Dr Martin Luther King saved this country

The real deplorables are the people fighting for Whites to vanish off the face of the Earth by Multiculturalism.

You are being overly dramatic

It is not having whites vanish from the face of the earth but ending the stranglehold of power reserved exclusively for whites
The real deplorables are the people fighting for Whites to vanish off the face of the Earth by Multiculturalism.

You are being overly dramatic

It is not having whites vanish from the face of the earth but ending the stranglehold of power reserved exclusively for whites
The real deplorables are the people fighting for Whites to vanish off the face of the Earth by Multiculturalism.

You are being overly dramatic

It is not having whites vanish from the face of the earth but ending the stranglehold of power reserved exclusively for whites

The Zionists dominate the power structure, your'e fighting the wrong battle.

MLK might have been legit, but without a doubt BLM is a creation from the Jewish dominated media, to purposefully cover only Blacks murdered by police, even though more Whites are murdered by police, to rile up Blacks into a BLM frenzy, and White hating frenzy, to divide, and conquer America.

It's da JEWS!

How it could be anything else, look at how it's okay to attack White Christians, and attacking Jews is the biggest no-no, and how the Jew Holocaust is by far the most known about Genocide.

We know there's a lot of powerful Jews dominating a lot of institutions, it's really not a secret.

You sound like Hitler

The biggest trick of the establishment was to trick you into think you were fighting the establishment by kicking, and screaming Nazi, Hitler, Fascist, Racist, Chimp Chimp, and to kick, and scream for minorities, Gays, Feminism, and so forth.

Haven't you figured out these ideals you support, are actually the ideas of the Establishment?
The NAACP was really created by a Jewish - Black collaboration, and MLK came out of the NAACP before his massive Civil Rights Protest.

That's the truth, like BLK, MLK they all are Pawnsof the Jews, to divide, and conquer America by creating eternal victims who hate Whitey's.
Damn boy

You are Hitler
The NAACP was really created by a Jewish - Black collaboration, and MLK came out of the NAACP before his massive Civil Rights Protest.

That's the truth, like BLK, MLK they all are Pawnsof the Jews, to divide, and conquer America by creating eternal victims who hate Whitey's.
Damn boy

You are Hitler

Trained to the T.

Hitler isn't even the closest to the biggest of killers.

Hitler was necessary for Israel's creation, anyways.

But, you are trained to not look at Communism as the worse evil, as it was, one which was based on the equality your tout of.

Instead you are trained by the establishment, to Chimp out about Hitler, like a fool, to make for submissive Whites, who are dumb, brainwashed, and radical Anti-Fascists who are willing to help them collapse Western civilization.
Moron... you even said, “if the goal is to punish...”

Punishment is not the goal, I don’t care how rightarded you are.

punishment is the result, no matter the stated goal. Don't be stupid. this is all about getting even for something that happened 200 years ago.
You know you’re crazy, right? Goals and results are separate matters. The goal of an offensive drive in football is to score a touch down. But sometimes it results in a safety. That doesn’t make safeties the goal of an offensive drive.

Punishment is not the goal of affirmative action.


more bullshit. If a white kid and a black kid apply to a college, both have the same ACT scores and grade point average, and the black kid gets accepted because he is black, has the white kid not been punished? Has the white kid not been discriminated against because of his skin color?
Again, moron.... I’m talking about goals, not results.

You have some kind of mental deficiency which prevents you from comprehending that.

Ok, what specifically is the goal? is it not give minorities special treatment? Is it not to get even for what happened 200 years ago? WHAT is the goal?
The goal is to level the playing field.

Name a left wing organization that supports Nazism...

the democrat party

You’re crazier than I thought.

are the dems not acting like Nazis on the DACA/immigration issues? Threatening to shut down the government in order to legalize millions of illegals?
Nazis were about nationalism, not immigration. Thanks for giving an example of how the right supports Nazism, though.


Are you ever not a moron?

Hitler soon emerged as a charismatic public speaker and began attracting new members with speeches blaming Jews and Marxists for Germany’s problems and espousing extreme nationalism and the concept of an Aryan “master race.”

