Dr. Dumb surges in GOP polls....LOLOLOLOLO

Listen, I take nothing away from any of the GOP candidates as far as their intelligence in their fields of expertise......I give them all creds on the level, its a given....however, when these people speak from a political standpoint, its sounds too simplistic, to amateur hour and not very bright at all, especially Dr. Dumb and Dumbo Trump.[/QUOTE]

I'm not keen on the monikers you've applied to the candidates; I don't cotton to name calling. I wholly concur with the theme of your comment.
First, no, I am not smoking crack. Are you?

Second, for whatever you may think of Mrs. Clinton's views, if you have anything resembling a thorough awareness of her skills and abilities, you must agree she's a very bright person. Her intellect combined with her unique body of first hand knowledge of domestic and international matters when contrasted with Dr. Carson's abject lack thereof suggests that only if Mrs. Clinton were to suffer a brain aneurism during a debate with him would he prevail in a substantive debate with her.

Might Dr. Carson win the actual election with her as his opponent? Well, it is possible that he might for the electorate of our nation isn't known for subordinating emotionalism to rationalism.
LOL ! You really are on crack!
First, no, I am not smoking crack. Are you?

Second, for whatever you may think of Mrs. Clinton's views, if you have anything resembling a thorough awareness of her skills and abilities, you must agree she's a very bright person. Her intellect combined with her unique body of first hand knowledge of domestic and international matters when contrasted with Dr. Carson's abject lack thereof suggests that only if Mrs. Clinton were to suffer a brain aneurism during a debate with him would he prevail in a substantive debate with her.

Might Dr. Carson win the actual election with her as his opponent? Well, it is possible that he might for the electorate of our nation isn't known for subordinating emotionalism to rationalism.
LOL ! You really are on crack!

Your empty assertion to that effect hardly makes it so. The same is the case with regard to your unsubstantiated claims of Dr. Carson's ability to best Mrs. Clinton or Mr. Sanders in a debate.
First, no, I am not smoking crack. Are you?

Second, for whatever you may think of Mrs. Clinton's views, if you have anything resembling a thorough awareness of her skills and abilities, you must agree she's a very bright person. Her intellect combined with her unique body of first hand knowledge of domestic and international matters when contrasted with Dr. Carson's abject lack thereof suggests that only if Mrs. Clinton were to suffer a brain aneurism during a debate with him would he prevail in a substantive debate with her.

Might Dr. Carson win the actual election with her as his opponent? Well, it is possible that he might for the electorate of our nation isn't known for subordinating emotionalism to rationalism.
LOL ! You really are on crack!

Your empty assertion to that effect hardly makes it so.
Your empty head trying to look informed hardly makes it so.
Dr. Dumb?
He is a fuckin neurosurgeon, moron.

I may not know a thing about geopolitical politics, the economy, global warming, evolution, national issues....but hey...I'm a fucking brain surgeon
Dr. Dumb?
He is a fuckin neurosurgeon, moron.

I may not know a thing about geopolitical politics, the economy, global warming, evolution, national issues....but hey...I'm a fucking brain surgeon
I didn't say I thought he made good presidential material. I just said he wasn't dumb.
Fuckin strawman as usual..

In terms of understanding current events, history, key political issues, the economy.......I think he is dumb
Ben Carwreck, the GOP front runner, who lies just for the sake of lying, is now the new Black in the GOP lineup. He now how's the highest poll numbers even better the Trump, the second biggest liar. I guess it is true with white people, once you go black you don't want to go back....LOLOLOLOLOLOL.

You obviously don't realize the guy is a pediatric neurosurgeon.......dumb is not something you can call him without looking like an ass......
dude that was a setup post. Let the dude have is moment and pass on this garbage.
Ben Carwreck, the GOP front runner, who lies just for the sake of lying, is now the new Black in the GOP lineup. He now how's the highest poll numbers even better the Trump, the second biggest liar. I guess it is true with white people, once you go black you don't want to go back....LOLOLOLOLOLOL.

You obviously don't realize the guy is a pediatric neurosurgeon.......dumb is not something you can call him without looking like an ass......
A doctor can be dumb outside of the medical field, and in it.
What's the difference between Ben Carson and Hussein Obama?

Carson admits he doesn't have a clue.
Says it’s unconstitutional for courts to rule on the constitutionality of laws.

  • Women who get abortions are like slaveholders.
  • Obamacare is the worst thing since slavery.
  • ‘Hitler’ could happen in the U.S. today.
  • Jews could have prevented the Holocaust if they had guns.
  • College campuses should be monitored for liberal political speech.
  • Muslims should be disqualified from the presidency.
  • There’s a war on ‘what’s inside of women.’
  • Being gay is a choice because prison turns people gay.
  • There’s no such thing as a war crime.
  • Obama is depressing the economy to keep people on welfare.
  • Obama signed immigration reform to bring in government-dependent voters.
  • Congress should be able to remove judges for voting for marriage equality.
  • Anarchy could cancel the 2016 election.
  • Says evolution and the Big Bang theory are the work of the devil.
  • Referred to President Obama as a psychopath because he looks great “like most psychopaths.”
^ to reiterate
A doctor can be dumb outside of the medical field, and in it.
Very true. But they don't become the world's leading neurosurgeon. What's funny is liberals calling Carson an idiot. That tells you all you need to know about them.

Carson has demonstrated great knowledge and skill in brain surgery
He has demonstrated very little knowledge and skills related to leadership, governing, politics, the economy, world events and key political issues
Ben Carwreck, the GOP front runner, who lies just for the sake of lying, is now the new Black in the GOP lineup. He now how's the highest poll numbers even better the Trump, the second biggest liar. I guess it is true with white people, once you go black you don't want to go back....LOLOLOLOLOLOL.

You know the irony about your statement is that in 2008 you could have replaced Ben with Barack and GOP with Dem and it would be 100% truthful.
Ben Carwreck, the GOP front runner, who lies just for the sake of lying, is now the new Black in the GOP lineup. He now how's the highest poll numbers even better the Trump, the second biggest liar. I guess it is true with white people, once you go black you don't want to go back....LOLOLOLOLOLOL.

You obviously don't realize the guy is a pediatric neurosurgeon.......dumb is not something you can call him without looking like an ass......

When he's running for surgeon general, than I'll ease up, right now this moron is running for leadership of this country and on that note, he's fuckin fool....do you ever listen to the shit this brainless political clown spews? My God, he's an embarrassment...and for idiots like you to find him okay???? My God, your fools too.
Obuthole is a bigger embarrassment.
Obuthole? Libtard? I`ll bet you graduated at the top of your class!
Ben Carwreck, the GOP front runner, who lies just for the sake of lying, is now the new Black in the GOP lineup. He now how's the highest poll numbers even better the Trump, the second biggest liar. I guess it is true with white people, once you go black you don't want to go back....LOLOLOLOLOLOL.

You obviously don't realize the guy is a pediatric neurosurgeon.......dumb is not something you can call him without looking like an ass......

When he's running for surgeon general, than I'll ease up, right now this moron is running for leadership of this country and on that note, he's fuckin fool....do you ever listen to the shit this brainless political clown spews? My God, he's an embarrassment...and for idiots like you to find him okay???? My God, your fools too.
Obuthole is a bigger embarrassment.
Obuthole? Libtard? I`ll bet you graduated at the top of your class!
he prolly home schooled in Tejas

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