Dr Martin Luther King saved this country

Trump is protected by an army of Secret Service agents and the intelligence community

Dr King was on that balcony alone

Yes, so what? King had security people too, but they must not have been very good.

MLK was a good man who protested for change in a peaceful way. the radical left of today is nothing like MLK. BLM, antifa, NAACP, Sharpton, Cumming, Jackson-Lee, et al are a disgrace to King's memory and what he fought for.
Not even close

Today there is nothing like the radical left of the 1960s
Weather underground, Black Panthers, SDS were involved in violent overthrow of the government

To get something close today you would have to look at the radical right. Remember Oklahoma City?

did you miss the antifa violence at Berkley? Did you miss the BLM rants to kill cops? If destruction of public and private property and killing cops is not trying to violently overthrow the government, what is it?

Oklahoma city was one crazy lunatic with a fertilizer bomb. He is dead. He was nobody. He did not represent any movement or group, Just a lone mentally deranged hater.

as usual, your attempt at analogy fails.

OMG...tell me about that antifa violence
How many people were killed?

Not like that rightwing violence in Charletesville where they were running down people with a car

again, the guy in charletesville was a lone mentally disturbed asshole. He did not represent any organization or movement. another nice try, but another fail. Got any more?

Still a rightwing terrorist.....just like McVeigh

Here comes the republicans to claim him as one of their own, happens every year.

Based on his principles he could not be a liberal today. Today's liberals protest everything and flash the race card in all places. The results are the OPPOSITE what MLK stood for, as it's the left who are so concerned about race.

MLK: Not by the color of your skin but the content of character.

Today: Color matters, even when it doesn't. Take all things out of context and raise the race card to empower division.
MLK was a firm supporter of affirmative action

then he was lying when he said "judge people by the content of their character, not the color of their skin". Which is it?

You are capable of doing both

You can judge people on their character and you can help people who need help

bullshit, King's words and affirmative action are the exact opposites.

Dr King strongly supported affirmative action
It was necessary to correct past injustices

Martin Luther King Jr. explicitly supported what's now called affirmative action: Jarvis DeBerry

Stepen Oates, the author of a biography of King called Let The Trumpet Sound, quotes him thus: "A society that has done something special against the Negro for hundreds of years must now do something special for the Negro."
Last edited:
Based on his principles he could not be a liberal today. Today's liberals protest everything and flash the race card in all places. The results are the OPPOSITE what MLK stood for, as it's the left who are so concerned about race.

MLK: Not by the color of your skin but the content of character.

Today: Color matters, even when it doesn't. Take all things out of context and raise the race card to empower division.
MLK was a firm supporter of affirmative action

then he was lying when he said "judge people by the content of their character, not the color of their skin". Which is it?

You are capable of doing both

You can judge people on their character and you can help people who need help

bullshit, King's words and affirmative action are the exact opposites.

Dr King strongly supported affirmative action
It was necessary to correct past injustices

Martin Luther King Jr. explicitly supported what's now called affirmative action: Jarvis DeBerry

Stepen Oates, the author of a biography of King called Let The Trumpet Sound, quotes him thus: "A society that has done something special against the Negro for hundreds of years must now do something special for the Negro."

affirmative action is discrimination. MLK was against discrimination. You cannot make up for past discrimination by discriminating today.

No one living today was a slave or a slave owner.
But if the goal is to punish those who participated in the slave trade, shouldn't we punish the blacks in Africa who sold their brothers to dutch traders to be shipped to the new world? How about the muslims in Africa who enslave white women into the sex trade? Or the Thai sex trafficers? Why do you only want to punish whites in the USA who never had slavery, think it was a terrible time in our history, and condemn it in every way?
Yes, so what? King had security people too, but they must not have been very good.

MLK was a good man who protested for change in a peaceful way. the radical left of today is nothing like MLK. BLM, antifa, NAACP, Sharpton, Cumming, Jackson-Lee, et al are a disgrace to King's memory and what he fought for.
Not even close

Today there is nothing like the radical left of the 1960s
Weather underground, Black Panthers, SDS were involved in violent overthrow of the government

To get something close today you would have to look at the radical right. Remember Oklahoma City?

did you miss the antifa violence at Berkley? Did you miss the BLM rants to kill cops? If destruction of public and private property and killing cops is not trying to violently overthrow the government, what is it?

