Dr Hoettl Confirms The Six Million Jews Killed in The Holocaust

Nazis deported lots of Jews to Palestine


In 1933, Germany made a deal; with the Zionist organizations in Palestine to allow Jews who paid 80,000 Reichmarks each (about $25,000 at the time) to emigrate to Palestine. All other assets the German Jews had were seized by the Nazis.

Prior in 1939, Jews who could pay were allowed to leave Germany if they left all other assets behind. Many went to places like Poland or France, to simply fall right back into Nazi hands when those countries were overrun.

In 1939. that policy ended and all Jews were either exterminated locally or sent to ghettos or concentration camps. By 1941, the official policy was extermination.
Nazis deported lots of Jews to Palestine


In 1933, Germany made a deal; with the Zionist organizations in Palestine to allow Jews who paid 80,000 Reichmarks each (about $25,000 at the time) to emigrate to Palestine. All other assets the German Jews had were seized by the Nazis.

Prior in 1939, Jews who could pay were allowed to leave Germany if they left all other assets behind. Many went to places like Poland or France, to simply fall right back into Nazi hands when those countries were overrun.

In 1939. that policy ended and all Jews were either exterminated locally or sent to ghettos or concentration camps. By 1941, the official policy was extermination.
In essence deportations if you can afford it. And nothing I posted about Madagascar or Africa is wrong, even the PM of Israel has said the same.
Eugenics was just another name for racism.
No, Eugenics is just another name for genetics. Human traits are hereditary. When I lived in China, they were having a big debate over whether to continue enforcing the one-child policy. The argument was that, since it wasn't being enforced as strictly in the countryside (since the peasants relied on sons for labor), it was having a dysgenic effect on the Chinese people as a whole (since city-dwelling Chinese have higher IQs than country-dwelling Chinese). That argument carried the day and policy was adjusted accordingly. In other words, it was a eugenic policy change.

Israel, too, has implemented eugenic policy changes by making more financially justifiable for high-salary women to have children. And the birthrate among professional women in Israel has, indeed, risen.

In this country, the victors in WWII use Nazi demonization to make eugenic policies impossible to implement. We have dysgenic policies in place like paying the poorest and lowest IQ women more money for every child they have. Despite it being such an extremely dysgenic policy, it won't change, because if any politician dared question the wisdom of such a manifestly stupid policy, the Jewish-owned press in this country would immediately destroy him or her as a Nazi, racist, white supremacist.

So, while the Chinese and Jewish races practice eugenics, the European and African races practice dysgenics. There is only one possible outcome. You, of course, are the useful Christian idiot unwittingly helping your enemies to destroy you.

It should be noted that, in Russia, the Jewish Bolsheviks practiced dysgenics with a vengeance, explicitly targeting "the intelligents" for liquidation. Thus entire professions, for example, engineers, gentile lawyers, priests, gentile doctors and so on were wiped out with their children. The Bolshevik slaughter of high IQ Russians and their children is, of course, many times worse than the Nazi encouragement of high-IQ Germans to have more children, yet you condemn the Nazis and ignore the Bolsheviks.

Eugenics is genocide and racism when the state atheism or totalitarianism takes over and is in place. The latter is what happened before WW II in Germany, Europe, and eventually the United States. It eventually led to WW II as we know. It is still being perpetrated by the atheists and liberals as Planned Parenthood in the ghettos. The best way to combat it is to keep the conservatives in power and not use Dominion and crooked voting machines anymore.

As for you and your boring and troll straw man posts, it is best we label you as that and ignore.
Nazis deported lots of Jews to Palestine


In 1933, Germany made a deal; with the Zionist organizations in Palestine to allow Jews who paid 80,000 Reichmarks each (about $25,000 at the time) to emigrate to Palestine. All other assets the German Jews had were seized by the Nazis.

Prior in 1939, Jews who could pay were allowed to leave Germany if they left all other assets behind. Many went to places like Poland or France, to simply fall right back into Nazi hands when those countries were overrun.

In 1939. that policy ended and all Jews were either exterminated locally or sent to ghettos or concentration camps. By 1941, the official policy was extermination.
In essence deportations if you can afford it. And nothing I posted about Madagascar or Africa is wrong, even the PM of Israel has said the same.

Not a single Jew was resettled to Madagascar by The Nazis. In 1940, the Nazis had a plan to forcibly deport Jews to Madagascar, where the SS would run the entire island as a death camp. That plan was abandoned because The Nazis were afraid of losing ships (not their Jewish passengers) to The British Navy.

Yes, between 1936 and 1939, Jews who paid nearly $500,000 each (in 2020 dollars) for an exit visa were allowed to leave Germany, if they had a place to resettle and agreed to leave empty handed.

The millions who couldn't afford it, were herded into ghettos and camps, or just summarily executed.
Nazis deported lots of Jews to Palestine


In 1933, Germany made a deal; with the Zionist organizations in Palestine to allow Jews who paid 80,000 Reichmarks each (about $25,000 at the time) to emigrate to Palestine. All other assets the German Jews had were seized by the Nazis.

