Dr Hoettl Confirms The Six Million Jews Killed in The Holocaust

And just think, now we have Nazi 2.0 going on in the whole world. Nazi Germany was just a trial run and practice for the Cabal.
Why are people arguing that the Holocaust didn't happen? Seems pretty self evident that it did.
We don't argue happen. We argue numbers

why? the corn whiskey did not hold out? or was it the heroin?
No. A Ukranian X father in law and wife who met in concentration camps and stayed together 60 some years.
Both said. Lots of people were killed and lots simply died of diseases. They both called BS on the official numbers
Why are people arguing that the Holocaust didn't happen? Seems pretty self evident that it did.
We don't argue happen. We argue numbers

why? the corn whiskey did not hold out? or was it the heroin?
No. A Ukranian X father in law and wife who met in concentration camps and stayed together 60 some years.
Both said. Lots of people were killed and lots simply died of diseases. They both called BS on the official numbers

"simply died of disease" -----gee---what a surprise----people starved, over worked, abused and denied even the most basic food and hygiene "died of disease" Are you
the VALEDICTORIAN of your community?. OK-- of the 10 million Ukranians who died under Stalin's imposed famine against the Kulaks------ALL OF THOSE JERKS DIED OF
Only 1/3 of the people killed by the nazis in the holocaust were jewish. Yet they get 100 percent of the publicity.
I dont dislike jewish people or have any other misgivings. But history is being skewed in a biased direction if we fail to recognize the others who were being oppressed and killed just for the sake of a single entity. This is a injustice by those propagating it themselves.
Only 1/3 of the people killed in nazi germany by the holocaust were jewish. 2/3 were other denominations or classes of people which hitler saw as a threat. He had lots of enemies. Why are we always acting as if it was just one group.
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Only 1/3 of the people killed by the nazis in the holocaust were jewish. Yet they get 100 percent of the publicity.
I dont dislike jewish people or have any other misgivings. But history is being skewed in a biased direction if we fail to recognize the others who were being oppressed and killed just for the sake of a single entity. This is a injustice by those propagating it themselves.
Only 1/3 of the people killed in nazi germany by the holocaust were jewish. 2/3 were other denominations or classes of people which hitler saw as a threat. He had lots of enemies. Why are we always acting as if it was just one group.

while I cannot confirm your specific allegation regarding numbers----the issue with
jews is that jews are not a "class of people" ----like the mentally retarded, or
'declared communists' or criminals. Jews are a people who have an
extensive history in Europe of oppression as an expression of the ideology
of the culture there. It is not clear to me how YOU get the idea that jews claim
exclusive victimization by Nazis. I have been a jew all my life and never came across such a person. I was seven years old when my mother told me about Hitler and
also about the Armenian genocide at which the world YAWNED. I don't know
how you are using the word "denomination" unless you refer to the Roma.
All of the PEOPLES of the world have a right to identify their own oppressors and
memorialize the victims. Does it bother you that the black Africans of the USA
do so?
Jews murdered by Nazi Christians
There are no nazi Christian's. The Nazis were pagans but they tried to appeal to Christian's because that was the society they had to deal with
There are no nazi Christian's. The Nazis were pagans but they tried to appeal to Christian's because that was the society they had to deal with

Huh? Germans are Christians, not pagans, and part of Christiandom. I'm not talking about "born again" Christians, or whatever it is you are talking about.
Only 1/3 of the people killed by the nazis in the holocaust were jewish. Yet they get 100 percent of the publicity.
I dont dislike jewish people or have any other misgivings. But history is being skewed in a biased direction if we fail to recognize the others who were being oppressed and killed just for the sake of a single entity. This is a injustice by those propagating it themselves.
Only 1/3 of the people killed in nazi germany by the holocaust were jewish. 2/3 were other denominations or classes of people which hitler saw as a threat. He had lots of enemies. Why are we always acting as if it was just one group.
And the Nazis killed a tiny fraction of the number of victims of the Jewish Bolsheviks in Russia.
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The six million figure was essentially confirmed with population statistics

Jews murdered by Nazi Christians: 6 million
Christians murdered by Bolshevik Jews: 66 million

How come we never hear about the crimes of the Bolsheviks, of which, at least, there is hard evidence.

