Dr. Ben Carson Targeted By IRS After Criticizing Obama

I never said he was either.
You race obsessed Obamabots went off at half cock that some mere doctor spoke about healthcare.
Drs should keep their mouths shut about healthcare, they don't know shit about healthcare!!
Now these race crimes you claim I have committed, list them, list one of them?

Why did you respond to my question then? Did you read it or were you just wanting to rant. I clearly asked the poster to prove Carson was smarter and had more character. Are you blind? Try not to mix up your conversation with me and another persons conversation. Its less confusing for all concerned.

I put things back into perspective.
You were trying to drag the thread off topic.
Intellect and character.
Carson is not a liar.
Carson does not have his workers use his subordinates to employ services at his disposal to attack people he dislikes.

His honesty is far greater than OBAMAS.
People of higher IQ tend to be more honest than those of lower IQ. Ask any psychologist.
So my answer to your question is yes.
Carson is more intelligent and of a finer character than Barack Obama.

Now, these race crimes I committed , tell ma all about them ?
Benny IS a liar! He was just on HanNITWITty lying his ass off about Sebelius. After calling her a liar for telling the truth about Obamacare having no effect on part time work, the idiot then accuses those who know she was telling the truth of being ignorant.

As far as your bullshit about intelligence and lying, it takes much more intelligence to lie than to tell the truth, which is why the Right habitually lie, they believe their God given talent for lying proves their superior intelligence.

Any fool can tell the truth, but it requires a man of some sense to know how to lie well.
Samuel Butler
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You'd think that after the Alan Keyes, Herman Cain and Allen West disasters, the kooks would stop looking for a GreatBlackHope who will supposedly bring minorities back to the GOP.
I did. He went to one prep school, not schools. And while said school was arguably the best in Hawaii, it is most assuredly not among the best in the nation.

Obama was a pampered little rich kid, who traveled the world and was put in prep schools to prepare him for the role already reserved for him as one of the ruling elite.

Barack Obama was born with a silver spoon up his ass and has been coddled his entire life. The reason people care about his transcripts is that we know that he probably had his academic life handed to him of a silver platter, just as the rest of his life was.

When I went to Cal Poly, there were a lot of rich, Iranian kids. We would watch as they would pay people to write their papers for them, not be there on test days, yet magically pass classes. Such is the way of the elite - the elite like Obama, off with his "choom posse" yet still handed degrees from Occidental and Harvard.

Wow, nice rewrite. The truth of the matter is, he was a generation removed from money. And it wasn't even Romney money, it was 'only grandma works, as a bank vice-president' money. And she was still alive, so he didn't inherit. Nor did his mother. So while she was 'dragging him all over the world,' he wasn't going in style (like Romney to France to avoid the draft).

My parents were very well-off. That hasn't got jack shit to do with me and where I am at financially.
I did. He went to one prep school, not schools. And while said school was arguably the best in Hawaii, it is most assuredly not among the best in the nation.

Obama was a pampered little rich kid, who traveled the world and was put in prep schools to prepare him for the role already reserved for him as one of the ruling elite.

Barack Obama was born with a silver spoon up his ass and has been coddled his entire life. The reason people care about his transcripts is that we know that he probably had his academic life handed to him of a silver platter, just as the rest of his life was.

When I went to Cal Poly, there were a lot of rich, Iranian kids. We would watch as they would pay people to write their papers for them, not be there on test days, yet magically pass classes. Such is the way of the elite - the elite like Obama, off with his "choom posse" yet still handed degrees from Occidental and Harvard.

Wow, nice rewrite. The truth of the matter is, he was a generation removed from money. And it wasn't even Romney money, it was 'only grandma works, as a bank vice-president' money. And she was still alive, so he didn't inherit. Nor did his mother. So while she was 'dragging him all over the world,' he wasn't going in style (like Romney to France to avoid the draft).

My parents were very well-off. That hasn't got jack shit to do with me and where I am at financially.

Care to explain how how Obama got into Colombia University? Just how does someone so far removed from money spend most of his childhood traveling the globe? Are you a generation removed from reality?
Obama was a pampered little rich kid, who traveled the world and was put in prep schools to prepare him for the role already reserved for him as one of the ruling elite.

Barack Obama was born with a silver spoon up his ass and has been coddled his entire life. The reason people care about his transcripts is that we know that he probably had his academic life handed to him of a silver platter, just as the rest of his life was.

When I went to Cal Poly, there were a lot of rich, Iranian kids. We would watch as they would pay people to write their papers for them, not be there on test days, yet magically pass classes. Such is the way of the elite - the elite like Obama, off with his "choom posse" yet still handed degrees from Occidental and Harvard.

Wow, nice rewrite. The truth of the matter is, he was a generation removed from money. And it wasn't even Romney money, it was 'only grandma works, as a bank vice-president' money. And she was still alive, so he didn't inherit. Nor did his mother. So while she was 'dragging him all over the world,' he wasn't going in style (like Romney to France to avoid the draft).

My parents were very well-off. That hasn't got jack shit to do with me and where I am at financially.

Care to explain how how Obama got into Colombia University? Just how does someone so far removed from money spend most of his childhood traveling the globe? Are you a generation removed from reality?