Prior in 1939, Jews who could pay were allowed to leave Germany if they left all other assets behind. Many went to places like Poland or France, to simply fall right back into Nazi hands when those countries were overrun.

In 1939. that policy ended and all Jews were either exterminated locally or sent to ghettos or concentration camps. By 1941, the official policy was extermination.
In essence deportations if you can afford it. And nothing I posted about Madagascar or Africa is wrong, even the PM of Israel has said the same.

Not a single Jew was resettled to Madagascar by The Nazis. In 1940, the Nazis had a plan to forcibly deport Jews to Madagascar, where the SS would run the entire island as a death camp. That plan was abandoned because The Nazis were afraid of losing ships (not their Jewish passengers) to The British Navy.

Yes, between 1936 and 1939, Jews who paid nearly $500,000 each (in 2020 dollars) for an exit visa were allowed to leave Germany, if they had a place to resettle and agreed to leave empty handed.

The millions who couldn't afford it, were herded into ghettos and camps, or just summarily executed.
I never they were, I said it was a plan that did not materialize.
> > Dr Hoettl Speaks
> Google Groups...

The six million figure was essentially confirmed with population statistics

Jews murdered by Nazi Christians: 6 million
Christians murdered by Bolshevik Jews: 66 million

How come we never hear about the crimes of the Bolsheviks, of which, at least, there is hard evidence.

Provide a link for the 66 million.
"Angered by the persistent nature of revolutionary violence . . . the ruling circles in Petersburg were not above yielding to the temptingly simple view that there was nothing organically wrong with Russia and that the entire revolution, from beginning to end, was a Jewish plot, part and parcel of a worldwide Jewish-Masonic conspiracy. Here was the root cause that explained it all: the Jews! . . . No, it would be quite wrong to say that the Jews 'organized' the revolutions of 1905 0r 1917 . . . ." Source: Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn, Two Hundred Years Together, (2002) pp 495, 496.
Holocaust was a very long time ago !
It’s time to move on for gods sakes !!
Without the Holocaust: you would never have the state of Israel
Holocaust was a very long time ago !
It’s time to move on for gods sakes !!
Without the Holocaust: you would never have the state of Israel

The Land belongs to the Jewish People by right!
No land belongs to anyone by rights !!
Land is only for the strongest

Let's debate the matter.

When two parties to a dispute go to court to settle their difference, the first words the judge utters are, "start from the beginning, and present any evidence you have."

One of the earliest mention of Israel can be found in the 9th Century BCE archaeological find, the Mesha Stele, commissioned by the king of Moab (present-day Jordan), where he mentions Israel and a king of Israel, namely, Omri. The Mesha Stele is currently housed at The Louvre in Paris, France.

If you claim that the land belongs to the "Palestinians" then it should be reflected in the archaeological records. Cite one archaeological evidence for the "Palestinians."
Holocaust was a very long time ago !
It’s time to move on for gods sakes !!
Without the Holocaust: you would never have the state of Israel

The Land belongs to the Jewish People by right!
No land belongs to anyone by rights !!
Land is only for the strongest

Let's debate the matter.

When two parties to a dispute go to court to settle their difference, the first words the judge utters are, "start from the beginning, and present any evidence you have."

One of the earliest mention of Israel can be found in the 9th Century BCE archaeological find, the Mesha Stele, commissioned by the king of Moab (present-day Jordan), where he mentions Israel and a king of Israel, namely, Omri. The Mesha Stele is currently housed at The Louvre in Paris, France.

If you claim that the land belongs to the "Palestinians" then it should be reflected in the archaeological records. Cite one archaeological evidence for the "Palestinians."
I am saying the land belongs in the 67 lines and that the West Bank settlements are illegal
Holocaust was a very long time ago !
It’s time to move on for gods sakes !!
Without the Holocaust: you would never have the state of Israel

The Land belongs to the Jewish People by right!
No land belongs to anyone by rights !!
Land is only for the strongest

Let's debate the matter.

When two parties to a dispute go to court to settle their difference, the first words the judge utters are, "start from the beginning, and present any evidence you have."

One of the earliest mention of Israel can be found in the 9th Century BCE archaeological find, the Mesha Stele, commissioned by the king of Moab (present-day Jordan), where he mentions Israel and a king of Israel, namely, Omri. The Mesha Stele is currently housed at The Louvre in Paris, France.

If you claim that the land belongs to the "Palestinians" then it should be reflected in the archaeological records. Cite one archaeological evidence for the "Palestinians."
I am saying the land belongs in the 67 lines and that the West Bank settlements are illegal

This is logorrhea -- not evidence.

The 9th Century BCE archaeological find, the Tel Dan Stele, commissioned by the king of Damascus, mentions Israel and the House of David. The Tel Dan Stele is at the Israel Museum.

Your turn, cite one archaeological evidence for the Palestinians.

