Dr. Ben Carson Targeted By IRS After Criticizing Obama

The target of the IRS audit, Dr. Carson, states, "it could be a coincidence". I believe his rendition of the facts as he has actual knowledge as to what occurred. Anything else is speculation and conjecture.

It has to be more than just a coincidence. Dr Carson is merely being fair. He says it could be a coincidence but he really doubts it.

You are projecting your bias on the doctor. We have no idea what his intent was or is. He is an interested party that can benefit from any assertion that an elected official has acted in an untoward manner in an effort to discredit or otherwise impact him in a negative manner. I need to see actual proof before I can say conclusively one way or the other what occurred. Once the Dr. utter the word coincidence and then qualified it by claiming the "IRS has been politicized — “something that should never have happened” — and that leaves all of its activities open to suspicion" the whole theory fell into the murky world of speculation.
The target of the IRS audit, Dr. Carson, states, "it could be a coincidence". I believe his rendition of the facts as he has actual knowledge as to what occurred. Anything else is speculation and conjecture.

It has to be more than just a coincidence. Dr Carson is merely being fair. He says it could be a coincidence but he really doubts it.

Obama joked about turning the IRS loose on people (like he thinks it's a laughing matter), the IRS has been caught red-handed doing the same exact thing to Tea Party groups (by their own admission), and there has been no denial from the White House.

Dr Carson is a reputed neurosurgeon with an impeccable reputation. He has no need to lie about this. He has no intention of running for office. He was asked by Fox to comment every once in awhile but he could care less about politics.

And he has much better character than that prick in the Oval Office by far.

I remember the days when the press would go after a president hard just for sneezing. Now they look the other way about everything. That is why I know Obama thinks he can get away with it and does it with impunity. The harassment against Tea Party groups continues unchecked even though they've been caught.

Did the Doc tell you that he could care less about politics?
The target of the IRS audit, Dr. Carson, states, "it could be a coincidence". I believe his rendition of the facts as he has actual knowledge as to what occurred. Anything else is speculation and conjecture.

It has to be more than just a coincidence. Dr Carson is merely being fair. He says it could be a coincidence but he really doubts it.

You are projecting your bias on the doctor. We have no idea what his intent was or is. He is an interested party that can benefit from any assertion that an elected official has acted in an untoward manner in an effort to discredit or otherwise impact him in a negative manner. I need to see actual proof before I can say conclusively one way or the other what occurred. Once the Dr. utter the word coincidence and then qualified it by claiming the "IRS has been politicized — “something that should never have happened” — and that leaves all of its activities open to suspicion" the whole theory fell into the murky world of speculation.

Nope, I'm not. I watched the interview live. He said that it could be a coincidence but then went on to say this was an example of the suppression of freedom of speech. He said that it's strange that all of these years he's never been audited and now all of the sudden the IRS is interested in his finances. He said at first they wanted to look at one aspect of his records but when they found nothing they said they needed to look at other years hoping to find something. When they didn't they said he was clean.

Anyone who's been through an audit is intimidated. Obama was sending a message to him. STFU. Don't speak out and don't voice your opinion openly or we will get you. You may have nothing to hide but we'll still make you feel like a criminal. I've been through this harassment personally. It's not fun. If you have a business they can barge in, close your business, and spend days making copies of all of your files using your paper and your copier. I gave them 10 boxes of receipts and got back only 3. They threw the rest away.

Phil Valentine, a conservative talk-radio host here in Nashville has been getting the same treatment only it seems like it's never ending. Every time he gives them documents for one year they find nothing and ask for more. Tea Party groups hoping to gain tax-free status got the same runaround. Sean Hannity, Rush Limbaugh, you name the personality, they're all getting the same bull shit. It criminal. Bill O'Reilly has been audited. He didn't say how many times under Obama. He said during the Clinton years they audited him 3 times and he said to the IRS "If you do it one more time I'm suing your balls off". So they stopped.

Every conservative personality or anyone who speaks out against Obama gets it. It's been done before and Obama is just taking it to a new low level.

I'm sure if you bothered to take the time to find proof this is happening you could. I seriously don't think you're interested. So it's just rumors to you. As long as the mainstreamers aren't reporting it it's simply a conspiracy.
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It has to be more than just a coincidence. Dr Carson is merely being fair. He says it could be a coincidence but he really doubts it.

You are projecting your bias on the doctor. We have no idea what his intent was or is. He is an interested party that can benefit from any assertion that an elected official has acted in an untoward manner in an effort to discredit or otherwise impact him in a negative manner. I need to see actual proof before I can say conclusively one way or the other what occurred. Once the Dr. utter the word coincidence and then qualified it by claiming the "IRS has been politicized — “something that should never have happened” — and that leaves all of its activities open to suspicion" the whole theory fell into the murky world of speculation.