Oklahoma city was one crazy lunatic with a fertilizer bomb. He is dead. He was nobody. He did not represent any movement or group, Just a lone mentally deranged hater.

as usual, your attempt at analogy fails.

OMG...tell me about that antifa violence
How many people were killed?

Not like that rightwing violence in Charletesville where they were running down people with a car

again, the guy in charletesville was a lone mentally disturbed asshole. He did not represent any organization or movement. another nice try, but another fail. Got any more?

Still a rightwing terrorist.....just like McVeigh

what right wing groups was he a member of? The guy was a nut case. He represents no one but himself. Your desperation is making you more stupid by the day.
MLK was a firm supporter of affirmative action

then he was lying when he said "judge people by the content of their character, not the color of their skin". Which is it?

You are capable of doing both

You can judge people on their character and you can help people who need help

bullshit, King's words and affirmative action are the exact opposites.

Dr King strongly supported affirmative action
It was necessary to correct past injustices

Martin Luther King Jr. explicitly supported what's now called affirmative action: Jarvis DeBerry

Stepen Oates, the author of a biography of King called Let The Trumpet Sound, quotes him thus: "A society that has done something special against the Negro for hundreds of years must now do something special for the Negro."

affirmative action is discrimination. MLK was against discrimination. You cannot make up for past discrimination by discriminating today.

No one living today was a slave or a slave owner.
But if the goal is to punish those who participated in the slave trade, shouldn't we punish the blacks in Africa who sold their brothers to dutch traders to be shipped to the new world? How about the muslims in Africa who enslave white women into the sex trade? Or the Thai sex trafficers? Why do you only want to punish whites in the USA who never had slavery, think it was a terrible time in our history, and condemn it in every way?
Punishment is not the goal. Don’t you think you should know what you’re talking about before you spout off?
then he was lying when he said "judge people by the content of their character, not the color of their skin". Which is it?

You are capable of doing both

You can judge people on their character and you can help people who need help

bullshit, King's words and affirmative action are the exact opposites.

Dr King strongly supported affirmative action
It was necessary to correct past injustices

Martin Luther King Jr. explicitly supported what's now called affirmative action: Jarvis DeBerry

Stepen Oates, the author of a biography of King called Let The Trumpet Sound, quotes him thus: "A society that has done something special against the Negro for hundreds of years must now do something special for the Negro."

affirmative action is discrimination. MLK was against discrimination. You cannot make up for past discrimination by discriminating today.

No one living today was a slave or a slave owner.
But if the goal is to punish those who participated in the slave trade, shouldn't we punish the blacks in Africa who sold their brothers to dutch traders to be shipped to the new world? How about the muslims in Africa who enslave white women into the sex trade? Or the Thai sex trafficers? Why do you only want to punish whites in the USA who never had slavery, think it was a terrible time in our history, and condemn it in every way?
Punishment is not the goal. Don’t you think you should know what you’re talking about before you spout off?

affirmative action punishes the majority by giving preferential treatment to less qualified minorities.

I know very well what I am talking about, its you who should do some research before spouting left wing lies and talking points.
Not even close

Today there is nothing like the radical left of the 1960s
Weather underground, Black Panthers, SDS were involved in violent overthrow of the government

To get something close today you would have to look at the radical right. Remember Oklahoma City?

did you miss the antifa violence at Berkley? Did you miss the BLM rants to kill cops? If destruction of public and private property and killing cops is not trying to violently overthrow the government, what is it?

Oklahoma city was one crazy lunatic with a fertilizer bomb. He is dead. He was nobody. He did not represent any movement or group, Just a lone mentally deranged hater.

as usual, your attempt at analogy fails.

OMG...tell me about that antifa violence
How many people were killed?

Not like that rightwing violence in Charletesville where they were running down people with a car

again, the guy in charletesville was a lone mentally disturbed asshole. He did not represent any organization or movement. another nice try, but another fail. Got any more?

Still a rightwing terrorist.....just like McVeigh

what right wing groups was he a member of? The guy was a nut case. He represents no one but himself. Your desperation is making you more stupid by the day.
He’s a supporter of Nazism, the alt-right and Donald Trump.

