Dr Martin Luther King saved this country

Way too many

They lynched 4000 people

In the 1940s? Bullshit.
You didn’t read the article did you?

I read the op. There was no link to a larger article.

AND, like I said, "4000" is bullshit.

Lynching peaked before the end of the 1800s. The numbers I've seen for the post WWii, or the Civil Rights are, have been, dozens, or scores.

Smearing all the members of a nation of well over one hundred million, because of the actions of a few hundred people,

is not a reasonable thing to do.

America of the 1940s was a great nation.
OP is original material

4000 lynchings is in the history of the US

Post WWII?
How about Medgar Evers, Emmit Till and the Mississippi Burning trio?

So, FIVE, committed by a few dozen, at MOST, people, and you want to smear the whole nation of 1940 America?

Like I said, that is bullshit.

America of the 1940s was a great nation.
Nice try Klan Boy

Those were just off the top of my head and do not include the terrorist threats, beatings, bombings and public abuse of power
Lynching along with arson,assault and intimidation were common.
Especially among returning black veterans. For some reason they were considered “uppity” for expecting to be treated with respect

bullshit, complete lies. provide some news clips from the 1950s to prove your claim, or STFU and crawl back under your rock.

The Tragic, Forgotten History of Black Military Veterans

I take with a grain of salt anything published by the New Yorker, but lets assume the article is accurate. There is a lot of our history that includes terrible abuses of various people, jews, pollocks, irish, native americans, Japanese, blacks, Christians, Muslims, and others.

Every country in the world has those kinds of things in its history. If we try to erase it by removing the things that remind us of it, then we fail to learn from history. It is also true that those of us living today cannot undo the wrongs of our ancestors any more that Germans today can undo what the Third Reich did, or Japanese today can undo what Hiro Hito did, Or Ungandans today can undo what Idi Amin did.

That's why I strongly objected to removing confederate statues. We need to remember our history in order to not repeat it.

We are seeing the same kinds of discriminatory rhetoric today against white males and Christians. Discrimination exists in many forms, to pretend that the only victims were blacks is ignorant and damaging.
The New Yorker?
Go fuk yourself

No, every other country has not had the same experience......unless you count South Africa

Name a nation that does not have such a history, or apologize to US all, for your vile smears.
I don’t live in those nations, I live in this one

Martin Luther King saved us
bullshit, complete lies. provide some news clips from the 1950s to prove your claim, or STFU and crawl back under your rock.

The Tragic, Forgotten History of Black Military Veterans

I take with a grain of salt anything published by the New Yorker, but lets assume the article is accurate. There is a lot of our history that includes terrible abuses of various people, jews, pollocks, irish, native americans, Japanese, blacks, Christians, Muslims, and others.

Every country in the world has those kinds of things in its history. If we try to erase it by removing the things that remind us of it, then we fail to learn from history. It is also true that those of us living today cannot undo the wrongs of our ancestors any more that Germans today can undo what the Third Reich did, or Japanese today can undo what Hiro Hito did, Or Ungandans today can undo what Idi Amin did.

That's why I strongly objected to removing confederate statues. We need to remember our history in order to not repeat it.

We are seeing the same kinds of discriminatory rhetoric today against white males and Christians. Discrimination exists in many forms, to pretend that the only victims were blacks is ignorant and damaging.
The New Yorker?
Go fuk yourself

No, every other country has not had the same experience......unless you count South Africa

the New Yorker used to be a legitimate magazine, today it has become a left wing propaganda rag, just like the NY times.
bullshit, complete lies. provide some news clips from the 1950s to prove your claim, or STFU and crawl back under your rock.

The Tragic, Forgotten History of Black Military Veterans

I take with a grain of salt anything published by the New Yorker, but lets assume the article is accurate. There is a lot of our history that includes terrible abuses of various people, jews, pollocks, irish, native americans, Japanese, blacks, Christians, Muslims, and others.

Every country in the world has those kinds of things in its history. If we try to erase it by removing the things that remind us of it, then we fail to learn from history. It is also true that those of us living today cannot undo the wrongs of our ancestors any more that Germans today can undo what the Third Reich did, or Japanese today can undo what Hiro Hito did, Or Ungandans today can undo what Idi Amin did.

That's why I strongly objected to removing confederate statues. We need to remember our history in order to not repeat it.

We are seeing the same kinds of discriminatory rhetoric today against white males and Christians. Discrimination exists in many forms, to pretend that the only victims were blacks is ignorant and damaging.
The New Yorker?
Go fuk yourself

No, every other country has not had the same experience......unless you count South Africa

the New Yorker used to be a legitimate magazine, today it has become a left wing propaganda rag, just like the NY times.
It is still a legitimate magazine, they just think differently than you. And I could have just stopped with 'think'.

it is no more legitimate than the NY times, both have become left wing propaganda rags. A true legitimate news magazine would print both sides of an issue and not take sides.
In the 1940s? Bullshit.
You didn’t read the article did you?