Nope, I'm not. I watched the interview live. He said that it could be a coincidence but then went on to say this was an example of the suppression of freedom of speech. He said that it's strange that all of these years he's never been audited and now all of the sudden the IRS is interested in his finances. He said at first they wanted to look at one aspect of his records but when they found nothing they said they needed to look at other years hoping to find something. When they didn't they said he was clean.

Anyone who's been through an audit is intimidated. Obama was sending a message to him. STFU. Don't speak out and don't voice your opinion openly or we will get you. You may have nothing to hide but we'll still make you feel like a criminal. I've been through this harassment personally. It's not fun. If you have a business they can barge in, close your business, and spend days making copies of all of your files using your paper and your copier. I gave them 10 boxes of receipts and got back only 3. They threw the rest away.

Phil Valentine, a conservative talk-radio host here in Nashville has been getting the same treatment only it seems like it's never ending. Every time he gives them documents for one year they find nothing and ask for more. Tea Party groups hoping to gain tax-free status got the same runaround. Sean Hannity, Rush Limbaugh, you name the personality, they're all getting the same bull shit. It criminal. Bill O'Reilly has been audited. He didn't say how many times under Obama. He said during the Clinton years they audited him 3 times and he said to the IRS "If you do it one more time I'm suing your balls off". So they stopped.

Every conservative personality or anyone who speaks out against Obama gets it. It's been done before and Obama is just taking it to a new low level.

I'm sure if you bothered to take the time to find proof this is happening you could. I seriously don't think you're interested. So it's just rumors to you. As long as the mainstreamers aren't reporting it it's simply a conspiracy.

Why don't you provide the proof? You are making the claims. Is it just rumors to you?

And....wht did you say that caused Obama to audit you?
It has to be more than just a coincidence. Dr Carson is merely being fair. He says it could be a coincidence but he really doubts it.

You are projecting your bias on the doctor. We have no idea what his intent was or is. He is an interested party that can benefit from any assertion that an elected official has acted in an untoward manner in an effort to discredit or otherwise impact him in a negative manner. I need to see actual proof before I can say conclusively one way or the other what occurred. Once the Dr. utter the word coincidence and then qualified it by claiming the "IRS has been politicized — “something that should never have happened” — and that leaves all of its activities open to suspicion" the whole theory fell into the murky world of speculation.

Nope, I'm not. I watched the interview live. He said that it could be a coincidence .

Thanks, this is all you needed to say. Again, until I see something that is probative of your position it is all conjecture and supposition.
The target of the IRS audit, Dr. Carson, states, "it could be a coincidence". I believe his rendition of the facts as he has actual knowledge as to what occurred. Anything else is speculation and conjecture.

It has to be more than just a coincidence. Dr Carson is merely being fair. He says it could be a coincidence but he really doubts it.

Obama joked about turning the IRS loose on people (like he thinks it's a laughing matter), the IRS has been caught red-handed doing the same exact thing to Tea Party groups (by their own admission), and there has been no denial from the White House.

Dr Carson is a reputed neurosurgeon with an impeccable reputation. He has no need to lie about this. He has no intention of running for office. He was asked by Fox to comment every once in awhile but he could care less about politics.

And he has much better character than that prick in the Oval Office by far.

I remember the days when the press would go after a president hard just for sneezing. Now they look the other way about everything. That is why I know Obama thinks he can get away with it and does it with impunity. The harassment against Tea Party groups continues unchecked even though they've been caught.

Did the Doc tell you that he could care less about politics?

He didn't tell me. He said on Hannity that he's not interested in politics when Hannity asked him if he planned on running for office.

Dr Carson is a prime example of how to do it right. He started out worse off than Obama. He had no father around and a mother had so little education that she couldn't read. Like most kids in his circumstance he figured he had no future.

He didn't have any rich grandparents putting him through the best prep schools in the country like Obama. He lived in abject poverty yet he made something of himself. One thing that his mother taught him is if you're constantly making excuses you're not really looking for solutions. I guess Obama didn't like that message.
You are projecting your bias on the doctor. We have no idea what his intent was or is. He is an interested party that can benefit from any assertion that an elected official has acted in an untoward manner in an effort to discredit or otherwise impact him in a negative manner. I need to see actual proof before I can say conclusively one way or the other what occurred. Once the Dr. utter the word coincidence and then qualified it by claiming the "IRS has been politicized — “something that should never have happened” — and that leaves all of its activities open to suspicion" the whole theory fell into the murky world of speculation.

