Dr. Ben Carson Targeted By IRS After Criticizing Obama

Then your opinion smells like one. Trust that Carson wakes up from dreams about race. It probably dominates his thoughts. No self respecting Black person is going to intentionally try and cause damage to another Black person using innuendo if he doesn't have some problems with self esteem caused by racial oppression. Again look up the uncle tom syndrome.

That's an extremely racist attitude.
It's like you feel you have to treat blacks differently from whites.

I think we should all be treated equally.

I don't need anyone to explain to me what Uncle Tom means.

I can't speak for Dr Carson personally but it appears that he's been able to pull himself out of that mess and excell. My wife, who's black, says blacks are like crabs. They like to pull down anyone who tries pull themselves up and fit into what they call white society.

Self esteem is what you make of it. Racial oppression is a crutch. An excuse. You feel hateful about someone or some thing and you use this imaginary oppression as an excuse to be an asshole. There has been no racial oppression in most of the United States since not long after the Civil Rights struggle began. Most of that changed in the 60s and 70s. In 74' most minorities couldn't hold a rating in the Navy in anything but cook and storekeeper. Now they can enter any job classification they qualify for. I wasn't in the Army back then so I can't say if it was any different.

I've seen the race riots in the 60s and the 90s. The 60s they had a beef. Busloads of blacks going around burning shit up because of oppression from Jim Crow laws, and the trigger was the assassination of MLK. In the 90s the L.A. riots were all about ripping people off. They just used Rodney King as an excuse.

I disagree that it is racist on the grounds that i dont believe that there is a inherent difference in the different groups of people. Your wife is correct about the crab syndrome. Its another manifestation of being programmed by our society just like the uncle tom syndrome. Maybe you dont get the fact that if you are not white why are you trying to placate or become part of white society? Its ok that we are different in that regard but people should be respected for their differences unless they transgress on another persons rights. My experience is going to be vastly different from 99.9% of white people so they cant possibly know where I am coming from. I understand and except that and try to find common ground when dealing with other groups. There are other things that cannot presently be scientifically explained and I use the term "genetic memory" to explain stuff I have in common with other black people that can be expressed with a look or phrase of wording. Ask your wife about that one and she'll most likely know exactly what i am talking about.

Regarding racial oppression you dont seem to know what you are talking about but thats ok. Its still here and alive. its not an excuse its a fact and not one I let stop me in any way. However, that doesnt mean it doesnt exist.

I feel as if I still have a beef but i dont dwell on it like you seem to think I do. I deal with it when the situation warrants.

I agree with you on some things and not on others. Oppression in America is basically how you react to people. If you go around with your feelings out there for someone to hurt they're probably going to. It doesn't matter what race you are, if you can't interact with people one on one you're going to have problems. Everyone has prejudices, it's up to you to break through them. Most of what I see is stereotypical nonsense that is fed to kids from birth. It's not genetic. Being black doesn't have to mean acting a specific way or liking a particular type of music.

Most of the oppression in America where blacks are concerned is from other blacks. First of all oppression in America is more a state of mind than a reality. Oppression isn't usually giving people food-stamps and Obamaphones, Section 8, or Affirmative-action. These days the oppressed are slowly becoming the oppressors. Who is currently the most oppressed in America today? Well, if you're talking government sponsored oppression it's white males. Everyone else seems to have preferential treatment. Gays, women, blacks, Hispanics, everyone except Koreans. (Just joking) The biggest problem in America is drugs and alcohol.

My nephew's Daddy is first generation Somali. He was also Muslim. He was also a bigamist. If you want to know why Somalia is so messed up it's because everyone pretty much does whatever the hell they want. They have no father figures, no direction. Only a bunch of local tribes, and the biggest tribe usually gets their way. Compare the way people are in America to your average Somali in Mogadishu and I think you'll discover that regardless how you feel about it, you're lucky to be here. Over their a good time is getting high on Khat and shooting up the place. The reason so many Somalis are skinny isn't just because of lack of food but chewing that damned Khat. Again, drug abuse.
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Then your opinion smells like one. Trust that Carson wakes up from dreams about race. It probably dominates his thoughts. No self respecting Black person is going to intentionally try and cause damage to another Black person using innuendo if he doesn't have some problems with self esteem caused by racial oppression. Again look up the uncle tom syndrome.

