Dr Martin Luther King saved this country

Martin Luther King is admired around the world. Only racist Americans think he is not worthy of remembrance.
Adolph Hitler is admired around the world. Especially the Muslim world. Does that make him worthy of rememberence?
What an absolutely stupid remark, trying to compare King with Hitler. You must be a complete moron. And btw, the Muslim word does not admire Hitler. You are a complete moron and totally ignorant. Useless and pathetic.

That is the Rabbi we know and love

Another desperate appeal for attention
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Martin Luther King is admired around the world. Only racist Americans think he is not worthy of remembrance.
only honest, truth knowing Americans believe that huge black pile of racist shit should be remembered as the one black pile of shit who caused the death of many, many innocent Americans, both black and white.

i'll never understand why you people still defend that racist black pile of shit.., unless you are of his ilk !! :fu:
Martin Luther King is admired around the world. Only racist Americans think he is not worthy of remembrance.
only honest, truth knowing Americans believe that huge black pile of racist shit should be remembered as the one black pile of shit who caused the death of many, many innocent Americans, both black and white.

i'll never understand why you people still defend that racist black pile of shit.., unless you are of his ilk !! :fu:
You're a fucking moron.
I grew up in the 60's and saw most of the Civil Rights movement. Like most Americans, I was outraged at the assasination of Dr King. When we talked about giving him a national holiday ten years later, I looked at it as a form of appeasement for outraged blacks.....a way of giving them their own holiday to quiet them down.

In reading about the Civil Rights movement in subsequent years, I realized what a great American Dr King was. Black Americans came back after WWII to find that despite fighting and dying in defense of their country, they were still treated like lesser Americans. They found they were not allowed to mingle with whites, were not welcome in much of the country they had fought for. Blacks were considered to be dirty, diseased and sub human. Some whites were outraged at the thought of eating with blacks, using the same restrooms, riding on public transportation with them.

As black Americans began to protest their treatment in their own country they were met with harsh resistance from both white militants and governments who swore to support inequal treatment. Blacks were denied the right to vote, to freely associate, rights to a fair trial. Those who resisted were met with terrorist attacks. Lynchings, bombings, arrest and assasination of their leaders.

Most of us faced with such horrific treatment in our own homeland would fight violence with violence. How would you react if someone spat on your child for trying to go to school?

When the courts did not protect blacks, armed conflict would seem a reasonable response. Dr King knew violence would only result in more violence against you. He modeled the Civil Rights movement around Gandhis peaceful resistance theories. By using cameras to document the treatment of peaceful protestors he saved this country from an armed violent protest that would have destroyed this country.

America returned from WWII as an economic and military superpower. But a country that does not treat its citizens with respect is not a moral superpower. By changing the way we treat our citizens, Dr King, more importantly, saved our soul. By forcing us to look in a mirror and see who we really are, he enabled us to become a truly great country.

On this Martin Luther King day I hope everyone can reflect on what a great American he was and how much better off we all are

First time I ever saw you praise a Republican.


"The Republican Party geared its appeal and program to racism, reaction, and extremism." - Martin Luther King Jr.
Except King didnt say that. It appears in a book purporting to be an autobiography but is fabricated. In any case he is referring specifically to Goldwater's nomination.

MLK supported JFK

I think the key is not whether he was Democrat or Republican but that he despised Conservatives
I grew up in the 60's and saw most of the Civil Rights movement. Like most Americans, I was outraged at the assasination of Dr King. When we talked about giving him a national holiday ten years later, I looked at it as a form of appeasement for outraged blacks.....a way of giving them their own holiday to quiet them down.

In reading about the Civil Rights movement in subsequent years, I realized what a great American Dr King was. Black Americans came back after WWII to find that despite fighting and dying in defense of their country, they were still treated like lesser Americans. They found they were not allowed to mingle with whites, were not welcome in much of the country they had fought for. Blacks were considered to be dirty, diseased and sub human. Some whites were outraged at the thought of eating with blacks, using the same restrooms, riding on public transportation with them.

