Dr Martin Luther King saved this country

More evidence of how Dr King saved this country

Dr King held up a mirror to this country and we did not like what we saw. Mean, brutal and unjust.

For a country founded on liberty and freedom, it was a rude awakening
There would have been no Civil Rights act of 1965 without King

That is simply not true. The country was changing, King was part of it, but he was not the only one by a long shot. It would have happened without him.

This thread is about the claim of the OP than MLK saved the country. That is a bullshit premise and completely illogical.

That is total bullshit and King knew it. He had heard enough of the "Be patient, things will change in their own due time"

They didn't change for 100 years after the 13th amendment

WWII ended in 1945. That was the promise of when civil rights would change. We are in the middle of a war, it would be patriotic of blacks to not push civil rights. Blacks waited, they fought for their country only to come back and find Jim Crow in full force

your view of history is very biased by your politcal orientation. But you are free to believe whatever you choose, no matter how foolish.

MLK was a great man, but he did not save the USA. That is a ridiculous statement.

The extreme violence with which southern whites responded to Civil Rights is more than enough evidence that they were not ready to do it on their own

some did (like Robert KKK Byrd, democrat,and Al Gore Sr, democrat) but the majority did not partake in or condone violence.

The majority did not condone violence but they had no problem condoning Jim Crow and its peculiar southern institutions. As long as blacks knew their place, southerners were more than happy.

But any challenge to Jim Crow was met with extreme violence which the local governments and legal system encouraged
More evidence of how Dr King saved this country

Dr King held up a mirror to this country and we did not like what we saw. Mean, brutal and unjust.

For a country founded on liberty and freedom, it was a rude awakening
And we saw a lot more in that mirror that the low info voter thought would be nice to do away with...like God, individual responsibility, self discipline, work ethic, manners, marriage, duty to children, morality and belief in founding principles....ending up with a moron in the White House and a long journey back to what sustained us for centuries.
That is simply not true. The country was changing, King was part of it, but he was not the only one by a long shot. It would have happened without him.

This thread is about the claim of the OP than MLK saved the country. That is a bullshit premise and completely illogical.

That is total bullshit and King knew it. He had heard enough of the "Be patient, things will change in their own due time"

They didn't change for 100 years after the 13th amendment

WWII ended in 1945. That was the promise of when civil rights would change. We are in the middle of a war, it would be patriotic of blacks to not push civil rights. Blacks waited, they fought for their country only to come back and find Jim Crow in full force

your view of history is very biased by your politcal orientation. But you are free to believe whatever you choose, no matter how foolish.

MLK was a great man, but he did not save the USA. That is a ridiculous statement.

The extreme violence with which southern whites responded to Civil Rights is more than enough evidence that they were not ready to do it on their own

some did (like Robert KKK Byrd, democrat,and Al Gore Sr, democrat) but the majority did not partake in or condone violence.

The majority did not condone violence but they had no problem condoning Jim Crow and its peculiar southern institutions. As long as blacks knew their place, southerners were more than happy.

But any challenge to Jim Crow was met with extreme violence which the local governments and legal system encouraged

no one is denying our history of slavery and discrimination. Irish were also enslaved and discriminated against, so were chinese and mexicans. That discrimination occured in the liberal northeast and far west. But you don't want to talk about that do you?
More evidence of how Dr King saved this country

Dr King held up a mirror to this country and we did not like what we saw. Mean, brutal and unjust.

For a country founded on liberty and freedom, it was a rude awakening
And we saw a lot more in that mirror that the low info voter thought would be nice to do away with...like God, individual responsibility, self discipline, work ethic, manners, marriage, duty to children, morality and belief in founding principles....ending up with a moron in the White House and a long journey back to what sustained us for centuries.

Totally worthless and unsubstantiated by historical facts

But you did make a damned hard try
He was a great American. But "saved our Country?" That's a little much.

