Dr Hoettl Confirms The Six Million Jews Killed in The Holocaust

How fucking gullible do you have to be to swallow this shit? Just because it was in a movie doesn't make it real, numbskull.

Do you really believe that if the Nazis were intent on exterminating Jews they would have rounded them up, put them on trains, then transported them, using desperately needed fuel, out of Germany and across Poland just to unload them, use gas chambers disguised as showers (hahahahahaha!!!!) to slowly gas group after group, then haul them out of the gas chambers disguised as showers (hahahahahahah!!!!!) drag them to a pit and then use even more desperately needed fuel to cremate six million corpses just so the people they are currently trying to kill in battle don't find out and get mad at them? How fucking stupid, really, do you have to be to buy that shit? If the Nazis had really had a plan to exterminate the Jews they would have done it the way the Jewish Bolsheviks had been committing genocide against Christians for 20 years in nearby Russia. You just choose an apartment block at random and around four in the morning you crash down the doors and haul everyone in the building into the back of a waiting truck. Then you drive them out to a field a few miles outside the city limits and wait, as your human cargo trembles in terror in the back, for it to get light enough to mow them down with machine guns. Cheap, efficient, and absolutely brutal.

Gas chambers disguised as showers (hahahahahahahaha!!!!!!!) Fool.


Since there is plenty of evidence of the Bolshevik atrocities, no need to invent stories about huge cremation pits.
Imagine the terror these people felt in their last moments. Now think about this: we were ALLIES of these Jewish monsters against our German Christian brothers.

Do you see now how absolutely incredibly stupid you are, Christian? How pathetic? How contemptible your religion has made you?
You just choose an apartment block at random and around four in the morning you crash down the doors and haul everyone in the building into the back of a waiting truck. Then you drive them out to a field a few miles outside the city limits and wait, as your human cargo trembles in terror in the back, for it to get light enough to mow them down with machine guns. Cheap, efficient, and absolutely brutal.

And, in the beginning, at places like Babi Yar, Odessa, and Kiev, they did precisely that. Until, it seems, that shooting unarmed women and children, even Jews, was too much for some of the Nazis (it seems even a few Nazis had a conscience) and it began to effect morale.

They tried other methods, such as special trucks with CO gas being directed from the exhaust into the cargo of Jews. This was deemed an inefficient waste of petrol and time considering the vast numbers The Nazis planned to exterminate.

Eventually, It was determined to be more efficient, and significantly cheaper to use poison gas over bullets as it provided a layer of separation between the murderers and their victims.

You don't have to believe it. It's widely documented and the rest of the non-Jew hating world knows full well what happened.
You just choose an apartment block at random and around four in the morning you crash down the doors and haul everyone in the building into the back of a waiting truck. Then you drive them out to a field a few miles outside the city limits and wait, as your human cargo trembles in terror in the back, for it to get light enough to mow them down with machine guns. Cheap, efficient, and absolutely brutal.

And, in the beginning, at places like Babi Yar, Odessa, and Kiev, they did precisely that. Until, it seems, that shooting unarmed women and children, even Jews, was too much for some of the Nazis (it seems even a few Nazis had a conscience) and it began to effect morale.

They tried other methods, such as special trucks with CO gas being directed from the exhaust into the cargo of Jews. This was deemed an inefficient waste of petrol and time considering the vast numbers The Nazis planned to exterminate.

Eventually, It was determined to be more efficient, and significantly cheaper to use poison gas over bullets as it provided a layer of separation between the murderers and their victims.

You don't have to believe it. It's widely documented and the rest of the non-Jew hating world knows full well what happened.
There was never a German or Nazi plan to exterminate the Jews. The Germans wanted them out of Germany--and for good reason, after the double treachery of WWI and the Treaty of Versailles--just as so many hundreds of other cities, states, countries, and kingdoms have wanted the Jews out. Hitler was a Zionist and the Star of David was the only political insignia permitted in Germany other than the swastika once the Nazis took power.

The Nazi Holocaust of the Jews is a gargantuan lie (what IS it with you people and lying, anyway. It's like a sickness). The real Holocaust of the 20th century was the Jewish Bolshevik holocaust of the Russians. And the rate at which people are seeing the truth is accelerating.
How fucking gullible do you have to be to swallow this shit? Just because it was in a movie doesn't make it real, numbskull.

Do you really believe that if the Nazis were intent on exterminating Jews they would have rounded them up, put them on trains, then transported them, using desperately needed fuel, out of Germany and across Poland just to unload them, use gas chambers disguised as showers (hahahahahaha!!!!) to slowly gas group after group, then haul them out of the gas chambers disguised as showers (hahahahahahah!!!!!) drag them to a pit and then use even more desperately needed fuel to cremate six million corpses just so the people they are currently trying to kill in battle don't find out and get mad at them? How fucking stupid, really, do you have to be to buy that shit? If the Nazis had really had a plan to exterminate the Jews they would have done it the way the Jewish Bolsheviks had been committing genocide against Christians for 20 years in nearby Russia. You just choose an apartment block at random and around four in the morning you crash down the doors and haul everyone in the building into the back of a waiting truck. Then you drive them out to a field a few miles outside the city limits and wait, as your human cargo trembles in terror in the back, for it to get light enough to mow them down with machine guns. Cheap, efficient, and absolutely brutal.

