Dr. Ben Carson Targeted By IRS After Criticizing Obama

Thanks, this is all you needed to say. Again, until I see something that is probative of your position it is all conjecture and supposition.

You're showing your bias. You edited my post to fit your bias.

You have to take what he said in it's total context or you're lying to yourself.

I took the salient part of you post which shows that your position is no more than conjecture and speculation based upon the target of the audit. That is called selectively quoting. To me this is about an issue and facts, nothing more. The issue stands, the facts to support your position are absent.

Using only one part of a sentence and intentionally removing the context is dishonest.

You removed the real meaning by editing my statement. The purpose of the story was to show that the IRS targeted Dr Carson and you searched for something, anything, to prove he's wrong. His admission that "It could have been coincidence" is just Dr Carson trying to be fair and non-biased, and only shows his inherent objectivity. You require absolute proof and never want to put 2 and 2 together. In police work this is called probable cause. You also overlooked this statement in the article:

Asked whether he thought the audit was a retaliation for his speech, Dr. Carson quipped: “I guess I’m surprised it took them that long.”

Fact is, there will never be any real proof that Obama is doing what he's doing because it's not really him doing it, but the people that he hired to do it. He really only gives the orders or expects people to carry out his wishes, but he is or should be responsible for the actions of his administration. In this case the evidence shows it is highly likely that Dr Carson was targeted for speaking out. It wouldn't be the first time this has happened to a critic. Taken into account the spying by the NSA, Eric Holder illegally wire-tapping journalists, and the IRS doing pretty much the same exact thing to others, it doesn't take much to put 2 and 2 together,.......unless you're choosing not to do so.
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Personally what you think doesn't really matter much to me. You made your choices based on your environment. If you want to believe Obama, nothing I can say can change that. You have to ignore a lot of bull shit to maintain that, but then all you have to do is tune into one of his state run media outlets and whenever you begin to doubt him they help you remove any doubt.

Everyone could tell you that they personally went to the Obamacare sites and couldn't believe the huge price increases and all you need is one person saying that they got a 100% decrease and that's what you would believe whether it's true or not. Obama has some paid non-government posters on this site. Greenbeard is probably one of them. Cass Sunstein, his former regulation czar, is on record stating the need for paid non-government experts on message boards.

Did you discuss your audit here before? Or...is this the first time you have mentioned it?

Several times. I discussed it when it happened. I believe it was May of 09'.

You did not get here until July of 09'

I searched. I could not find you discussing your audit.

You said they found nothing wrong. What reason did they give you for shutting your business down?
Did you discuss your audit here before? Or...is this the first time you have mentioned it?

Several times. I discussed it when it happened. I believe it was May of 09'.

You did not get here until July of 09'

I searched. I could not find you discussing your audit.

You said they found nothing wrong. What reason did they give you for shutting your business down?

Give or take a month. Could have been 6 months. It's been awhile. 4 years as previously stated. It was around the time I joined.

They wouldn't allow me to conduct business during the audit.

And doing a search might take quite awhile so knock yourself out. I mentioned several times that I was audited.
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I'm not going to dig up my records just to prove something to you.

I'm sure you want to say I'm making it all up, even if I post them online.

Feel free though.

What happened to me has little or no bearing on what Dr Carson said.
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Honestly, I don't think most liberals will believe anything that's happening unless every left leaning biased news outlet starts broadcasting the story without any opinion one way or another.

Figure the odds on that ever happening.
I do not believe that you were audited by IRS agents who asked you questions about President Obama. That is bullshit. You are asking people to believe utter bullshit.
I hope Carson decides to run for President... he'll win 55, 56 States

He could run on a platform of ending the corruption.

"My Fellow Americans, are you tired of Presidents who sell guns to Mexican drug lords? Who supplies arms to Al Qaeda and the Muslim Brotherhood? Who uses the IRS to attack and harass political enemies?

Do you want to return to honest government? Then vote Ben Carson, to roll back the corruption of the criminal regime of Barack Obama and return to Constitutional government."
I do not believe that you were audited by IRS agents who asked you questions about President Obama. That is bullshit. You are asking people to believe utter bullshit.


They asked my wife what she thought about Obama and she said she felt he didn't have the experience to be president. They didn't seem to mind hearing that. She didn't mention the fact that she feels he's a liar and that she can't stand looking at him much less listening to him. That would have gone over like a fart in an elevator.

She doesn't like to discuss her politics with anyone, so they brought it up. She felt it was a bit strange if not inappropriate.
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What's funniest is that the Foxnews link says Carson says he was targeted by the IRS,

and then you read the story,

and Carson never says that:

When asked directly by O’Reilly if he was targeted because of his anti-Obama stance, Carson responded, “Well, whether that was the case or not, the fundamental issue here is that the freedom of our citizens is being threatened.”