What were we before the Civil Rights movement? A country that wrapped itself in the flag and proclaimed we were for liberty and justice. I fact....we weren't

Dr King saved us from being that kind of country
I grew up in the 40-50s and never encountered a black person until I joined the Air Force in the 60s....and they were few and far between.
Now I live between two black families.....like nothing ever happened. Until we start drinking....then it can get interesting..:ack-1::afro:
That is total bullshit and King knew it. He had heard enough of the "Be patient, things will change in their own due time"

They didn't change for 100 years after the 13th amendment

WWII ended in 1945. That was the promise of when civil rights would change. We are in the middle of a war, it would be patriotic of blacks to not push civil rights. Blacks waited, they fought for their country only to come back and find Jim Crow in full force

your view of history is very biased by your politcal orientation. But you are free to believe whatever you choose, no matter how foolish.

MLK was a great man, but he did not save the USA. That is a ridiculous statement.

The extreme violence with which southern whites responded to Civil Rights is more than enough evidence that they were not ready to do it on their own

some did (like Robert KKK Byrd, democrat,and Al Gore Sr, democrat) but the majority did not partake in or condone violence.

The majority did not condone violence but they had no problem condoning Jim Crow and its peculiar southern institutions. As long as blacks knew their place, southerners were more than happy.

But any challenge to Jim Crow was met with extreme violence which the local governments and legal system encouraged

no one is denying our history of slavery and discrimination. Irish were also enslaved and discriminated against, so were chinese and mexicans. That discrimination occured in the liberal northeast and far west. But you don't want to talk about that do you?

Somehow, the discrimination against the Irish and Chinese did not take a Civil War killing 600,000 Americans to put an end to.

When the discrimination against Irish, Chinese and Mexicans was challenged we did not see churches being bombed, bullwhips or attack dogs
He was a great American. But "saved our Country?" That's a little much.

What were we before the Civil Rights movement? A country that wrapped itself in the flag and proclaimed we were for liberty and justice. I fact....we weren't

Dr King saved us from being that kind of country
Yes we were...we the people...we had not the right leaders....just as now.
He was a great American. But "saved our Country?" That's a little much.

What were we before the Civil Rights movement? A country that wrapped itself in the flag and proclaimed we were for liberty and justice. I fact....we weren't

Dr King saved us from being that kind of country

RW.....most on the left would say we're still that kind of Country. I would also guess at least 90% of blacks would still say we're that kind of Country.

King was a great man. But assholes....(mostly on the left imho) have spit on his legacy and his dream.
He was a great American. But "saved our Country?" That's a little much.

What were we before the Civil Rights movement? A country that wrapped itself in the flag and proclaimed we were for liberty and justice. I fact....we weren't

Dr King saved us from being that kind of country
Yes we were...we the people...we had not the right leaders....just as now.

Don't kid yourself

Our leaders reflected our society and gave us just the type of government we demanded
He was a great American. But "saved our Country?" That's a little much.

What were we before the Civil Rights movement? A country that wrapped itself in the flag and proclaimed we were for liberty and justice. I fact....we weren't

Dr King saved us from being that kind of country
Yes we were...we the people...we had not the right leaders....just as now.

Don't kid yourself

Our leaders reflected our society and gave us just the type of government we demanded
Most of us were happy with the opportunity in OUR lives....we were neutral to the "plight" of the black people because we had no contact with them. We demanded little from the government...we were content to find success thru our own efforts. Assumed the same for the blacks. I suppose that was a defective perception....but leaders are supposed to have the big picture and fix things.

You think those morons in Boston chaining themselves to concrete barrels give a shit about the black people?
Can you imagine how most of us would have reacted if someone had blown up a church killing little girls and the government covered it up and refused to prosecute?
How many of us would have peacefully marched across the Edmund Pettus bridge in Selma and allowed the police to beat us with billy clubs without reacting ?

Violence would have been a natural response and it would have destroyed the country in a race war. Dr King won his revolution without firing a shot

MLK did good things for the country and race relations, so did JFK. But neither of them saved the country.

The problem is that we no longer have any MLKs or JFKs. The message of MLK has been corrupted by race baiters and shit stirrers like Sharpton, Jackson, Farrakhan, and Obama. Those 4 people have undone the good done by MLK and JFK. Those 4 people are personally responsible for the current state or race relations in this country. MLK is turning over in his grave at how the so-called black leaders of today have destroyed the good that he did.

