Dr. Anthony Fauci on what’s next for his career

Hopefully the guillotine,

that if there is any justice left in this corrupt world.

It would please me greatly to see Fauci used as the headless goat in a game of Afghan Buzkashi. And his body used to play the game until there was nothing left except for a kneecap.

Okay - your are a member of an organized terror organisasion - otherwise this use of language is not explainable. There's a lot of criminal energy in this 2 sentences.
Fauci should be executed for all the people he murdered during AIDS and COVID.
Again a member of a criminal organisation. What is the name of this organisation? "United criminal super-idiots of the USA under the leader Donald Trump"?
How many? All the people who know that Fauci is a major actor in the crimes of the worldwide cabal

Worldwide what?

and the NWO.

Netherlands Organisation for scientific research? What for heavens sake do you speak about?

All should be executed.

In which war on what reason, terrorist?

Post haste.

When god made time he made a lot. So take your time! The problem what to do in case of covid-19 always had been a simple problem by following the logic of time. I remember very well how my wife in the beginning produced masks in masses. Best material whe had at this time had been pure cotton. Suddenly ealastic band became a limited resource. Thanks to all ladies worldwide who caused this and found other ways! Soon came all the rules like to keep distance and so on. Then - wonder over wonder - vaccines came !!! much faster than any realist was able to hope. Time to thank god and to thank all the people who made this vaccines. Many variations of the Coronas-2 virus came and what any realist also was not able to hope on good reasons is it that the now dominating Omikron variation is relativelly harmless. We are in a relativelly comfortable situation now. The Corona-2 virus is now only a little more dangerous than a cold (A cold is often called flu, what's wrong!) - but not so dangerous as the real influenza. Also a reason to thank god. And it exist now alos vaccines against the Coronan virus inteh Omikron gvaratsuoit - so everyone is able to train tehe wqoin immune sytsme and no one has to fight alone without help against this virus any longer. Thanks god and thanks to all people who prayed.

So what for heavens sake is your problem, "executer"? Do you prefer to be a more deadly virus on your own by infecting others with your nonsensic hate speech?
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Worldwide what?

Netherlands Organisation for scientific research? What for heavens sake do you speak about?

In which war on what reason, terrorist?

When god made time he made a lot. So take your time! The problem what top do ihn caseo fo covid-ö.19 alöways had been a simple problem by following the logic of time. I remember very well how my wife in the beginning produced masks in masses. Best material whe had at this time had been pure cotton. Soon came al the rules like to keep distance and so on. Then wonder over wonder vaccines came - much faster than any realist was able to hope. Tiomeot thaikn god and all the people who evolved this vaccines. Many variations of the Coronas-2 virus came and what any realist also was not able to hope on good ressons we aer now in the relativelly comfortable situation that the now dominating Omikron variation is relativelly harmless. More dangerous than a cold - but not so dagerous as an influenza. Also a reason to thank god.

So what for heavens sake is your problem, "executer"? Do you prefer to be a more deadly virus on your own by infecting others with your nonsensic hate speech?

Not hate, poetic justice. Covid 19 and the vaccines are biological weapons, perfected by China and financed by Fauci The Rat.
Go fly a kite.

So you threaten innocent people with "execution" = murder by doing a kind of military operation = murder by doing terror attacks - and you really think all US-American security services will ignore this?
So you threaten innocent people with "execution" = murder by doing a kind of military operation = murder by doing terror attacks - and you really think all US-American security services will ignore this?" = murder by doing a kind of military operation = murder by doing terror attacks - and you really think all US-American security services will ignore this?

Okay - I guess you do not know what your defect brain is doing with you. You are a very good example why "free weapons for everyone in the USA" is an excellent idea for anti-American heroes like you. How many do you like to fuck to death, mad wrongdoer?

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