Nazi Party - World War II - HISTORY.com
You don't have to belong to a "group" to be a rightwing terrorist. You just have to subscribe to their hate speech and take action on it

those who participate in right wing hate speech are a tiny minority of morons. Those who participate in left wing hate speech include the dem party, Hollywood, most of the media, and the democrat party.

They are the deplorables

There are enough of them to get Trump elected

The real deplorables are the people fighting for Whites to vanish off the face of the Earth by Multiculturalism.

You are being overly dramatic

It is not having whites vanish from the face of the earth but ending the stranglehold of power reserved exclusively for whites
You don't have to belong to a "group" to be a rightwing terrorist. You just have to subscribe to their hate speech and take action on it

those who participate in right wing hate speech are a tiny minority of morons. Those who participate in left wing hate speech include the dem party, Hollywood, most of the media, and the democrat party.

They are the deplorables

There are enough of them to get Trump elected

The real deplorables are the people fighting for Whites to vanish off the face of the Earth by Multiculturalism.

You are being overly dramatic

It is not having whites vanish from the face of the earth but ending the stranglehold of power reserved exclusively for whites
You don't have to belong to a "group" to be a rightwing terrorist. You just have to subscribe to their hate speech and take action on it

those who participate in right wing hate speech are a tiny minority of morons. Those who participate in left wing hate speech include the dem party, Hollywood, most of the media, and the democrat party.

They are the deplorables

There are enough of them to get Trump elected

The real deplorables are the people fighting for Whites to vanish off the face of the Earth by Multiculturalism.

You are being overly dramatic

It is not having whites vanish from the face of the earth but ending the stranglehold of power reserved exclusively for whites

The Zionists dominate the power structure, your'e fighting the wrong battle.

MLK might have been legit, but without a doubt BLM is a creation from the Jewish dominated media, to purposefully cover only Blacks murdered by police, even though more Whites are murdered by police, to rile up Blacks into a BLM frenzy, and White hating frenzy, to divide, and conquer America.
I don't know how we speak of Martin Luther King jr as saving this country, why, because he's Black?

The truth is it wasn't MLK who created Civil Rights, it was that Anglo Southern White boy Lyndon B Johnson, also the tyrant who made Vietnam into a massive war failure.
You know you’re fucked in the head? :cuckoo:

MLK started pushing for civil rights back in the 50’s, while LBJ was still a Senator from Texas.
The NAACP was really created by a Jewish - Black collaboration, and MLK came out of the NAACP before his massive Civil Rights Protest.

That's the truth, like BLK, MLK they all are Pawnsof the Jews, to divide, and conquer America by creating eternal victims who hate Whitey's.
You’re goofing for laughs, right??
I don't know how we speak of Martin Luther King jr as saving this country, why, because he's Black?

The truth is it wasn't MLK who created Civil Rights, it was that Anglo Southern White boy Lyndon B Johnson, also the tyrant who made Vietnam into a massive war failure.
You know you’re fucked in the head? :cuckoo:

MLK started pushing for civil rights back in the 50’s, while LBJ was still a Senator from Texas.

MLK pushed, but it was LBJ who granted them civil rights, where is LBJ day?

Oh, no such luck, we're White, and privileged.
I don't know how we speak of Martin Luther King jr as saving this country, why, because he's Black?

The truth is it wasn't MLK who created Civil Rights, it was that Anglo Southern White boy Lyndon B Johnson, also the tyrant who made Vietnam into a massive war failure.
You know you’re fucked in the head? :cuckoo:

MLK started pushing for civil rights back in the 50’s, while LBJ was still a Senator from Texas.

MLK pushed, but it was LBJ who granted them civil rights, where is LBJ day?

Oh, no such luck, we're White, and privileged.
Aww, poor baby. Maybe you should color yourself orange like President Tinkles so you don’t have to be such a victim being white?
The NAACP was really created by a Jewish - Black collaboration, and MLK came out of the NAACP before his massive Civil Rights Protest.

That's the truth, like BLK, MLK they all are Pawnsof the Jews, to divide, and conquer America by creating eternal victims who hate Whitey's.
Damn boy

You are Hitler

Trained to the T.

Hitler isn't even the closest to the biggest of killers.