Provide a link for the 66 million.
"Angered by the persistent nature of revolutionary violence . . . the ruling circles in Petersburg were not above yielding to the temptingly simple view that there was nothing organically wrong with Russia and that the entire revolution, from beginning to end, was a Jewish plot, part and parcel of a worldwide Jewish-Masonic conspiracy. Here was the root cause that explained it all: the Jews! . . . No, it would be quite wrong to say that the Jews 'organized' the revolutions of 1905 0r 1917 . . . ." Source: Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn, Two Hundred Years Together, (2002) pp 495, 496.

"You must understand. The leading Bolsheviks who took over Russia were not Russians. They hated Russians. They hated Christians. Driven by ethnic hatred they tortured and slaughtered millions of Russians without a shred of human remorse.

The October Revolution was not what you call in America the 'Russian Revolution.'

It was an invasion and conquest over the Russian people.

More of my countrymen suffered horrific crimes at their bloodstained hands than any people or nation ever suffered in the entirety of human history.

It cannot be overstated. Bolshevism committed the greatest human slaughter of all time.

The fact that most of the world is ignorant and uncaring about this enormous crime is proof that the global media is in the hands of the perpetrators."[1]
-- Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn
And just think, now we have Nazi 2.0 going on in the whole world. Nazi Germany was just a trial run and practice for the Cabal.
Persecution complex much? Hahahaha Lawdy! Lawdy! The whole world is Nazis! The whole world is against ME! Because I am the CENTER of the universe! Me! Me! Me!
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The six million figure was essentially confirmed with population statistics
Getting a lot of miles out of that. Just remember that the victor always writes the history. I don't deny that the "Holocaust" happened, however I do question the 6M figure. Especially in a period in which the European Jewish population attempted to exist as autonomous & secretive as possible as a matter of self preservation. There are not enough fires in hell to bring justice for the Holocaust.

The estimates of the numbers killed in the Operation Reinhardt camps, some 3.5-4.1 million based on railroad data, and some 2 million more over the rest of occupied Europe and the Slavic countries isn't an unreasonable estimate. 'Religious' Jews self-segregated themselves whenever they could, so that made it hard to be 'anonymous' in much of Europe, except for those Jews who rejected the Orthodox and Hasidim focus on racism and isolationism and chose to assimilate.
Jews are not a race. They accept converts from all races. There are Black Jews and Chinese Jews. I presentted 2 pieces of evidence, idiot. You can't read.

Rubbish. The Orthodox and Ultra-Orthodox have 'racial purity' laws that will take up several hundred pages of text. You don't know squat about Jewsih history, especially since the return of the Babylonian exiles. The original early Jewish ghettos in Europe were segegrated at the requests from Jewish leaders themselves. After the defeat of the Bar Kochba revolt they went on a recruitment spree, but their own 'laws' hampered their appeal to those without the right bloodlines, so their drives weren't very successful. They lost many to not only the Roman revolts but to the Christian sects as well, for obvious reasons; they would be a huge demographic by now if it weren't for the silly racist regulations the 'real Jews' insist on, and if their racism hadn't led them into stupid idiocy like believing they could beat the Romans.
I am Jewish myself. Jews remain a small group because we are forbidden to proselytize.
Sammy Davis was a Black Jew. Connie Chung was a Chinese Jew.

So what? Too bad Jews did proselytize at various times, and that isn't any secret. In fact, one of the first recorded snivels about Da Evul Xians oppressing them in Spain comes from around 400 a.d., when the Visigoth king forbade them from forcibly converting their slaves.