Ah , that's why DeMarquis Elkins is never criticized by good blacks.
Those uncle toms who take the side of the subhumans are simply suffering from self esteem issues.
We now know why your messiah said nothing about the 13 month old subhuman this good decent human cleansed from the earth!!
Anyone who views whites as actual humans is an Uncle Tom.
Got it!

Dont throw your hands up in frustration. If you have a point make it. You should probably stop putting words in my mouth to fit your perception of me. I disagree with everything you said.

You hate subhumans.
Deny the epidemic of anti white race crime.
You are a racist.

Haters gotta hate!!
That's an extremely racist attitude.
It's like you feel you have to treat blacks differently from whites.

I think we should all be treated equally.

I don't need anyone to explain to me what Uncle Tom means.

I can't speak for Dr Carson personally but it appears that he's been able to pull himself out of that mess and excell. My wife, who's black, says blacks are like crabs. They like to pull down anyone who tries pull themselves up and fit into what they call white society.

Self esteem is what you make of it. Racial oppression is a crutch. An excuse. You feel hateful about someone or some thing and you use this imaginary oppression as an excuse to be an asshole. There has been no racial oppression in most of the United States since not long after the Civil Rights struggle began. Most of that changed in the 60s and 70s. In 74' most minorities couldn't hold a rating in the Navy in anything but cook and storekeeper. Now they can enter any job classification they qualify for. I wasn't in the Army back then so I can't say if it was any different.

I've seen the race riots in the 60s and the 90s. The 60s they had a beef. Busloads of blacks going around burning shit up because of oppression from Jim Crow laws, and the trigger was the assassination of MLK. In the 90s the L.A. riots were all about ripping people off. They just used Rodney King as an excuse.

I disagree that it is racist on the grounds that i dont believe that there is a inherent difference in the different groups of people. Your wife is correct about the crab syndrome. Its another manifestation of being programmed by our society just like the uncle tom syndrome. Maybe you dont get the fact that if you are not white why are you trying to placate or become part of white society? Its ok that we are different in that regard but people should be respected for their differences unless they transgress on another persons rights. My experience is going to be vastly different from 99.9% of white people so they cant possibly know where I am coming from. I understand and except that and try to find common ground when dealing with other groups. There are other things that cannot presently be scientifically explained and I use the term "genetic memory" to explain stuff I have in common with other black people that can be expressed with a look or phrase of wording. Ask your wife about that one and she'll most likely know exactly what i am talking about.

Regarding racial oppression you dont seem to know what you are talking about but thats ok. Its still here and alive. its not an excuse its a fact and not one I let stop me in any way. However, that doesnt mean it doesnt exist.

I feel as if I still have a beef but i dont dwell on it like you seem to think I do. I deal with it when the situation warrants.

I agree with you on some things and not on others. Oppression in America is basically how you react to people. If you go around with your feelings out there for someone to hurt they're probably going to. It doesn't matter what race you are, if you can't interact with people one on one you're going to have problems. Everyone has prejudices, it's up to you to break through them. Most of what I see is stereotypical nonsense that is fed to kids from birth. It's not genetic. Being black doesn't have to mean acting a specific way or liking a particular type of music.

Most of the oppression in America where blacks are concerned is from other blacks. First of all oppression in America is more a state of mind than a reality. Oppression isn't usually giving people food-stamps and Obamaphones, Section 8, or Affirmative-action. These days the oppressed are slowly becoming the oppressors. Who is currently the most oppressed in America today? Well, if you're talking government sponsored oppression it's white males. Everyone else seems to have preferential treatment. Gays, women, blacks, Hispanics, everyone except Koreans. (Just joking) The biggest problem in America is drugs and alcohol.