Gas chambers disguised as showers (hahahahahahahaha!!!!!!!) Fool.

View attachment 434556

Since there is plenty of evidence of the Bolshevik atrocities, no need to invent stories about huge cremation pits.
Imagine the terror these people felt in their last moments. Now think about this: we were ALLIES of these Jewish monsters against our German Christian brothers.

Do you see now how absolutely incredibly stupid you are, Christian? How pathetic? How contemptible your religion has made you?
Why are you lying? - You know full well the Holocaust happened and was committed by our German 'so-called' Christian Brothers - the Nazis.
You are the worst kind of liar. Someone who will deny the 'mountains' of evidence, much of it provided by the Nazis themselves, simply for political reasons to try and promote anti-Soviet propaganda. The Soviets were responsible for many atrocities and few would deny the fact but trying to make them responsible for the Holocaust just makes you look dumb or ingenuous or both in the vast majority of people's minds.

Why do you find "gas chambers disguised as showers" a matter of double hilarity?
What is funny about it?

Try reading -
Commandant of Auchwitz - Rudolf Hoess.
Five Chimneys - Olga Lengyel.
Auschwitz: A Doctors Eyewitness Account - Dr Miklos Nyiszli

Read them not just to gain insight on how the whole 'Death system' functioned, from their own unique perspectives. but more so to discover how all describe the same key events - Transports arriving from specific places throughout Nazi-occupied Europe.
The dates and times.
The Date 2nd Aug. 1944. The night the Gypsy camp was eradicated i.e. sent to the gas chambers for example.
Three people, one the Commandant in total control of events, A surgeon Jewish prisoner forced to perform autopsies for the infamous Dr. Mengele. And a Jewish woman who on entering the work camp and asking the Kapo when she could hope to see her elderly parents and children again, found herself being dragged to a window and the kapo telling her that her family will most likely have gone up that smoking chimney by now.
All three describe the same events to provide a cross-correlation of what happened and when - these are just the 'tip' of the available testimonies.

You might also want to examine Transcripts of the Adolf Eichmann Trial in Jerusalem 1961. In which he freely volunteered the information that 6,000,000 Jews had perished as a result of The Final Solution as decided at the Wannsee Conference Jan 1942.

So I would advise you to stop lying if you don't want to be viewed as anything other than a complete gobshite by the vast majority of members on this site.

And just in case your wondering, no I'm not Jewish!

On January 20, 1942, 15 high-ranking Nazi Party and German government officials gathered at a villa in the Berlin suburb of Wannsee to discuss and coordinate the implementation of what they called the "Final Solution of the Jewish Question."

  • 1

    The mass murder of the Jews by Nazi Germany and its collaborators required the coordination and cooperation of governmental agencies throughout Axis-controlled Europe.

  • 2

    The Wannsee Conference was a high-level meeting of German officials to discuss and implement the so-called “Final Solution of the Jewish Question” (mass killing).

  • 3

    The SS envisioned that some 11 million Jews, some of them not living on German-controlled territory, would be eradicated as part of the Nazi program.
    Participants at the Wannsee Conference
    Representing the SS at the Wannsee Conference were:
    • SS General Reinhard Heydrich, the chief of the Reich Security Main Office (Reichssicherheitshauptamt-RSHA) and one of Reichsführer-SS (SS chief) Heinrich Himmler's top deputies
    • SS Major General Heinrich Müller, chief of RSHA Department IV (Gestapo)
    • SS Lieutenant Colonel Adolf Eichmann, chief of the RSHA Department IV B 4 (Jewish Affairs)
    • SS Colonel Eberhard Schöngarth, commander of the RSHA field office for the Government General in Krakow, Poland
    • SS Major Rudolf Lange, commander of RSHA Einsatzkommando 2, deployed in Latvia in the autumn of 1941
    • SS Major General Otto Hofmann, the chief of SS Race and Settlement Main Office.
    Representing the agencies of the State were:
    • State Secretary Roland Freisler (Ministry of Justice)
    • Ministerial Director Wilhelm Kritzinger (Reich Cabinet)
    • State Secretary Alfred Meyer (Reich Ministry for the Occupied Eastern Territories-German-occupied USSR)
    • Ministerial Director Georg Leibrandt (Reich Ministry for the Occupied Eastern Territories)
    • Undersecretary of State Martin Luther (Foreign Office)
    • State Secretary Wilhelm Stuckart (Ministry of the Interior)
    • State Secretary Erich Naumann (Office of Plenipotentiary for the Four-Year Plan)
    • State Secretary Josef Bühler (Office of the Government of the Governor General-German-occupied Poland)
    • Ministerial Director Gerhard Klopfer (Nazi Party Chancellery)
    Not present at the meeting were representatives of the German Armed Forces (Wehrmacht) and the Reich Railroads (Reichsbahn) in the German Ministry of Transportation. The SS and police had already negotiated agreements with the German Army High Command on the murder of civilians, including Soviet Jews, in the spring of 1941, prior to the invasion of the Soviet Union. In late September 1941, Hitler had authorized the Reich Railroads to transport German, Austrian, and Czech Jews to locations in German-occupied Poland and the German-occupied Soviet Union, where German authorities would kill the overwhelming majority of them.
    Goals of the Conference
    The "Final Solution" was the code name for the systematic, deliberate, physical annihilation of the European Jews. At some still undetermined time in 1941, Adolf Hitler authorized this European-wide scheme for mass murder. Heydrich convened the Wannsee Conference
    • to inform and secure support from government ministries and other interested agencies relevant to the implementation of the “Final Solution”
    • to disclose to the participants that Hitler himself had tasked Heydrich and the RSHA with coordinating the operation
    The men at the table did not deliberate whether such a plan should be undertaken, but instead discussed the implementation of a policy decision that had already been made at the highest level of the Nazi regime.
    Coordinating the "Final Solution"
    At the time of the Wannsee Conference, most participants were already aware that the Nazi regime had engaged in mass murder of Jews and other civilians in the German-occupied areas of the Soviet Union and in Serbia. Some had learned of the actions of the Einsatzgruppen and other police and military units, which were already slaughtering tens of thousands of Jews in the German-occupied Soviet Union. Others were aware that units of the German Army and the SS and police were killing Jews in Serbia. None of the officials present at the meeting objected to the "Final Solution" View This Term in the Glossary policy that Heydrich announced.