My grandparents on my mother's side were descended from Moroccan Jews. Got any other irrelevant news you need to share? Try reading the Jewish encylopedia or the latest from the fine historians at Hebrew University instead of relying on the usual fairy tales
When did Jews proselytize?
We're not allowed to proselytize.
How fucking gullible do you have to be to swallow this shit? Just because it was in a movie doesn't make it real, numbskull.

Do you really believe that if the Nazis were intent on exterminating Jews they would have rounded them up, put them on trains, then transported them, using desperately needed fuel, out of Germany and across Poland just to unload them, use gas chambers disguised as showers (hahahahahaha!!!!) to slowly gas group after group, then haul them out of the gas chambers disguised as showers (hahahahahahah!!!!!) drag them to a pit and then use even more desperately needed fuel to cremate six million corpses just so the people they are currently trying to kill in battle don't find out and get mad at them? How fucking stupid, really, do you have to be to buy that shit? If the Nazis had really had a plan to exterminate the Jews they would have done it the way the Jewish Bolsheviks had been committing genocide against Christians for 20 years in nearby Russia. You just choose an apartment block at random and around four in the morning you crash down the doors and haul everyone in the building into the back of a waiting truck. Then you drive them out to a field a few miles outside the city limits and wait, as your human cargo trembles in terror in the back, for it to get light enough to mow them down with machine guns. Cheap, efficient, and absolutely brutal.

Gas chambers disguised as showers (hahahahahahahaha!!!!!!!) Fool.

View attachment 434556

Since there is plenty of evidence of the Bolshevik atrocities, no need to invent stories about huge cremation pits.
Imagine the terror these people felt in their last moments. Now think about this: we were ALLIES of these Jewish monsters against our German Christian brothers.

Do you see now how absolutely incredibly stupid you are, Christian? How pathetic? How contemptible your religion has made you?
You just murder people at random in the millions and not expect disease to be rampant.
Holocaust was a very long time ago !
It’s time to move on for gods sakes !!
Without the Holocaust: you would never have the state of Israel

The Land belongs to the Jewish People by right!
No land belongs to anyone by rights !!
Land is only for the strongest

Let's debate the matter.

When two parties to a dispute go to court to settle their difference, the first words the judge utters are, "start from the beginning, and present any evidence you have."

One of the earliest mention of Israel can be found in the 9th Century BCE archaeological find, the Mesha Stele, commissioned by the king of Moab (present-day Jordan), where he mentions Israel and a king of Israel, namely, Omri. The Mesha Stele is currently housed at The Louvre in Paris, France.

If you claim that the land belongs to the "Palestinians" then it should be reflected in the archaeological records. Cite one archaeological evidence for the "Palestinians."
I am saying the land belongs in the 67 lines and that the West Bank settlements are illegal

This is logorrhea -- not evidence.

The 9th Century BCE archaeological find, the Tel Dan Stele, commissioned by the king of Damascus, mentions Israel and the House of David. The Tel Dan Stele is at the Israel Museum.

Your turn, cite one archaeological evidence for the Palestinians.

Strike one, btw.
I am not here to defend the Palestinians but you had millions of them living in the lands for gods know how long
There were millions of people living all over Asia that were displaced.
Only 1/3 of the people killed by the nazis in the holocaust were jewish. Yet they get 100 percent of the publicity.
I dont dislike jewish people or have any other misgivings. But history is being skewed in a biased direction if we fail to recognize the others who were being oppressed and killed just for the sake of a single entity. This is a injustice by those propagating it themselves.
Only 1/3 of the people killed in nazi germany by the holocaust were jewish. 2/3 were other denominations or classes of people which hitler saw as a threat. He had lots of enemies. Why are we always acting as if it was just one group.
And the Nazis killed a tiny fraction of the number of victims of the Jewish Bolsheviks in Russia.
Stalin accomplished that feat by sending unarmed Jews westward against the armed Germans.
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The six million figure was essentially confirmed with population statistics

Jews murdered by Nazi Christians: 6 million
Christians murdered by Bolshevik Jews: 66 million

How come we never hear about the crimes of the Bolsheviks, of which, at least, there is hard evidence.
You must have heard about it...you knew about it.

