Dozens of House Republicans will stand up for Trump.

True patriotism is progressivism. True patriotism is working to fix what is wrong with America instead of pretending that it is just high taxes, too much government and liberal policies. True Patriotism is working to make America the truly great country that it can be for all, not just the wealth, white, heterosexual males. I am the Progressive Patriot
Sound more like a race baiter making excuses.
That is just plain stupid!
True patriotism is progressivism. True patriotism is working to fix what is wrong with America instead of pretending that it is just high taxes, too much government and liberal policies. True Patriotism is working to make America the truly great country that it can be for all, not just the wealth, white, heterosexual males. I am the Progressive Patriot
Sound more like a race baiter making excuses.
That is just plain stupid!
So is race baiting, besides being divisive and intolerant.
True patriotism is progressivism. True patriotism is working to fix what is wrong with America instead of pretending that it is just high taxes, too much government and liberal policies. True Patriotism is working to make America the truly great country that it can be for all, not just the wealth, white, heterosexual males. I am the Progressive Patriot
Sound more like a race baiter making excuses.
That is just plain stupid!
So is race baiting, besides being divisive and intolerant.
Sounds like you have me mixed up with the Orange Ogre in the White House
True patriotism is progressivism. True patriotism is working to fix what is wrong with America instead of pretending that it is just high taxes, too much government and liberal policies. True Patriotism is working to make America the truly great country that it can be for all, not just the wealth, white, heterosexual males. I am the Progressive Patriot
Sound more like a race baiter making excuses.
That is just plain stupid!
So is race baiting, besides being divisive and intolerant.
Sounds like you have me mixed up with the Orange Ogre in the White House
Obama started this hate and now the Democrats are going to build on it. That you keep stoking the fire by blaming is typical of useful idiots. Projection is not working.
True patriotism is progressivism. True patriotism is working to fix what is wrong with America instead of pretending that it is just high taxes, too much government and liberal policies. True Patriotism is working to make America the truly great country that it can be for all, not just the wealth, white, heterosexual males. I am the Progressive Patriot
Sound more like a race baiter making excuses.
That is just plain stupid!
So is race baiting, besides being divisive and intolerant.
Sounds like you have me mixed up with the Orange Ogre in the White House
Obama started this hate and now the Democrats are going to build on it. That you keep stoking the fire by blaming is typical of useful idiots. Projection is not working.
True patriotism is progressivism. True patriotism is working to fix what is wrong with America instead of pretending that it is just high taxes, too much government and liberal policies. True Patriotism is working to make America the truly great country that it can be for all, not just the wealth, white, heterosexual males. I am the Progressive Patriot
Sound more like a race baiter making excuses.
That is just plain stupid!
So is race baiting, besides being divisive and intolerant.
Sounds like you have me mixed up with the Orange Ogre in the White House
Obama started this hate and now the Democrats are going to build on it. That you keep stoking the fire by blaming is typical of useful idiots. Projection is not working.
View attachment 434765View attachment 434766
The childish response, I knew was coming. Again, typical.
True patriotism is progressivism. True patriotism is working to fix what is wrong with America instead of pretending that it is just high taxes, too much government and liberal policies. True Patriotism is working to make America the truly great country that it can be for all, not just the wealth, white, heterosexual males. I am the Progressive Patriot
Sound more like a race baiter making excuses.
That is just plain stupid!
So is race baiting, besides being divisive and intolerant.
Sounds like you have me mixed up with the Orange Ogre in the White House
Obama started this hate and now the Democrats are going to build on it. That you keep stoking the fire by blaming is typical of useful idiots. Projection is not working.
View attachment 434765View attachment 434766
The childish response, I knew was coming. Again, typical.
A picture is worth a thousand words.
Oh and lets not forget the green shit he wants to do which no small business will be able to afford.
What green shit is that?

A lot of the stuff AOC wanted to do. Find his list and you will know.
You continue to demonstrate your lazyness and intelectual limitations

You continue to display you lazy ass. If you want to know about the list, look it up.
Oh and lets not forget the green shit he wants to do which no small business will be able to afford.
Please explain exactly how these proposals would adversly impact small buisnesses. I get the distinct impression that all that are able to do is make shit up, or repeat stupid shit that you heard from other uninformed lugheads

The Facts on the 'Green New Deal' -

There are five goals, which the resolution says should be accomplished in a 10-year mobilization effort:

  • Achieve net-zero greenhouse gas emissions through a fair and just transition for all communities and workers
  • Create millions of good, high-wage jobs and ensure prosperity and economic security for all people of the United States
  • Invest in the infrastructure and industry of the United States to sustainably meet the challenges of the 21st century (more Jobs)
  • Secure for all people of the United States for generations to come: clean air and water; climate and community resiliency; healthy food; access to nature; and a sustainable environment
  • Promote justice and equity by stopping current, preventing future, and repairing historic oppression of indigenous peoples, communities of color, migrant communities, deindustrialized communities, depopulated rural communities, the poor, low-income workers, women, the elderly, the unhoused, people with disabilities, and youth (“frontline and vulnerable communities”)
Stand up? Reminds me more of the episode where Opie is flat on his back throwing a temper tantrum.
Your post reminds me of the movie (On Golden Pond) where Henry Fonda plays an old geezer with Alzheimer's disease and his mind is like Jello.
If you have six dozen (is that enough?), you have 72 house Republicans in a group of 435. What are they going to do?
It's pretty obvious that Trump was shafted. Any reasonable person would agree. It's pretty embarrassing when the Biden family is more scandalous than the royal family. Effin disgraceful.
...what does this look like with a Free Market approach with enriched uranium? ...
A Uranium One reference ?

Well ... no ... spinning out U-235 out in my workshop ... turns out Americium isn't fissionable ... the 2nd Amendment right to keep and bare arms should allow us to purchase enriched uranium and build bombs ... quarter million Commie Bastard Chinese Marines land on our coast here, we should have the right to nuke them ... like the Constitution says we do ... make them land in California, let the hippy chicks deal with them ...

Stand up? Reminds me more of the episode where Opie is flat on his back throwing a temper tantrum.
Your post reminds me of the movie (On Golden Pond) where Henry Fonda plays an old geezer with Alzheimer's disease and his mind is like Jello.

Good rebuke. I never saw the movie, sounded sort of boring when it came out and pretty depressing now. I am looking forward to watching C-Span next Wednesday for the official count of the votes.
Oh and lets not forget the green shit he wants to do which no small business will be able to afford.
Please explain exactly how these proposals would adversly impact small buisnesses. I get the distinct impression that all that are able to do is make shit up, or repeat stupid shit that you heard from other uninformed lugheads

The Facts on the 'Green New Deal' -

There are five goals, which the resolution says should be accomplished in a 10-year mobilization effort:

  • Achieve net-zero greenhouse gas emissions through a fair and just transition for all communities and workers
  • Create millions of good, high-wage jobs and ensure prosperity and economic security for all people of the United States
  • Invest in the infrastructure and industry of the United States to sustainably meet the challenges of the 21st century (more Jobs)
  • Secure for all people of the United States for generations to come: clean air and water; climate and community resiliency; healthy food; access to nature; and a sustainable environment
  • Promote justice and equity by stopping current, preventing future, and repairing historic oppression of indigenous peoples, communities of color, migrant communities, deindustrialized communities, depopulated rural communities, the poor, low-income workers, women, the elderly, the unhoused, people with disabilities, and youth (“frontline and vulnerable communities”)
So, no response Claudette | US Message Board - Political Discussion Forum . It would appear that you have been run out of town. If you can't run with the big dogs, stay on the porch, or in your case in the Trup bubble.

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