How fucking gullible do you have to be to swallow this shit? Just because it was in a movie doesn't make it real, numbskull.

Do you really believe that if the Nazis were intent on exterminating Jews they would have rounded them up, put them on trains, then transported them, using desperately needed fuel, out of Germany and across Poland just to unload them, use gas chambers disguised as showers (hahahahahaha!!!!) to slowly gas group after group, then haul them out of the gas chambers disguised as showers (hahahahahahah!!!!!) drag them to a pit and then use even more desperately needed fuel to cremate six million corpses just so the people they are currently trying to kill in battle don't find out and get mad at them? How fucking stupid, really, do you have to be to buy that shit? If the Nazis had really had a plan to exterminate the Jews they would have done it the way the Jewish Bolsheviks had been committing genocide against Christians for 20 years in nearby Russia. You just choose an apartment block at random and around four in the morning you crash down the doors and haul everyone in the building into the back of a waiting truck. Then you drive them out to a field a few miles outside the city limits and wait, as your human cargo trembles in terror in the back, for it to get light enough to mow them down with machine guns. Cheap, efficient, and absolutely brutal.

Gas chambers disguised as showers (hahahahahahahaha!!!!!!!) Fool.

View attachment 434556

Since there is plenty of evidence of the Bolshevik atrocities, no need to invent stories about huge cremation pits.
Imagine the terror these people felt in their last moments. Now think about this: we were ALLIES of these Jewish monsters against our German Christian brothers.

Do you see now how absolutely incredibly stupid you are, Christian? How pathetic? How contemptible your religion has made you?

WTF are you talking about?

First, the Holocaust was real and it happened. It wasn't so much the German "Christian" Bros, but the idea that Hitler got from racist Charles Darwin (social Darwinism) and his cousin Francis Galton on Eugenics or "Survival of the Fittest." Darwin and his family were deep down racists from the beginning. He just loved the sound of "Survival of the Fittest" and used it in later publications of Origins of the Species. Darwin supported Eugenics and it also proliferated in the United States at the time.


Move forward to the next century and Hitler was drooling over how science supposedly backed what he thought was right for the world -- Eugenics and "Survival of the Fittest." This gave him the superiority of the Aryans and Nordics to rule the world and make it perfect by selective breeding. In the beginning, people couldn't just be gunned down and slaughtered because that is cold blooded murder. It had to have some semblance of scientific measurement and if not "life worthy of life," then euthanasia or forced sterilization. The non-Europeans, unfit with physical deformaties, ailments, homosexuality, and the like, aside from the Jews who were killed, outnumber even more than the Jews at 11 million. The Jews may have been deemed unfit just because of their race and poor living conditions. As time went on, it didn't matter as these social extermination and forced sterilization programs were so common that the Nazis just ended up shooting the Jews in the fields (such as woman and child) as you said instead of rounding them up and gassing them in concentration camps. Eugenics gave them the right to become cold blooded murders.


The United States was influenced by the science as well and I believe it's still why we have racism to this day -- When Eugenics Was Mainstream: 35 Disturbing Photos From The Days Just Before Hitler. Eugenics was just another name for racism. Blame Charles Darwin and his family.
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There was never a German or Nazi plan to exterminate the Jews. The Germans wanted them out of Germany--and for good reason, after the double treachery of WWI and the Treaty of Versailles--just as so many hundreds of other cities, states, countries, and kingdoms have wanted the Jews out. Hitler was a Zionist and the Star of David was the only political insignia permitted in Germany other than the swastika once the Nazis took power.

The Nazi Holocaust of the Jews is a gargantuan lie (what IS it with you people and lying, anyway. It's like a sickness). The real Holocaust of the 20th century was the Jewish Bolshevik holocaust of the Russians. And the rate at which people are seeing the truth is accelerating.

How fucking gullible do you have to be to swallow this shit? Just because it was in a movie doesn't make it real, numbskull.