I read the op. There was no link to a larger article.

AND, like I said, "4000" is bullshit.

Lynching peaked before the end of the 1800s. The numbers I've seen for the post WWii, or the Civil Rights are, have been, dozens, or scores.

Smearing all the members of a nation of well over one hundred million, because of the actions of a few hundred people,

is not a reasonable thing to do.

America of the 1940s was a great nation.
OP is original material

4000 lynchings is in the history of the US

Post WWII?
How about Medgar Evers, Emmit Till and the Mississippi Burning trio?

So, FIVE, committed by a few dozen, at MOST, people, and you want to smear the whole nation of 1940 America?

Like I said, that is bullshit.

America of the 1940s was a great nation.
Nice try Klan Boy

Those were just off the top of my head and do not include the terrorist threats, beatings, bombings and public abuse of power

the KKK was mostly made up of democrats. democrats voted against the civil rights act. You need to remove your head from your ass and deal with reality
bullshit, complete lies. provide some news clips from the 1950s to prove your claim, or STFU and crawl back under your rock.

The Tragic, Forgotten History of Black Military Veterans

I take with a grain of salt anything published by the New Yorker, but lets assume the article is accurate. There is a lot of our history that includes terrible abuses of various people, jews, pollocks, irish, native americans, Japanese, blacks, Christians, Muslims, and others.

Every country in the world has those kinds of things in its history. If we try to erase it by removing the things that remind us of it, then we fail to learn from history. It is also true that those of us living today cannot undo the wrongs of our ancestors any more that Germans today can undo what the Third Reich did, or Japanese today can undo what Hiro Hito did, Or Ungandans today can undo what Idi Amin did.

That's why I strongly objected to removing confederate statues. We need to remember our history in order to not repeat it.

We are seeing the same kinds of discriminatory rhetoric today against white males and Christians. Discrimination exists in many forms, to pretend that the only victims were blacks is ignorant and damaging.
The New Yorker?
Go fuk yourself

No, every other country has not had the same experience......unless you count South Africa

Name a nation that does not have such a history, or apologize to US all, for your vile smears.
I don’t live in those nations, I live in this one

Martin Luther King saved us

MLK did good things for the USA, no one denies that. "saved" is an exaggeration.
bullshit, complete lies. provide some news clips from the 1950s to prove your claim, or STFU and crawl back under your rock.

The Tragic, Forgotten History of Black Military Veterans

I take with a grain of salt anything published by the New Yorker, but lets assume the article is accurate. There is a lot of our history that includes terrible abuses of various people, jews, pollocks, irish, native americans, Japanese, blacks, Christians, Muslims, and others.

Every country in the world has those kinds of things in its history. If we try to erase it by removing the things that remind us of it, then we fail to learn from history. It is also true that those of us living today cannot undo the wrongs of our ancestors any more that Germans today can undo what the Third Reich did, or Japanese today can undo what Hiro Hito did, Or Ungandans today can undo what Idi Amin did.

That's why I strongly objected to removing confederate statues. We need to remember our history in order to not repeat it.

We are seeing the same kinds of discriminatory rhetoric today against white males and Christians. Discrimination exists in many forms, to pretend that the only victims were blacks is ignorant and damaging.
The New Yorker?
Go fuk yourself

No, every other country has not had the same experience......unless you count South Africa

Name a nation that does not have such a history, or apologize to US all, for your vile smears.
I don’t live in those nations, I live in this one

Martin Luther King saved us

Of course Dr. King saved us, he was Republican.

I take with a grain of salt anything published by the New Yorker, but lets assume the article is accurate. There is a lot of our history that includes terrible abuses of various people, jews, pollocks, irish, native americans, Japanese, blacks, Christians, Muslims, and others.

Every country in the world has those kinds of things in its history. If we try to erase it by removing the things that remind us of it, then we fail to learn from history. It is also true that those of us living today cannot undo the wrongs of our ancestors any more that Germans today can undo what the Third Reich did, or Japanese today can undo what Hiro Hito did, Or Ungandans today can undo what Idi Amin did.

That's why I strongly objected to removing confederate statues. We need to remember our history in order to not repeat it.

We are seeing the same kinds of discriminatory rhetoric today against white males and Christians. Discrimination exists in many forms, to pretend that the only victims were blacks is ignorant and damaging.
The New Yorker?
Go fuk yourself

No, every other country has not had the same experience......unless you count South Africa

Name a nation that does not have such a history, or apologize to US all, for your vile smears.
I don’t live in those nations, I live in this one

Martin Luther King saved us

Of course Dr. King saved us, he was Republican.

Pogo's head just imploded.
You won't. Because you refuse to consider any information that might challenge your world view.

You are a coward like that.
Lynching along with arson,assault and intimidation were common.
Especially among returning black veterans. For some reason they were considered “uppity” for expecting to be treated with respect

bullshit, complete lies. provide some news clips from the 1950s to prove your claim, or STFU and crawl back under your rock.