Heh. Yeah. Appreciate the personal insult. It was absolutely necessary, I'm sure.
Wow, nice rewrite. The truth of the matter is, he was a generation removed from money. And it wasn't even Romney money, it was 'only grandma works, as a bank vice-president' money. And she was still alive, so he didn't inherit. Nor did his mother. So while she was 'dragging him all over the world,' he wasn't going in style (like Romney to France to avoid the draft).

My parents were very well-off. That hasn't got jack shit to do with me and where I am at financially.

Care to explain how how Obama got into Colombia University? Just how does someone so far removed from money spend most of his childhood traveling the globe? Are you a generation removed from reality?

Heh. Yeah. Appreciate the personal insult. It was absolutely necessary, I'm sure.

Exactly how did I insult you? Why is it you take everything so personally? Care to address the argument? If I were on ignore as you claim I am, why are you responding to me? You are quite well deserving of personal insults when you can't even keep your own promises to yourself.

So, if Obama had it so rough, why was it he was flying and gallivanting all over the world? How did he get into Harvard? Occidental? Columbia? How does he get so much money? Really?
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Care to explain how how Obama got into Colombia University? Just how does someone so far removed from money spend most of his childhood traveling the globe? Are you a generation removed from reality?

Heh. Yeah. Appreciate the personal insult. It was absolutely necessary, I'm sure.

Exactly how did I insult you? Why is it you take everything so personally? Care to address the argument? If I were on ignore as you claim I am, why are you responding to me? You are quite well deserving of personal insults when you can't even keep your own promises to yourself.

So, if Obama had it so rough, why was it he was flying and gallivanting all over the world? How did he get into Harvard? Occidental? Columbia? How does he get so much money? Really?

Did you just chastise someone for not being able to keep someone on ignore? You?
You'd think that after the Alan Keyes, Herman Cain and Allen West disasters, the kooks would stop looking for a GreatBlackHope who will supposedly bring minorities back to the GOP.

All three are far better human beings than Barack Obama, it's racist liberals that keep good men like those three down......
Heh. Yeah. Appreciate the personal insult. It was absolutely necessary, I'm sure.

Exactly how did I insult you? Why is it you take everything so personally? Care to address the argument? If I were on ignore as you claim I am, why are you responding to me? You are quite well deserving of personal insults when you can't even keep your own promises to yourself.

So, if Obama had it so rough, why was it he was flying and gallivanting all over the world? How did he get into Harvard? Occidental? Columbia? How does he get so much money? Really?

Did you just chastise someone for not being able to keep someone on ignore? You?




Obama was a pampered little rich kid, who traveled the world and was put in prep schools to prepare him for the role already reserved for him as one of the ruling elite.

Barack Obama was born with a silver spoon up his ass and has been coddled his entire life. The reason people care about his transcripts is that we know that he probably had his academic life handed to him of a silver platter, just as the rest of his life was.

When I went to Cal Poly, there were a lot of rich, Iranian kids. We would watch as they would pay people to write their papers for them, not be there on test days, yet magically pass classes. Such is the way of the elite - the elite like Obama, off with his "choom posse" yet still handed degrees from Occidental and Harvard.

Wow, nice rewrite. The truth of the matter is, he was a generation removed from money. And it wasn't even Romney money, it was 'only grandma works, as a bank vice-president' money. And she was still alive, so he didn't inherit. Nor did his mother. So while she was 'dragging him all over the world,' he wasn't going in style (like Romney to France to avoid the draft).

My parents were very well-off. That hasn't got jack shit to do with me and where I am at financially.

Care to explain how how Obama got into Colombia University? Just how does someone so far removed from money spend most of his childhood traveling the globe? Are you a generation removed from reality?

The same way other people get into colleges and dont come from money. They work and get loans, scholarships or grants.
Wow, nice rewrite. The truth of the matter is, he was a generation removed from money.

Uh, bullshit. By his own ghostwritten autobiographies - yeah, both of them.... He was the product of wealth. Lolo Soetoro was a very wealthy man, of course his WHITE grandparents, with whom he lived. were rolling in money (Funny how Communists are so often filthy rich.)

And it wasn't even Romney money, it was 'only grandma works, as a bank vice-president' money.

It was millions.

And she was still alive, so he didn't inherit. Nor did his mother. So while she was 'dragging him all over the world,' he wasn't going in style (like Romney to France to avoid the draft).

On Lolo's private jet? Yeah, poor little Barry, he once had to get up and get his own drink - but only once, still it traumatized him.

My parents were very well-off. That hasn't got jack shit to do with me and where I am at financially.

It would if they had sent you to prep schools and bribed the right political machines to create a path into the ruling elite - as Obama's crowd did.
Just to set the record straight, Romney isn't rich compared to John (Fucken) Kerry. He's living with the aire to the Heinz fortune. $800 million at least.
They pledged allegiance to the Tea Party and dominate there now.

The ONLY ones attacking on the basis of race are you leftists - period.

Your fellow Klansman was bragging about lynching those who got uppity and defied the DNC Massahs.

The democrats were, are, and always will be the party of racism. Hating whites and run away blacks is no less ugly than the traditional racism of the democrats.

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