm not thrilled with voting for Biden either.

I voted my conscience in the primary.

I love America so I will vote for Biden in November for the good for our nation and world.

Four more years of that abomination will destroy our nation.

Yeah, record economies are soooooooo destructive. LMAO

Oh this is a record economy huh?

Sure it is, May saw the largest job gains in US history. June will likely be the same. Still waiting on that link.

You mean after states started reopening their economies, jobs were created? What does that have to do with Trump?

These are officials in prior republican administrations. They probably aren’t psyched about Biden - they just know a moron who doesn’t know what the fuck he is doing needs to be removed.

I'm not thrilled with voting for Biden either.

I voted my conscience in the primary.

I love America so I will vote for Biden in November for the good for our nation and world.

Four more years of that abomination will destroy our nation.

Yeah, record economies are soooooooo destructive. LMAO

Oh this is a record economy huh?

Sure it is, May saw the largest job gains in US history. June will likely be the same. Still waiting on that link.

I noticed you're one of those moronic posters who demands links but never provides their own. Just to teach you a lesson on being stupid when it comes to Trump, I am going to show you how pathetic Trump's economy has been in comparison to Obama's. Obama's last three years of job growth were better than Trump's best year.


These are officials in prior republican administrations. They probably aren’t psyched about Biden - they just know a moron who doesn’t know what the fuck he is doing needs to be removed.


No, they are the NWO bunch, the perpetual interventionists. And you support that/them.

These are officials in prior republican administrations. They probably aren’t psyched about Biden - they just know a moron who doesn’t know what the fuck he is doing needs to be removed.


No, they are the NWO bunch, the perpetual interventionists. And you support that/them.
Why would former officials care about other presidents going to war? How would it benefit them?
These folks know the threat that Trump poses to the nation. They know that if Trump is re-elected the harm he will do to our nation will be irreparable.
Trump has already done irreparable harm.

Harm to the communist agenda that is being funded by the same oligarchs dumb fucks like yourself claim to be against. Leftards are THE dumbest fuckers and the weakest link in the chain.

These are officials in prior republican administrations. They probably aren’t psyched about Biden - they just know a moron who doesn’t know what the fuck he is doing needs to be removed.
Actual real black and white reps have switched to republican past 3 months
How many switched or won recently. Enough to hold the Senate?
4,, and you can’t win
I guess you missed the 2018 elections. 2020 will teach you manners when Dems capture more seats. For every R there will be double or more to lose for you Repugs.
You guys are developing and expanding the largest shit holes in the world why would anybody vote for a Democrat you guys are complete failures you can’t point to any location in the country that you guys are successful at none.. All the riots are linked to Democrats all the lawlessness in this country is linked to Democrats all the tearing down of American heritage is linked to Democrats.. party of Hate and destruction

These are officials in prior republican administrations. They probably aren’t psyched about Biden - they just know a moron who doesn’t know what the fuck he is doing needs to be removed.

I'm not thrilled with voting for Biden either.

I voted my conscience in the primary.

I love America so I will vote for Biden in November for the good for our nation and world.

Four more years of that abomination will destroy our nation.

Yeah, record economies are soooooooo destructive. LMAO

Oh this is a record economy huh?

Sure it is, May saw the largest job gains in US history. June will likely be the same. Still waiting on that link.

You mean after states started reopening their economies, jobs were created? What does that have to do with Trump?

Just as much as people losing their jobs did. You're not too bright are ya?


These are officials in prior republican administrations. They probably aren’t psyched about Biden - they just know a moron who doesn’t know what the fuck he is doing needs to be removed.

I'm not thrilled with voting for Biden either.

I voted my conscience in the primary.

I love America so I will vote for Biden in November for the good for our nation and world.

Four more years of that abomination will destroy our nation.

Yeah, record economies are soooooooo destructive. LMAO

Oh this is a record economy huh?

Sure it is, May saw the largest job gains in US history. June will likely be the same. Still waiting on that link.

I noticed you're one of those moronic posters who demands links but never provides their own. Just to teach you a lesson on being stupid when it comes to Trump, I am going to show you how pathetic Trump's economy has been in comparison to Obama's. Obama's last three years of job growth were better than Trump's best year.

I guess you could be impressed with maobama if you like part time jobs. Trump brought full time, good paying manufacturing jobs back on shore and got existing plants expanded. Wages were pretty much flat the whole term maobama occupied the WH, before covid wages were raising rapidly. So you keep sucking that milk chocolate dick, I ain't buying.


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