My nephew's Daddy is first generation Somali. He was also Muslim. He was also a bigamist. If you want to know why Somalia is so messed up it's because everyone pretty much does whatever the hell they want. They have no father figures, no direction. Only a bunch of local tribes, and the biggest tribe usually gets their way. Compare the way people are in America to your average Somali in Mogadishu and I think you'll discover that regardless how you feel about it, you're lucky to be here. Over their a good time is getting high on Khat and shooting up the place. The reason so many Somalis are skinny isn't just because of lack of food but chewing that damned Khat. Again, drug abuse.

I have to disagree with your definition of racial oppression. Oppression is a group dynamic not a 1 to 1 scenario. The logic goes "people from this group or category are inferior therefore I am better than everyone from this group". Everything after that either validates that thought or goes against it. It only takes 1 or less validations and it takes a lot of contrary actions to invalidate that thought. I personally dont go around trying to prove people wrong about their already formed prejudices. Who are they for me to prove anything to? its not up to me to break their prejudices because most people do not change their opinion because they want to be right. Its human nature.

i wholeheartedly disagree that any oppression Blacks experience is from other Blacks. That doesn't even make sense so maybe you didnt mean it the way I just took it. We are socialized by what we see and hear. Images are extremely important in socialization. Blacks are predominantly cast in a needy, subservient, or violent light by the media. The media is the major source of the oppression. It is rare you see a an piece praising the 1000's of Black scientist or engineers unless its to take a slap and say one of the most successful "Black or AA" whatever. There is an implied inferiority with those statements that seep into the social consciousness.

Somalia is messed up because of colonization by a European power. It was fine until then. Everything you see is a result of Europeans with their hands out trying to exploit natural resources or gain land. Very similar to the state of the Native Americans, AA, and Mexican Americans in this country. A drug addict is not messed up because they are on drugs. They are messed up because their conditioning leads them to actions that further their drug addiction. When they deal with the reason they take drugs they cease using the drugs.

i have been in Africa before so your assertion that i am luckier to be here is false. Sounds very similar to the rationale of taking Black savages out of the jungle and civilizing them. You either don't know what you are talking about or you visited the wrong country in Africa.
Ah , that's why DeMarquis Elkins is never criticized by good blacks.
Those uncle toms who take the side of the subhumans are simply suffering from self esteem issues.
We now know why your messiah said nothing about the 13 month old subhuman this good decent human cleansed from the earth!!
Anyone who views whites as actual humans is an Uncle Tom.
Got it!

Dont throw your hands up in frustration. If you have a point make it. You should probably stop putting words in my mouth to fit your perception of me. I disagree with everything you said.

You hate subhumans.
Deny the epidemic of anti white race crime.
You are a racist.

Haters gotta hate!!

Paul you are going into full meltdown mode. Get yourself together or I will have to stop attempting to have an intelligent conversation with you.
Me and Carson are both of African heritage that is apparent in our physical appearance. Carson playing uncle tom to curry favor is something I despise in any Black man. Its weak and an sorry expression of his inferiority complex. The POTUS being tough has nothing to do with it. You definitely are tough if you can get elected to POTUS so thats not even a debate. I rank the POTUS up there as the best president I have seen in my lifetime. He has endured way more criticism and racism disguised as criticism and still is standing. He knows who he is and understands not only whats at stake but the different standards that are going to be applied to him similar to any Black person that has broken a color barrier..

Ah I get it. Conservative black man = Uncle Tom.
Liberal black man = tough.

Ben Carson is so much smarter then obammy it's of the charts.
And the only reason you think obammy is a great president is because he's black.
You're a racist of the highest order.
Be Gone hypocrite!
ok.... how is ben carson smarter then obama ?

Well for starters.....
Ben Carson - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Then you have a guy like obama whos been groomed to be a politicion since early adulthood.

