Dr. Ben Carson Targeted By IRS After Criticizing Obama

What he stated was conjecture tailored to implicate the POTUS. Its irresponsible to allude to the notion that the POTUS was the cause of this in anyway.

I'm a self made man so I have no problem with his political affiliation. I just dont run around slamming other Black people. Carson is typical of the slave the massa gave extra privileges to for putting the other slaves in their place. I dont care where he came from and what he did to get there the point is he is a dancing uncle tom now.

Oh give it a rest, no one is giving Dr. Carson anything. He has plenty, and earned every cent of it.

And that's what seems to irk you, that he is NOT beholding to anyone. He calls Obama as he sees it.

I admire the hell out of the guy. Brains AND balls.

He may not be getting anything monetary but it is satisfying his need for recognition from white society. Look up what Black people mean by the uncle tom syndrome. Its a mental condition. If he disagrees with the POTUS there is no need for him to do it in an irresponsible way.
I had no idea there was a separate ( insert race) society. I always thought it was an "American" society".
I cannot believe that here we are in 2013 and there are those of you using this primitive and inflammatory term...
Grow up. Not everyone has to be the same as you. Not everyone has to think the same as you. Stop the group think.
Ahh yes... Black self hatred.
You use the uncle tom card because Carson is a conservative. He is also an accomplished professional. Two things which radical liberal blacks cannot stand. And neither can the majority of liberals.
Any black person who dares stray "off the reservation" is to be impugned and damaged.
Yeah well, using terms such as "uncle Tom' do nothing but make you appear weak and envious.

Since I am a black person that supposedly strayed off the reservation I would have to disagree with you. Carson being conservative is just another badge he is gleefully showing to white society to say "please accept me". There are plenty of black conservatives that understand the importance of the POTUS being elected and are not irresponsible in their disagreement with the policies of the POTUS.

In other words, you disagree with Dr. Carson and therefore he is fair game for your racist epithets. You're a disgrace.

i disagree that him being an uncle tom. Otherwise he is entitled to his opinion.
Since I am a black person that supposedly strayed off the reservation I would have to disagree with you. Carson being conservative is just another badge he is gleefully showing to white society to say "please accept me". There are plenty of black conservatives that understand the importance of the POTUS being elected and are not irresponsible in their disagreement with the policies of the POTUS.

What does your race have to do with attacking Dr. Carson for HIS race?

And you obviously view Obama as less than previous presidents. It certainly was fine for white people to criticize Bush - yet Obama is too fragile for a black man to criticize?

Sorry, when you go for the top job, you can't use your race as an excuse. Either you're up for the job, or not. With Obama - we know he's not.

And it ain't because he's black - and not completely because he's gay (though I honestly do think that has a huge impact.) It's because Obama as a person is a pampered, sheltered prima donna who never learned to handle adversity or conflict. EVERYTHING has been handed to him on a silver platter, his entire life.

Me and Carson are both of African heritage that is apparent in our physical appearance. Carson playing uncle tom to curry favor is something I despise in any Black man. Its weak and an sorry expression of his inferiority complex. The POTUS being tough has nothing to do with it. You definitely are tough if you can get elected to POTUS so thats not even a debate. I rank the POTUS up there as the best president I have seen in my lifetime. He has endured way more criticism and racism disguised as criticism and still is standing. He knows who he is and understands not only whats at stake but the different standards that are going to be applied to him similar to any Black person that has broken a color barrier..
Since I am a black person that supposedly strayed off the reservation I would have to disagree with you. Carson being conservative is just another badge he is gleefully showing to white society to say "please accept me". There are plenty of black conservatives that understand the importance of the POTUS being elected and are not irresponsible in their disagreement with the policies of the POTUS.

In other words, you disagree with Dr. Carson and therefore he is fair game for your racist epithets. You're a disgrace.

i disagree that him being an uncle tom. Otherwise he is entitled to his opinion.

Racist douche. :fu:
Oh give it a rest, no one is giving Dr. Carson anything. He has plenty, and earned every cent of it.

And that's what seems to irk you, that he is NOT beholding to anyone. He calls Obama as he sees it.

I admire the hell out of the guy. Brains AND balls.

