Dr. Ben Carson Targeted By IRS After Criticizing Obama

Not at all....I am following your OP; nothing more, nothing less....:itsok:

We can both say objectively that you're not just following it but trying to influence it.

I am asking you for proof supporting your position. You have not provided such.

Maybe he was targeted, maybe he was not..I do not know...but more importantly neither do you.....:dunno:

There's alot we don't know.

Is their air? We can't tell, but we know the effects of it regardless if anyone proves it exists, we still can't see it.

Can we prove that Obama got Bin Laden? No.

Can we prove that Bush lied about WMDs? No.

Can we prove the world is round? Well, we have to take NASA's word for that. But I want to see proof God Dammit or the world is flat!!!!

Being awake and paying attention would make anyone rational realize that the possibilities are great. There is air? Probably. Is the world round? Most likely. Obama did get Bin Laden? He gave the order, but the conditions are still up in the air. Did Saddam have WMDs? Yes. Bush ether lied or was deceptive about WMDs, or just couldn't outsmart the Russians. And the preponderance of evidence shows that it is highly likely that the IRS targeted Dr Carson. Absolutism on your part doesn't negate that fact.
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ok which one of you "patriots" will be the first to not use the aca when you lose your job or get injured?

Okay, which of your fascist democrats will be the first not to use the IRS to attack when you have a political enemy?

Hmmm, diddling daws?

I love it when you make shit up..since I'm not a politician and cannot order the IRS to attack anybody, your halfwitticism is meaninless .
I had a business with a Western Union account. 4-6 months after he took office the IRS sent a couple of agents to go through my records. They found nothing. They asked my wife questions about Obama, which I felt was inappropriate. I must note that both IRS officials were black. It didn't hurt that my wife is black as well. During the audit they closed down my business. They made copies of every file I had, not just the Western Union files. Every single file.

6 months ago they sent us a notice that we were being audited again. We sent back a letter stating that the business had been closed for over a year and a half. They said prove it. So we proved it. We haven't heard back from them.
i'm just going to say it. you're a liar

What could you have possibly needed to edit in a nine word sentence?
It most definitely wasn't correcting the lack of capital letters.
I'm just going to say it....you sir are a moron.
I had a business with a Western Union account. 4-6 months after he took office the IRS sent a couple of agents to go through my records. They found nothing. They asked my wife questions about Obama, which I felt was inappropriate. I must note that both IRS officials were black. It didn't hurt that my wife is black as well. During the audit they closed down my business. They made copies of every file I had, not just the Western Union files. Every single file.

6 months ago they sent us a notice that we were being audited again. We sent back a letter stating that the business had been closed for over a year and a half. They said prove it. So we proved it. We haven't heard back from them.
i'm just going to say it. you're a liar

What could you have possibly needed to edit in a nine word sentence?
It most definitely wasn't correcting the lack of capital letters.
I'm just going to say it....you sir are a moron.

if you must know i took out a bunch of the previous quotes. figured it was easier to read that way.

also, you're missing commas if we're going to go all grammar nazi on each other.
i'm just going to say it. you're a liar

What could you have possibly needed to edit in a nine word sentence?
It most definitely wasn't correcting the lack of capital letters.
I'm just going to say it....you sir are a moron.

if you must know i took out a bunch of the previous quotes. figured it was easier to read that way.

also, you're missing commas if we're going to go all grammar nazi on each other.

I thought it fit nicely considering you think it's OK to go around calling someone a liar with zero evidence to back it up.
scraped the bottom for that one did we?

Scraped the bottom and came up with daws...

there is no need for me to argue convincingly that you have major issues .
your posts do an excellent job of that.

daws, you're a mindless hack. You rarely post anything remotely resembling substance, and when you do - is just a rehash of the idiocy on DailyKOS.....

BlindBoo, Rdean, Shallow, daws.... The "brain trust" of the far left....
LongLaugher; You probably think Obama wasn't lying when he said he's bent over backwards to work with the GOP.

Anyone who's been paying attention knows that's a lie.

The Dems refuse to negotiate yet they accuse the Repugs of being hostage takers, arsonists, terrorists, holding a gun to the heads of the American people. This kind of conduct is irresponsible and inflammatory. The Dems wanted the shutdown and they feel that anything they do will be ignored. This is why nothing that happens surprises me, including this story of harassment.

Since I have been paying attention, I know that he has. He's compromised and capitulated on several issues. He's been met with dense obstruction.

This does not mean that you are not lying about your audit.
scraped the bottom for that one did we?

Scraped the bottom and came up with daws...

there is no need for me to argue convincingly that you have major issues .
your posts do an excellent job of that.

daws, you're a mindless hack. You rarely post anything remotely resembling substance, and when you do - is just a rehash of the idiocy on DailyKOS.....

BlindBoo, Rdean, Shallow, daws.... The "brain trust" of the far left....
your lack of originality proves my point.
if only you were half as witty as you wish you were.
I say he may have been audited. But it was not because of anything he said.
And you know this for a fact?

So every conservative in America who has ever said anything negative about the President and then at some later date was audited,

was audited because of what he or she said?

Can you prove that?

Within a few months Dr Carson was audited.

Not some later date.

Just long enough to provide plausible-deniability.
There was no proof that anyone in the White House ordered the abuses at Abu Gharab yet the left feels they had the right to make accusations.

But when the evidence is clear in this case that something shady is going on we need a sworn statement from the President that he ordered the IRS to target Dr Carson.

Not exactly fair, or honest, is it?
There was no proof that anyone in the White House ordered the abuses at Abu Gharab yet the left feels they had the right to make accusations.

But when the evidence is clear in this case that something shady is going on we need a sworn statement from the President that he ordered the IRS to target Dr Carson.

Not exactly fair, or honest, is it?

Surely you dont expect fair or honest from a democrat.
Most of em deserve lead poisoning traveling at around three thousand fps.
There was no proof that anyone in the White House ordered the abuses at Abu Gharab yet the left feels they had the right to make accusations.

But when the evidence is clear in this case that something shady is going on we need a sworn statement from the President that he ordered the IRS to target Dr Carson.

Not exactly fair, or honest, is it?

Surely you dont expect fair or honest from a democrat.
Most of em deserve lead poisoning traveling at around three thousand fps.

That's why they hate guns.
There was no proof that anyone in the White House ordered the abuses at Abu Gharab yet the left feels they had the right to make accusations.

But when the evidence is clear in this case that something shady is going on we need a sworn statement from the President that he ordered the IRS to target Dr Carson.

Not exactly fair, or honest, is it?

Surely you dont expect fair or honest from a democrat.
Most of em deserve lead poisoning traveling at around three thousand fps.
that's right! shooting solves everything.the fun will start when you shoot each other over who's the most american.

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