Strike one, btw.
> > Dr Hoettl Speaks
> Google Groups...

The six million figure was essentially confirmed with population statistics

Jews murdered by Nazi Christians: 6 million
Christians murdered by Bolshevik Jews: 66 million

How come we never hear about the crimes of the Bolsheviks, of which, at least, there is hard evidence.
You must have heard about it...you knew about it.

I don't think the Bolsheviks were jews and I don't think it was 66 million. I could be wrong though.
> > Dr Hoettl Speaks
> Google Groups...

The six million figure was essentially confirmed with population statistics

Jews murdered by Nazi Christians: 6 million
Christians murdered by Bolshevik Jews: 66 million

How come we never hear about the crimes of the Bolsheviks, of which, at least, there is hard evidence.
You must have heard about it...you knew about it.

I don't think the Bolsheviks were jews and I don't think it was 66 million. I could be wrong though.
There were Jews and non-Jews among the anti-clerical Bolsheviks. The majority of Bolsheviks were gentiles. The guy stated that Jews killed 66 million gentiles -- which is pure bullshit.
Holocaust was a very long time ago !
It’s time to move on for gods sakes !!
Without the Holocaust: you would never have the state of Israel

The Land belongs to the Jewish People by right!
No land belongs to anyone by rights !!
Land is only for the strongest

Let's debate the matter.

When two parties to a dispute go to court to settle their difference, the first words the judge utters are, "start from the beginning, and present any evidence you have."

One of the earliest mention of Israel can be found in the 9th Century BCE archaeological find, the Mesha Stele, commissioned by the king of Moab (present-day Jordan), where he mentions Israel and a king of Israel, namely, Omri. The Mesha Stele is currently housed at The Louvre in Paris, France.

If you claim that the land belongs to the "Palestinians" then it should be reflected in the archaeological records. Cite one archaeological evidence for the "Palestinians."
I am saying the land belongs in the 67 lines and that the West Bank settlements are illegal

This is logorrhea -- not evidence.

The 9th Century BCE archaeological find, the Tel Dan Stele, commissioned by the king of Damascus, mentions Israel and the House of David. The Tel Dan Stele is at the Israel Museum.

Your turn, cite one archaeological evidence for the Palestinians.

Strike one, btw.
I am not here to defend the Palestinians but you had millions of them living in the lands for gods know how long
Holocaust was a very long time ago !
It’s time to move on for gods sakes !!
Without the Holocaust: you would never have the state of Israel

The Land belongs to the Jewish People by right!
No land belongs to anyone by rights !!
Land is only for the strongest

Let's debate the matter.

When two parties to a dispute go to court to settle their difference, the first words the judge utters are, "start from the beginning, and present any evidence you have."

One of the earliest mention of Israel can be found in the 9th Century BCE archaeological find, the Mesha Stele, commissioned by the king of Moab (present-day Jordan), where he mentions Israel and a king of Israel, namely, Omri. The Mesha Stele is currently housed at The Louvre in Paris, France.

If you claim that the land belongs to the "Palestinians" then it should be reflected in the archaeological records. Cite one archaeological evidence for the "Palestinians."
I am saying the land belongs in the 67 lines and that the West Bank settlements are illegal

This is logorrhea -- not evidence.

The 9th Century BCE archaeological find, the Tel Dan Stele, commissioned by the king of Damascus, mentions Israel and the House of David. The Tel Dan Stele is at the Israel Museum.

Your turn, cite one archaeological evidence for the Palestinians.

Strike one, btw.
I am not here to defend the Palestinians but you had millions of them living in the lands for gods know how long

The Jewish People predate them.
Harvard-trained historian Howard M. Sachar writes that from 1922-1946, 100,000 Arabs entered the country from the surrounding lands. Winston Churchill added that, "[d]espite the fact that they were never persecuted, masses of Arabs poured into the country and multiplied until the Arab population grew more than what all of world Jewry could add to the Jewish population."
Holocaust was a very long time ago !
It’s time to move on for gods sakes !!
Without the Holocaust: you would never have the state of Israel

The Land belongs to the Jewish People by right!
No land belongs to anyone by rights !!
Land is only for the strongest

Let's debate the matter.

When two parties to a dispute go to court to settle their difference, the first words the judge utters are, "start from the beginning, and present any evidence you have."

One of the earliest mention of Israel can be found in the 9th Century BCE archaeological find, the Mesha Stele, commissioned by the king of Moab (present-day Jordan), where he mentions Israel and a king of Israel, namely, Omri. The Mesha Stele is currently housed at The Louvre in Paris, France.

If you claim that the land belongs to the "Palestinians" then it should be reflected in the archaeological records. Cite one archaeological evidence for the "Palestinians."
I am saying the land belongs in the 67 lines and that the West Bank settlements are illegal

the "67 lines" are pure fantasy. They are not a border---just "cease-fire" lines. They have the "ETERNAL REALITY" of the Mason-Dixon line-----just lines drawn on the map
by parochial morons

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