...I would never said that, but I'm sure I can depend on Fox to say that I said that...

Enemies of the criminal Obama regime magically find themselves audited - it's just a coincidence...

{“TIGTA concluded that inappropriate criteria were used to identify potential political cases for extra scrutiny — specifically, the criteria listed in our audit report. From our audit work, we did not find evidence that the criteria you identified, labeled “Progressives,” were used by the IRS to select potential political cases during the 2010 to 2012 time frame we audited,” Mr. George said.}

IRS auditor reaffirms that conservatives, not liberals, were targeted - Washington Times

I saw this last night on Bill O'Reilly. Dr Ben Carson was talking about being audited since he spoke in front of Obama during this year's prayer breakfast. He said they told him "We're going to get to the bottom of this".

I guess Obama objected to some of his ideas. Dr Carson said this is a breech of our freedom of speech and the president is directly implemented in it.

IRS targeted Dr. Ben Carson after Prayer Breakfast speech

By John Solomon


The Washington Times

Thursday, October 3, 2013


Just months after he gave a speech earlier this year that challenged America’s leadership in President Obama’s presence, Dr. Ben Carson was targeted by IRS agents who requested to review his real estate holdings and then conducted a full audit without finding any wrongdoing.

“I guess it could be a coincidence, but I never had been audited before and never really had any encounters with the IRS,” Dr. Carson said in an interview Thursday with The Washington Times. “But it certainly would make one suspicious because we know now the IRS has been used for political purposes and therefore actions like this come under suspicion.”

Dr. Carson is a world-renown neurosurgeon whose rise from poverty and a single family home, and his medical work with pediatric patients was celebrated in a movie called “Gifted Hands.”

He has electrified the conservative world with speeches and columns since his February National Prayer Breakfast speech in front of Mr. Obama, in which he decried the “moral decay and fiscal irresponsibility” of America in recent years. He writes a weekly column for The Times.

Dr. Carson first hinted at the problem earlier this week during a speech in Alabama when he made a vague reference to having his first “encounter with the IRS” earlier this year.

Dr. Carson told The Times that IRS agents contacted him in June — less than four months after the speech — and requested to review his real estate holdings. After finding nothing that concerned them, the agents then informed him they were conducting a full audit of his finances, and then asked to go back an additional year to review his records, he said.

They finally ended the review in August after finding no problems, Dr. Carson said.

“They told me everything was in good standing and left,” he said.

Asked whether he thought the audit was a retaliation for his speech, Dr. Carson quipped: “I guess I’m surprised it took them that long.”

He said the more serious issue is that the IRS has been politicized — “something that should never have happened” — and that leaves all of its activities open to suspicion.

Read more: IRS targeted Dr. Ben Carson after Prayer Breakfast speech - Washington Times
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He must have taken Obama's prayer rug or something. :lol:
LongLaugher; You probably think Obama wasn't lying when he said he's bent over backwards to work with the GOP.

Anyone who's been paying attention knows that's a lie.

The Dems refuse to negotiate yet they accuse the Repugs of being hostage takers, arsonists, terrorists, holding a gun to the heads of the American people. This kind of conduct is irresponsible and inflammatory. The Dems wanted the shutdown and they feel that anything they do will be ignored. This is why nothing that happens surprises me, including this story of harassment.
To democrats anyone that has experienced harassment from this oppressive government is lying. Papa obama loves us all and would never do such things.
They're talking about Dr Carson right now on Fox.

Jordan Sekulow is heading a lawsuit against the federal government for targeting conservative groups and he questioned Dr Carson.

He found that originally the IRS did a limited audit on some real estate he owned, found nothing then expanded it to a full audit for no reason other than a search for wrongdoing with no cause.

You can look it up now.
Honestly, I don't think most liberals will believe anything that's happening unless every left leaning biased news outlet starts broadcasting the story without any opinion one way or another.

Figure the odds on that ever happening.

Honestly, I think they all believe it. And are rushing like cockroaches to defend it, distract from it, cover it up, etc.

I honestly believe, based on the leftists here, that most democrats not only are aware how corrupt their party is, but fully support the corruption. The fear is getting caught.
I do not believe that you were audited by IRS agents who asked you questions about President Obama.

Sure you do, but you're willing to lie, because you hold party above all.

That is bullshit. You are asking people to believe utter bullshit.

You know full fucking well that it's all true. You don't give a shit - or maybe you smile and think how clever your rulers are, but you know fucking well this is all fact.

democrats are the party of corruption - it's why you love them.

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