Martin Luther King would be thrilled to death with black President Barack Obama

and for the record. obama is half white, half black arab-----------he is NOT an african american.
Where was his father from.

he was from the african continent. The same continent that contains Egypt, Libya, Somalia, and many other muslim nations. He was a black arab, not an african negro.
He was African.
Well considering how long it took to end slavery - and how long Jim Crow was in effect - I think 10 years sounds unrealistically optimistic.

by 40 years or so - at least.

Where would the impetus for change have come from?

human nature, Christian beliefs, the general goodness of human beings, the constitution, the bill of rights, churches, common sense.

So how long did it take those things to do away with slavery?

But of course there is no firm case one way or another since it's all speculation. But given our history and the general slow pace of change (without a major impetus like King provided), I personally think 10 years is too optimistic. But yes, we will never know for sure - thank goodness.

too long, whats your point?
Societal change is always hard.
But we in the US generally get it right in the end.

But, forced societal change never works. Legislated societal change never works. Mandated societal change never works--------can you say Henry the VIII?

I never said "too long"

I didn't put a value judgement on anything.


But NONE of the societal change we are talking about took place without government action.
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MLK did good things for the country and race relations, so did JFK. But neither of them saved the country.

The problem is that we no longer have any MLKs or JFKs. The message of MLK has been corrupted by race baiters and shit stirrers like Sharpton, Jackson, Farrakhan, and Obama. Those 4 people have undone the good done by MLK and JFK. Those 4 people are personally responsible for the current state or race relations in this country. MLK is turning over in his grave at how the so-called black leaders of today have destroyed the good that he did.

Martin Luther King would be thrilled to death with black President Barack Obama

and for the record. obama is half white, half black arab-----------he is NOT an african american.
Where was his father from.

he was from the african continent. The same continent that contains Egypt, Libya, Somalia, and many other muslim nations. He was a black arab, not an african negro.

Kenya is not africa now?

You are confusing Muslim with African. You can be both
Kenyans are not arabs
Redfish is just full of shit. His father was Black and from Kenya, he was African. Obama's father being African and his mother being American makes him African/American.
American Civil Rights protesters were the Patriots of their era

In fact, they had more severe grievances than our founding fathers had
your view of history is very biased by your politcal orientation. But you are free to believe whatever you choose, no matter how foolish.

MLK was a great man, but he did not save the USA. That is a ridiculous statement.

The extreme violence with which southern whites responded to Civil Rights is more than enough evidence that they were not ready to do it on their own

some did (like Robert KKK Byrd, democrat,and Al Gore Sr, democrat) but the majority did not partake in or condone violence.

The majority did not condone violence but they had no problem condoning Jim Crow and its peculiar southern institutions. As long as blacks knew their place, southerners were more than happy.

But any challenge to Jim Crow was met with extreme violence which the local governments and legal system encouraged

no one is denying our history of slavery and discrimination. Irish were also enslaved and discriminated against, so were chinese and mexicans. That discrimination occured in the liberal northeast and far west. But you don't want to talk about that do you?

Somehow, the discrimination against the Irish and Chinese did not take a Civil War killing 600,000 Americans to put an end to.

When the discrimination against Irish, Chinese and Mexicans was challenged we did not see churches being bombed, bullwhips or attack dogs

any idea why that was? any idea why americans fought against other americans? You do realize that there were slaves in the northern and western states as well as the south don't you? You do realize that the biggest KKK organizations were in northern states don't you? NO? didn't think so. You are an ignorant talking point parrot.
Martin Luther King would be thrilled to death with black President Barack Obama

and for the record. obama is half white, half black arab-----------he is NOT an african american.
Where was his father from.

he was from the african continent. The same continent that contains Egypt, Libya, Somalia, and many other muslim nations. He was a black arab, not an african negro.

Kenya is not africa now?

You are confusing Muslim with African. You can be both
Kenyans are not arabs
Redfish is just full of shit. His father was Black and from Kenya, he was African. Obama's father being African and his mother being American makes him African/American.

so to be "african american" you have to be half white?. Hmmm, never knew that. What if his mother was a black american? would be be an african african american?

I am an english/ irish/scottish american. Where is my special hyphenated status?

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