Dr. Fauci Admits That Covid Vaccines May Actually Make People ‘Worse’: “It Would Not Be The First Time”

I stand by my post: snopes is for dopes.

I never claimed that hundreds of thousands have died from the vaccine. No one knows the long term effects, though, because no long term tests were performed.

Do USMB a favor and hold your breath.

Um, ok. Regardless of whether you "like" Snopes or not, it doesn't change the facts. Fauci gave that interview in early 2020 when he was clearly not talking about our current covid vaccines. Like a huge sucker, eagle and others fell for an obvious fake story. By not addressing it and simply attacking the people who debunked the story, you're basically admitting that you're just a willing dupe and shill at this point. Congrats. Even the idiots who originally backed the article have kept quiet to keep whatever face they have left.

I never claimed you did. That reply was clearly for the person i quoted. :eusa_think:

I WILL say that hundreds of thousands have died from the vaccine. Here is my evidence:

1) Experts who have studied the VAERS database say that the number of credible adverse reactions reported may be as low as 1%. Other credible doctors I have read state that the true number of adverse events are AT LEAST 4 TIMES the reported number. These studies were done well before 2020.
2) I asked my doctor if he has or was even able to report adverse events to the vaers database: he got red in the face and said "We are not required to report any deaths or adverse reactions, sorry"
3) I personally know 2 people that died directly from the vaccination (within 2 days on the first, within 4 days on the second). I only know of 1 person who was affected by the virus itself (a distant cousin who had chronic kidney failure was in the hospital for a surgery for that when they diagnosed him with COVID-19 after he was there for 5 days).

I believe the analysts and doctors who say AT LEAST 4 times as many, but up to 100 times as many adverse reactions. This means the adverse DEATHS range between 32,000 and 800,000 DEATHS DUE TO THE VACCINATION in the United States only. Pick a number somewhere between.

1) I'll take the word of the experts over "some doctors." Everyone has an opinion. It doesn't mean it's an educated one.
2) Lie. All healthcare workers are required to report any and all deaths after vaccination. They even expanded and loosened the criteria for reporting to VAERS because the vaccines were only authorized for emergency usage. This is why there is such a wide gap in adverse reporting for the covid vaccines compared to say, something like the influenza vaccine, or the measles vaccine, etc. In the past, criteria was way more strict in what it would take in order to get a report in. Now anyone can report anything and everything to VAERS, including the patient themselves.
3) Thank god, we actually use real evidence to base our science on and not random anecdotes.

You do realize with a number as high as 800,000 we would have many more times that in hospitalizations and cases of ppl getting sick from the vaccine right? We would have tens of millions of cases and millions of hospitalizations even with half that number. I guess you didn't think that one through. You're basically talking about a worldwide disaster because, if you haven't noticed, we're not the only ones taking the vaccine. Hospitals would be flooded with ppl who took the vaccine. It would basically be a chaotic nightmare. So with so many covid vaccine injuries and deaths no one so far has noticed?!? Fortunately, that parallel universe only exists in the scared fevered dreams of right wing conservatives. A vaccine that caused that much illness and death would be discovered in a nano second, somewhere in the world, if not everywhere. Guys, you really got to think things through. Forget the memes, stop taking the word of the guy you met at the bar you go to, stop giving credibility to radio talk show hosts dying of covid and failed reality show celebs. Use some independant thinking.

Dr. Fauci was commenting on a recent study that showed that the Covid vaccines may actually make a recipient more likely to be reinfected than someone with natural immunity from a prior infection.

“This would not be the first time, if it happened, that a vaccine that looked good in initial safety actually made people worse,” Fauci said. “There was the history of the Respiratory Syncitial Virus vaccine in children, which paradoxically made the children worse.”

Dr. Fauci wasn’t done yet, though. He went on to state another example that he was directly involved with where a treatment made individuals worse.

“One of the HIV vaccines that we tested several years ago actually made individuals more likely to get infected,” Fauci added.