Lets see now..top notch Neurosurgeon vs. Politician?

I'd say it's pretty clear.
Ah I get it. Conservative black man = Uncle Tom.
Liberal black man = tough.

Ben Carson is so much smarter then obammy it's of the charts.
And the only reason you think obammy is a great president is because he's black.
You're a racist of the highest order.
Be Gone hypocrite!
ok.... how is ben carson smarter then obama ?

Well for starters.....
Ben Carson - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Then you have a guy like obama whos been groomed to be a politicion since early adulthood.

Lets see now..top notch Neurosurgeon vs. Politician?

I'd say it's pretty clear.

Its only clear if you think you can measure how smart a man is by what his occupation is. Which then tends to cast doubt on your own intelligence. There is not one drop of proof Carson is smarter than the POTUS.
Race-baiter - Somebody that injects race into situations that race has nothing to do with.

Well I guess I'm not a race baiter then.

Racist - Somebody who feels he knows more about a particular race or feels his race is better than other races. A person who says "It's a black thing......you wouldn't understand".

The bolded part of racist is the only thing that is even close to being the definition. I wouldnt call you a racist because you knew more about white people. I would call you knowledgeable about your ethnicity. Me saying "its a black thing" means you wouldnt understand or you have no clue. Again not even close to being racist.

Opinions are like asshole bud.

If you feel that one black has no right to be critical of another you're a racist. If you label that person an Uncle Tom you're a racist.

I know this is hard to believe but some blacks don't think about race all of the time. Dr Carson is one of them. You are another thing entirely.

Then your opinion smells like one. Trust that Carson wakes up from dreams about race. It probably dominates his thoughts. No self respecting Black person is going to intentionally try and cause damage to another Black person using innuendo if he doesn't have some problems with self esteem caused by racial oppression. Again look up the uncle tom syndrome.

You shouldnt talk down to your betters....
And Dr. Carson is most certainly that in your case.

Why do you want to see that brother fail? Didnt you just say.....

No self respecting Black person is going to intentionally try and cause damage to another Black person using innuendo if he doesn't have some problems with self esteem caused by racial oppression.

Well look in the mirror "brother"!
Your line of bullshit is so easy to dismantle.

I bet your idea of a successful black man is al sharpton.
Nobody likes a militant brother...you should keep that in mind.
ok.... how is ben carson smarter then obama ?

Well for starters.....
Ben Carson - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Then you have a guy like obama whos been groomed to be a politicion since early adulthood.

Lets see now..top notch Neurosurgeon vs. Politician?

I'd say it's pretty clear.

Its only clear if you think you can measure how smart a man is by what his occupation is. Which then tends to cast doubt on your own intelligence. There is not one drop of proof Carson is smarter than the POTUS.

You just keep on pretending. It's what holds your life together apparently.
We could also speak on character. But I'm sure obama can do no wrong in your eyes so it's pointless.
After all....he's a real black right?
You're a traitor to the black race. Seriously...
Opinions are like asshole bud.

If you feel that one black has no right to be critical of another you're a racist. If you label that person an Uncle Tom you're a racist.

I know this is hard to believe but some blacks don't think about race all of the time. Dr Carson is one of them. You are another thing entirely.

Then your opinion smells like one. Trust that Carson wakes up from dreams about race. It probably dominates his thoughts. No self respecting Black person is going to intentionally try and cause damage to another Black person using innuendo if he doesn't have some problems with self esteem caused by racial oppression. Again look up the uncle tom syndrome.

You shouldnt talk down to your betters....
And Dr. Carson is most certainly that in your case.

Why do you want to see that brother fail? Didnt you just say.....

No self respecting Black person is going to intentionally try and cause damage to another Black person using innuendo if he doesn't have some problems with self esteem caused by racial oppression.

Well look in the mirror "brother"!
Your line of bullshit is so easy to dismantle.