Do you really believe that if the Nazis were intent on exterminating Jews they would have rounded them up, put them on trains, then transported them, using desperately needed fuel, out of Germany and across Poland just to unload them, use gas chambers disguised as showers (hahahahahaha!!!!) to slowly gas group after group, then haul them out of the gas chambers disguised as showers (hahahahahahah!!!!!) drag them to a pit and then use even more desperately needed fuel to cremate six million corpses just so the people they are currently trying to kill in battle don't find out and get mad at them? How fucking stupid, really, do you have to be to buy that shit? If the Nazis had really had a plan to exterminate the Jews they would have done it the way the Jewish Bolsheviks had been committing genocide against Christians for 20 years in nearby Russia. You just choose an apartment block at random and around four in the morning you crash down the doors and haul everyone in the building into the back of a waiting truck. Then you drive them out to a field a few miles outside the city limits and wait, as your human cargo trembles in terror in the back, for it to get light enough to mow them down with machine guns. Cheap, efficient, and absolutely brutal.

Gas chambers disguised as showers (hahahahahahahaha!!!!!!!) Fool.

View attachment 434556

Since there is plenty of evidence of the Bolshevik atrocities, no need to invent stories about huge cremation pits.
Imagine the terror these people felt in their last moments. Now think about this: we were ALLIES of these Jewish monsters against our German Christian brothers.

Do you see now how absolutely incredibly stupid you are, Christian? How pathetic? How contemptible your religion has made you?
Why are you lying? - You know full well the Holocaust happened and was committed by our German 'so-called' Christian Brothers - the Nazis.
You are the worst kind of liar. Someone who will deny the 'mountains' of evidence, much of it provided by the Nazis themselves, simply for political reasons to try and promote anti-Soviet propaganda. The Soviets were responsible for many atrocities and few would deny the fact but trying to make them responsible for the Holocaust just makes you look dumb or ingenuous or both in the vast majority of people's minds.

Why do you find "gas chambers disguised as showers" a matter of double hilarity?
What is funny about it?

Try reading -
Commandant of Auchwitz - Rudolf Hoess.
Five Chimneys - Olga Lengyel.
Auschwitz: A Doctors Eyewitness Account - Dr Miklos Nyiszli

Read them not just to gain insight on how the whole 'Death system' functioned, from their own unique perspectives. but more so to discover how all describe the same key events - Transports arriving from specific places throughout Nazi-occupied Europe.
The dates and times.
The Date 2nd Aug. 1944. The night the Gypsy camp was eradicated i.e. sent to the gas chambers for example.
Three people, one the Commandant in total control of events, A surgeon Jewish prisoner forced to perform autopsies for the infamous Dr. Mengele. And a Jewish woman who on entering the work camp and asking the Kapo when she could hope to see her elderly parents and children again, found herself being dragged to a window and the kapo telling her that her family will most likely have gone up that smoking chimney by now.
All three describe the same events to provide a cross-correlation of what happened and when - these are just the 'tip' of the available testimonies.

You might also want to examine Transcripts of the Adolf Eichmann Trial in Jerusalem 1961. In which he freely volunteered the information that 6,000,000 Jews had perished as a result of The Final Solution as decided at the Wannsee Conference Jan 1942.

So I would advise you to stop lying if you don't want to be viewed as anything other than a complete gobshite by the vast majority of members on this site.

And just in case your wondering, no I'm not Jewish!

On January 20, 1942, 15 high-ranking Nazi Party and German government officials gathered at a villa in the Berlin suburb of Wannsee to discuss and coordinate the implementation of what they called the "Final Solution of the Jewish Question."

  • 1

    The mass murder of the Jews by Nazi Germany and its collaborators required the coordination and cooperation of governmental agencies throughout Axis-controlled Europe.

  • 2

    The Wannsee Conference was a high-level meeting of German officials to discuss and implement the so-called “Final Solution of the Jewish Question” (mass killing).