Yeah but what about all the lives it saved? It was wasted on the godbotherers.
only ones taking the vaccine. Hospitals would be flooded with ppl who took the vaccine. It would basically be a chaotic nightmare. So with so many covid vaccine injuries and deaths no one so far has noticed?!? [...]
Ummm, haven't you heard? Hospitals are overwhelmed in many places, especially in states where vaccination rates are high. Do your own research, if you want. Don't take my word for it.
And apparently no one here is privy to the scientific justification for doing what he did to dogs
You are certainly not..... Or are just too lazy or set in your own beliefs that prevents you from researching why dogs are used.
This means the adverse DEATHS range between 32,000 and 800,000 DEATHS DUE TO THE VACCINATION in the United States only. Pick a number somewhere between

Do you even read, what you write? 800,000 deaths from vaccine adverse effects? WHEN there have not been 800,000 shots given???

Come on! Stop your bullshitting, it serves no good purpose, only harmful purpose.
You are certainly not..... Or are just too lazy or set in your own beliefs that prevents you from researching why dogs are used.
Ah, finally someone who knows why tony needed to see what happens when you confine a dog's head while sand fleas eat it alive. So, what was the deal with tony's passion there?
Ummm, haven't you heard? Hospitals are overwhelmed in many places, especially in states where vaccination rates are high. Do your own research, if you want. Don't take my word for it.

yeah, overwhelmed with covid patients that were never vaccinated and a smaller percentage of breakthroughs with milder symptoms. None of which has a thing to do with the vaccine.
Ah, finally someone who knows why tony needed to see what happens when you confine a dog's head while sand fleas eat it alive. So, what was the deal with tony's passion there?
Prove it was Tony's passion.
1) I'll take the word of the experts over "some doctors."
It sounds like you cherry pick your "experts" via bias confirmation. "Some doctors" could very well be experts in their field.
By not addressing it and simply attacking the people who debunked the story, you're basically admitting that you're just a willing dupe and shill at this point.
Incorrect. I only said snopes is for dopes. You are proving me correct, tbh.
Ummm, haven't you heard? Hospitals are overwhelmed in many places, especially in states where vaccination rates are high. Do your own research, if you want. Don't take my word for it.
I went to one yesterday. Empty seats and people standing in line 6 feet apart wearing masks. Usually I go into a waiting room and it's packed full with people sitting down waiting. Now everyone is afraid to get treatment unless they're bleeding from their eyes. So I don't see any overwhelming going on.
I stand by my post: snopes is for dopes.

I never claimed that hundreds of thousands have died from the vaccine. No one knows the long term effects, though, because no long term tests were performed.

Do USMB a favor and hold your breath.
No one knows the long term effect on any vaccine without using it for 15 or 20 years. So far there has been no vaccines linked to long term adverse effects.

The mRNA vaccines we use in the US are expelled from the body in less than 2 weeks. You are far more likely to suffer long effects such as anemias, easy bruising and abnormal bleeding. inflamed stomach lining, stomach bleeding and peptic ulcers from long term regular use of aspirin.

What people should be more concerned about is long term effects of Covid-19. We know a for fact many people that recovery from serious infections suffer irreversible damage to the lungs and other organs including the heart, kidneys and the brain. Damages to these organs will certain cause health problems in the future.
If you would do a little bit of research you'd know that what Fauci has been accused of in the past is manifested yet again.
He was involved in a major scandal with the AIDs epidemic....encouraging people to use AZT, a dangerous more expensive method of treatment, while doing whatever he could to prevent cheaper more effective treatments being used...possibly resulting in the deaths of thousands of HIV positive patients. The producers of AZT were using black orphans to experiment on:

This is par for the course with Fauci because he was discovered recently to have torturing thousands of Beagle puppies to death putting their heads in to a box and letting sand flies eat them to death.
This guy is a heartless bastard that shouldn't be allowed anywhere near a patient.

Fauci is the director of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases, which has provided grants for medical studies using the dogs as test subjects. But the NIAID denied funding one particular project in which sedated beagles had their heads placed in mesh cages so sand flies could bite them.

