Dr. Dumb surges in GOP polls....LOLOLOLOLO

Ben Carson needs to be careful with phrasing..he said he "wanted to take a stab at being President "

Not one GOP candidate is serious about this country or being apart of solutions for this country....they all find it a joke and like most people in this country, so do the voters....but we all had better be careful for what we wish for, because sometimes when the Gods want to punish, they answer your prayers!!
Neither is your hero obuthole. Retard
Ben Carson has no business experience, no military experience, and no political experience, just the man to command our military establish domestic and foreign policy and decide the economic course of the nation. If you believe this, you have a few loose screws.

Barack Obama has no business experience, no military experience and no political experience and we elected him president.
I didn't elect the fool, idiots on the left did because they are retards.
The logic that seems to be pushing forward the Trumps and Carsons of the world is the belief that politics and politicians are the problem. But what if the problem with our politics is just the opposite? Not enough politicians who are good at politics?

Or think of it this way. Saying what you want to happen to America is pretty easy. Who doesn’t agree with Donald Trump’s goal—“I want to make America great again.” And who doesn’t agree with Ben Carson’s goal “Each generation’s greatest responsibility is to pass on a greater opportunity to the next generation.”

But how about actually making these things happen? That’s where political skill comes in. The Founding Fathers deliberately created a government where two other equal branches of government keep the president from being the king. So that means that presidents have to be adept at dealing with their peers in the political process.

Think about Abraham Lincoln artfully putting together the votes to end slavery or Franklin Roosevelt passing one law after another to move us out of the Great Depression. We often look back at such actions as a product of times of crisis, but they were brutal fights won because of the political talents of the chief executives. One of our greatest problems is we don't have enough skilled politicians. Putting someone in charge of the executive branch we no political skills is really nuts.
The logic that seems to be pushing forward the Trumps and Carsons of the world is the belief that politics and politicians are the problem. But what if the problem with our politics is just the opposite? Not enough politicians who are good at politics?

Or think of it this way. Saying what you want to happen to America is pretty easy. Who doesn’t agree with Donald Trump’s goal—“I want to make America great again.” And who doesn’t agree with Ben Carson’s goal “Each generation’s greatest responsibility is to pass on a greater opportunity to the next generation.”

But how about actually making these things happen? That’s where political skill comes in. The Founding Fathers deliberately created a government where two other equal branches of government keep the president from being the king. So that means that presidents have to be adept at dealing with their peers in the political process.

Think about Abraham Lincoln artfully putting together the votes to end slavery or Franklin Roosevelt passing one law after another to move us out of the Great Depression. We often look back at such actions as a product of times of crisis, but they were brutal fights won because of the political talents of the chief executives. One of our greatest problems is we don't have enough skilled politicians. :putting someone in charge running the nation we no political skills is really nuts.

YOU have the wrong DemocRAT that you leftist, scumbags will vote for!

Ben Carson has no business experience, no military experience, and no political experience, just the man to command our military establish domestic and foreign policy and decide the economic course of the nation. If you believe this, you have a few loose screws.

Barack Obama has no business experience, no military experience and no political experience and we elected him president. Are you telling me because Obama has a law degree he'd make a good president? You really think that a lawyer would make a good president? Maybe its you with a few loose screws.

With this Bozo, we've doubled the debt and doubled the food stamp recipients in 8 years. You wanna tell me Bobo was ready for the job?

Obama certain has amply political experience. He served 7 years as a state senator before serving as a US Senator. His education as a lawyer and particular constitutional law certainly served him well as president.

I'm not making any comment about how good a president Obama is because it's irrelevant. He is not running for president. Carson is and he has less applicable experience and education than anyone who has served as president.
Ben Carson has no business experience, no military experience, and no political experience, just the man to command our military establish domestic and foreign policy and decide the economic course of the nation. If you believe this, you have a few loose screws.

Barack Obama has no business experience, no military experience and no political experience and we elected him president. Are you telling me because Obama has a law degree he'd make a good president? You really think that a lawyer would make a good president? Maybe its you with a few loose screws.

With this Bozo, we've doubled the debt and doubled the food stamp recipients in 8 years. You wanna tell me Bobo was ready for the job?

Obama certain has amply political experience. He served 7 years as a state senator before serving as a US Senator. His education as a lawyer and particular constitutional law certainly served him well as president.

I'm not making any comment about how good a president Obama is because it's irrelevant. He is not running for president. Carson is and he has less applicable experience and education than anyone who has served as president.

If it came down to Carson or Hillary, I'll take Carson, I don't trust Hillary not to sell us out.
Ben Carwreck, the GOP front runner, who lies just for the sake of lying, is now the new Black in the GOP lineup. He now how's the highest poll numbers even better the Trump, the second biggest liar. I guess it is true with white people, once you go black you don't want to go back....LOLOLOLOLOLOL.

You obviously don't realize the guy is a pediatric neurosurgeon.......dumb is not something you can call him without looking like an ass......

