Dr Martin Luther King saved this country

HIs attempt to renegotiate NATFA to improve the balance of trade with Canada and Mexico.
It will cost US jobs

It might. It will certainly make prices higher. The trade agreement didn't make jobs leave . high taxes , intrusive regulations, unions, and wages made them leave.

Sent from my LGMP260 using Tapatalk

One point you raise I agree with.

It is time to shit can the idea of FIrst World Labor competing on a "level" playing field with Third World labor.

We tried it. It sucked. Time to stop doing that.
So no trade with anyone globally?

Sent from my LGMP260 using Tapatalk

NOthing I said, implies no trade with anyone globally.

Read it again.
It might. It will certainly make prices higher. The trade agreement didn't make jobs leave . high taxes , intrusive regulations, unions, and wages made them leave.

Sent from my LGMP260 using Tapatalk

One point you raise I agree with.

It is time to shit can the idea of FIrst World Labor competing on a "level" playing field with Third World labor.

We tried it. It sucked. Time to stop doing that.
So no trade with anyone globally?

Sent from my LGMP260 using Tapatalk

NOthing I said, implies no trade with anyone globally.

Read it again.
What do you think a trade agreemnet is?

Sent from my LGMP260 using Tapatalk
It might. It will certainly make prices higher. The trade agreement didn't make jobs leave . high taxes , intrusive regulations, unions, and wages made them leave.

Sent from my LGMP260 using Tapatalk

One point you raise I agree with.

It is time to shit can the idea of FIrst World Labor competing on a "level" playing field with Third World labor.

We tried it. It sucked. Time to stop doing that.
So no trade with anyone globally?

Sent from my LGMP260 using Tapatalk

NOthing I said, implies no trade with anyone globally.

Read it again.
What do you think a trade agreemnet is?

Sent from my LGMP260 using Tapatalk

An agreement on how trade will be conducted between two or more nations.

Most of ours, if not all of ours, suck.

Time to get better ones.
He saved this country?? :lol:

lol he was just Joe Kennedy's hand-picked house boy. He's revered now because he got killed before his corruption and whore-mongering caught up with him. He and the Congressional Black Caucus were already selling their own people out long before he got shot, so it was only a matter of time before his star fell.

Malcolm X, in contrast, was a genuine activist, promoting real education and driving the drug dealers and thugs out of black neighborhoods, and thus the much bigger threat to the establishment. His death was the real tragedy for black progress; he didn't like *******, either, and worked hard to rid black culture of their influence and regressive thuggery.
Yet MLK supported affirmative action programs because he knew our society needed them

He knew his people needed them. Sad part is he preached content of character but, according to you, he supported color of skin.
Actually, you can do both

Black people were not being hired on the basis of the color of their skin. They were also not being considered for certain occupations because black people were not suited for those jobs.

Affirmative acton took care of the latter

Not according to King. He said judged by the content of their character NOT by then color of their skin.

If not hiring on the basis of skin color was wrong, using skin color to benefit is just as wrong. Hypocrite.
Once again you totally miss Dr Kings quote
He never said you do not help people who need help

Affirmative action was definitely needed and Dr King advocated for it. You could pass all the laws you want, but racist employers were not going to hire minorities unless they were forced to

Then he was a liar being that he said he wanted people judged on the content of their character and not the color of their skin. If he supported AA, he supported the latter.

It's a disgrace that a day is set aside for him.

You have proof he advocated Affirmative Action? I'm not feeling that, but if you provide proof, I suppose I'll believe it.

I call bullshit unless otherwise proven. MLK was a decent dude.
He knew his people needed them. Sad part is he preached content of character but, according to you, he supported color of skin.
Actually, you can do both

Black people were not being hired on the basis of the color of their skin. They were also not being considered for certain occupations because black people were not suited for those jobs.

Affirmative acton took care of the latter

Not according to King. He said judged by the content of their character NOT by then color of their skin.

If not hiring on the basis of skin color was wrong, using skin color to benefit is just as wrong. Hypocrite.
Once again you totally miss Dr Kings quote
He never said you do not help people who need help

Affirmative action was definitely needed and Dr King advocated for it. You could pass all the laws you want, but racist employers were not going to hire minorities unless they were forced to

Then he was a liar being that he said he wanted people judged on the content of their character and not the color of their skin. If he supported AA, he supported the latter.

It's a disgrace that a day is set aside for him.

