Dr. Ben Carson Targeted By IRS After Criticizing Obama

I do not believe that you were audited by IRS agents who asked you questions about President Obama.

Sure you do, but you're willing to lie, because you hold party above all.

That is bullshit. You are asking people to believe utter bullshit.

You know full fucking well that it's all true. You don't give a shit - or maybe you smile and think how clever your rulers are, but you know fucking well this is all fact.

democrats are the party of corruption - it's why you love them.

You have to ether be corrupt or ignorant not to notice what's going on.
You're showing your bias. You edited my post to fit your bias.

You have to take what he said in it's total context or you're lying to yourself.

I took the salient part of you post which shows that your position is no more than conjecture and speculation based upon the target of the audit. That is called selectively quoting. To me this is about an issue and facts, nothing more. The issue stands, the facts to support your position are absent.

Using only one part of a sentence and intentionally removing the context is dishonest.

You removed the real meaning by editing my statement. The purpose of the story was to show that the IRS targeted Dr Carson and you searched for something, anything, to prove he's wrong. His admission that "It could have been coincidence" is just Dr Carson trying to be fair and non-biased, and only shows his inherent objectivity. You require absolute proof and never want to put 2 and 2 together. In police work this is called probable cause. You also overlooked this statement in the article:

Asked whether he thought the audit was a retaliation for his speech, Dr. Carson quipped: “I guess I’m surprised it took them that long.”

Fact is, there will never be any real proof that Obama is doing what he's doing because it's not really him doing it, but the people that he hired to do it. He really only gives the orders or expects people to carry out his wishes, but he is or should be responsible for the actions of his administration. In this case the evidence shows it is highly likely that Dr Carson was targeted for speaking out. It wouldn't be the first time this has happened to a critic. Taken into account the spying by the NSA, Eric Holder illegally wire-tapping journalists, and the IRS doing pretty much the same exact thing to others, it doesn't take much to put 2 and 2 together,.......unless you're choosing not to do so.

You need: Facts ....proof ....evidence ....not speculation, not conjecture, not wishful thinking......

You have not met your burden.
I took the salient part of you post which shows that your position is no more than conjecture and speculation based upon the target of the audit. That is called selectively quoting. To me this is about an issue and facts, nothing more. The issue stands, the facts to support your position are absent.

Using only one part of a sentence and intentionally removing the context is dishonest.

You removed the real meaning by editing my statement. The purpose of the story was to show that the IRS targeted Dr Carson and you searched for something, anything, to prove he's wrong. His admission that "It could have been coincidence" is just Dr Carson trying to be fair and non-biased, and only shows his inherent objectivity. You require absolute proof and never want to put 2 and 2 together. In police work this is called probable cause. You also overlooked this statement in the article:

Asked whether he thought the audit was a retaliation for his speech, Dr. Carson quipped: “I guess I’m surprised it took them that long.”

Fact is, there will never be any real proof that Obama is doing what he's doing because it's not really him doing it, but the people that he hired to do it. He really only gives the orders or expects people to carry out his wishes, but he is or should be responsible for the actions of his administration. In this case the evidence shows it is highly likely that Dr Carson was targeted for speaking out. It wouldn't be the first time this has happened to a critic. Taken into account the spying by the NSA, Eric Holder illegally wire-tapping journalists, and the IRS doing pretty much the same exact thing to others, it doesn't take much to put 2 and 2 together,.......unless you're choosing not to do so.

You need: Facts ....proof ....evidence ....not speculation, not conjecture, not wishful thinking......

You have not met your burden.

Nope.....just common-sense.
Using only one part of a sentence and intentionally removing the context is dishonest.