Hitler was necessary for Israel's creation, anyways.

But, you are trained to not look at Communism as the worse evil, as it was, one which was based on the equality your tout of.

Instead you are trained by the establishment, to Chimp out about Hitler, like a fool, to make for submissive Whites, who are dumb, brainwashed, and radical Anti-Fascists who are willing to help them collapse Western civilization.
You are a Nazi
The NAACP was really created by a Jewish - Black collaboration, and MLK came out of the NAACP before his massive Civil Rights Protest.

That's the truth, like BLK, MLK they all are Pawnsof the Jews, to divide, and conquer America by creating eternal victims who hate Whitey's.
Damn boy

You are Hitler

Trained to the T.

Hitler isn't even the closest to the biggest of killers.

Hitler was necessary for Israel's creation, anyways.

But, you are trained to not look at Communism as the worse evil, as it was, one which was based on the equality your tout of.

Instead you are trained by the establishment, to Chimp out about Hitler, like a fool, to make for submissive Whites, who are dumb, brainwashed, and radical Anti-Fascists who are willing to help them collapse Western civilization.
You are a Nazi
Hey, c’mon now. It’s not easy being white for some folks.
The NAACP was really created by a Jewish - Black collaboration, and MLK came out of the NAACP before his massive Civil Rights Protest.

That's the truth, like BLK, MLK they all are Pawnsof the Jews, to divide, and conquer America by creating eternal victims who hate Whitey's.
You’re goofing for laughs, right??

The NAACP was really created by a Jewish - Black collaboration, and MLK came out of the NAACP before his massive Civil Rights Protest.

That's the truth, like BLK, MLK they all are Pawnsof the Jews, to divide, and conquer America by creating eternal victims who hate Whitey's.
You’re goofing for laughs, right??
The NAACP was really created by a Jewish - Black collaboration, and MLK came out of the NAACP before his massive Civil Rights Protest.

That's the truth, like BLK, MLK they all are Pawnsof the Jews, to divide, and conquer America by creating eternal victims who hate Whitey's.
You’re goofing for laughs, right??

So, what's your theory? That Blacks just feel more, and more victimized, and become more, and more anti-White, and violent all the time, for no reason? really?
The NAACP was really created by a Jewish - Black collaboration, and MLK came out of the NAACP before his massive Civil Rights Protest.

That's the truth, like BLK, MLK they all are Pawnsof the Jews, to divide, and conquer America by creating eternal victims who hate Whitey's.
You’re goofing for laughs, right??

The NAACP was really created by a Jewish - Black collaboration, and MLK came out of the NAACP before his massive Civil Rights Protest.

That's the truth, like BLK, MLK they all are Pawnsof the Jews, to divide, and conquer America by creating eternal victims who hate Whitey's.
You’re goofing for laughs, right??
The NAACP was really created by a Jewish - Black collaboration, and MLK came out of the NAACP before his massive Civil Rights Protest.

That's the truth, like BLK, MLK they all are Pawnsof the Jews, to divide, and conquer America by creating eternal victims who hate Whitey's.
You’re goofing for laughs, right??

So, what's your theory? That Blacks just feel more, and more victimized, and become more, and more anti-White, and violent all the time, for no reason? really?
My theory is that you’re a loser and you know it but you can’t accept personal responsibility for your own miserable lot in life so you look for others to blame for your own failures. Most notably, blacks and Jews.
The NAACP was really created by a Jewish - Black collaboration, and MLK came out of the NAACP before his massive Civil Rights Protest.

That's the truth, like BLK, MLK they all are Pawnsof the Jews, to divide, and conquer America by creating eternal victims who hate Whitey's.
Damn boy

You are Hitler

Trained to the T.

Hitler isn't even the closest to the biggest of killers.

Hitler was necessary for Israel's creation, anyways.

But, you are trained to not look at Communism as the worse evil, as it was, one which was based on the equality your tout of.

Instead you are trained by the establishment, to Chimp out about Hitler, like a fool, to make for submissive Whites, who are dumb, brainwashed, and radical Anti-Fascists who are willing to help them collapse Western civilization.
You are a Nazi
The NAACP was really created by a Jewish - Black collaboration, and MLK came out of the NAACP before his massive Civil Rights Protest.