Nope, I'm not. I watched the interview live. He said that it could be a coincidence .

Thanks, this is all you needed to say. Again, until I see something that is probative of your position it is all conjecture and supposition.

You're showing your bias. You edited my post to fit your bias.

You have to take what he said in it's total context or you're lying to yourself.
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You are projecting your bias on the doctor. We have no idea what his intent was or is. He is an interested party that can benefit from any assertion that an elected official has acted in an untoward manner in an effort to discredit or otherwise impact him in a negative manner. I need to see actual proof before I can say conclusively one way or the other what occurred. Once the Dr. utter the word coincidence and then qualified it by claiming the "IRS has been politicized — “something that should never have happened” — and that leaves all of its activities open to suspicion" the whole theory fell into the murky world of speculation.

Nope, I'm not. I watched the interview live. He said that it could be a coincidence but then went on to say this was an example of the suppression of freedom of speech. He said that it's strange that all of these years he's never been audited and now all of the sudden the IRS is interested in his finances. He said at first they wanted to look at one aspect of his records but when they found nothing they said they needed to look at other years hoping to find something. When they didn't they said he was clean.

Anyone who's been through an audit is intimidated. Obama was sending a message to him. STFU. Don't speak out and don't voice your opinion openly or we will get you. You may have nothing to hide but we'll still make you feel like a criminal. I've been through this harassment personally. It's not fun. If you have a business they can barge in, close your business, and spend days making copies of all of your files using your paper and your copier. I gave them 10 boxes of receipts and got back only 3. They threw the rest away.

Phil Valentine, a conservative talk-radio host here in Nashville has been getting the same treatment only it seems like it's never ending. Every time he gives them documents for one year they find nothing and ask for more. Tea Party groups hoping to gain tax-free status got the same runaround. Sean Hannity, Rush Limbaugh, you name the personality, they're all getting the same bull shit. It criminal. Bill O'Reilly has been audited. He didn't say how many times under Obama. He said during the Clinton years they audited him 3 times and he said to the IRS "If you do it one more time I'm suing your balls off". So they stopped.

Every conservative personality or anyone who speaks out against Obama gets it. It's been done before and Obama is just taking it to a new low level.

I'm sure if you bothered to take the time to find proof this is happening you could. I seriously don't think you're interested. So it's just rumors to you. As long as the mainstreamers aren't reporting it it's simply a conspiracy.

Why don't you provide the proof? You are making the claims. Is it just rumors to you?

And....wht did you say that caused Obama to audit you?

I had a business with a Western Union account. 4-6 months after he took office the IRS sent a couple of agents to go through my records. They found nothing. They asked my wife questions about Obama, which I felt was inappropriate. I must note that both IRS officials were black. It didn't hurt that my wife is black as well. During the audit they closed down my business. They made copies of every file I had, not just the Western Union files. Every single file.

6 months ago they sent us a notice that we were being audited again. We sent back a letter stating that the business had been closed for over a year and a half. They said prove it. So we proved it. We haven't heard back from them.
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Nope, I'm not. I watched the interview live. He said that it could be a coincidence but then went on to say this was an example of the suppression of freedom of speech. He said that it's strange that all of these years he's never been audited and now all of the sudden the IRS is interested in his finances. He said at first they wanted to look at one aspect of his records but when they found nothing they said they needed to look at other years hoping to find something. When they didn't they said he was clean.

Anyone who's been through an audit is intimidated. Obama was sending a message to him. STFU. Don't speak out and don't voice your opinion openly or we will get you. You may have nothing to hide but we'll still make you feel like a criminal. I've been through this harassment personally. It's not fun. If you have a business they can barge in, close your business, and spend days making copies of all of your files using your paper and your copier. I gave them 10 boxes of receipts and got back only 3. They threw the rest away.

Phil Valentine, a conservative talk-radio host here in Nashville has been getting the same treatment only it seems like it's never ending. Every time he gives them documents for one year they find nothing and ask for more. Tea Party groups hoping to gain tax-free status got the same runaround. Sean Hannity, Rush Limbaugh, you name the personality, they're all getting the same bull shit. It criminal. Bill O'Reilly has been audited. He didn't say how many times under Obama. He said during the Clinton years they audited him 3 times and he said to the IRS "If you do it one more time I'm suing your balls off". So they stopped.

Every conservative personality or anyone who speaks out against Obama gets it. It's been done before and Obama is just taking it to a new low level.