You removed the real meaning by editing my statement. The purpose of the story was to show that the IRS targeted Dr Carson and you searched for something, anything, to prove he's wrong. His admission that "It could have been coincidence" is just Dr Carson trying to be fair and non-biased, and only shows his inherent objectivity. You require absolute proof and never want to put 2 and 2 together. In police work this is called probable cause. You also overlooked this statement in the article:

Fact is, there will never be any real proof that Obama is doing what he's doing because it's not really him doing it, but the people that he hired to do it. He really only gives the orders or expects people to carry out his wishes, but he is or should be responsible for the actions of his administration. In this case the evidence shows it is highly likely that Dr Carson was targeted for speaking out. It wouldn't be the first time this has happened to a critic. Taken into account the spying by the NSA, Eric Holder illegally wire-tapping journalists, and the IRS doing pretty much the same exact thing to others, it doesn't take much to put 2 and 2 together,.......unless you're choosing not to do so.

You need: Facts ....proof ....evidence ....not speculation, not conjecture, not wishful thinking......

You have not met your burden.

Nope.....just common-sense.

"Just common-sense" is not probative of your position and is very subjective, at best. You have proven nothing.
You need: Facts ....proof ....evidence ....not speculation, not conjecture, not wishful thinking......

You have not met your burden.

Nope.....just common-sense.

"Just common-sense" is not probative of your position and is very subjective, at best. You have proven nothing.

What are we proving?

That Dr Ben Carson felt harassed?

We've already established that.

We also have proved that you cannot be objective regardless of how you profess to be.

You and I both know that no absolute proof can be found unless the White House approves it. They will stonewall this to the ends of the Earth, or until they are booted out of office. They claim it's all a coincidence yet it is happening everywhere. That proves something but you won't even grant that it is even a possibility. However we have seen a pattern that has been admitted to. This is simply one of the cases that have surfaced. I'm sure more are out there. But according to you we must see it in writing and it must be certified by a public official with a stamp and it must be something you can feel in your hands to be acceptable. But when you're talking on a msg board this is the best you'll ever get. So please continue to shut everyone down that you don't agree with.

This is not a court of law. We have no proof of anything. You're intentional using that fact to shut down the discussion.

End of discussion.
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You need: Facts ....proof ....evidence ....not speculation, not conjecture, not wishful thinking......

You have not met your burden.

Ironic post is Ironic.

{WASHINGTON — Newly uncovered IRS documents show the agency flagged political groups based on the content of their literature, raising concerns specifically about "anti-Obama rhetoric," inflammatory language and "emotional" statements made by non-profits seeking tax-exempt status.}

IRS list reveals concerns over Tea Party 'propaganda'

Oh, but maybe it's all just a "conspiracy theory?"
You need: Facts ....proof ....evidence ....not speculation, not conjecture, not wishful thinking......

You have not met your burden.

Ironic post is Ironic.

{WASHINGTON — Newly uncovered IRS documents show the agency flagged political groups based on the content of their literature, raising concerns specifically about "anti-Obama rhetoric," inflammatory language and "emotional" statements made by non-profits seeking tax-exempt status.}

IRS list reveals concerns over Tea Party 'propaganda'

Oh, but maybe it's all just a "conspiracy theory?"

If they admit to it under oath that's grounds for a lawsuit.

They will never do that.

And going after an individual for political purposes is illegal.

There will never be any proof of this.
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You need: Facts ....proof ....evidence ....not speculation, not conjecture, not wishful thinking......

You have not met your burden.

Ironic post is Ironic.

{WASHINGTON — Newly uncovered IRS documents show the agency flagged political groups based on the content of their literature, raising concerns specifically about "anti-Obama rhetoric," inflammatory language and "emotional" statements made by non-profits seeking tax-exempt status.}

IRS list reveals concerns over Tea Party 'propaganda'

Oh, but maybe it's all just a "conspiracy theory?"

extraneous material is extraneous material.

We are talking about Dr Carson.... show the proof.
If they admit to it under oath that's grounds for a lawsuit.

They will never do that.

And going after an individual for political purposes is illegal.

There will never be any proof of this.

The evidence is irrefutable. That we cannot show that Obama ordered it is irrelevant, the IRS, without question, is targeting the Obama hit list. They may be doing this as federal leaches and thugs, without prompting, just as the leftist posters here do. Obama doesn't personally instruct Rdean or Luddly to lie for him - they lie from a matter of worship. Could be the same with the IRS - they are union hacks looking to line their pockets, and see the corrupt Obama administration as the easiest path.
extraneous material is extraneous material.