  • 3

    The SS envisioned that some 11 million Jews, some of them not living on German-controlled territory, would be eradicated as part of the Nazi program.
  • Participants at the Wannsee Conference
    Representing the SS at the Wannsee Conference were:
    • SS General Reinhard Heydrich, the chief of the Reich Security Main Office (Reichssicherheitshauptamt-RSHA) and one of Reichsführer-SS (SS chief) Heinrich Himmler's top deputies
    • SS Major General Heinrich Müller, chief of RSHA Department IV (Gestapo)
    • SS Lieutenant Colonel Adolf Eichmann, chief of the RSHA Department IV B 4 (Jewish Affairs)
    • SS Colonel Eberhard Schöngarth, commander of the RSHA field office for the Government General in Krakow, Poland
    • SS Major Rudolf Lange, commander of RSHA Einsatzkommando 2, deployed in Latvia in the autumn of 1941
    • SS Major General Otto Hofmann, the chief of SS Race and Settlement Main Office.
  • Representing the agencies of the State were:
    • State Secretary Roland Freisler (Ministry of Justice)
    • Ministerial Director Wilhelm Kritzinger (Reich Cabinet)
    • State Secretary Alfred Meyer (Reich Ministry for the Occupied Eastern Territories-German-occupied USSR)
    • Ministerial Director Georg Leibrandt (Reich Ministry for the Occupied Eastern Territories)
    • Undersecretary of State Martin Luther (Foreign Office)
    • State Secretary Wilhelm Stuckart (Ministry of the Interior)
    • State Secretary Erich Naumann (Office of Plenipotentiary for the Four-Year Plan)
    • State Secretary Josef Bühler (Office of the Government of the Governor General-German-occupied Poland)
    • Ministerial Director Gerhard Klopfer (Nazi Party Chancellery)
  • Not present at the meeting were representatives of the German Armed Forces (Wehrmacht) and the Reich Railroads (Reichsbahn) in the German Ministry of Transportation. The SS and police had already negotiated agreements with the German Army High Command on the murder of civilians, including Soviet Jews, in the spring of 1941, prior to the invasion of the Soviet Union. In late September 1941, Hitler had authorized the Reich Railroads to transport German, Austrian, and Czech Jews to locations in German-occupied Poland and the German-occupied Soviet Union, where German authorities would kill the overwhelming majority of them.
    Goals of the Conference
    The "Final Solution" was the code name for the systematic, deliberate, physical annihilation of the European Jews. At some still undetermined time in 1941, Adolf Hitlerauthorized this European-wide scheme for mass murder. Heydrich convened the Wannsee Conference
    • to inform and secure support from government ministries and other interested agencies relevant to the implementation of the “Final Solution”
    • to disclose to the participants that Hitler himself had tasked Heydrich and the RSHA with coordinating the operation
  • The men at the table did not deliberate whether such a plan should be undertaken, but instead discussed the implementation of a policy decision that had already been made at the highest level of the Nazi regime.
    Coordinating the "Final Solution"
    At the time of the Wannsee Conference, most participants were already aware that the Nazi regime had engaged in mass murder of Jews and other civilians in the German-occupied areas of the Soviet Union and in Serbia. Some had learned of the actions of the Einsatzgruppen and other police and military units, which were already slaughtering tens of thousands of Jews in the German-occupied Soviet Union. Others were aware that units of the German Army and the SS and police were killing Jews in Serbia. None of the officials present at the meeting objected to the "Final Solution" View This Term in the Glossary policy that Heydrich announced.


I don't take Street Juice seriously, he is being facetious and a boring troll.
Eugenics was just another name for racism.
No, Eugenics is just another name for genetics. Human traits are hereditary. When I lived in China, they were having a big debate over whether to continue enforcing the one-child policy. The argument was that, since it wasn't being enforced as strictly in the countryside (since the peasants relied on sons for labor), it was having a dysgenic effect on the Chinese people as a whole (since city-dwelling Chinese have higher IQs than country-dwelling Chinese). That argument carried the day and policy was adjusted accordingly. In other words, it was a eugenic policy change.

Israel, too, has implemented eugenic policy changes by making more financially justifiable for high-salary women to have children. And the birthrate among professional women in Israel has, indeed, risen.

In this country, the victors in WWII use Nazi demonization to make eugenic policies impossible to implement. We have dysgenic policies in place like paying the poorest and lowest IQ women more money for every child they have. Despite it being such an extremely dysgenic policy, it won't change, because if any politician dared question the wisdom of such a manifestly stupid policy, the Jewish-owned press in this country would immediately destroy him or her as a Nazi, racist, white supremacist.

So, while the Chinese and Jewish races practice eugenics, the European and African races practice dysgenics. There is only one possible outcome. You, of course, are the useful Christian idiot unwittingly helping your enemies to destroy you.

It should be noted that, in Russia, the Jewish Bolsheviks practiced dysgenics with a vengeance, explicitly targeting "the intelligents" for liquidation. Thus entire professions, for example, engineers, gentile lawyers, priests, gentile doctors and so on were wiped out with their children. The Bolshevik slaughter of high IQ Russians and their children is, of course, many times worse than the Nazi encouragement of high-IQ Germans to have more children, yet you condemn the Nazis and ignore the Bolsheviks.
There was never a German or Nazi plan to exterminate the Jews. The Germans wanted them out of Germany--and for good reason, after the double treachery of WWI and the Treaty of Versailles--just as so many hundreds of other cities, states, countries, and kingdoms have wanted the Jews out. Hitler was a Zionist and the Star of David was the only political insignia permitted in Germany other than the swastika once the Nazis took power.

The Nazi Holocaust of the Jews is a gargantuan lie (what IS it with you people and lying, anyway. It's like a sickness). The real Holocaust of the 20th century was the Jewish Bolshevik holocaust of the Russians. And the rate at which people are seeing the truth is accelerating.

great argument, goy
> > Dr Hoettl Speaks
> Google Groups...

The six million figure was essentially confirmed with population statistics

Jews murdered by Nazi Christians: 6 million
Christians murdered by Bolshevik Jews: 66 million

How come we never hear about the crimes of the Bolsheviks, of which, at least, there is hard evidence.
Very excellent question.
How fucking gullible do you have to be to swallow this shit? Just because it was in a movie doesn't make it real, numbskull.