He may not be getting anything monetary but it is satisfying his need for recognition from white society. Look up what Black people mean by the uncle tom syndrome. Its a mental condition. If he disagrees with the POTUS there is no need for him to do it in an irresponsible way.
I had no idea there was a separate ( insert race) society. I always thought it was an "American" society".
I cannot believe that here we are in 2013 and there are those of you using this primitive and inflammatory term...
Grow up. Not everyone has to be the same as you. Not everyone has to think the same as you. Stop the group think.
see guys that's how you post bigoted comments in 2013.
Since I am a black person that supposedly strayed off the reservation I would have to disagree with you. Carson being conservative is just another badge he is gleefully showing to white society to say "please accept me". There are plenty of black conservatives that understand the importance of the POTUS being elected and are not irresponsible in their disagreement with the policies of the POTUS.

What does your race have to do with attacking Dr. Carson for HIS race?

And you obviously view Obama as less than previous presidents. It certainly was fine for white people to criticize Bush - yet Obama is too fragile for a black man to criticize?

Sorry, when you go for the top job, you can't use your race as an excuse. Either you're up for the job, or not. With Obama - we know he's not.

And it ain't because he's black - and not completely because he's gay (though I honestly do think that has a huge impact.) It's because Obama as a person is a pampered, sheltered prima donna who never learned to handle adversity or conflict. EVERYTHING has been handed to him on a silver platter, his entire life.

Me and Carson are both of African heritage that is apparent in our physical appearance. Carson playing uncle tom to curry favor is something I despise in any Black man. Its weak and an sorry expression of his inferiority complex. The POTUS being tough has nothing to do with it. You definitely are tough if you can get elected to POTUS so thats not even a debate. I rank the POTUS up there as the best president I have seen in my lifetime. He has endured way more criticism and racism disguised as criticism and still is standing. He knows who he is and understands not only whats at stake but the different standards that are going to be applied to him similar to any Black person that has broken a color barrier..

Ah I get it. Conservative black man = Uncle Tom.
Liberal black man = tough.

Ben Carson is so much smarter then obammy it's of the charts.
And the only reason you think obammy is a great president is because he's black.
You're a racist of the highest order.
Be Gone hypocrite!
What does your race have to do with attacking Dr. Carson for HIS race?

And you obviously view Obama as less than previous presidents. It certainly was fine for white people to criticize Bush - yet Obama is too fragile for a black man to criticize?

Sorry, when you go for the top job, you can't use your race as an excuse. Either you're up for the job, or not. With Obama - we know he's not.

And it ain't because he's black - and not completely because he's gay (though I honestly do think that has a huge impact.) It's because Obama as a person is a pampered, sheltered prima donna who never learned to handle adversity or conflict. EVERYTHING has been handed to him on a silver platter, his entire life.

Me and Carson are both of African heritage that is apparent in our physical appearance. Carson playing uncle tom to curry favor is something I despise in any Black man. Its weak and an sorry expression of his inferiority complex. The POTUS being tough has nothing to do with it. You definitely are tough if you can get elected to POTUS so thats not even a debate. I rank the POTUS up there as the best president I have seen in my lifetime. He has endured way more criticism and racism disguised as criticism and still is standing. He knows who he is and understands not only whats at stake but the different standards that are going to be applied to him similar to any Black person that has broken a color barrier..

Ah I get it. Conservative black man = Uncle Tom.
Liberal black man = tough.

Ben Carson is so much smarter then obammy it's of the charts.
And the only reason you think obammy is a great president is because he's black.
You're a racist of the highest order.
Be Gone hypocrite!
ok.... how is ben carson smarter then obama ?
Hoo Noo is not a Chinese politician!

Hoo Noo that in electing Obama you were actually re-electing Nixon?
Oh give it a rest, no one is giving Dr. Carson anything. He has plenty, and earned every cent of it.

And that's what seems to irk you, that he is NOT beholding to anyone. He calls Obama as he sees it.

I admire the hell out of the guy. Brains AND balls.

He may not be getting anything monetary but it is satisfying his need for recognition from white society. Look up what Black people mean by the uncle tom syndrome. Its a mental condition. If he disagrees with the POTUS there is no need for him to do it in an irresponsible way.
I had no idea there was a separate ( insert race) society. I always thought it was an "American" society".
I cannot believe that here we are in 2013 and there are those of you using this primitive and inflammatory term...
Grow up. Not everyone has to be the same as you. Not everyone has to think the same as you. Stop the group think.

Dont insert race unless I say race. Dont take liberties with what I am saying. Stick to my words. if I make a mistake and you call it out I will acknowledge it and correct myself.
What does your race have to do with attacking Dr. Carson for HIS race?