I don't think the Bolsheviks were jews and I don't think it was 66 million. I could be wrong though.
Once I began to realize how much of everything we've been taught is flat out lies, I went looking for it. Here's a book that is not in print and unavailable at Amazon. It is a real description of a real holocaust by a historian who was an eye-witness. I could read no more than about ten pages at a time before I would have to put it down for a few weeks; it is that soul-searing. After you read that, you know what is real, and you know who is evil, and you know what a holocaust is, and you will laugh the next time you hear someone bring up The Diary of Anne Frank.

Btw, these are the only mentions in the whole book of Jew:

The weeping wives and mothers were dispersed with the whips and sometimes executed. The corpses of the executed mothers holding the babies could be seen behind the Jewish cemetery in Simpheropol.
By the way, about that 17 year old Bayeva. She was considered hardened after the 3d theft. The witnesses however said, that Bayeva was in reality executed for calling Steklov a “jew”.
Dombrovsky, a teacher, whose only fault was that during a search they found a suitcase with officer clothes, left behind by an officer family member passing through the town back in Denikin’s time, was tortured in a solitary cell. Dombrovskaya confessed of that, but the excommers had a tip that she was hiding gold jewelry, received from a relative, some general. That was enough to subject her to torture. Firstly she was raped and abused. The rape was carried out in the order of seniority. The excommer Friedman raped her first, than the rest of excommers. Then she was tortured in order to extract information of where she was hiding gold. First they carved her naked body with knives, than crushed the fingertips with the pliers. Suffering and bleeding, the victim pointed at some place in a barn of 28 Medevedev St., where she lived. She was executed at 9 PM 6 November, and an hour later that night the excommers searched that address, and supposedly found a golden wrist band and several rings.
The following event transpired on 13 October in Pyatigorsk: the Bolshevik Supreme Commissioner Sorokin attempted a coup, aimed at cleansing “soviet government of the Jews”. He has arrested and executed, among others, some excommers. “As a justification, Sorokin produced the documents, allegedly exposing the connections of the executed with the Voluntary Army – as stated the reports of Denikin’s Commissions, that we are using in this case. Sorokin was looking for an approval of his actions and power from an emergency congress of the Sovdep, revolutionaries and Red Army representatives, summoned by him in the town of Nevinnomyssk”. But Sorokin’s adversaries managed to declare him outlaw prior to his arrival to the congress as “a traitor of revolution”. He was arrested in Stavropol and immediately executed... That has sealed the fate for many of the hostages, imprisoned in the concentration camp.
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Stalin accomplished that feat by sending unarmed Jews westward against the armed Germans.
Hahaha...no shit?!
Read the history.
Stalin wanted the Jews dead as badly as Hitler did so he told the Jews, who were not given boots, jackets or weapons, to take them off of dead German soldiers.
Lots of Jews froze or starved to death on the multi-hundred mile trek into battle.
Only 1/3 of the people killed by the nazis in the holocaust were jewish. Yet they get 100 percent of the publicity.
I dont dislike jewish people or have any other misgivings. But history is being skewed in a biased direction if we fail to recognize the others who were being oppressed and killed just for the sake of a single entity. This is a injustice by those propagating it themselves.
Only 1/3 of the people killed in nazi germany by the holocaust were jewish. 2/3 were other denominations or classes of people which hitler saw as a threat. He had lots of enemies. Why are we always acting as if it was just one group.
And the Nazis killed a tiny fraction of the number of victims of the Jewish Bolsheviks in Russia.

your fellow nazis barely got into Russia. Stalin's men killed lots of jews. He was
a divinity student and had been groomed to be a cleric in the Eastern Orthodox

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