As black Americans began to protest their treatment in their own country they were met with harsh resistance from both white militants and governments who swore to support inequal treatment. Blacks were denied the right to vote, to freely associate, rights to a fair trial. Those who resisted were met with terrorist attacks. Lynchings, bombings, arrest and assasination of their leaders.

Most of us faced with such horrific treatment in our own homeland would fight violence with violence. How would you react if someone spat on your child for trying to go to school?

When the courts did not protect blacks, armed conflict would seem a reasonable response. Dr King knew violence would only result in more violence against you. He modeled the Civil Rights movement around Gandhis peaceful resistance theories. By using cameras to document the treatment of peaceful protestors he saved this country from an armed violent protest that would have destroyed this country.

America returned from WWII as an economic and military superpower. But a country that does not treat its citizens with respect is not a moral superpower. By changing the way we treat our citizens, Dr King, more importantly, saved our soul. By forcing us to look in a mirror and see who we really are, he enabled us to become a truly great country.

On this Martin Luther King day I hope everyone can reflect on what a great American he was and how much better off we all are

First time I ever saw you praise a Republican.


"The Republican Party geared its appeal and program to racism, reaction, and extremism." - Martin Luther King Jr.
Except King didnt say that. It appears in a book purporting to be an autobiography but is fabricated. In any case he is referring specifically to Goldwater's nomination.


First you say he didn't say it (he did) - It's from Dr. Kings Papers.

-then you say "in any case, he is referring..."

What a dolt.

Yes, it was at that crucial time, when the GOP Presidential nominee came out against voting for the Civil Rights Act, (with a Republican later to be named St. Ronnie, holding up Goldwater's banner) --

1964... the transformation of the party --

"The Republican Party geared its appeal and program to racism, reaction, and extremism.

All people of goodwill viewed with alarm and concern the frenzied wedding at the Cow Palace of the KKK with the radical right.
The "best man" at this ceremony was a senator whose voting record, philosophy, and program were anathema to all the hard-won achievements of the past decade.

It was both unfortunate and disastrous that the Republican Party nominated Barry Goldwater as its candidate for President of the United States. In foreign policy Mr. Goldwater advocated a narrow nationalism, a crippling isolationism, and a trigger-happy attitude that could plunge the whole world into the dark abyss of annihilation. On social and economic issues,

Mr. Goldwater represented an unrealistic conservatism that was totally out of touch with the realities of the twentieth century. The issue of poverty compelled the attention of all citizens of our country. Senator Goldwater had neither the concern nor the comprehension necessary to grapple with this problem of poverty in the fashion that the historical moment dictated. On the urgent issue of civil rights,

Senator Goldwater represented a philosophy that was morally indefensible and socially suicidal. While not himself a racist, Mr. Goldwater articulated a philosophy which gave aid and comfort to the racist. His candidacy and philosophy would serve as an umbrella under which extremists of all stripes would stand. In the light of these facts and because of my love for America,

I had no alternative but to urge every Negro and white person of goodwill to vote against Mr. Goldwater and to withdraw support from any Republican candidate that did not publicly disassociate himself from Senator Goldwater and his philosophy.

While I had followed a policy of not endorsing political candidates, I felt that the prospect of Senator Goldwater being President of the United States so threatened the health, morality, and survival of our nation, that I could not in good conscience fail to take a stand against what he represented." Dr. Martin Luther King.
When we talked about giving him a national holiday ten years later, I looked at it as a form of appeasement for outraged blacks.....a way of giving them their own holiday to quiet them down.
Is the only thing rightwinger got right on the opening post. Even then the federal government had to use extortion to make the states actually honor the "holiday"
I grew up in the 60's and saw most of the Civil Rights movement. Like most Americans, I was outraged at the assasination of Dr King. When we talked about giving him a national holiday ten years later, I looked at it as a form of appeasement for outraged blacks.....a way of giving them their own holiday to quiet them down.

