Dr. Ben Carson Targeted By IRS After Criticizing Obama

How is he an Uncle Tom? Who is he currying favor with? Telling the President of the United States, a guy who happens to be black, that the black community, the same community Obama uses to get his agenda done, is in dire straits, isn't a traitor just because he says it in public. It isn't like the problems in the Black Community are some closed secret only a few people understand and know about.

Have you been reading my posts? Do you understand what an uncle tom is?

A person who criticizes another black.
You criticized DeMarquis Elkins.
You must be an Uncle Tom too........
Damn you ranted vitriol at Dr Carson!!
You are a mega sized Uncle Tom!!

Do you have ADHD Paul or is it you think you are losing and trying your best to cloud the issue?
Why do you rant and not address the question? :lol: What does that have to do with him being smarter and having more character?

I never said he was either.
You race obsessed Obamabots went off at half cock that some mere doctor spoke about healthcare.
Drs should keep their mouths shut about healthcare, they don't know shit about healthcare!!
Now these race crimes you claim I have committed, list them, list one of them?

Why did you respond to my question then? Did you read it or were you just wanting to rant. I clearly asked the poster to prove Carson was smarter and had more character. Are you blind? Try not to mix up your conversation with me and another persons conversation. Its less confusing for all concerned.

I put things back into perspective.
You were trying to drag the thread off topic.
Intellect and character.
Carson is not a liar.
Carson does not have his workers use his subordinates to employ services at his disposal to attack people he dislikes.

His honesty is far greater than OBAMAS.
People of higher IQ tend to be more honest than those of lower IQ. Ask any psychologist.
So my answer to your question is yes.
Carson is more intelligent and of a finer character than Barack Obama.

Now, these race crimes I committed , tell ma all about them ?
I never said he was either.
You race obsessed Obamabots went off at half cock that some mere doctor spoke about healthcare.
Drs should keep their mouths shut about healthcare, they don't know shit about healthcare!!
Now these race crimes you claim I have committed, list them, list one of them?

Why did you respond to my question then? Did you read it or were you just wanting to rant. I clearly asked the poster to prove Carson was smarter and had more character. Are you blind? Try not to mix up your conversation with me and another persons conversation. Its less confusing for all concerned.

I put things back into perspective.
You were trying to drag the thread off topic.
Intellect and character.
Carson is not a liar.
Carson does not have his workers use his subordinates to employ services at his disposal to attack people he dislikes.

His honesty is far greater than OBAMAS.
People of higher IQ tend to be more honest than those of lower IQ. Ask any psychologist.
So my answer to your question is yes.
Carson is more intelligent and of a finer character than Barack Obama.

Now, these race crimes I committed , tell ma all about them ?

No you did the exact opposite. You confused the issue.

I think the person that made the statement Carson was smarter and had more character was the one dragging it off topic.

How do you know Carson is not a liar?
How do you know the POTUS uses his "subordinates o employ services at his disposal to attack people he dislikes"?

Now show me where I made those statements you said proves I am a racist.
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Me and Carson are both of African heritage that is apparent in our physical appearance.

I like what Whoopi Goldberg said, "Why should I be tied to a continent, not even a country, but a continent that I have never been to, the my parents have never been to, and that their parents have never been to? I'm an American, I have no ties to Africa."

I don't agree with Whoopi on much, but she nailed that one.

Carson playing uncle tom to curry favor is something I despise in any Black man.

You calling him "uncle tom" is just your racism. Dr. Carson is under no obligation to "shuck and jive" for your DNC Massahs.

Its weak and an sorry expression of his inferiority complex.

It doesn't appear to me that Dr. Carson has the complex - after all, it's not he who stoops to hurling racist epithets.

The POTUS being tough has nothing to do with it.

Obama is by FAR the worst president of my lifetime - including Nixon, Ford, and Carter. He's a clusterfuck.

You definitely are tough if you can get elected to POTUS so thats not even a debate.

