Dr. Ben Carson Targeted By IRS After Criticizing Obama

there is no proof of an audit, let alone any political motivation behind such an audit.

in other words there is only dr. carson's say so on what happened and why. kinda sounds like calling it a conspiracy theory is being overly kind.

Every conservative radio and TV host is getting the same shit.


are they? you can prove this?

Yeah, as much as you can prove Obama is an American citizen and killed Bin Laden.

I've been listening to a shitload of them and every single one of them has had a visit from the IRS in the last couple of years. I got two visits myself. One a few months ago and another 4 months after Obama took office. I haven't been audited in over 25 years and all of the sudden I get it twice in 4 years.
there is no proof of an audit, let alone any political motivation behind such an audit.

in other words there is only dr. carson's say so on what happened and why. kinda sounds like calling it a conspiracy theory is being overly kind.

Every conservative radio and TV host is getting the same shit.


are they? you can prove this?

Prove repubs want dirty air and water, Oblahblah made that claim several times and dipshits like you took it as gospel......
Every conservative radio and TV host is getting the same shit.


are they? you can prove this?

Yeah, as much as you can prove Obama is an American citizen and killed Bin Laden.

I've been listening to a shitload of them
your first mistake
and every single one of them has had a visit from the IRS in the last couple of years.
your second mistake was believing them, your third is believing those issues had anything to do with anything other than their complicated returns.
I got two visits myself. One a few months ago and another 4 months after Obama took office. I haven't been audited in over 25 years and all of the sudden I get it twice in 4 years.
gee, you don't think that maybe your time was just up, do you? i mean by your logic obama selected me personally for jury duty since i never got notice to serve under bush.
are they? you can prove this?

Yeah, as much as you can prove Obama is an American citizen and killed Bin Laden.

I've been listening to a shitload of them
your first mistake
and every single one of them has had a visit from the IRS in the last couple of years.
your second mistake was believing them, your third is believing those issues had anything to do with anything other than their complicated returns.
I got two visits myself. One a few months ago and another 4 months after Obama took office. I haven't been audited in over 25 years and all of the sudden I get it twice in 4 years.
gee, you don't think that maybe your time was just up, do you? i mean by your logic obama selected me personally for jury duty since i never got notice to serve under bush.

Jury Duty has nothing to do with Obama. The IRS does.

Somehow listening to an 'Obama believer' talking about lying rings a bit hollow. Anyone who believes that lying sack of shit has to be a total dumbass or black.
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So, mudwhistle was randomly served for jury duty? Totally proves an Obama conspiracy. He can provide as much proof as Ben Carson, which equals none, but...
If there was no audit, why doesn't the IRS say "Hey, he's lying, we didn't audit him!"?

Because nobody really cares about the crank, or nobody wants to give a publicity whore any more free publicity.

Some of you have some amusingly inflated opinions concerning how much your 'tard cult matters. But hey, maybe you're right. So y'all better retreat back to your basement bunkers, because Obama's thugs really might be coming for you. Don't forget the tinfoil shielding, being that they use mind control now.
The target of the IRS audit, Dr. Carson, states, "it could be a coincidence". I believe his rendition of the facts as he has actual knowledge as to what occurred. Anything else is speculation and conjecture.
If there was no audit, why doesn't the IRS say "Hey, he's lying, we didn't audit him!"?

Because nobody really cares about the crank, or nobody wants to give a publicity whore any more free publicity.

Some of you have some amusingly inflated opinions concerning how much your 'tard cult matters. But hey, maybe you're right. So y'all better retreat back to your basement bunkers, because Obama's thugs really might be coming for you. Don't forget the tinfoil shielding, being that they use mind control now.
Is that all you have? A third grader could have done better than that. How old are you?
The target of the IRS audit, Dr. Carson, states, "it could be a coincidence". I believe his rendition of the facts as he has actual knowledge as to what occurred. Anything else is speculation and conjecture.

It has to be more than just a coincidence. Dr Carson is merely being fair. He says it could be a coincidence but he really doubts it.

Obama joked about turning the IRS loose on people (like he thinks it's a laughing matter), the IRS has been caught red-handed doing the same exact thing to Tea Party groups (by their own admission), and there has been no denial from the White House.

Dr Carson is a reputed neurosurgeon with an impeccable reputation. He has no need to lie about this. He has no intention of running for office. He was asked by Fox to comment every once in awhile but he could care less about politics.

And he has much better character than that prick in the Oval Office by far.

I remember the days when the press would go after a president hard just for sneezing. Now they look the other way about everything. That is why I know Obama thinks he can get away with it and does it with impunity. The harassment against Tea Party groups continues unchecked even though they've been caught.
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