Do you really believe that if the Nazis were intent on exterminating Jews they would have rounded them up, put them on trains, then transported them, using desperately needed fuel, out of Germany and across Poland just to unload them, use gas chambers disguised as showers (hahahahahaha!!!!) to slowly gas group after group, then haul them out of the gas chambers disguised as showers (hahahahahahah!!!!!) drag them to a pit and then use even more desperately needed fuel to cremate six million corpses just so the people they are currently trying to kill in battle don't find out and get mad at them? How fucking stupid, really, do you have to be to buy that shit? If the Nazis had really had a plan to exterminate the Jews they would have done it the way the Jewish Bolsheviks had been committing genocide against Christians for 20 years in nearby Russia. You just choose an apartment block at random and around four in the morning you crash down the doors and haul everyone in the building into the back of a waiting truck. Then you drive them out to a field a few miles outside the city limits and wait, as your human cargo trembles in terror in the back, for it to get light enough to mow them down with machine guns. Cheap, efficient, and absolutely brutal.

Gas chambers disguised as showers (hahahahahahahaha!!!!!!!) Fool.

View attachment 434556

Since there is plenty of evidence of the Bolshevik atrocities, no need to invent stories about huge cremation pits.
Imagine the terror these people felt in their last moments. Now think about this: we were ALLIES of these Jewish monsters against our German Christian brothers.

Do you see now how absolutely incredibly stupid you are, Christian? How pathetic? How contemptible your religion has made you?
Why are you lying? - You know full well the Holocaust happened and was committed by our German 'so-called' Christian Brothers - the Nazis.
You are the worst kind of liar. Someone who will deny the 'mountains' of evidence, much of it provided by the Nazis themselves, simply for political reasons to try and promote anti-Soviet propaganda. The Soviets were responsible for many atrocities and few would deny the fact but trying to make them responsible for the Holocaust just makes you look dumb or ingenuous or both in the vast majority of people's minds.

Why do you find "gas chambers disguised as showers" a matter of double hilarity?
What is funny about it?

Try reading -
Commandant of Auchwitz - Rudolf Hoess.
Five Chimneys - Olga Lengyel.
Auschwitz: A Doctors Eyewitness Account - Dr Miklos Nyiszli

Read them not just to gain insight on how the whole 'Death system' functioned, from their own unique perspectives. but more so to discover how all describe the same key events - Transports arriving from specific places throughout Nazi-occupied Europe.
The dates and times.
The Date 2nd Aug. 1944. The night the Gypsy camp was eradicated i.e. sent to the gas chambers for example.
Three people, one the Commandant in total control of events, A surgeon Jewish prisoner forced to perform autopsies for the infamous Dr. Mengele. And a Jewish woman who on entering the work camp and asking the Kapo when she could hope to see her elderly parents and children again, found herself being dragged to a window and the kapo telling her that her family will most likely have gone up that smoking chimney by now.
All three describe the same events to provide a cross-correlation of what happened and when - these are just the 'tip' of the available testimonies.

You might also want to examine Transcripts of the Adolf Eichmann Trial in Jerusalem 1961. In which he freely volunteered the information that 6,000,000 Jews had perished as a result of The Final Solution as decided at the Wannsee Conference Jan 1942.

So I would advise you to stop lying if you don't want to be viewed as anything other than a complete gobshite by the vast majority of members on this site.

And just in case your wondering, no I'm not Jewish!

On January 20, 1942, 15 high-ranking Nazi Party and German government officials gathered at a villa in the Berlin suburb of Wannsee to discuss and coordinate the implementation of what they called the "Final Solution of the Jewish Question."

  • 1

    The mass murder of the Jews by Nazi Germany and its collaborators required the coordination and cooperation of governmental agencies throughout Axis-controlled Europe.

  • 2

    The Wannsee Conference was a high-level meeting of German officials to discuss and implement the so-called “Final Solution of the Jewish Question” (mass killing).