Obama was groomed for years to play the role he plays - I find him no more impressive than Prince Charles - just a pampered pansy.

I rank the POTUS up there as the best president I have seen in my lifetime. He has endured way more criticism and racism disguised as criticism and still is standing.


The little fucker pouts if anyone fails to bow at his feet.

The SHIT that the filthy leftist scum threw at Bush is on a scale that Obama couldn't even dream of - much less the sycophants who worship him.

What would you do if the right made a movie about killing Obama? You'd fucking come unglued.

BUT the leftists did exactly that with Bush..

Death of a President (2006) - IMDb

Think you leftists would just smile if this were Barry da Fairy?


He knows who he is and understands not only whats at stake but the different standards that are going to be applied to him similar to any Black person that has broken a color barrier..

He knows who he is alright, little lord Fauntleroy.

Dr. Carson chose to be a man - not someone's pet "black," but a man who stands on his own, like any other.

Until one lets go of their racism, they can never be a man.
Black people will turn on a dime to throw one of their own under the bus rather than face the truth, obama has been a disaster for blacks. Most of whom sold out for an obamaphone.
I like what Whoopi Goldberg said, "Why should I be tied to a continent, not even a country, but a continent that I have never been to, the my parents have never been to, and that their parents have never been to? I'm an American, I have no ties to Africa."

I don't agree with Whoopi on much, but she nailed that one.

I thought it was one of the most ignorant things I have ever heard a black person say to the general public. She is in this country because her ancestors are African. You know what they say about trees without roots.

You calling him "uncle tom" is just your racism. Dr. Carson is under no obligation to "shuck and jive" for your DNC Massahs.

I never said he should shuck and jive for anyone but for damn sure he shouldnt be doing it to gain favor with white society.

It doesn't appear to me that Dr. Carson has the complex - after all, it's not he who stoops to hurling racist epithets.

The reason you would never hear him hurl a racist epithet is because he has an inferiority complex. He wants white society to pat him on the head and tell him he is a good boy. He appears to be in the "I will show them I am worth something" category.

Obama is by FAR the worst president of my lifetime - including Nixon, Ford, and Carter. He's a clusterfuck.

Cant argue with your opinion.

Obama was groomed for years to play the role he plays - I find him no more impressive than Prince Charles - just a pampered pansy.

All successful people are groomed to play whatever role they play.

The SHIT that the filthy leftist scum threw at Bush is on a scale that Obama couldn't even dream of - much less the sycophants who worship him.

What would you do if the right made a movie about killing Obama? You'd fucking come unglued.

No actually I wouldnt. I would not surprise me if they did. Bush had a PR problem in appearing to be dumb and his bad photo op of him looking distantly out of a plane window at the Katrina victims.

Dr. Carson chose to be a man - not someone's pet "black," but a man who stands on his own, like any other.

I used to think that too. His actions in regard to the POTUS has shown me otherwise.

Until one lets go of their racism, they can never be a man.
True words. No argument here.
Dont insert race unless I say race. Dont take liberties with what I am saying. Stick to my words. if I make a mistake and you call it out I will acknowledge it and correct myself.

Dude, I like you, I really do. You're a smart guy, quick wit, clearly you have strong analytical skills.

But dude, you're a racist.

You are not as bad as I thought either. Please show me why you consider me a racist? :lol: I am having trouble seeing where I think Black people are better than whites.
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I thought it was one of the most ignorant things I have ever heard a black person say to the general public. She is in this country because her ancestors are African. You know what they say about trees without roots.

She's in this country because her parents had a child in this country. Anyone not happy is free to leave. Oddly enough, the man in your avatar found real Africa to not be the paradise you seem to think it is. He was even a bigger racist than you, but first hand experience changed him from a racist to a man seeking unity and redemption.

I never said he should shuck and jive for anyone but for damn sure he shouldnt be doing it to gain favor with white society.

Because you are a racist, you break America in to little Balkin enclaves. Dr. Carson is a man and an American. He belongs not to "black society" or "white society," but to "American society."