I bet your idea of a successful black man is al sharpton.
Nobody likes a militant brother...you should keep that in mind.

I dont have a concept of betters. No is better than me which definitely includes Carson. Where did I say i want to see Carson fail? Whatever it is you think you dismantled is an illusion in your own head. Carson is an uncle tom. Deal with it. My mission is not to be liked. I could care less.
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Well for starters.....
Ben Carson - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Then you have a guy like obama whos been groomed to be a politicion since early adulthood.

Lets see now..top notch Neurosurgeon vs. Politician?

I'd say it's pretty clear.

Its only clear if you think you can measure how smart a man is by what his occupation is. Which then tends to cast doubt on your own intelligence. There is not one drop of proof Carson is smarter than the POTUS.

You just keep on pretending. It's what holds your life together apparently.
We could also speak on character. But I'm sure obama can do no wrong in your eyes so it's pointless.
After all....he's a real black right?
You're a traitor to the black race. Seriously...

Where is your proof Carson is smarter? You dont have any and you look like an ass for saying so. What is it you feel I am pretending? Yes we could speak on character. Without knowing them personally Carson has already displayed a serious lack of it in his actions towards the POTUS. Do you know both of them personally and have some information that would change my opinion?
Then your opinion smells like one. Trust that Carson wakes up from dreams about race. It probably dominates his thoughts. No self respecting Black person is going to intentionally try and cause damage to another Black person using innuendo if he doesn't have some problems with self esteem caused by racial oppression. Again look up the uncle tom syndrome.

You shouldnt talk down to your betters....
And Dr. Carson is most certainly that in your case.

Why do you want to see that brother fail? Didnt you just say.....

No self respecting Black person is going to intentionally try and cause damage to another Black person using innuendo if he doesn't have some problems with self esteem caused by racial oppression.

Well look in the mirror "brother"!
Your line of bullshit is so easy to dismantle.

I bet your idea of a successful black man is al sharpton.
Nobody likes a militant brother...you should keep that in mind.

I dont have a concept of betters. No is better than me which definitely includes Carson. Where did I say i want to see Carson fail? Whatever it is you think you dismantled is an illusion in your own head. Carson is an uncle tom. Deal with it. My mission is not to be liked. I could care less.

Did you provide details of any of the scores of race crimes you allege I have committed?
Just one? Of scores?
How is he an Uncle Tom? Who is he currying favor with? Telling the President of the United States, a guy who happens to be black, that the black community, the same community Obama uses to get his agenda done, is in dire straits, isn't a traitor just because he says it in public. It isn't like the problems in the Black Community are some closed secret only a few people understand and know about.
Its only clear if you think you can measure how smart a man is by what his occupation is. Which then tends to cast doubt on your own intelligence. There is not one drop of proof Carson is smarter than the POTUS.

You just keep on pretending. It's what holds your life together apparently.
We could also speak on character. But I'm sure obama can do no wrong in your eyes so it's pointless.
After all....he's a real black right?
You're a traitor to the black race. Seriously...

Where is your proof Carson is smarter? You dont have any and you look like an ass for saying so. What is it you feel I am pretending? Yes we could speak on character. Without knowing them personally Carson has already displayed a serious lack of it in his actions towards the POTUS. Do you know both of them personally and have some information that would change my opinion?

He criticized obamacare and the low info Obamabots went into meltdown !!

Who does this Medical Doctor think he is telling a president with no healthcare experience about healthcare!!
What the fuck do doctors know about healthcare!!
Only race baiters, rabble rousers , reverend wright types, Al Sharpton types, supporters of terrorism know about healthcare.
OBAMAS pal Bill Ayers is a terrorist, correct?
I hope it's not racist to call a white terrorist a terrorist, or does that make me an Uncle Tom subhuman?
How is he an Uncle Tom? Who is he currying favor with? Telling the President of the United States, a guy who happens to be black, that the black community, the same community Obama uses to get his agenda done, is in dire straits, isn't a traitor just because he says it in public. It isn't like the problems in the Black Community are some closed secret only a few people understand and know about.