We are talking about Dr Carson.... show the proof.

Proof of what, that he was audited?

Is that the best you partisan sycophants can come up with as a defense for the corruption of your shameful party?

Here is a clue, FOR FREE, sparky - audits are a matter of public record...
You need: Facts ....proof ....evidence ....not speculation, not conjecture, not wishful thinking......

You have not met your burden.

Ironic post is Ironic.

{WASHINGTON — Newly uncovered IRS documents show the agency flagged political groups based on the content of their literature, raising concerns specifically about "anti-Obama rhetoric," inflammatory language and "emotional" statements made by non-profits seeking tax-exempt status.}

IRS list reveals concerns over Tea Party 'propaganda'

Oh, but maybe it's all just a "conspiracy theory?"

extraneous material is extraneous material.

We are talking about Dr Carson.... show the proof.

Tunnel-vision case in point.
extraneous material is extraneous material.

We are talking about Dr Carson.... show the proof.

Proof of what, that he was audited?

Is that the best you partisan sycophants can come up with as a defense for the corruption of your shameful party?

Here is a clue, FOR FREE, sparky - audits are a matter of public record...

He means can we prove he was targeted.

It doesn't matter a damned that Dr Carson felt targeted.

That is what matters.
Ironic post is Ironic.

{WASHINGTON — Newly uncovered IRS documents show the agency flagged political groups based on the content of their literature, raising concerns specifically about "anti-Obama rhetoric," inflammatory language and "emotional" statements made by non-profits seeking tax-exempt status.}

IRS list reveals concerns over Tea Party 'propaganda'

Oh, but maybe it's all just a "conspiracy theory?"

extraneous material is extraneous material.

We are talking about Dr Carson.... show the proof.

Tunnel-vision case in point.

Not at all....I am following your OP; nothing more, nothing less....:itsok:
He means can we prove he was targeted.

He means to blow smoke.

The hate sites are instructing the drones to spew idiocy such as questioning if Carson was audited - then when called on it, claim that they were questioning whether he was targeted.

Notice how the simpering post was couched in imprecise language? That was not accidental.

It doesn't matter a damned that Dr Carson felt targeted.

That is what matters.

Honestly, how Dr. Carson feels is not a concern to me. However, there is a proven pattern of abuse by the IRS in targeting enemies of Barack Obama - that is irrefutable fact. Carson spoke against Obama, then was targeted by this IRS, which has a history of abuse for partisan gain. Does this prove Obama ordered a hit on Carson? Nope, but it further demonstrates the depth of the corruption of this administration and the democratic party, in using federal agencies to further partisan goals.

How many IRS agents have gone to prison over this? Why is that? Because the criminal AG refuses to pursue a case, since the criminal acts of the IRS benefit the Obama administration?

And America puts up with this criminal conspiracy in Washington...
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I had a business with a Western Union account. 4-6 months after he took office the IRS sent a couple of agents to go through my records. They found nothing. They asked my wife questions about Obama, which I felt was inappropriate. I must note that both IRS officials were black. It didn't hurt that my wife is black as well. During the audit they closed down my business. They made copies of every file I had, not just the Western Union files. Every single file.

6 months ago they sent us a notice that we were being audited again. We sent back a letter stating that the business had been closed for over a year and a half. They said prove it. So we proved it. We haven't heard back from them.
i'm just going to say it. you're a liar
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I had a business with a Western Union account. 4-6 months after he took office the IRS sent a couple of agents to go through my records. They found nothing. They asked my wife questions about Obama, which I felt was inappropriate. I must note that both IRS officials were black. It didn't hurt that my wife is black as well. During the audit they closed down my business. They made copies of every file I had, not just the Western Union files. Every single file.

6 months ago they sent us a notice that we were being audited again. We sent back a letter stating that the business had been closed for over a year and a half. They said prove it. So we proved it. We haven't heard back from them.
i'm just going to say it. you're a liar

Obama Akbar indeed!

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