Dr. Dumb surges in GOP polls....LOLOLOLOLO

Ben Carson needs to be careful with phrasing..he said he "wanted to take a stab at being President "

Not one GOP candidate is serious about this country or being apart of solutions for this country....they all find it a joke and like most people in this country, so do the voters....but we all had better be careful for what we wish for, because sometimes when the Gods want to punish, they answer your prayers!!
It would be interesting to see the ultimate non-politician vs the ultimate politician in debates.

On one hand, Hillary's knowledge of the issues would obviously dwarf Carson's; on the other, I wonder if that is even a priority with the public at this point.

Plus there's Hillary's mountain of baggage and Carson's strict, almost child-like adhesion to his religion and some of the goofy things he's said. Holy crap.

Who knows what the electorate actually wants at this point.
The last thing the public wants is someone who knows the system of politics and how things run in Wasjington DC. Those in-the-know yahoos ran up the debt to $19 trillion.
That is so illogical. If your plumber can't fix a water leak, do you call your family doctor. If those that have the education and experience can't meet your expectations it's pretty unlikely that those that don't have the qualifications are going to do any better. In fact, it is far more likely they will do a lot worse.

Maybe our problem in America today is not the presence of politicians but the absence of good ones.I

Its my assumption that a lot of these GOP losers who are running for president, don't take our country serious enough to qualify themselves for office period......a lot of em, especially those on the right, are folks who have sat on the sidelines, bashed OBama and feel as though they can do a better job.....because if a black man can do it, anybody can. I also believe, they understand that people in this country will vote for anything as long as it says what they want to hear, never mind, not one GOP nut has ever delivered.

So, if you are not voting for the GOP and Hillary becomes the Democratic nominee and you don't like her, who are you voting for?
No way he can stay on top til the Primaries. Scary if he did :ack-1:
Why Ben Carson’s candidacy is doomed

today we saw the first national poll, from the New York Times and CBS, that puts Carson in the lead in the Republican race. Yes, it’s only one poll, and yes, that lead is within the margin of error, meaning he may not actually be ahead (the poll averages still have him trailing Donald Trump by a few points). But he’s clearly leading in Iowa, and this poll will be taken as a cue for the press to give him more scrutiny than he’s gotten so far. Carson has been getting more media attention, but that focus will intensify now. And it won’t be good for him.
Ben Carwreck, the GOP front runner, who lies just for the sake of lying, is now the new Black in the GOP lineup. He now how's the highest poll numbers even better the Trump, the second biggest liar. I guess it is true with white people, once you go black you don't want to go back....LOLOLOLOLOLOL.

Yet everyone knows neither Ben or Donald or fiorino will be the nominee.

Christie maybe. Jeb maybe. Kascich maybe. Rand Paul maybe.

Most likely rubio.

Wonder what the odds are in Vegas for Ben carson.
Unk said:
Lots of dictators were 'supported' for decades, useful fool.

FDR was reelected Four times ...

Gaddafi was 'supported' for four decades,
Unk said:
Lots of dictators were 'supported' for decades, useful fool.

FDR was reelected [sic] Four times ...

Gaddafi was 'supported' for four DECADES, Saddam Hussein was elected with nearly 100% of the vote, Soviet leaders never lost an election during the misbegotten life of that other vile communist entity...
People are questioning Ben Carson's experience and what did Obama accomplish before being president?

1. Went to school on a foreign visa
2. Became a community organizer
3. Was elected senator 100 days prior to starting his presidential campaign.

By all means, lets look at Odufus's accomplishments and put them next to Carsons. This will be fun
I think you conveniently left out a few facts. Carson is a doctor with no applicable education or experience. Obama holds a degree in law, far more applicable to the presidency than an degree in medicine. He specialized in constitution law and latter taught it. Carson specialized pediatric surgery. Obama served in the Illinois State Senate for 8 years before becoming a US Senator. Carson worked as a practicing physician and neurosurgeon. I believe Obama was light on experience for the presidency. Carson simply has no applicable experience.

Ben Carson has no business experience, no military experience, and no political experience, just the man to command our military establish domestic and foreign policy and decide the economic course of the nation. If you believe this, you have a few loose screws.
waaaaaa when you are championing GW Bush...you are stepping into the pathetic ........................waaaa hahahahahahahahahahahha
You are still butthurt because W was a much better potus.

the worst president in US history...!!

That would be fdr.
Next to obama
Ben Carson has no business experience, no military experience, and no political experience, just the man to command our military establish domestic and foreign policy and decide the economic course of the nation. If you believe this, you have a few loose screws.

Barack Obama has no business experience, no military experience and no political experience and we elected him president. Are you telling me because Obama has a law degree he'd make a good president? You really think that a lawyer would make a good president? Maybe its you with a few loose screws.

With this Bozo, we've doubled the debt and doubled the food stamp recipients in 8 years. You wanna tell me Bobo was ready for the job?
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