In reading about the Civil Rights movement in subsequent years, I realized what a great American Dr King was. Black Americans came back after WWII to find that despite fighting and dying in defense of their country, they were still treated like lesser Americans. They found they were not allowed to mingle with whites, were not welcome in much of the country they had fought for. Blacks were considered to be dirty, diseased and sub human. Some whites were outraged at the thought of eating with blacks, using the same restrooms, riding on public transportation with them.

As black Americans began to protest their treatment in their own country they were met with harsh resistance from both white militants and governments who swore to support inequal treatment. Blacks were denied the right to vote, to freely associate, rights to a fair trial. Those who resisted were met with terrorist attacks. Lynchings, bombings, arrest and assasination of their leaders.

Most of us faced with such horrific treatment in our own homeland would fight violence with violence. How would you react if someone spat on your child for trying to go to school?

When the courts did not protect blacks, armed conflict would seem a reasonable response. Dr King knew violence would only result in more violence against you. He modeled the Civil Rights movement around Gandhis peaceful resistance theories. By using cameras to document the treatment of peaceful protestors he saved this country from an armed violent protest that would have destroyed this country.

America returned from WWII as an economic and military superpower. But a country that does not treat its citizens with respect is not a moral superpower. By changing the way we treat our citizens, Dr King, more importantly, saved our soul. By forcing us to look in a mirror and see who we really are, he enabled us to become a truly great country.

On this Martin Luther King day I hope everyone can reflect on what a great American he was and how much better off we all are

First time I ever saw you praise a Republican.


"The Republican Party geared its appeal and program to racism, reaction, and extremism." - Martin Luther King Jr.
Except King didnt say that. It appears in a book purporting to be an autobiography but is fabricated. In any case he is referring specifically to Goldwater's nomination.


First you say he didn't say it (he did) - It's from Dr. Kings Papers.

-then you say "in any case, he is referring..."

What a dolt.

Yes, it was at that crucial time, when the GOP Presidential nominee came out against voting for the Civil Rights Act, (with a Republican later to be named St. Ronnie, holding up Goldwater's banner) --

1964... the transformation of the party --

"The Republican Party geared its appeal and program to racism, reaction, and extremism.

All people of goodwill viewed with alarm and concern the frenzied wedding at the Cow Palace of the KKK with the radical right.
The "best man" at this ceremony was a senator whose voting record, philosophy, and program were anathema to all the hard-won achievements of the past decade.

It was both unfortunate and disastrous that the Republican Party nominated Barry Goldwater as its candidate for President of the United States. In foreign policy Mr. Goldwater advocated a narrow nationalism, a crippling isolationism, and a trigger-happy attitude that could plunge the whole world into the dark abyss of annihilation. On social and economic issues,

Mr. Goldwater represented an unrealistic conservatism that was totally out of touch with the realities of the twentieth century. The issue of poverty compelled the attention of all citizens of our country. Senator Goldwater had neither the concern nor the comprehension necessary to grapple with this problem of poverty in the fashion that the historical moment dictated. On the urgent issue of civil rights,

Senator Goldwater represented a philosophy that was morally indefensible and socially suicidal. While not himself a racist, Mr. Goldwater articulated a philosophy which gave aid and comfort to the racist. His candidacy and philosophy would serve as an umbrella under which extremists of all stripes would stand. In the light of these facts and because of my love for America,

I had no alternative but to urge every Negro and white person of goodwill to vote against Mr. Goldwater and to withdraw support from any Republican candidate that did not publicly disassociate himself from Senator Goldwater and his philosophy.