You have proof he advocated Affirmative Action? I'm not feeling that, but if you provide proof, I suppose I'll believe it.

I call bullshit unless otherwise proven. MLK was a decent dude.

Affirmative Action wasn't a quota system, and yes, King was for it early on. The Black Caucus got the quota system from Nixon in an attempt by Nixon to gain back black voters; they just kept calling it 'Affirmative Action' even though it no longer was anything but a racist policy and pandering to radicals. Most of the Liberals like Humphrey and Moynihan fought the quota system tooth and nail, and defeated it, only to have Nixon revive after his inauguration and offer it to the black hacks as a bribe, along with 'The War On Drugs' the Black Caucus also lobbied for, especially charlie Rangel. They later claimed they had nothing to do with it, of course, but they were liars. they still lie about who and where that came from to this day.

Anybody who thinks otherwise can get a copy of Hugh Davis Graham's excellent book, The Civil Rights Era, for a complete history of the Civil Rights Acts and who did what and when.
He saved this country?? :lol:

lol he was just Joe Kennedy's hand-picked house boy. He's revered now because he got killed before his corruption and whore-mongering caught up with him. He and the Congressional Black Caucus were already selling their own people out long before he got shot, so it was only a matter of time before his star fell.

Malcolm X, in contrast, was a genuine activist, promoting real education and driving the drug dealers and thugs out of black neighborhoods, and thus the much bigger threat to the establishment. His death was the real tragedy for black progress; he didn't like *******, either, and worked hard to rid black culture of their influence and regressive thuggery.

Why is it when I learn about Malcolm X, I admire him, yet the stupid racist nigga that was reading his book fer like 2 weeks on the job and got fired for being a racist dipshit is the type of person I don't like?

PS: That is a 1-day book for me.
He saved this country?? :lol:

lol he was just Joe Kennedy's hand-picked house boy. He's revered now because he got killed before his corruption and whore-mongering caught up with him. He and the Congressional Black Caucus were already selling their own people out long before he got shot, so it was only a matter of time before his star fell.

Malcolm X, in contrast, was a genuine activist, promoting real education and driving the drug dealers and thugs out of black neighborhoods, and thus the much bigger threat to the establishment. His death was the real tragedy for black progress; he didn't like *******, either, and worked hard to rid black culture of their influence and regressive thuggery.

Why is it when I learn about Malcolm X, I admire him, yet the stupid racist nigga that was reading his book fer like 2 weeks on the job and got fired for being a racist dipshit is the type of person I don't like?

PS: That is a 1-day book for me.

Probably because blacks like that guy are racists and missed the entire point about Malcolm X, and just read the parts they liked and ignored the parts where education, principles, ethics, at least between each other, and hard work will elevate them as a people. Most just like the parts where they get to play gangster and play 'Badass' all day instead of the dull stuff like learning to read and write and rise above being sub-human vermin and developing self-respect for themselves and others who deserve it. Genuine achievement is boring relative to running around with guns and robbing people, mostly other black people, the primary pastime of street thuggz who are supposed to be considered 'martyrs' by Democrats these days. Malcom knew it was the drug dealers, junkies, and thuggs who needed killing right off the bat. His own history of intellectual advancement proved that to him; he didn't waste his time in prison playing street ******, he learned to read and write, got radicalized, then progressed beyond the juvenile phase of that dead end and was on his way to genuine civilization building.

This was of course unacceptable to both that silly ass Muslim cult and the likes of Rangel and the Black Caucus, whose main complaints and concerns were how their bribes were only half as large as their fellow corrupt white politicians got. With people like Malcolm X out of the way, you get Maxine Waters, Al Sharpton, Jesse Jackson, and their ilk, and they have no interests in black people as a group. Democrats prefer them over having to actually do anything productive and beneficial.
Last edited:

Here comes the republicans to claim him as one of their own, happens every year.

Based on his principles he could not be a liberal today. Today's liberals protest everything and flash the race card in all places. The results are the OPPOSITE what MLK stood for, as it's the left who are so concerned about race.

MLK: Not by the color of your skin but the content of character.

Today: Color matters, even when it doesn't. Take all things out of context and raise the race card to empower division.
A happy Martin Luther King Day

He was truly a great American Patriot

I couldn't agree more.

That man knew he was a taking a chance at getting killed by some racist asshole yet he continued to do the amazing things he did.

He was one great American.

Agree, but to give you an analogy to today. Trump is taking the chance of being killed by some left wing asshole but continues to do what is best for America.

