Dr. Anthony "Tiny Tony" Fauci...A Hardcore Crooked Hillary Fraud...Drain the Swamp!

My "don't trust runts" radar kicked on when I saw that little shit at the podium. Turns out I'm right, as usual. Anybody that worships The WildeBeast is either extremely twisted or afraid for their life. But that's not a serious doctor, that's a politician with an agenda.

Good catch.... thanks.
Here is more evidence Tiny Tony is a Crooked Hillary/Obama plant who is contributing to the destruction of the economy!

From April 2009 to April 2010 the H1N1 “Swine Flu” swept across the United States. The U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) estimated that that during the outbreak there were 60.8 million cases in the US, 274,000 hospitalizations, and 12,469 deaths.

Tiny Tony's wife Christine Grady was appointed by Barry Hussaine Obama to the "bio-ethics" agency Barry Hussaine created via Executive Order 13521 in 2009! Follow the money!
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Wait a minute! You're telling me that a physician and scientist might NOT be a wholehearted Trump supporter?!?! Wow, I did NOT see that coming! And obviously, he's getting out there day after day and lying to the American people because the coronavirus targets Trumpettes and Tea Partiers, so the more of them that get it, the fewer there will be a month or two! Those Dems aren't just devious, they're Machiavellian!
Folks, this Kung Flu Hoax goes deeper than Tiny Tony! The question is this: Is Vice President Pence in on it or simply just not doing his homework! Do your homework!

Folks, this Kung Flu Hoax goes deeper than Tiny Tony! The question is this: Is Vice President Pence in on it or simply just not doing his homework! Do your homework!

Oooh, yes, this goes SO deep! So deep! So you and all of your friends should go out and about because there is NO chance that somebody like YOU could catch the coronavirus. Because you're invulnerable to the Kung Flu, right? And everybody that you care about is invulnerable, too, right? Nobody YOU care about will die from the coronavirus, right, because you have God on your side? Right?
Bruce Daniels, please comment on the content presented in the video rather than expound on your hypochondriac fantasies, damnit! Sure the Kung Flu Hoax probably involves a real form of the flu, but the insane response is Hoax Part III! (Russia, Impeachment, Kung Flu).

Watch this one also for a basic introduction to the cast of characters involved!

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IMO, President Trump has already been informed about Tiny Tony's crush on Crooked Hillary and that he is not to be trusted in regards to the Kung Flu Hoax.

To: Hillary Clinton Date: 2012-06-01

Wow! Very rarely does a speech bring me to tears, but this one did it. Talk about telling it like it is. This was a bases- loaded home run. Please tell the Secretary that I love her more than ever you guys too, of course.

Best regards, Tony

Anthony S. Fauci, MD Director National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases Building 31, Room 7A-03 31 Center Drive, MSC 2520 National Institutes of Health Bethesda, MD 20892-2520 Phone: (301) 496-2263 FAX: (301) 496-4409

WikiLeaks - Hillary Clinton Email Archive

To: Hillary Clinton Date: 2011-11-02

I thought you and the Secretary would enjoy knowing the Tony Fauci was just named by Government Executive magazine to be one of the top 20 federal government employees of all time.

WikiLeaks - Hillary Clinton Email Archive

Dr. Faucci is a very well recognized national treasure, impeached trump very well recognized pile of crap...
At best the mini-dictator Tiny Tony Faucci needs to resign in disgrace and at worst face war crime charges.
Looks like some TDS folks are triggered! Why in the fuck TDS folks refer to actual emails as conspiracy theories is troubling, but not unexpected. Drain the damn swamp! Tiny Tony has to go!

You stupid partisan shit. Just because someone has personal respect for a hardworking civil servant doesn't mean said civil servant is going to subvert the "other side". This idiot notion that everyone in Washington is at war against the other party is the destroy one another is lunacy on the hoof.
Dragonlady, Tiny Tony is the idiot! Do I have to provide videos of Tiny Tony demonstrating his incompetence or are you able to use the internet to find out for yourself! Within several weeks Tiny Tony said the Chinese Flu is nothing, then with his computer "models" said millions would die, then a week or two later said a couple thousand, then most recently said computer "models" which he used to shut down the USA are not reliable! Bill Gates might like Tiny Tony, but why do you?
Apparently Dragonlady was too busy doing whatever the fuck a retard does after a few minutes trolling the internet in a retarded manner.

Tiny Tony said quarantines are not supported by science way back when, "We appreciate the fears of the American people, but you don't want to have policy that would have negative unintended consequences..."

So folks that is why President Trump and VP Pence thought Tiny Tony was legit. But Tiny Tony changed his colors!

Now we're going to denounce a medical expert. This thread just keeps getting more and more funny. Keep it going though please.
Amazing what Trump's little devils do to people who don't fall in line.

Obedient little soldiers, in tight lockstep.
Tiny Tony is not a fact supporter, he is Deep State!
The socalled "Deep State" are the dedicated men and women we RELY on to get us through this.

Ideology isn't gonna stop a virus
Tiny Tony is not a fact supporter, he is Deep State!
The socalled "Deep State" are the dedicated men and women we RELY on to get us through this.

Ideology isn't gonna stop a virus
If they're not talk radio-approved, they're Deep State, and they're The Enemy in The War, and any contrary information is Fake News..

Remember, they have their own little world now.
The stay at home guidelines are going to be extended again. This is going to drive some crazy because the govt is gonna do round 2 of the stimulus....it's fun listening to them whine.

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