You are capable of doing both

You can judge people on their character and you can help people who need help

bullshit, King's words and affirmative action are the exact opposites.

Dr King strongly supported affirmative action
It was necessary to correct past injustices

Martin Luther King Jr. explicitly supported what's now called affirmative action: Jarvis DeBerry

Stepen Oates, the author of a biography of King called Let The Trumpet Sound, quotes him thus: "A society that has done something special against the Negro for hundreds of years must now do something special for the Negro."

affirmative action is discrimination. MLK was against discrimination. You cannot make up for past discrimination by discriminating today.

No one living today was a slave or a slave owner.
But if the goal is to punish those who participated in the slave trade, shouldn't we punish the blacks in Africa who sold their brothers to dutch traders to be shipped to the new world? How about the muslims in Africa who enslave white women into the sex trade? Or the Thai sex trafficers? Why do you only want to punish whites in the USA who never had slavery, think it was a terrible time in our history, and condemn it in every way?
Punishment is not the goal. Don’t you think you should know what you’re talking about before you spout off?

affirmative action punishes the majority by giving preferential treatment to less qualified minorities.

I know very well what I am talking about, its you who should do some research before spouting left wing lies and talking points.
Moron... you even said, “if the goal is to punish...”

Punishment is not the goal, I don’t care how rightarded you are.
did you miss the antifa violence at Berkley? Did you miss the BLM rants to kill cops? If destruction of public and private property and killing cops is not trying to violently overthrow the government, what is it?

Oklahoma city was one crazy lunatic with a fertilizer bomb. He is dead. He was nobody. He did not represent any movement or group, Just a lone mentally deranged hater.

as usual, your attempt at analogy fails.

OMG...tell me about that antifa violence
How many people were killed?

Not like that rightwing violence in Charletesville where they were running down people with a car

again, the guy in charletesville was a lone mentally disturbed asshole. He did not represent any organization or movement. another nice try, but another fail. Got any more?

Still a rightwing terrorist.....just like McVeigh

what right wing groups was he a member of? The guy was a nut case. He represents no one but himself. Your desperation is making you more stupid by the day.
He’s a supporter of Nazism, the alt-right and Donald Trump.


a tiny fringe group. LOL. The Nazis of today are the far left hate groups like antifa, blm, and the MSM.
OMG...tell me about that antifa violence
How many people were killed?

Not like that rightwing violence in Charletesville where they were running down people with a car

again, the guy in charletesville was a lone mentally disturbed asshole. He did not represent any organization or movement. another nice try, but another fail. Got any more?

Still a rightwing terrorist.....just like McVeigh

what right wing groups was he a member of? The guy was a nut case. He represents no one but himself. Your desperation is making you more stupid by the day.
He’s a supporter of Nazism, the alt-right and Donald Trump.


a tiny fringe group. LOL. The Nazis of today are the far left hate groups like antifa, blm, and the MSM.

Name a left wing organization that supports Nazism...
bullshit, King's words and affirmative action are the exact opposites.

Dr King strongly supported affirmative action
It was necessary to correct past injustices

Martin Luther King Jr. explicitly supported what's now called affirmative action: Jarvis DeBerry

Stepen Oates, the author of a biography of King called Let The Trumpet Sound, quotes him thus: "A society that has done something special against the Negro for hundreds of years must now do something special for the Negro."

affirmative action is discrimination. MLK was against discrimination. You cannot make up for past discrimination by discriminating today.

No one living today was a slave or a slave owner.
But if the goal is to punish those who participated in the slave trade, shouldn't we punish the blacks in Africa who sold their brothers to dutch traders to be shipped to the new world? How about the muslims in Africa who enslave white women into the sex trade? Or the Thai sex trafficers? Why do you only want to punish whites in the USA who never had slavery, think it was a terrible time in our history, and condemn it in every way?
Punishment is not the goal. Don’t you think you should know what you’re talking about before you spout off?

affirmative action punishes the majority by giving preferential treatment to less qualified minorities.

I know very well what I am talking about, its you who should do some research before spouting left wing lies and talking points.
Moron... you even said, “if the goal is to punish...”