While I had followed a policy of not endorsing political candidates, I felt that the prospect of Senator Goldwater being President of the United States so threatened the health, morality, and survival of our nation, that I could not in good conscience fail to take a stand against what he represented." Dr. Martin Luther King.
I see you linked back to the book which is a fake autobiography of King. You'll need to try harder next time to avoid being laughed at.
Some people are so gullible.
When we talked about giving him a national holiday ten years later, I looked at it as a form of appeasement for outraged blacks.....a way of giving them their own holiday to quiet them down.
Is the only thing rightwinger got right on the opening post. Even then the federal government had to use extortion to make the states actually honor the "holiday"

Sad isn't it? That we still have states fighting the Civil War
Martin Luther King Jr. Day - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia

Senators Jesse Helms and John Porter East (both North Carolina Republicans) led opposition to the bill and questioned whether King was important enough to receive such an honor. Helms criticized King's opposition to the Vietnam War and accused him of espousing "action-oriented Marxism". Helms led a filibuster against the bill and on October 3, 1983, submitted a 300-page document to the Senate alleging that King had associations with communists. New York Senator Daniel Patrick Moynihan declared the document a "packet of filth", threw it on the Senate floor and stomped on it

Moynihan kicks ass
I grew up in the 60's and saw most of the Civil Rights movement. Like most Americans, I was outraged at the assasination of Dr King. When we talked about giving him a national holiday ten years later, I looked at it as a form of appeasement for outraged blacks.....a way of giving them their own holiday to quiet them down.

In reading about the Civil Rights movement in subsequent years, I realized what a great American Dr King was. Black Americans came back after WWII to find that despite fighting and dying in defense of their country, they were still treated like lesser Americans. They found they were not allowed to mingle with whites, were not welcome in much of the country they had fought for. Blacks were considered to be dirty, diseased and sub human. Some whites were outraged at the thought of eating with blacks, using the same restrooms, riding on public transportation with them.

As black Americans began to protest their treatment in their own country they were met with harsh resistance from both white militants and governments who swore to support inequal treatment. Blacks were denied the right to vote, to freely associate, rights to a fair trial. Those who resisted were met with terrorist attacks. Lynchings, bombings, arrest and assasination of their leaders.

Most of us faced with such horrific treatment in our own homeland would fight violence with violence. How would you react if someone spat on your child for trying to go to school?

When the courts did not protect blacks, armed conflict would seem a reasonable response. Dr King knew violence would only result in more violence against you. He modeled the Civil Rights movement around Gandhis peaceful resistance theories. By using cameras to document the treatment of peaceful protestors he saved this country from an armed violent protest that would have destroyed this country.

America returned from WWII as an economic and military superpower. But a country that does not treat its citizens with respect is not a moral superpower. By changing the way we treat our citizens, Dr King, more importantly, saved our soul. By forcing us to look in a mirror and see who we really are, he enabled us to become a truly great country.

On this Martin Luther King day I hope everyone can reflect on what a great American he was and how much better off we all are

First time I ever saw you praise a Republican.


"The Republican Party geared its appeal and program to racism, reaction, and extremism." - Martin Luther King Jr.
Except King didnt say that. It appears in a book purporting to be an autobiography but is fabricated. In any case he is referring specifically to Goldwater's nomination.


First you say he didn't say it (he did) - It's from Dr. Kings Papers.

-then you say "in any case, he is referring..."

What a dolt.

Yes, it was at that crucial time, when the GOP Presidential nominee came out against voting for the Civil Rights Act, (with a Republican later to be named St. Ronnie, holding up Goldwater's banner) --

1964... the transformation of the party --

"The Republican Party geared its appeal and program to racism, reaction, and extremism.

All people of goodwill viewed with alarm and concern the frenzied wedding at the Cow Palace of the KKK with the radical right.
The "best man" at this ceremony was a senator whose voting record, philosophy, and program were anathema to all the hard-won achievements of the past decade.

It was both unfortunate and disastrous that the Republican Party nominated Barry Goldwater as its candidate for President of the United States. In foreign policy Mr. Goldwater advocated a narrow nationalism, a crippling isolationism, and a trigger-happy attitude that could plunge the whole world into the dark abyss of annihilation. On social and economic issues,

Mr. Goldwater represented an unrealistic conservatism that was totally out of touch with the realities of the twentieth century. The issue of poverty compelled the attention of all citizens of our country. Senator Goldwater had neither the concern nor the comprehension necessary to grapple with this problem of poverty in the fashion that the historical moment dictated. On the urgent issue of civil rights,

Senator Goldwater represented a philosophy that was morally indefensible and socially suicidal. While not himself a racist, Mr. Goldwater articulated a philosophy which gave aid and comfort to the racist. His candidacy and philosophy would serve as an umbrella under which extremists of all stripes would stand. In the light of these facts and because of my love for America,

I had no alternative but to urge every Negro and white person of goodwill to vote against Mr. Goldwater and to withdraw support from any Republican candidate that did not publicly disassociate himself from Senator Goldwater and his philosophy.