  • 3

    The SS envisioned that some 11 million Jews, some of them not living on German-controlled territory, would be eradicated as part of the Nazi program.
  • Participants at the Wannsee Conference
    Representing the SS at the Wannsee Conference were:
    • SS General Reinhard Heydrich, the chief of the Reich Security Main Office (Reichssicherheitshauptamt-RSHA) and one of Reichsführer-SS (SS chief) Heinrich Himmler's top deputies
    • SS Major General Heinrich Müller, chief of RSHA Department IV (Gestapo)
    • SS Lieutenant Colonel Adolf Eichmann, chief of the RSHA Department IV B 4 (Jewish Affairs)
    • SS Colonel Eberhard Schöngarth, commander of the RSHA field office for the Government General in Krakow, Poland
    • SS Major Rudolf Lange, commander of RSHA Einsatzkommando 2, deployed in Latvia in the autumn of 1941
    • SS Major General Otto Hofmann, the chief of SS Race and Settlement Main Office.
  • Representing the agencies of the State were:
    • State Secretary Roland Freisler (Ministry of Justice)
    • Ministerial Director Wilhelm Kritzinger (Reich Cabinet)
    • State Secretary Alfred Meyer (Reich Ministry for the Occupied Eastern Territories-German-occupied USSR)
    • Ministerial Director Georg Leibrandt (Reich Ministry for the Occupied Eastern Territories)
    • Undersecretary of State Martin Luther (Foreign Office)
    • State Secretary Wilhelm Stuckart (Ministry of the Interior)
    • State Secretary Erich Naumann (Office of Plenipotentiary for the Four-Year Plan)
    • State Secretary Josef Bühler (Office of the Government of the Governor General-German-occupied Poland)
    • Ministerial Director Gerhard Klopfer (Nazi Party Chancellery)
  • Not present at the meeting were representatives of the German Armed Forces (Wehrmacht) and the Reich Railroads (Reichsbahn) in the German Ministry of Transportation. The SS and police had already negotiated agreements with the German Army High Command on the murder of civilians, including Soviet Jews, in the spring of 1941, prior to the invasion of the Soviet Union. In late September 1941, Hitler had authorized the Reich Railroads to transport German, Austrian, and Czech Jews to locations in German-occupied Poland and the German-occupied Soviet Union, where German authorities would kill the overwhelming majority of them.
    Goals of the Conference
    The "Final Solution" was the code name for the systematic, deliberate, physical annihilation of the European Jews. At some still undetermined time in 1941, Adolf Hitlerauthorized this European-wide scheme for mass murder. Heydrich convened the Wannsee Conference
    • to inform and secure support from government ministries and other interested agencies relevant to the implementation of the “Final Solution”
    • to disclose to the participants that Hitler himself had tasked Heydrich and the RSHA with coordinating the operation
  • The men at the table did not deliberate whether such a plan should be undertaken, but instead discussed the implementation of a policy decision that had already been made at the highest level of the Nazi regime.
    Coordinating the "Final Solution"
    At the time of the Wannsee Conference, most participants were already aware that the Nazi regime had engaged in mass murder of Jews and other civilians in the German-occupied areas of the Soviet Union and in Serbia. Some had learned of the actions of the Einsatzgruppen and other police and military units, which were already slaughtering tens of thousands of Jews in the German-occupied Soviet Union. Others were aware that units of the German Army and the SS and police were killing Jews in Serbia. None of the officials present at the meeting objected to the "Final Solution" View This Term in the Glossary policy that Heydrich announced.

How about lampshades made out of the skin of Jews. Do you believe that one, too? Soap made from Jewish fat?
Why do you find "gas chambers disguised as showers" a matter of double hilarity?
What is funny about it?

Try reading -
Eye-witness accounts, hearsay, confessions under duress, population statistics--all subjective and all years after the fact. Answer this:

If the Nazis had actually embarked on a campaign to exterminate the Jews--major players on the world scene for thousands of years--and even succeeding in many areas, it would be the central crime of WWII if not history--as, indeed, it is today often considered.

In the immediate aftermath of the war, three major players in the war, Dwight Eisenhower, allied supreme commander, Charles de Gaulle, French president after liberation and head of the French government in exile, and Winston Churchill, wartime prime minister of Great Britain, all wrote their memoirs of the war. Robert Faurisson, a French academic who became a prominent Holocaust Denier in the 1970s, once made an extremely interesting observation regarding the memoirs of Eisenhower, Churchill, and De Gaulle, three men who were, arguably, the three best-informed individuals in the world outside Germany about Germany during the war.
Three of the best known works on the Second World War are General Eisenhower’s Crusade in Europe (New York: Doubleday [Country Life Press], 1948), Winston Churchill’s The Second World War (London: Cassell, 6 vols., 1948-1954), and the Mémoires de guerre of General de Gaulle (Paris: Plon, 3 vols., 1954-1959). In these three works not the least mention of Nazi gas chambers is to be found.
Eisenhower’s Crusade in Europe is a book of 559 pages; the six volumes of Churchill’s Second World War total 4,448 pages; and de Gaulle’s three-volume Mémoires de guerre is 2,054 pages. In this mass of writing, which altogether totals 7,061 pages (not including the introductory parts), published from 1948 to 1959, one will find no mention either of Nazi “gas chambers,” a “genocide” of the Jews, or of “six million” Jewish victims of the war.
Eugenics was just another name for racism.
No, Eugenics is just another name for genetics. Human traits are hereditary. When I lived in China, they were having a big debate over whether to continue enforcing the one-child policy. The argument was that, since it wasn't being enforced as strictly in the countryside (since the peasants relied on sons for labor), it was having a dysgenic effect on the Chinese people as a whole (since city-dwelling Chinese have higher IQs than country-dwelling Chinese). That argument carried the day and policy was adjusted accordingly. In other words, it was a eugenic policy change.

Israel, too, has implemented eugenic policy changes by making more financially justifiable for high-salary women to have children. And the birthrate among professional women in Israel has, indeed, risen.

In this country, the victors in WWII use Nazi demonization to make eugenic policies impossible to implement. We have dysgenic policies in place like paying the poorest and lowest IQ women more money for every child they have. Despite it being such an extremely dysgenic policy, it won't change, because if any politician dared question the wisdom of such a manifestly stupid policy, the Jewish-owned press in this country would immediately destroy him or her as a Nazi, racist, white supremacist.

So, while the Chinese and Jewish races practice eugenics, the European and African races practice dysgenics. There is only one possible outcome. You, of course, are the useful Christian idiot unwittingly helping your enemies to destroy you.

