Dr. Dumb surges in GOP polls....LOLOLOLOLO

Richard Dawkins Hammers Ben Carson: He Is a ‘Disgrace’ as a Doctor for Promoting Creationism
“You just told me all the Republican candidates except one don’t believe in evolution,” Dawkins pointed out to Zakaria. “I mean, that’s a disgrace. But for a very senior eminent distinguished doctor as he is to say that is even worse. Because of course, evolution is the bedrock of biology and biology is the bedrock of medicine.”

“He clearly doesn’t understand the fundamental theorem of his own subject,” he continued. “That is a terrible indictment.”
Richard Dawkins Hammers Ben Carson: He Is a ‘Disgrace’ as a Doctor for Promoting Creationism
“You just told me all the Republican candidates except one don’t believe in evolution,” Dawkins pointed out to Zakaria. “I mean, that’s a disgrace. But for a very senior eminent distinguished doctor as he is to say that is even worse. Because of course, evolution is the bedrock of biology and biology is the bedrock of medicine.”

“He clearly doesn’t understand the fundamental theorem of his own subject,” he continued. “That is a terrible indictment.”
Dawkins is just another retard.
Low information voters:

Well, if a guy can be a brain surgeon, he can obviously do any other job just as well
Ben Carwreck, the GOP front runner, who lies just for the sake of lying, is now the new Black in the GOP lineup. He now how's the highest poll numbers even better the Trump, the second biggest liar. I guess it is true with white people, once you go black you don't want to go back....LOLOLOLOLOLOL.
The lols are echoing in the hollow chambers of your mind. You couldn't have handed the man his instruments. Calling him dumb is like losing a special Olympics race.
You elected the dumbest twice. Carson is smarter than you and obuthole together. Retard.
Says it’s unconstitutional for courts to rule on the constitutionality of laws.

  • Women who get abortions are like slaveholders.
  • Obamacare is the worst thing since slavery.
  • ‘Hitler’ could happen in the U.S. today.
  • Jews could have prevented the Holocaust if they had guns.
  • College campuses should be monitored for liberal political speech.
  • Muslims should be disqualified from the presidency.
  • There’s a war on ‘what’s inside of women.’
  • Being gay is a choice because prison turns people gay.
  • There’s no such thing as a war crime.
  • Obama is depressing the economy to keep people on welfare.
  • Obama signed immigration reform to bring in government-dependent voters.
  • Congress should be able to remove judges for voting for marriage equality.
  • Anarchy could cancel the 2016 election.
  • Says evolution and the Big Bang theory are the work of the devil.
  • Referred to President Obama as a psychopath because he looks great “like most psychopaths.”

Obama said, "Ultimately, I’m confident that the Supreme Court will not take what would be an unprecedented, extraordinary step of overturning a law that was passed by a strong majority of a democratically elected Congress."


Well he does have a 100 IQ
You elected the dumbest twice. Carson is smarter than you and obuthole together. Retard.
Says it’s unconstitutional for courts to rule on the constitutionality of laws.

  • Women who get abortions are like slaveholders.
  • Obamacare is the worst thing since slavery.
  • ‘Hitler’ could happen in the U.S. today.
  • Jews could have prevented the Holocaust if they had guns.
  • College campuses should be monitored for liberal political speech.
  • Muslims should be disqualified from the presidency.
  • There’s a war on ‘what’s inside of women.’
  • Being gay is a choice because prison turns people gay.
  • There’s no such thing as a war crime.
  • Obama is depressing the economy to keep people on welfare.
  • Obama signed immigration reform to bring in government-dependent voters.
  • Congress should be able to remove judges for voting for marriage equality.
  • Anarchy could cancel the 2016 election.
  • Says evolution and the Big Bang theory are the work of the devil.
  • Referred to President Obama as a psychopath because he looks great “like most psychopaths.”

Obama said, "Ultimately, I’m confident that the Supreme Court will not take what would be an unprecedented, extraordinary step of overturning a law that was passed by a strong majority of a democratically elected Congress."


Well he does have a 100 IQ

Obama was right

They didn't want to take on the law and Justice Roberts used that same explanation
Republican low information voters have changed from

Trump has 10 billion dollars, that must mean he would make a great President


Carson is a brain surgeon, if you are a brain surgeon you will make a great President
Ben Carwreck, the GOP front runner, who lies just for the sake of lying, is now the new Black in the GOP lineup. He now how's the highest poll numbers even better the Trump, the second biggest liar. I guess it is true with white people, once you go black you don't want to go back....LOLOLOLOLOLOL.

You obviously don't realize the guy is a pediatric neurosurgeon.......dumb is not something you can call him without looking like an ass......

When he's running for surgeon general, than I'll ease up,

^This comment contains 90% Win
Ben Carwreck, the GOP front runner, who lies just for the sake of lying, is now the new Black in the GOP lineup. He now how's the highest poll numbers even better the Trump, the second biggest liar. I guess it is true with white people, once you go black you don't want to go back....LOLOLOLOLOLOL.
You just say he's dumb because he's black, you racist.

No, he's dumb because he's dumb. Color has nothing to do with it.
He separated conjoined twins. You can't be dumb and do that. What is dumb are arrogant, condescending lefties who believe their own misapprehensions are a reflection of the stupidity of those who disagree with them.

As soon as we need a president to do brain surgery. he will be the best choice. For now, that's no more a requirement than yodeling.
Ben Carwreck, the GOP front runner, who lies just for the sake of lying, is now the new Black in the GOP lineup. He now how's the highest poll numbers even better the Trump, the second biggest liar. I guess it is true with white people, once you go black you don't want to go back....LOLOLOLOLOLOL.
You just say he's dumb because he's black, you racist.

No, he's dumb because he's dumb. Color has nothing to do with it.
Wow! You're a racist, Bulldog.

You keep saying that. If you wish hard enough, it might come true.
Ben Carwreck, the GOP front runner, who lies just for the sake of lying, is now the new Black in the GOP lineup. He now how's the highest poll numbers even better the Trump, the second biggest liar. I guess it is true with white people, once you go black you don't want to go back....LOLOLOLOLOLOL.

Dr. Carson isn't dumb, but on several things he's shown himself to be vacuous and ignorant outside of the medical field.

There is, however, IMO, one good thing about his ascendancy among the GOP candidates: he'll be easy to defeat in a general election. I truly cannot see him (as he exists today) faring well in a substantive discussion/debate against Mr. Sanders or Mrs. Clinton.

Are you smoking crack? Carson would DESTROY the pantsuit in a debate. " I gotta a pussy!" won't work in the general. Any of the top 4 gop candidates will send Hillary back to making sandwiches, which seems to be her best accomplishment.

First, no, I am not smoking crack. Are you?

Second, for whatever you may think of Mrs. Clinton's views, if you have anything resembling a thorough awareness of her skills and abilities, you must agree she's a very bright person. Her intellect combined with her unique body of first hand knowledge of domestic and international matters when contrasted with Dr. Carson's abject lack thereof suggests that only if Mrs. Clinton were to suffer a brain aneurism during a debate with him would he prevail in a substantive debate with her.

Might Dr. Carson win the actual election with her as his opponent? Well, it is possible that he might for the electorate of our nation isn't known for subordinating emotionalism to rationalism.[/QUOTE]

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