While I had followed a policy of not endorsing political candidates, I felt that the prospect of Senator Goldwater being President of the United States so threatened the health, morality, and survival of our nation, that I could not in good conscience fail to take a stand against what he represented." Dr. Martin Luther King.
I see you linked back to the book which is a fake autobiography of King. You'll need to try harder next time to avoid being laughed at.
Some people are so gullible.

I linked to the The King Papers, straight from The King Institute - his own words, idiot.

"The King Papers Project's principal mission is to publish a definitive fourteen-volume edition of The Papers of Martin Luther King, Jr.,a comprehensive collection of King's most significant correspondence, sermons, speeches, published writings, and unpublished manuscripts."

Martin Luther King Jr. Papers Project The Martin Luther King Jr. Research and Education Institute
On May 2, 2000, South Carolina governor Jim Hodges signed a bill to make Martin Luther King, Jr.'s birthday an official state holiday. South Carolina was the last state to recognize the day as a paid holiday for all state employees. Prior to this, employees could choose between celebrating Martin Luther King Day or one of three Confederate holidays

So what do you want Carolinians? You want to celebrate Martin Luther King Day or celebrate slavery?
I grew up in the 60's and saw most of the Civil Rights movement. Like most Americans, I was outraged at the assasination of Dr King. When we talked about giving him a national holiday ten years later, I looked at it as a form of appeasement for outraged blacks.....a way of giving them their own holiday to quiet them down.

In reading about the Civil Rights movement in subsequent years, I realized what a great American Dr King was. Black Americans came back after WWII to find that despite fighting and dying in defense of their country, they were still treated like lesser Americans. They found they were not allowed to mingle with whites, were not welcome in much of the country they had fought for. Blacks were considered to be dirty, diseased and sub human. Some whites were outraged at the thought of eating with blacks, using the same restrooms, riding on public transportation with them.

As black Americans began to protest their treatment in their own country they were met with harsh resistance from both white militants and governments who swore to support inequal treatment. Blacks were denied the right to vote, to freely associate, rights to a fair trial. Those who resisted were met with terrorist attacks. Lynchings, bombings, arrest and assasination of their leaders.

Most of us faced with such horrific treatment in our own homeland would fight violence with violence. How would you react if someone spat on your child for trying to go to school?

When the courts did not protect blacks, armed conflict would seem a reasonable response. Dr King knew violence would only result in more violence against you. He modeled the Civil Rights movement around Gandhis peaceful resistance theories. By using cameras to document the treatment of peaceful protestors he saved this country from an armed violent protest that would have destroyed this country.

America returned from WWII as an economic and military superpower. But a country that does not treat its citizens with respect is not a moral superpower. By changing the way we treat our citizens, Dr King, more importantly, saved our soul. By forcing us to look in a mirror and see who we really are, he enabled us to become a truly great country.

On this Martin Luther King day I hope everyone can reflect on what a great American he was and how much better off we all are

First time I ever saw you praise a Republican.


"The Republican Party geared its appeal and program to racism, reaction, and extremism." - Martin Luther King Jr.
Except King didnt say that. It appears in a book purporting to be an autobiography but is fabricated. In any case he is referring specifically to Goldwater's nomination.