When he's running for surgeon general, than I'll ease up, right now this moron is running for leadership of this country and on that note, he's fuckin fool....do you ever listen to the shit this brainless political clown spews? My God, he's an embarrassment...and for idiots like you to find him okay???? My God, your fools too.

you ever listen to the shit barry says or joe his sidekick? or kerry? or hillary? lmfao- youre a pathetic ignorant lib sucking cock idiot.
Ben Carwreck, the GOP front runner, who lies just for the sake of lying, is now the new Black in the GOP lineup. He now how's the highest poll numbers even better the Trump, the second biggest liar. I guess it is true with white people, once you go black you don't want to go back....LOLOLOLOLOLOL.

You obviously don't realize the guy is a pediatric neurosurgeon.......dumb is not something you can call him without looking like an ass......

A person can be extremely intelligent in their field of study and in which they work. That does not make them extremely intelligent in everything they say and do. When anyone says that the government can be run on a 15% flat tax, you ought to be able to figure out that the person doesn't know what he/she is talking about. If I needed brain surgery, I might well seek out Dr. Ben Carson, but that does not mean I think he should be our president.
Ben Carson is beating the Republican field: The GOP’s presidential contenders need to take the doctor seriously.
Dear GOP presidential candidates who are not named Ben Carson: Do you notice that you are all losing to Ben Carson?
The doctor fellow who has never run for office and is constantly saying insane things? Perhaps it is time to do something about that?

In case you were not aware that you are all literally losing to Ben Carson, let’s show you some polls in which Ben Carson’s numbers are higher than yours.

conducted by CBS and the New York Times, shows Ben Carson earning 26 percent of the vote. This is higher than your 22 percent, Donald Trump. It is significantly higher than your 8 percent, Sen. Marco Rubio, and you’re the guy who’s supposed to win the Republican presidential nomination. Jeb Bush: You have 7 percent in this poll. Seven. That is 19 fewer percentage points of political support than Ben Carson has. Ben Carson is a political novice who quit campaigning for two weeks to sell his stupid book! Oh, and don’t you laugh, Ted “Running the Best Campaign of Any Candidate” Cruz. You have four dumb percentage points. You, like every other candidate, are literally losing the presidency to Ben Carson.
Ben Carwreck, the GOP front runner, who lies just for the sake of lying, is now the new Black in the GOP lineup. He now how's the highest poll numbers even better the Trump, the second biggest liar. I guess it is true with white people, once you go black you don't want to go back....LOLOLOLOLOLOL.

You obviously don't realize the guy is a pediatric neurosurgeon.......dumb is not something you can call him without looking like an ass......

When he's running for surgeon general, than I'll ease up, right now this moron is running for leadership of this country and on that note, he's fuckin fool....do you ever listen to the shit this brainless political clown spews? My God, he's an embarrassment...and for idiots like you to find him okay???? My God, your fools too.
No, I don't listen to him and don't think his supporters do either. He may be a fine surgeon but his political skills are comparable to Joe the Plumber.

I hate to say this, but even Joe the Plumber had a little bit more political insight than Ben. I think Ben is in it for the money, I'm sorry. Nothing he's saying makes sense, nothing new he's bringing to the company and like Palin, I think its for the money. He knows damn well the GOP isn't gonna support a black man as their candidate and if he thinks this, he's dumber than I thought.

How do you explain Dr Carson leading in the REPUBLICAN polls?
Ben Carwreck, the GOP front runner, who lies just for the sake of lying, is now the new Black in the GOP lineup. He now how's the highest poll numbers even better the Trump, the second biggest liar. I guess it is true with white people, once you go black you don't want to go back....LOLOLOLOLOLOL.

You obviously don't realize the guy is a pediatric neurosurgeon.......dumb is not something you can call him without looking like an ass......

When he's running for surgeon general, than I'll ease up, right now this moron is running for leadership of this country and on that note, he's fuckin fool....do you ever listen to the shit this brainless political clown spews? My God, he's an embarrassment...and for idiots like you to find him okay???? My God, your fools too.
No, I don't listen to him and don't think his supporters do either. He may be a fine surgeon but his political skills are comparable to Joe the Plumber.

I hate to say this, but even Joe the Plumber had a little bit more political insight than Ben. I think Ben is in it for the money, I'm sorry. Nothing he's saying makes sense, nothing new he's bringing to the company and like Palin, I think its for the money. He knows damn well the GOP isn't gonna support a black man as their candidate and if he thinks this, he's dumber than I thought.

How do you explain Dr Carson leading in the REPUBLICAN polls?
Low information voters
Gaddafi was 'supported' for four decades,

Gaddafi was 'supported' for four DECADES, Saddam Hussein was elected with nearly 100% of the vote, Soviet leaders never lost an election during the misbegotten life of that other vile communist entity...
Gaddafi was not elected.,....you are comparing Iraq elections under Hussein to FDR's elections in America...good luck you need it ....our elections are just like the Soviets...this is all news LOL

you know you are marching with admirable determination into "the stupid"
Ben Carwreck, the GOP front runner, who lies just for the sake of lying, is now the new Black in the GOP lineup. He now how's the highest poll numbers even better the Trump, the second biggest liar. I guess it is true with white people, once you go black you don't want to go back....LOLOLOLOLOLOL.

You obviously don't realize the guy is a pediatric neurosurgeon.......dumb is not something you can call him without looking like an ass......

Everyone realizes what he is. That doesn't mean he isn't mentally ill, which he appears to be

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