And you obviously view Obama as less than previous presidents. It certainly was fine for white people to criticize Bush - yet Obama is too fragile for a black man to criticize?

Sorry, when you go for the top job, you can't use your race as an excuse. Either you're up for the job, or not. With Obama - we know he's not.

And it ain't because he's black - and not completely because he's gay (though I honestly do think that has a huge impact.) It's because Obama as a person is a pampered, sheltered prima donna who never learned to handle adversity or conflict. EVERYTHING has been handed to him on a silver platter, his entire life.

Me and Carson are both of African heritage that is apparent in our physical appearance. Carson playing uncle tom to curry favor is something I despise in any Black man. Its weak and an sorry expression of his inferiority complex. The POTUS being tough has nothing to do with it. You definitely are tough if you can get elected to POTUS so thats not even a debate. I rank the POTUS up there as the best president I have seen in my lifetime. He has endured way more criticism and racism disguised as criticism and still is standing. He knows who he is and understands not only whats at stake but the different standards that are going to be applied to him similar to any Black person that has broken a color barrier..

Ah I get it. Conservative black man = Uncle Tom.
Liberal black man = tough.

Ben Carson is so much smarter then obammy it's of the charts.
And the only reason you think obammy is a great president is because he's black.
You're a racist of the highest order.
Be Gone hypocrite!

Evidently you dont get it.

Uncle tom = any black man that criticizes another Black man looking to score points with his white handlers.

If Carson was so much smarter then he should have run for POTUS. Since he didnt have the gonads then he should be quiet.
Me and Carson are both of African heritage that is apparent in our physical appearance. Carson playing uncle tom to curry favor is something I despise in any Black man. Its weak and an sorry expression of his inferiority complex. The POTUS being tough has nothing to do with it. You definitely are tough if you can get elected to POTUS so thats not even a debate. I rank the POTUS up there as the best president I have seen in my lifetime. He has endured way more criticism and racism disguised as criticism and still is standing. He knows who he is and understands not only whats at stake but the different standards that are going to be applied to him similar to any Black person that has broken a color barrier..

Ah I get it. Conservative black man = Uncle Tom.
Liberal black man = tough.

Ben Carson is so much smarter then obammy it's of the charts.
And the only reason you think obammy is a great president is because he's black.
You're a racist of the highest order.
Be Gone hypocrite!

Evidently you dont get it.

Uncle tom = any black man that criticizes another Black man looking to score points with his white handlers.

If Carson was so much smarter then he should have run for POTUS. Since he didnt have the gonads then he should be quiet.

Racist douchebag.
Ah I get it. Conservative black man = Uncle Tom.
Liberal black man = tough.

Ben Carson is so much smarter then obammy it's of the charts.
And the only reason you think obammy is a great president is because he's black.
You're a racist of the highest order.
Be Gone hypocrite!

Evidently you dont get it.

Uncle tom = any black man that criticizes another Black man looking to score points with his white handlers.

If Carson was so much smarter then he should have run for POTUS. Since he didnt have the gonads then he should be quiet.

Racist douchebag.

Thats exactly what I would say if I had nothing intelligent to contribute.
Me and Carson are both of African heritage that is apparent in our physical appearance. Carson playing uncle tom to curry favor is something I despise in any Black man. Its weak and an sorry expression of his inferiority complex. The POTUS being tough has nothing to do with it. You definitely are tough if you can get elected to POTUS so thats not even a debate. I rank the POTUS up there as the best president I have seen in my lifetime. He has endured way more criticism and racism disguised as criticism and still is standing. He knows who he is and understands not only whats at stake but the different standards that are going to be applied to him similar to any Black person that has broken a color barrier..

Ah I get it. Conservative black man = Uncle Tom.
Liberal black man = tough.

Ben Carson is so much smarter then obammy it's of the charts.
And the only reason you think obammy is a great president is because he's black.
You're a racist of the highest order.
Be Gone hypocrite!

Evidently you dont get it.

Uncle tom = any black man that criticizes another Black man looking to score points with his white handlers.

If Carson was so much smarter then he should have run for POTUS. Since he didnt have the gonads then he should be quiet.

Maybe he had the good sense not to run.

Just FYI:

Race-baiter - Somebody that injects race into situations that race has nothing to do with.

Racist - Somebody who feels he knows more about a particular race or feels his race is better than other races. A person who says "It's a black thing......you wouldn't understand".
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