The reason you would never hear him hurl a racist epithet is because he has an inferiority complex. He wants white society to pat him on the head and tell him he is a good boy. He appears to be in the "I will show them I am worth something" category.

Actually, the one who feels inferior is the one who must attack others for not letting their skin color define the content of their character.

All successful people are groomed to play whatever role they play.

Dr. Carson rose from poverty, and succeeded due to hard work. He wasn't born with a silver spoon up his ass, like Obama.

No actually I wouldnt. I would not surprise me if they did. Bush had a PR problem in appearing to be dumb and his bad photo op of him looking distantly out of a plane window at the Katrina victims.

Plenty of bad photos of Obama. BUT anyone who dared post a picture of Obama being lynched, like the one of Bush, would be arrested and dissappeared.

I used to think that too. His actions in regard to the POTUS has shown me otherwise.

Ah, so unless he kowtows to Obama, then he can't really be black?

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She's in this country because her parents had a child in this country. Anyone not happy is free to leave. Oddly enough, the man in your avatar found real Africa to not be the paradise you seem to think it is. He was even a bigger racist than you, but first hand experience changed him from a racist to a man seeking unity and redemption.

This has nothing to do with happiness. Her parents had a child in this country because her ancestors were brought from Africa. Malcolm X found Africa to be glorious and on par with a religious experience. Where do you find otherwise? Of course there are problems with the majority of them being brought on because of colonialism which Malcolm X clearly recognized.

Because you are a racist, you break America in to little Balkin enclaves. Dr. Carson is a man and an American. He belongs not to "black society" or "white society," but to "American society."

I will believe that one the minute they stop asking me what race I claim. American society is made up of smaller cultural societies. I dont see anything wrong with that unless there is a dynamic where some societies are propped up as superior and other inferior.

Actually, the one who feels inferior is the one who must attack others for not letting their skin color define the content of their character.

That would imply that character is defined by skin color. I am not saying that. He is implying that by his words that the POTUS has no character. Knowing the reality of how Blacks are viewed in this country that is irresponsible to other Black people. He can have plenty of time to be his own man when those prejudices disappear.

Dr. Carson rose from poverty, and succeeded due to hard work. He wasn't born with a silver spoon up his ass, like Obama.

Why is this relevant? I rose from poverty as well due to hard work. There are some very honorable privileged people despite the media telling you that there are not.

Plenty of bad photos of Obama. BUT anyone who dared post a picture of Obama being lynched, like the one of Bush, would be arrested and dissappeared.

Please show me an article or provide a link where this has occurred.


Daily Kos: Lynching Obama, yes they've gone there (w/updates)

Bushes photo op will go down in history as one of the worst of all time. The photographer that took it should be shot at sunrise. :lol:

Ah, so unless he kowtows to Obama, then he can't really be black?

No. Unless he has evidence of wrong doing he should keep his mouth shut. Just my personal opinion. If he is as intelligent as claimed then he knows the damage being done by his comments.
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Just for the record, I wouldn't believe KOS if they reported that water is wet - they have ZERO credibility.

Stormfront and KOS are a couple of hate sites that never turn out to be accurate.

As for the previously posted picture;


It's one of dozens.

Death Threats Against Bush at Protests Ignored for Years · zomblog

There are other sites but I didn know I needed to post more than one.

Lynched Obama Truck Roams The East Coast | TheseNews.com

i'm going to go out on a limb and guess besides Lincoln, Kennedy. and Carter, Obama has had more death threats by far.
Opinions are like asshole bud.

If you feel that one black has no right to be critical of another you're a racist. If you label that person an Uncle Tom you're a racist.

I know this is hard to believe but some blacks don't think about race all of the time. Dr Carson is one of them. You are another thing entirely.

Then your opinion smells like one. Trust that Carson wakes up from dreams about race. It probably dominates his thoughts. No self respecting Black person is going to intentionally try and cause damage to another Black person using innuendo if he doesn't have some problems with self esteem caused by racial oppression. Again look up the uncle tom syndrome.