Punishment is not the goal, I don’t care how rightarded you are.

punishment is the result, no matter the stated goal. Don't be stupid. this is all about getting even for something that happened 200 years ago.
again, the guy in charletesville was a lone mentally disturbed asshole. He did not represent any organization or movement. another nice try, but another fail. Got any more?

Still a rightwing terrorist.....just like McVeigh

what right wing groups was he a member of? The guy was a nut case. He represents no one but himself. Your desperation is making you more stupid by the day.
He’s a supporter of Nazism, the alt-right and Donald Trump.


a tiny fringe group. LOL. The Nazis of today are the far left hate groups like antifa, blm, and the MSM.

Name a left wing organization that supports Nazism...

the democrat party
Dr King strongly supported affirmative action
It was necessary to correct past injustices

Martin Luther King Jr. explicitly supported what's now called affirmative action: Jarvis DeBerry

Stepen Oates, the author of a biography of King called Let The Trumpet Sound, quotes him thus: "A society that has done something special against the Negro for hundreds of years must now do something special for the Negro."

affirmative action is discrimination. MLK was against discrimination. You cannot make up for past discrimination by discriminating today.

No one living today was a slave or a slave owner.
But if the goal is to punish those who participated in the slave trade, shouldn't we punish the blacks in Africa who sold their brothers to dutch traders to be shipped to the new world? How about the muslims in Africa who enslave white women into the sex trade? Or the Thai sex trafficers? Why do you only want to punish whites in the USA who never had slavery, think it was a terrible time in our history, and condemn it in every way?
Punishment is not the goal. Don’t you think you should know what you’re talking about before you spout off?

affirmative action punishes the majority by giving preferential treatment to less qualified minorities.

I know very well what I am talking about, its you who should do some research before spouting left wing lies and talking points.
Moron... you even said, “if the goal is to punish...”

Punishment is not the goal, I don’t care how rightarded you are.

punishment is the result, no matter the stated goal. Don't be stupid. this is all about getting even for something that happened 200 years ago.
You know you’re crazy, right? Goals and results are separate matters. The goal of an offensive drive in football is to score a touch down. But sometimes it results in a safety. That doesn’t make safeties the goal of an offensive drive.

Punishment is not the goal of affirmative action.

Still a rightwing terrorist.....just like McVeigh

what right wing groups was he a member of? The guy was a nut case. He represents no one but himself. Your desperation is making you more stupid by the day.
He’s a supporter of Nazism, the alt-right and Donald Trump.


a tiny fringe group. LOL. The Nazis of today are the far left hate groups like antifa, blm, and the MSM.

Name a left wing organization that supports Nazism...

the democrat party

You’re crazier than I thought.
affirmative action is discrimination. MLK was against discrimination. You cannot make up for past discrimination by discriminating today.

No one living today was a slave or a slave owner.
But if the goal is to punish those who participated in the slave trade, shouldn't we punish the blacks in Africa who sold their brothers to dutch traders to be shipped to the new world? How about the muslims in Africa who enslave white women into the sex trade? Or the Thai sex trafficers? Why do you only want to punish whites in the USA who never had slavery, think it was a terrible time in our history, and condemn it in every way?
Punishment is not the goal. Don’t you think you should know what you’re talking about before you spout off?

affirmative action punishes the majority by giving preferential treatment to less qualified minorities.

I know very well what I am talking about, its you who should do some research before spouting left wing lies and talking points.
Moron... you even said, “if the goal is to punish...”

Punishment is not the goal, I don’t care how rightarded you are.

punishment is the result, no matter the stated goal. Don't be stupid. this is all about getting even for something that happened 200 years ago.
You know you’re crazy, right? Goals and results are separate matters. The goal of an offensive drive in football is to score a touch down. But sometimes it results in a safety. That doesn’t make safeties the goal of an offensive drive.

Punishment is not the goal of affirmative action.


more bullshit. If a white kid and a black kid apply to a college, both have the same ACT scores and grade point average, and the black kid gets accepted because he is black, has the white kid not been punished? Has the white kid not been discriminated against because of his skin color?
what right wing groups was he a member of? The guy was a nut case. He represents no one but himself. Your desperation is making you more stupid by the day.
He’s a supporter of Nazism, the alt-right and Donald Trump.


a tiny fringe group. LOL. The Nazis of today are the far left hate groups like antifa, blm, and the MSM.