It should be noted that, in Russia, the Jewish Bolsheviks practiced dysgenics with a vengeance, explicitly targeting "the intelligents" for liquidation. Thus entire professions, for example, engineers, gentile lawyers, priests, gentile doctors and so on were wiped out with their children. The Bolshevik slaughter of high IQ Russians and their children is, of course, many times worse than the Nazi encouragement of high-IQ Germans to have more children, yet you condemn the Nazis and ignore the Bolsheviks.

Your dissertations would make sense if you actually knew the differences between eugenics, genetics, and dysgenics.
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The six million figure was essentially confirmed with population statistics

Jews murdered by Nazi Christians: 6 million
Christians murdered by Bolshevik Jews: 66 million

How come we never hear about the crimes of the Bolsheviks, of which, at least, there is hard evidence.
The Bolsheviks were 10 percent Jewish and most were at the bottom of the rung
Awaiting the inevitable "Holocaust is a hoax" posts...

View attachment 430062

Testimony of Auschwitz Commandant Hoess

The Avalon Project : Nuremberg Trial Proceedings Volume 11

Read it for yourselves
The "confessions" of the men hung by vindictive Jews at Nuremberg were worthless, as they were gotten under duress, including torture. The "evidence" was fabricated nonsense. The trials were run by a Soviet Jew who had also been in charge of the notorious Moscow show trials of the 30s, at which the condemned "confessed" to all sorts of absurdities.
STFU !!!
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The six million figure was essentially confirmed with population statistics
Getting a lot of miles out of that. Just remember that the victor always writes the history. I don't deny that the "Holocaust" happened, however I do question the 6M figure. Especially in a period in which the European Jewish population attempted to exist as autonomous & secretive as possible as a matter of self preservation. There are not enough fires in hell to bring justice for the Holocaust.

The estimates of the numbers killed in the Operation Reinhardt camps, some 3.5-4.1 million based on railroad data, and some 2 million more over the rest of occupied Europe and the Slavic countries isn't an unreasonable estimate. 'Religious' Jews self-segregated themselves whenever they could, so that made it hard to be 'anonymous' in much of Europe, except for those Jews who rejected the Orthodox and Hasidim focus on racism and isolationism and chose to assimilate.
Jews are not a race. They accept converts from all races. There are Black Jews and Chinese Jews. I presentted 2 pieces of evidence, idiot. You can't read.
The ashkenszi are a distinct ethnic group with unusual bird noses , Long narrow horse faces and dark curly hair
> > Dr Hoettl Speaks
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The six million figure was essentially confirmed with population statistics
Getting a lot of miles out of that. Just remember that the victor always writes the history. I don't deny that the "Holocaust" happened, however I do question the 6M figure. Especially in a period in which the European Jewish population attempted to exist as autonomous & secretive as possible as a matter of self preservation. There are not enough fires in hell to bring justice for the Holocaust.

The estimates of the numbers killed in the Operation Reinhardt camps, some 3.5-4.1 million based on railroad data, and some 2 million more over the rest of occupied Europe and the Slavic countries isn't an unreasonable estimate. 'Religious' Jews self-segregated themselves whenever they could, so that made it hard to be 'anonymous' in much of Europe, except for those Jews who rejected the Orthodox and Hasidim focus on racism and isolationism and chose to assimilate.
Jews are not a race. They accept converts from all races. There are Black Jews and Chinese Jews. I presentted 2 pieces of evidence, idiot. You can't read.
The ashkenszi are a distinct ethnic group with unusual bird noses , Long narrow horse faces and dark curly hair
WRONG. AShkenazi refers to Jews whose ancestors came from Europe.
I thought other people besides the Jews died during the holocaust also?

Here's the thing about that. 50 million people died as an effect World War II. Some in combat, the vast majority as non-combatants. The Nazis targeted many groups in their mission to rid the world of "untermenschen". Gypsies (Roma), Homosexual, Intellectuals, Communists, people with mental or physical disabilities, and just about anyone who didn't goosestep to the music of Hitler and his henchmen.

Jews, however, in the Nazi ideology, held a special place. Unlike other groups, who were singled out for their beliefs, or their predilections, or individual traits that Nazis considered defects, Jews were targeted for total global annihilation. If they never set foot in a synagogue in their life, if they never uttered a single Jewish prayer. Even if they adopted the xtian religion and married into xtian families, if they had a Jewish a relative back three generations, they were targeted for extermination.

The Nazis weren't satisfied with destroying Jews in Germany. Had the Germans defeated Russia, they had plans to exterminate everyone with Jewish ancestry in all of Russia and the Soviet Republics, another 5 Million Jews. They killed more than a million Jews in captured Russian territory. When America entered the War in late 1941, the SS was discussing how to round of Jews in occupied US territories and the difficulties because America didn't keep records or Jewish ancestry.

The Holocaust was a human tragedy to be sure. But, for the Jews, and the special rancor Nazis held for them, combined with an already small population. The Holocaust was especially painful.
Who knows what would have happened if Germany would have defeated the Soviets? However the plan for the Jews was to deport them. Nazis deported lots of Jews to Palestine, and then they turned their attention to Madagascar and another country in the African continent to deport them.

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