Trump is protected by an army of Secret Service agents and the intelligence community

Dr King was on that balcony alone

Yes, so what? King had security people too, but they must not have been very good.

MLK was a good man who protested for change in a peaceful way. the radical left of today is nothing like MLK. BLM, antifa, NAACP, Sharpton, Cumming, Jackson-Lee, et al are a disgrace to King's memory and what he fought for.
Not even close

Today there is nothing like the radical left of the 1960s
Weather underground, Black Panthers, SDS were involved in violent overthrow of the government

To get something close today you would have to look at the radical right. Remember Oklahoma City?

Here comes the republicans to claim him as one of their own, happens every year.

Based on his principles he could not be a liberal today. Today's liberals protest everything and flash the race card in all places. The results are the OPPOSITE what MLK stood for, as it's the left who are so concerned about race.

MLK: Not by the color of your skin but the content of character.

Today: Color matters, even when it doesn't. Take all things out of context and raise the race card to empower division.
MLK was a firm supporter of affirmative action
A happy Martin Luther King Day

He was truly a great American Patriot

I couldn't agree more.

That man knew he was a taking a chance at getting killed by some racist asshole yet he continued to do the amazing things he did.

He was one great American.

Agree, but to give you an analogy to today. Trump is taking the chance of being killed by some left wing asshole but continues to do what is best for America.

Trump is protected by an army of Secret Service agents and the intelligence community

Dr King was on that balcony alone

Yes, so what? King had security people too, but they must not have been very good.

MLK was a good man who protested for change in a peaceful way. the radical left of today is nothing like MLK. BLM, antifa, NAACP, Sharpton, Cumming, Jackson-Lee, et al are a disgrace to King's memory and what he fought for.
Not even close

Today there is nothing like the radical left of the 1960s
Weather underground, Black Panthers, SDS were involved in violent overthrow of the government

To get something close today you would have to look at the radical right. Remember Oklahoma City?

did you miss the antifa violence at Berkley? Did you miss the BLM rants to kill cops? If destruction of public and private property and killing cops is not trying to violently overthrow the government, what is it?

Oklahoma city was one crazy lunatic with a fertilizer bomb. He is dead. He was nobody. He did not represent any movement or group, Just a lone mentally deranged hater.

as usual, your attempt at analogy fails.

Here comes the republicans to claim him as one of their own, happens every year.

Based on his principles he could not be a liberal today. Today's liberals protest everything and flash the race card in all places. The results are the OPPOSITE what MLK stood for, as it's the left who are so concerned about race.

MLK: Not by the color of your skin but the content of character.

Today: Color matters, even when it doesn't. Take all things out of context and raise the race card to empower division.
MLK was a firm supporter of affirmative action

then he was lying when he said "judge people by the content of their character, not the color of their skin". Which is it?
Based on You Tube interviews Malcolm X was insane but way more intelligent than Micheal King with his jewish authored nursery rhymes!
I couldn't agree more.

That man knew he was a taking a chance at getting killed by some racist asshole yet he continued to do the amazing things he did.

He was one great American.

Agree, but to give you an analogy to today. Trump is taking the chance of being killed by some left wing asshole but continues to do what is best for America.

Trump is protected by an army of Secret Service agents and the intelligence community

Dr King was on that balcony alone

Yes, so what? King had security people too, but they must not have been very good.

MLK was a good man who protested for change in a peaceful way. the radical left of today is nothing like MLK. BLM, antifa, NAACP, Sharpton, Cumming, Jackson-Lee, et al are a disgrace to King's memory and what he fought for.
Not even close

Today there is nothing like the radical left of the 1960s
Weather underground, Black Panthers, SDS were involved in violent overthrow of the government

To get something close today you would have to look at the radical right. Remember Oklahoma City?

did you miss the antifa violence at Berkley? Did you miss the BLM rants to kill cops? If destruction of public and private property and killing cops is not trying to violently overthrow the government, what is it?

Oklahoma city was one crazy lunatic with a fertilizer bomb. He is dead. He was nobody. He did not represent any movement or group, Just a lone mentally deranged hater.

as usual, your attempt at analogy fails.

OMG...tell me about that antifa violence
How many people were killed?

Not like that rightwing violence in Charletesville where they were running down people with a car

Here comes the republicans to claim him as one of their own, happens every year.