Name a left wing organization that supports Nazism...

the democrat party

You’re crazier than I thought.

are the dems not acting like Nazis on the DACA/immigration issues? Threatening to shut down the government in order to legalize millions of illegals?
Punishment is not the goal. Don’t you think you should know what you’re talking about before you spout off?

affirmative action punishes the majority by giving preferential treatment to less qualified minorities.

I know very well what I am talking about, its you who should do some research before spouting left wing lies and talking points.
Moron... you even said, “if the goal is to punish...”

Punishment is not the goal, I don’t care how rightarded you are.

punishment is the result, no matter the stated goal. Don't be stupid. this is all about getting even for something that happened 200 years ago.
You know you’re crazy, right? Goals and results are separate matters. The goal of an offensive drive in football is to score a touch down. But sometimes it results in a safety. That doesn’t make safeties the goal of an offensive drive.

Punishment is not the goal of affirmative action.


more bullshit. If a white kid and a black kid apply to a college, both have the same ACT scores and grade point average, and the black kid gets accepted because he is black, has the white kid not been punished? Has the white kid not been discriminated against because of his skin color?
Again, moron.... I’m talking about goals, not results.

You have some kind of mental deficiency which prevents you from comprehending that.
He’s a supporter of Nazism, the alt-right and Donald Trump.


a tiny fringe group. LOL. The Nazis of today are the far left hate groups like antifa, blm, and the MSM.

Name a left wing organization that supports Nazism...

the democrat party

You’re crazier than I thought.

are the dems not acting like Nazis on the DACA/immigration issues? Threatening to shut down the government in order to legalize millions of illegals?
Nazis were about nationalism, not immigration. Thanks for giving an example of how the right supports Nazism, though.
MLK was a firm supporter of affirmative action

then he was lying when he said "judge people by the content of their character, not the color of their skin". Which is it?

You are capable of doing both

You can judge people on their character and you can help people who need help

bullshit, King's words and affirmative action are the exact opposites.

Dr King strongly supported affirmative action
It was necessary to correct past injustices

Martin Luther King Jr. explicitly supported what's now called affirmative action: Jarvis DeBerry

Stepen Oates, the author of a biography of King called Let The Trumpet Sound, quotes him thus: "A society that has done something special against the Negro for hundreds of years must now do something special for the Negro."

affirmative action is discrimination. MLK was against discrimination. You cannot make up for past discrimination by discriminating today.

No one living today was a slave or a slave owner.
But if the goal is to punish those who participated in the slave trade, shouldn't we punish the blacks in Africa who sold their brothers to dutch traders to be shipped to the new world? How about the muslims in Africa who enslave white women into the sex trade? Or the Thai sex trafficers? Why do you only want to punish whites in the USA who never had slavery, think it was a terrible time in our history, and condemn it in every way?

Of course he was against discrimination

He also recognized the economic disadvantage that blacks had at the time and the need to correct it

Helping those who need help
Not even close

Today there is nothing like the radical left of the 1960s
Weather underground, Black Panthers, SDS were involved in violent overthrow of the government

To get something close today you would have to look at the radical right. Remember Oklahoma City?

did you miss the antifa violence at Berkley? Did you miss the BLM rants to kill cops? If destruction of public and private property and killing cops is not trying to violently overthrow the government, what is it?

Oklahoma city was one crazy lunatic with a fertilizer bomb. He is dead. He was nobody. He did not represent any movement or group, Just a lone mentally deranged hater.

as usual, your attempt at analogy fails.

OMG...tell me about that antifa violence
How many people were killed?

Not like that rightwing violence in Charletesville where they were running down people with a car

again, the guy in charletesville was a lone mentally disturbed asshole. He did not represent any organization or movement. another nice try, but another fail. Got any more?

Still a rightwing terrorist.....just like McVeigh

what right wing groups was he a member of? The guy was a nut case. He represents no one but himself. Your desperation is making you more stupid by the day.

You don't have to belong to a "group" to be a rightwing terrorist. You just have to subscribe to their hate speech and take action on it

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