Dr. Ben Carson Targeted By IRS After Criticizing Obama

There was no proof that anyone in the White House ordered the abuses at Abu Gharab yet the left feels they had the right to make accusations.

But when the evidence is clear in this case that something shady is going on we need a sworn statement from the President that he ordered the IRS to target Dr Carson.

Not exactly fair, or honest, is it?

Surely you dont expect fair or honest from a democrat.
Most of em deserve lead poisoning traveling at around three thousand fps.

That's why they hate guns.
why is it you asshats tell yourself that lie? dems like guns just as much as repubs.. the difference is dems have learned the one shot one kill rule..
LongLaugher; You probably think Obama wasn't lying when he said he's bent over backwards to work with the GOP.

Anyone who's been paying attention knows that's a lie.

The Dems refuse to negotiate yet they accuse the Repugs of being hostage takers, arsonists, terrorists, holding a gun to the heads of the American people. This kind of conduct is irresponsible and inflammatory. The Dems wanted the shutdown and they feel that anything they do will be ignored. This is why nothing that happens surprises me, including this story of harassment.

Since I have been paying attention, I know that he has. He's compromised and capitulated on several issues. He's been met with dense obstruction.

This does not mean that you are not lying about your audit.

That's a double negative.

That means the same as calling me a liar.

The only bending Obama's done is when lines up a putt. You only listen to his speeches. You aren't aware of his actions and they don't match.

The only reason you think he's compromised is because your news sources tell you that just allowing the Repugs to stay in office is compromise enough.

He just barely tolerates them and that is a compromise. You want the GOP to end a very violent death, so the fact that they're still alive means that Obama compromised.
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There was no proof that anyone in the White House ordered the abuses at Abu Gharab yet the left feels they had the right to make accusations.

But when the evidence is clear in this case that something shady is going on we need a sworn statement from the President that he ordered the IRS to target Dr Carson.

Not exactly fair, or honest, is it?

Surely you dont expect fair or honest from a democrat.
Most of em deserve lead poisoning traveling at around three thousand fps.
that's right! shooting solves everything.the fun will start when you shoot each other over who's the most american.

When the shooting does start it's comforting to know all the libs will be unarmed.
Like shooting fish in a barrel ....
Surely you dont expect fair or honest from a democrat.
Most of em deserve lead poisoning traveling at around three thousand fps.
that's right! shooting solves everything.the fun will start when you shoot each other over who's the most american.

When the shooting does start it's comforting to know all the libs will be unarmed.
Like shooting fish in a barrel ....
you can always dream...
[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PFb6NU1giRA]Dr. Benjamin Carson's Amazing Speech at the National Prayer Breakfast with Obama Present - YouTube[/ame]
What did Dr Carson talk about when Obama was seated only a few feet from him:

  1. Don't bad-mouth those who disagree with you but use knowledge to win them over
  2. Political Correctness is dangerous and stifles debate
  3. Lawyers don't solve problems, they only want to win
  4. Making excuses means you're not looking for solutions
  5. The tax code is so complex you can't completely comply with it
  6. HSAs are better than socialized medicine
  7. Your success is up to you, not everyone else

I know that Obama was deeply offended because most of Dr Carson's speech was directed at him (sort of "If the shoe fits") and intended to help him gain knowledge, but his ego kept him from learning from someone who was genuine, not the fake that he is.

Obama has this belief that he is the most accomplished black man in the country. Listening to Dr Carson must have made him jealous. Jealousy is a powerful emotion, and when someone who has as much power as Obama does his weakness causes him to want to get even or pay that sucker back for making him jealous and showing him up. A man with a smaller ego would take heed and listen and learn. Not Obama. This is why I literally despise the man. He has no humility.

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GpeVfkvmLkI]Dr. Benjamin Carson: White House Told Me Not to Offend President Obama - YouTube[/ame]
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[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ki4-Dt7wG6I]Dr. Benjamin Carson on White House Warning to Not Offend Obama - Neil Cavuto - 3/4/13 - YouTube[/ame]
why is it you asshats tell yourself that lie? dems like guns just as much as repubs.. the difference is dems have learned the one shot one kill rule.

The simple matter of sobriety means a liberal will almost always outshoot a conservative.

And poor Mud here still has a hilariously inflated sense of his own importance, and that of Dr. Carson.
why is it you asshats tell yourself that lie? dems like guns just as much as repubs.. the difference is dems have learned the one shot one kill rule.

The simple matter of sobriety means a liberal will almost always outshoot a conservative.

And poor Mud here still has a hilariously inflated sense of his own importance, and that of Dr. Carson.

So your political beliefs make you shoot straight?

I always thought that ambient heat, wind direction, effective range of the weapon, proper breathing, zeroing your weapon before hand, squeeze don't jerk the trigger, and distance had something to do with it.

I don't think I'm important. However you obviously think you have something important to say. You rarely do.
Sounds like Carson is in full Uncle Tom, crab mode. Why would he make such an outrageous claim knowing there is no way to prove it?
Sounds like Carson is in full Uncle Tom, crab mode. Why would he make such an outrageous claim knowing there is no way to prove it?

What "claim" do you allege that he needs prove?

Oh, and nice racism there with the "Uncle Tom" shit. You Klan types sure hate it when black people get all uppity and think for themselves and shit.
Sounds like Carson is in full Uncle Tom, crab mode. Why would he make such an outrageous claim knowing there is no way to prove it?

What "claim" do you allege that he needs prove?

Oh, and nice racism there with the "Uncle Tom" shit. You Klan types sure hate it when black people get all uppity and think for themselves and shit.

That he was audited by the IRS in retaliation. That the POTUS is behind it. I dont have a problem with him thinking for himself. I have a problem with him dancing for the racists elements of white society with a smile on his face.
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Sounds like Carson is in full Uncle Tom, crab mode. Why would he make such an outrageous claim knowing there is no way to prove it?

What "claim" do you allege that he needs prove?

Oh, and nice racism there with the "Uncle Tom" shit. You Klan types sure hate it when black people get all uppity and think for themselves and shit.
why would a clansmen use a PIC OF MALCOLM X AS THEIR AVATAR?

did it ever cross your miniscule mind that Asclepias might be african american?

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