That's the truth, like BLK, MLK they all are Pawnsof the Jews, to divide, and conquer America by creating eternal victims who hate Whitey's.
Damn boy

You are Hitler

Trained to the T.

Hitler isn't even the closest to the biggest of killers.

Hitler was necessary for Israel's creation, anyways.

But, you are trained to not look at Communism as the worse evil, as it was, one which was based on the equality your tout of.

Instead you are trained by the establishment, to Chimp out about Hitler, like a fool, to make for submissive Whites, who are dumb, brainwashed, and radical Anti-Fascists who are willing to help them collapse Western civilization.
You are a Nazi

You are a Communist scum who's goal whether by design, or by chance is to collapse America, particularly White America.

You should be ashamed of your existence.

I'm anti-Nazi, as they mostly killed White Christians, however the Nazis actually had more good ideas than stupid Democrats, or Republicans today.
I grew up in the 60's and saw most of the Civil Rights movement. Like most Americans, I was outraged at the assasination of Dr King. When we talked about giving him a national holiday ten years later, I looked at it as a form of appeasement for outraged blacks.....a way of giving them their own holiday to quiet them down.

In reading about the Civil Rights movement in subsequent years, I realized what a great American Dr King was. Black Americans came back after WWII to find that despite fighting and dying in defense of their country, they were still treated like lesser Americans. They found they were not allowed to mingle with whites, were not welcome in much of the country they had fought for. Blacks were considered to be dirty, diseased and sub human. Some whites were outraged at the thought of eating with blacks, using the same restrooms, riding on public transportation with them.

As black Americans began to protest their treatment in their own country they were met with harsh resistance from both white militants and governments who swore to support inequal treatment. Blacks were denied the right to vote, to freely associate, rights to a fair trial. Those who resisted were met with terrorist attacks. Lynchings, bombings, arrest and assasination of their leaders.

Most of us faced with such horrific treatment in our own homeland would fight violence with violence. How would you react if someone spat on your child for trying to go to school?

When the courts did not protect blacks, armed conflict would seem a reasonable response. Dr King knew violence would only result in more violence against you. He modeled the Civil Rights movement around Gandhis peaceful resistance theories. By using cameras to document the treatment of peaceful protestors he saved this country from an armed violent protest that would have destroyed this country.

America returned from WWII as an economic and military superpower. But a country that does not treat its citizens with respect is not a moral superpower. By changing the way we treat our citizens, Dr King, more importantly, saved our soul. By forcing us to look in a mirror and see who we really are, he enabled us to become a truly great country.

On this Martin Luther King day I hope everyone can reflect on what a great American he was and how much better off we all are

He destroyed the black family by siding with racist, klan member, LBJ.....instead of helping Barry Goldwater win the election...
The NAACP was really created by a Jewish - Black collaboration, and MLK came out of the NAACP before his massive Civil Rights Protest.

That's the truth, like BLK, MLK they all are Pawnsof the Jews, to divide, and conquer America by creating eternal victims who hate Whitey's.
You’re goofing for laughs, right??

The NAACP was really created by a Jewish - Black collaboration, and MLK came out of the NAACP before his massive Civil Rights Protest.

That's the truth, like BLK, MLK they all are Pawnsof the Jews, to divide, and conquer America by creating eternal victims who hate Whitey's.
You’re goofing for laughs, right??
The NAACP was really created by a Jewish - Black collaboration, and MLK came out of the NAACP before his massive Civil Rights Protest.

That's the truth, like BLK, MLK they all are Pawnsof the Jews, to divide, and conquer America by creating eternal victims who hate Whitey's.
You’re goofing for laughs, right??

So, what's your theory? That Blacks just feel more, and more victimized, and become more, and more anti-White, and violent all the time, for no reason? really?
My theory is that you’re a loser and you know it but you can’t accept personal responsibility for your own miserable lot in life so you look for others to blame for your own failures. Most notably, blacks and Jews.
The NAACP was really created by a Jewish - Black collaboration, and MLK came out of the NAACP before his massive Civil Rights Protest.