In a July 30 “exposé,” the White Coat Waste Project alleged that Fauci, chief medical adviser to the president and head of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases, spent more than $424,000 on “beagle experiments” in which the dogs were “bitten to death by flies.”

That was followed by an Aug. 31 blog post that carried the headline “Fauci Funded $375K Beagle Torture Overseas, Too.”

Then, in an Oct. 5 report, the group added that “Fauci Wasted $1M+ to Poison Beagle Puppies, Cut Out Vocal Cords.”

So far there has no proof that Dr. Fauci had any knowledge of mistreatment of animals in any study. Further, the NIH, said, "Dr Fauci does not approve any individual grants. The NIH does fund medical research projects that includes animals in research but the NIH carefully monitors these projects for inhumane treatment and to insure that federal guidelines on use of animals in medical research are adhered to."

No one knows the long term effect on any vaccine without using it for 15 or 20 years. So far there has been no vaccines linked to long term adverse effects.

The mRNA vaccines we use in the US are expelled from the body in less than 2 weeks. You are far more likely to suffer long term effects such as anemias, easy bruising and abnormal bleeding. inflamed stomach lining, stomach bleeding and peptic ulcers from long term regular use of aspirin.

What people should be more concerned about is the long term effects of Covid-19. We know for a fact many people that recovery from serious infections suffer irreversible damage to the lungs and other organs including the heart, kidneys and the brain. Damages to these organs will certain cause health problems in the future.
Ummm, haven't you heard? Hospitals are overwhelmed in many places, especially in states where vaccination rates are high. Do your own research, if you want. Don't take my word for it.
A correlation between vaccination rate and hospitalization rates is not valid because it ignores the most important factor the number of hospital beds/1000 population. You have to factor in hospital beds per thousand to get anything meaningful. The number of beds per thousand population varies from as low as 7 to 40 per thousand.
It sounds like you cherry pick your "experts" via bias confirmation. "Some doctors" could very well be experts in their field.

Incorrect. I only said snopes is for dopes. You are proving me correct, tbh.

Why would I listen to the random "doctors" that Sam says he reads about compared to the experts whom he says studies VAERS? LOL. If I had to choose experts on VAERS and Sam's "doctors." I'll take the experts. Take a moment to think about that one. :auiqs.jpg:

Yeah, you only said, "snopes is for dopes." and that's where the hilariourity ensues because snopes is not the story here, it's the fact that a completely fabricated story was peddled as real but you chose your first response in this thread was to attack on factcheck of that fake story. Even now you can't bring yourself to denounce trendingpolitics.com because you enjoy your lies too much. Very telling who the actual "dope" is here.
What people should be more concerned about is long term effects of Covid-19.
I think people can be concerned about whatever they'd like. People who tell others what they should be concerned about annoy me.
Why would I listen to the random "doctors" that Sam says he reads about compared to the experts whom he says studies VAERS?
Listen to whoever you'd like. That's your prerogative. Just don't expect everyone else to think your sources are gospel.
Yeah, you only said, "snopes is for dopes." and that's where the hilariourity ensues because snopes is not the story here, it's the fact that a completely fabricated story was peddled as real but you chose your first response in this thread was to attack on factcheck of that fake story.
The hilarity is how much and how long you've been triggered by my statement, tbh.
Even now you can't bring yourself to denounce trendingpolitics.com because you enjoy your lies too much.
I'm under no obligation to denounce anything. That's just a low level debate tactic by virtue signaling retards.
Very telling who the actual "dope" is here.
That would be you, kid.
yeah, overwhelmed with covid patients that were never vaccinated and a smaller percentage of breakthroughs with milder symptoms. None of which has a thing to do with the vaccine.
Hospital beds are being taken up by people with endocrinal failures and cardiovascular problems. The baseline bed occupancy, excluding COVID cases, has dramatically risen. I have read many reports from nurses who say that they are not allowed to even ask about the patients' vaccination history, although unofficially those are the ones filling the beds.

Go get your booster.

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