Ah , that's why DeMarquis Elkins is never criticized by good blacks.
Those uncle toms who take the side of the subhumans are simply suffering from self esteem issues.
We now know why your messiah said nothing about the 13 month old subhuman this good decent human cleansed from the earth!!
Anyone who views whites as actual humans is an Uncle Tom.
Got it!
amazing! every kind of bigotry you could want in one short paragraph.
Ah I get it. Conservative black man = Uncle Tom.
Liberal black man = tough.

Ben Carson is so much smarter then obammy it's of the charts.
And the only reason you think obammy is a great president is because he's black.
You're a racist of the highest order.
Be Gone hypocrite!
ok.... how is ben carson smarter then obama ?

Well for starters.....
Ben Carson - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Then you have a guy like obama whos been groomed to be a politicion since early adulthood.

Lets see now..top notch Neurosurgeon vs. Politician?

I'd say it's pretty clear.
and you'd be wrong! it's a false comparison.
two completely separate types of intelligence.
as to being groomed...big fucking deal. they both were "groomed" in their respective professions.
ok.... how is ben carson smarter then obama ?

Well for starters.....
Ben Carson - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Then you have a guy like obama whos been groomed to be a politicion since early adulthood.

Lets see now..top notch Neurosurgeon vs. Politician?

I'd say it's pretty clear.
and you'd be wrong! it's a false comparison.
two completely separate types of intelligence.
as to being groomed...big fucking deal. they both were "groomed" in their respective professions.

Oh come the fuck on!! If we were comparing him to bush you would say Carson was way smarter. And in fact you would be right.
I would hazard to guess Carson is smarter then any president we've ever had.
You dont become a neurosurgeon and reach the level of Dr. Carson without being extremely intelligent.
You ignorant ass libs amaze me.
The messiah worship is getting ridiculous. The guys a fucken community organizer and you want to compare him to a neurosurgeon? Seriously?

Talk about your sheep.....
Well for starters.....
Ben Carson - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Then you have a guy like obama whos been groomed to be a politicion since early adulthood.

Lets see now..top notch Neurosurgeon vs. Politician?

I'd say it's pretty clear.
and you'd be wrong! it's a false comparison.
two completely separate types of intelligence.
as to being groomed...big fucking deal. they both were "groomed" in their respective professions.

Oh come the fuck on!! If we were comparing him to bush you would say Carson was way smarter. And in fact you would be right.
I would hazard to guess Carson is smarter then any president we've ever had.
You dont become a neurosurgeon and reach the level of Dr. Carson without being extremely intelligent.
You ignorant ass libs amaze me.
The messiah worship is getting ridiculous. The guys a fucken community organizer and you want to compare him to a neurosurgeon? Seriously?

Talk about your sheep.....

Sorry but perception is not a fact. Bush appeared to be dumb as a bag of rocks but there is no way to prove Carson was in fact smarter than Bush or any other human because he became a neurosurgeon. There is just no way to draw that conclusion without doing some testing and even then the results are not definitive.
Well for starters.....
Ben Carson - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Then you have a guy like obama whos been groomed to be a politicion since early adulthood.

Lets see now..top notch Neurosurgeon vs. Politician?

I'd say it's pretty clear.
and you'd be wrong! it's a false comparison.
two completely separate types of intelligence.
as to being groomed...big fucking deal. they both were "groomed" in their respective professions.

Oh come the fuck on!! If we were comparing him to bush you would say Carson was way smarter. And in fact you would be right.
I would hazard to guess Carson is smarter then any president we've ever had.
You dont become a neurosurgeon and reach the level of Dr. Carson without being extremely intelligent.
You ignorant ass libs amaze me.
The messiah worship is getting ridiculous. The guys a fucken community organizer and you want to compare him to a neurosurgeon? Seriously?

Talk about your sheep.....
now you're rationalizing a false comparison.
I never thought bush was unintelligent...he was however not very clever..

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