Have you been reading my posts? Do you understand what an uncle tom is?
You just keep on pretending. It's what holds your life together apparently.
We could also speak on character. But I'm sure obama can do no wrong in your eyes so it's pointless.
After all....he's a real black right?
You're a traitor to the black race. Seriously...

Where is your proof Carson is smarter? You dont have any and you look like an ass for saying so. What is it you feel I am pretending? Yes we could speak on character. Without knowing them personally Carson has already displayed a serious lack of it in his actions towards the POTUS. Do you know both of them personally and have some information that would change my opinion?

He criticized obamacare and the low info Obamabots went into meltdown !!

Who does this Medical Doctor think he is telling a president with no healthcare experience about healthcare!!
What the fuck do doctors know about healthcare!!
Only race baiters, rabble rousers , reverend wright types, Al Sharpton types, supporters of terrorism know about healthcare.
OBAMAS pal Bill Ayers is a terrorist, correct?
I hope it's not racist to call a white terrorist a terrorist, or does that make me an Uncle Tom subhuman?

Why do you rant and not address the question? :lol: What does that have to do with him being smarter and having more character?
Where is your proof Carson is smarter? You dont have any and you look like an ass for saying so. What is it you feel I am pretending? Yes we could speak on character. Without knowing them personally Carson has already displayed a serious lack of it in his actions towards the POTUS. Do you know both of them personally and have some information that would change my opinion?

He criticized obamacare and the low info Obamabots went into meltdown !!

Who does this Medical Doctor think he is telling a president with no healthcare experience about healthcare!!
What the fuck do doctors know about healthcare!!
Only race baiters, rabble rousers , reverend wright types, Al Sharpton types, supporters of terrorism know about healthcare.
OBAMAS pal Bill Ayers is a terrorist, correct?
I hope it's not racist to call a white terrorist a terrorist, or does that make me an Uncle Tom subhuman?

Why do you rant and not address the question? :lol: What does that have to do with him being smarter and having more character?

I never said he was either.
You race obsessed Obamabots went off at half cock that some mere doctor spoke about healthcare.
Drs should keep their mouths shut about healthcare, they don't know shit about healthcare!!
Now these race crimes you claim I have committed, list them, list one of them?
How is he an Uncle Tom? Who is he currying favor with? Telling the President of the United States, a guy who happens to be black, that the black community, the same community Obama uses to get his agenda done, is in dire straits, isn't a traitor just because he says it in public. It isn't like the problems in the Black Community are some closed secret only a few people understand and know about.

Have you been reading my posts? Do you understand what an uncle tom is?

A person who criticizes another black.
You criticized DeMarquis Elkins.
You must be an Uncle Tom too........
Damn you ranted vitriol at Dr Carson!!
You are a mega sized Uncle Tom!!
He criticized obamacare and the low info Obamabots went into meltdown !!

Who does this Medical Doctor think he is telling a president with no healthcare experience about healthcare!!
What the fuck do doctors know about healthcare!!
Only race baiters, rabble rousers , reverend wright types, Al Sharpton types, supporters of terrorism know about healthcare.
OBAMAS pal Bill Ayers is a terrorist, correct?
I hope it's not racist to call a white terrorist a terrorist, or does that make me an Uncle Tom subhuman?

Why do you rant and not address the question? :lol: What does that have to do with him being smarter and having more character?

I never said he was either.
You race obsessed Obamabots went off at half cock that some mere doctor spoke about healthcare.
Drs should keep their mouths shut about healthcare, they don't know shit about healthcare!!
Now these race crimes you claim I have committed, list them, list one of them?

Why did you respond to my question then? Did you read it or were you just wanting to rant. I clearly asked the poster to prove Carson was smarter and had more character. Are you blind? Try not to mix up your conversation with me and another persons conversation. Its less confusing for all concerned.

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