That's the truth, like BLK, MLK they all are Pawnsof the Jews, to divide, and conquer America by creating eternal victims who hate Whitey's.
You’re goofing for laughs, right??

The NAACP was really created by a Jewish - Black collaboration, and MLK came out of the NAACP before his massive Civil Rights Protest.

That's the truth, like BLK, MLK they all are Pawnsof the Jews, to divide, and conquer America by creating eternal victims who hate Whitey's.
You’re goofing for laughs, right??
The NAACP was really created by a Jewish - Black collaboration, and MLK came out of the NAACP before his massive Civil Rights Protest.

That's the truth, like BLK, MLK they all are Pawnsof the Jews, to divide, and conquer America by creating eternal victims who hate Whitey's.
You’re goofing for laughs, right??

So, what's your theory? That Blacks just feel more, and more victimized, and become more, and more anti-White, and violent all the time, for no reason? really?
My theory is that you’re a loser and you know it but you can’t accept personal responsibility for your own miserable lot in life so you look for others to blame for your own failures. Most notably, blacks and Jews.

You Individualists are hardcore retards, and unfeeling Psychopaths.

I don't think you get societal thinking skills, because you aren't bright enough, nor feeling enough for your culture to think about your culture, or society.

For the Individualist scum, there's flailing your arms around like desperate retards, until you get yours at all costs.

For collectivist Nationalists like myself, I'm smart enough, and feeling enough, to see that my people are under attack, and at the brink of horrible things pushed on us by Globalists who hate White Christians, and they use Antifa Whites to help divide, and conquer Whites.

The way you think it's incredibly one track minded, selfish, and senseless.

As a society we make up close family, and then looser families like your heritage, and when the shit hits the fan, your heritage is something that has been passed down for eons, and is supposed to be something you lived for, to pass onto the next generation.
I don't know how we speak of Martin Luther King jr as saving this country, why, because he's Black?

The truth is it wasn't MLK who created Civil Rights, it was that Anglo Southern White boy Lyndon B Johnson, also the tyrant who made Vietnam into a massive war failure.
You know you’re fucked in the head? :cuckoo:

MLK started pushing for civil rights back in the 50’s, while LBJ was still a Senator from Texas.

MLK pushed, but it was LBJ who granted them civil rights, where is LBJ day?

Oh, no such luck, we're White, and privileged.
Aww, poor baby. Maybe you should color yourself orange like President Tinkles so you don’t have to be such a victim being white?
I don't know how we speak of Martin Luther King jr as saving this country, why, because he's Black?

The truth is it wasn't MLK who created Civil Rights, it was that Anglo Southern White boy Lyndon B Johnson, also the tyrant who made Vietnam into a massive war failure.
You know you’re fucked in the head? :cuckoo:

MLK started pushing for civil rights back in the 50’s, while LBJ was still a Senator from Texas.

MLK pushed, but it was LBJ who granted them civil rights, where is LBJ day?

Oh, no such luck, we're White, and privileged.
Aww, poor baby. Maybe you should color yourself orange like President Tinkles so you don’t have to be such a victim being white?

My parents are both Democrats, and
I don't know how we speak of Martin Luther King jr as saving this country, why, because he's Black?

The truth is it wasn't MLK who created Civil Rights, it was that Anglo Southern White boy Lyndon B Johnson, also the tyrant who made Vietnam into a massive war failure.
You know you’re fucked in the head? :cuckoo:

MLK started pushing for civil rights back in the 50’s, while LBJ was still a Senator from Texas.

MLK pushed, but it was LBJ who granted them civil rights, where is LBJ day?

Oh, no such luck, we're White, and privileged.
Aww, poor baby. Maybe you should color yourself orange like President Tinkles so you don’t have to be such a victim being white?

Yeah, you're really going to get White votes by mocking Whites.

What idiotic vermin so many of you far-Left Wing Democrats are.

My parents are both Democrats who were both teachers, however they think this whole immigration thing, and anti-White stuff is too much, same with abortion.

That's like the normal Union Democrats we used to have.

You, and your far-Leftist Democrats are pure frigging vermin, unruly anti-White scumbags, who are there to be pawns who collapse America.

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