Based on his principles he could not be a liberal today. Today's liberals protest everything and flash the race card in all places. The results are the OPPOSITE what MLK stood for, as it's the left who are so concerned about race.

MLK: Not by the color of your skin but the content of character.

Today: Color matters, even when it doesn't. Take all things out of context and raise the race card to empower division.
MLK was a firm supporter of affirmative action

then he was lying when he said "judge people by the content of their character, not the color of their skin". Which is it?

You are capable of doing both

You can judge people on their character and you can help people who need help
A happy Martin Luther King Day

He was truly a great American Patriot

I couldn't agree more.

That man knew he was a taking a chance at getting killed by some racist asshole yet he continued to do the amazing things he did.

He was one great American.

Agree, but to give you an analogy to today. Trump is taking the chance of being killed by some left wing asshole but continues to do what is best for America.

Trump is protected by an army of Secret Service agents and the intelligence community

Dr King was on that balcony alone

Yes, so what? King had security people too, but they must not have been very good.

MLK was a good man who protested for change in a peaceful way. the radical left of today is nothing like MLK. BLM, antifa, NAACP, Sharpton, Cumming, Jackson-Lee, et al are a disgrace to King's memory and what he fought for.
Not even close

Today there is nothing like the radical left of the 1960s
Weather underground, Black Panthers, SDS were involved in violent overthrow of the government

To get something close today you would have to look at the radical right. Remember Oklahoma City?

You might from 1995? 27 years ago?

YOu call that "today"?


This is today, punk. YOur friends.

I couldn't agree more.

That man knew he was a taking a chance at getting killed by some racist asshole yet he continued to do the amazing things he did.

He was one great American.

Agree, but to give you an analogy to today. Trump is taking the chance of being killed by some left wing asshole but continues to do what is best for America.

Trump is protected by an army of Secret Service agents and the intelligence community

Dr King was on that balcony alone

Yes, so what? King had security people too, but they must not have been very good.

MLK was a good man who protested for change in a peaceful way. the radical left of today is nothing like MLK. BLM, antifa, NAACP, Sharpton, Cumming, Jackson-Lee, et al are a disgrace to King's memory and what he fought for.
Not even close

Today there is nothing like the radical left of the 1960s
Weather underground, Black Panthers, SDS were involved in violent overthrow of the government

To get something close today you would have to look at the radical right. Remember Oklahoma City?

You might from 1995? 27 years ago?

YOu call that "today"?


This is today, punk. YOur friends.


You Skeered?

"Some of them are good people" you know
Agree, but to give you an analogy to today. Trump is taking the chance of being killed by some left wing asshole but continues to do what is best for America.

Trump is protected by an army of Secret Service agents and the intelligence community

Dr King was on that balcony alone

Yes, so what? King had security people too, but they must not have been very good.

MLK was a good man who protested for change in a peaceful way. the radical left of today is nothing like MLK. BLM, antifa, NAACP, Sharpton, Cumming, Jackson-Lee, et al are a disgrace to King's memory and what he fought for.
Not even close

Today there is nothing like the radical left of the 1960s
Weather underground, Black Panthers, SDS were involved in violent overthrow of the government

To get something close today you would have to look at the radical right. Remember Oklahoma City?

did you miss the antifa violence at Berkley? Did you miss the BLM rants to kill cops? If destruction of public and private property and killing cops is not trying to violently overthrow the government, what is it?

Oklahoma city was one crazy lunatic with a fertilizer bomb. He is dead. He was nobody. He did not represent any movement or group, Just a lone mentally deranged hater.

as usual, your attempt at analogy fails.

OMG...tell me about that antifa violence
How many people were killed?

Not like that rightwing violence in Charletesville where they were running down people with a car

again, the guy in charletesville was a lone mentally disturbed asshole. He did not represent any organization or movement. another nice try, but another fail. Got any more?

Here comes the republicans to claim him as one of their own, happens every year.

Based on his principles he could not be a liberal today. Today's liberals protest everything and flash the race card in all places. The results are the OPPOSITE what MLK stood for, as it's the left who are so concerned about race.

MLK: Not by the color of your skin but the content of character.

Today: Color matters, even when it doesn't. Take all things out of context and raise the race card to empower division.
MLK was a firm supporter of affirmative action

then he was lying when he said "judge people by the content of their character, not the color of their skin". Which is it?

You are capable of doing both

You can judge people on their character and you can help people who need help

bullshit, King's words and affirmative action are the exact opposites.

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