MLK supported JFK

I think the key is not whether he was Democrat or Republican but that he despised Conservatives
MLK & JFK are dead. What they thought of the gop is as irrelevant as you are.
Martin Luther King is admired around the world. Only racist Americans think he is not worthy of remembrance.
Adolph Hitler is admired around the world. Especially the Muslim world. Does that make him worthy of rememberence?
Admired by you asshole right wingers.
Actually Hitler is admired by the Left much more. His top down control of industry, his health insurance for all, his gun control. It's like libs resurrected Hitler and adopted his program.
Martin Luther King is admired around the world. Only racist Americans think he is not worthy of remembrance.
Adolph Hitler is admired around the world. Especially the Muslim world. Does that make him worthy of rememberence?
Admired by you asshole right wingers.
Actually Hitler is admired by the Left much more. His top down control of industry, his health insurance for all, his gun control. It's like libs resurrected Hitler and adopted his program.

Hitler supported health insurance........too funny
Martin Luther King is admired around the world. Only racist Americans think he is not worthy of remembrance.
Adolph Hitler is admired around the world. Especially the Muslim world. Does that make him worthy of rememberence?
Admired by you asshole right wingers.
Actually Hitler is admired by the Left much more. His top down control of industry, his health insurance for all, his gun control. It's like libs resurrected Hitler and adopted his program.

Hitler supported health insurance........too funny
People laugh at what they dont understand.
Nazis and Health Care - Pacific Standard The Science of Society
How our southern states celebrate Martin Luther King Day

Alternate names:
In Virginia, it was known as Lee–Jackson–King Day, combining King's birthday with the established Lee–Jackson Day.[18] The incongruous nature of the holiday, which simultaneously celebrated the lives of Confederate Army generals and a civil rights icon, did not escape the notice of Virginia lawmakers. In 2000, Lee–Jackson Day was moved to the Friday before Martin Luther King Jr. Day, establishing Martin Luther King Jr. Day as a holiday in its own right.
In Alabama, Martin Luther King Jr. Day is known as "Robert E. Lee/Martin Luther King Birthday".

In Arkansas, Martin Luther King Jr. Day is known as "Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. and Robert E. Lee’s Birthdays"
In Mississippi, Martin Luther King Jr. Day is known as "Martin Luther King's and Robert E. Lee's Birthdays
How our southern states celebrate Martin Luther King Day

Alternate names:
In Virginia, it was known as Lee–Jackson–King Day, combining King's birthday with the established Lee–Jackson Day.[18] The incongruous nature of the holiday, which simultaneously celebrated the lives of Confederate Army generals and a civil rights icon, did not escape the notice of Virginia lawmakers. In 2000, Lee–Jackson Day was moved to the Friday before Martin Luther King Jr. Day, establishing Martin Luther King Jr. Day as a holiday in its own right.
In Alabama, Martin Luther King Jr. Day is known as "Robert E. Lee/Martin Luther King Birthday".

In Arkansas, Martin Luther King Jr. Day is known as "Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. and Robert E. Lee’s Birthdays"
In Mississippi, Martin Luther King Jr. Day is known as "Martin Luther King's and Robert E. Lee's Birthdays
Those states typically celebrated both Lee's birthday and Jefferson Davis' birthday. So adding King isnt very controversial.
How our southern states celebrate Martin Luther King Day

Alternate names:
In Virginia, it was known as Lee–Jackson–King Day, combining King's birthday with the established Lee–Jackson Day.[18] The incongruous nature of the holiday, which simultaneously celebrated the lives of Confederate Army generals and a civil rights icon, did not escape the notice of Virginia lawmakers. In 2000, Lee–Jackson Day was moved to the Friday before Martin Luther King Jr. Day, establishing Martin Luther King Jr. Day as a holiday in its own right.
In Alabama, Martin Luther King Jr. Day is known as "Robert E. Lee/Martin Luther King Birthday".

In Arkansas, Martin Luther King Jr. Day is known as "Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. and Robert E. Lee’s Birthdays"
In Mississippi, Martin Luther King Jr. Day is known as "Martin Luther King's and Robert E. Lee's Birthdays
Those states typically celebrated both Lee's birthday and Jefferson Davis' birthday. So adding King isnt very controversial.

But highly ironic

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