I'm sure if you bothered to take the time to find proof this is happening you could. I seriously don't think you're interested. So it's just rumors to you. As long as the mainstreamers aren't reporting it it's simply a conspiracy.

Why don't you provide the proof? You are making the claims. Is it just rumors to you?

And....wht did you say that caused Obama to audit you?

I had a business with a Western Union account. 4 months after he took office the IRS sent a couple of agents to go through my records. They found nothing. They asked my wife questions about Obama, which I felt was inappropriate. I must note that both IRS officials were black. It didn't hurt that my wife is black as well. During the audit they closed down my business. They made copies of every file I had, not just the Western Union files. Every single file.

6 months ago they sent us a notice that we were being audited again. We sent back a letter stating that the business had been closed for over a year and a half. They said prove it. So we proved it. We haven't heard back from them.

Do you expect me to believe that?
Why don't you provide the proof? You are making the claims. Is it just rumors to you?

And....wht did you say that caused Obama to audit you?

I had a business with a Western Union account. 4-6 months after he took office the IRS sent a couple of agents to go through my records. They found nothing. They asked my wife questions about Obama, which I felt was inappropriate. I must note that both IRS officials were black. It didn't hurt that my wife is black as well. During the audit they closed down my business. They made copies of every file I had, not just the Western Union files. Every single file.

6 months ago they sent us a notice that we were being audited again. We sent back a letter stating that the business had been closed for over a year and a half. They said prove it. So we proved it. We haven't heard back from them.

Do you expect me to believe that?

Personally what you think doesn't really matter much to me. You made your choices based on your environment. If you want to believe Obama, nothing I can say can change that. You have to ignore a lot of bull shit to maintain that, but then all you have to do is tune into one of his state run media outlets and whenever you begin to doubt him they help you remove any doubt.

Everyone could tell you that they personally went to the Obamacare sites and couldn't believe the huge price increases and all you need is one person saying that they got a 100% decrease and that's what you would believe whether it's true or not. Obama has some paid non-government posters on this site. Greenbeard is probably one of them. Cass Sunstein, his former regulation czar, is on record stating the need for paid non-government experts on message boards.
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I had a business with a Western Union account. 4 months after he took office the IRS sent a couple of agents to go through my records. They found nothing. They asked my wife questions about Obama, which I felt was inappropriate. I must note that both IRS officials were black. It didn't hurt that my wife is black as well. During the audit they closed down my business. They made copies of every file I had, not just the Western Union files. Every single file.

6 months ago they sent us a notice that we were being audited again. We sent back a letter stating that the business had been closed for over a year and a half. They said prove it. So we proved it. We haven't heard back from them.

Do you expect me to believe that?

Personally what you think doesn't really matter much to me. You made your choices based on your environment. If you want to believe Obama, nothing I can say can change that. You have to ignore a lot of bull shit to maintain that, but then all you have to do is tune into one of his state run media outlets and whenever you begin to doubt him they help you remove any doubt.

Everyone could tell you that they personally went to the Obamacare sites and couldn't believe the huge price increases and all you need is one person saying that they got a 100% decrease and that's what you would believe whether it's true or not. Obama has some paid non-government posters on this site. Greenbeard is probably one of them. Cass Sunstein, his former regulation czar, is on record stating the need for paid non-government experts on message boards.

Did you discuss your audit here before? Or...is this the first time you have mentioned it?
Do you expect me to believe that?

Personally what you think doesn't really matter much to me. You made your choices based on your environment. If you want to believe Obama, nothing I can say can change that. You have to ignore a lot of bull shit to maintain that, but then all you have to do is tune into one of his state run media outlets and whenever you begin to doubt him they help you remove any doubt.

Everyone could tell you that they personally went to the Obamacare sites and couldn't believe the huge price increases and all you need is one person saying that they got a 100% decrease and that's what you would believe whether it's true or not. Obama has some paid non-government posters on this site. Greenbeard is probably one of them. Cass Sunstein, his former regulation czar, is on record stating the need for paid non-government experts on message boards.

Did you discuss your audit here before? Or...is this the first time you have mentioned it?

Several times. I discussed it when it happened. I believe it was May of 09'.
Nope, I'm not. I watched the interview live. He said that it could be a coincidence .

Thanks, this is all you needed to say. Again, until I see something that is probative of your position it is all conjecture and supposition.

You're showing your bias. You edited my post to fit your bias.

You have to take what he said in it's total context or you're lying to yourself.

I took the salient part of you post which shows that your position is no more than conjecture and speculation based upon the target of the audit. That is called selectively quoting. To me this is about an issue and facts, nothing more. The issue stands, the facts to support your position are absent.

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