The Tragic, Forgotten History of Black Military Veterans

I take with a grain of salt anything published by the New Yorker, but lets assume the article is accurate. There is a lot of our history that includes terrible abuses of various people, jews, pollocks, irish, native americans, Japanese, blacks, Christians, Muslims, and others.

Every country in the world has those kinds of things in its history. If we try to erase it by removing the things that remind us of it, then we fail to learn from history. It is also true that those of us living today cannot undo the wrongs of our ancestors any more that Germans today can undo what the Third Reich did, or Japanese today can undo what Hiro Hito did, Or Ungandans today can undo what Idi Amin did.

That's why I strongly objected to removing confederate statues. We need to remember our history in order to not repeat it.

We are seeing the same kinds of discriminatory rhetoric today against white males and Christians. Discrimination exists in many forms, to pretend that the only victims were blacks is ignorant and damaging.
I take what my actual grandfather and other relatives who ACTUALLY lived thru that time and experienced it has to say over the delusions of a closet racist such as yourself...

Calling someone a racist, is an admission that you can't touch their argument. You lose.
And all his work was nullified by Obama
Dr King would have been thrilled with the election of Obama

It was the fulfillment of his.......I have a dream

Actually, as he won against Hillary in the primaries because of his black skin and not the content of his character,

it is actually a complete and total repudiation of his dream.
He beat Hillary because he was the better candidate and we now know that she was much less popular than people thought.

He was an inexperienced lightweight. He would have been ignored, if not for his black skin.
He had charisma and many of us did not look at the color of his skin. That was what you guys focused on.

1. He did have charisma, I will give you that. At least compared to Hillary.

2. And many of you did look at the color of his skin. You don't get to talk about how wonderful it is to have the First Black President for 9 fucking years, and then pretend it didn't mean shit to you.

3. No, we did not. That is just shit leftards spewed from their face anuses.
Only to some one completely ignorant of history.

Your reactions to the normal level of bitter partisanship that Obama was subject to, your choice to smear half the nation with the false accusation of racism, your choice to tell minorities that republicans were "Whitelashing" against a black president,

made a mockery of King and his dream.
I am well aware of our history

That is why I honor MLK in this thread

Only to some one completely ignorant of history.

Your reactions to the normal level of bitter partisanship that Obama was subject to, your choice to smear half the nation with the false accusation of racism, your choice to tell minorities that republicans were "Whitelashing" against a black president,

made a mockery of King and his dream.
During Obama’s,s tenure we saw how racist the nation still was.

That is fucking bullshit. Did we impeach him? Did we fly a balloon of him wearing a fucking diaper?
That has nothing to do with what I said.

It contrasts the treatment we gave Obama to the treatment we gave the most recent WHITE Dem President.

That certainly has something to so with your claim.

It also contrasts the treatment we gave Obama to the treatment the city of London gave to Trump.

That certainly has something to do with your claim.

Your claim was that our normal, bitter partisan opposition was proof of racism.

My examples proved that WORSE treatment was given to Bill Clinton and Donald Trump, despite their white skin.

Thus PROVING it is not about RACE.

You lose.
You didn’t read the article did you?

I read the op. There was no link to a larger article.

AND, like I said, "4000" is bullshit.

Lynching peaked before the end of the 1800s. The numbers I've seen for the post WWii, or the Civil Rights are, have been, dozens, or scores.

Smearing all the members of a nation of well over one hundred million, because of the actions of a few hundred people,

is not a reasonable thing to do.

America of the 1940s was a great nation.
OP is original material

4000 lynchings is in the history of the US

Post WWII?
How about Medgar Evers, Emmit Till and the Mississippi Burning trio?

So, FIVE, committed by a few dozen, at MOST, people, and you want to smear the whole nation of 1940 America?

Like I said, that is bullshit.

America of the 1940s was a great nation.
Nice try Klan Boy

Those were just off the top of my head and do not include the terrorist threats, beatings, bombings and public abuse of power

the KKK was mostly made up of democrats. democrats voted against the civil rights act. You need to remove your head from your ass and deal with reality

The KKK is made up entirely of Republucans. Their political platform is virtually indistinguishable from Republicans today

I take with a grain of salt anything published by the New Yorker, but lets assume the article is accurate. There is a lot of our history that includes terrible abuses of various people, jews, pollocks, irish, native americans, Japanese, blacks, Christians, Muslims, and others.

Every country in the world has those kinds of things in its history. If we try to erase it by removing the things that remind us of it, then we fail to learn from history. It is also true that those of us living today cannot undo the wrongs of our ancestors any more that Germans today can undo what the Third Reich did, or Japanese today can undo what Hiro Hito did, Or Ungandans today can undo what Idi Amin did.

That's why I strongly objected to removing confederate statues. We need to remember our history in order to not repeat it.

We are seeing the same kinds of discriminatory rhetoric today against white males and Christians. Discrimination exists in many forms, to pretend that the only victims were blacks is ignorant and damaging.
The New Yorker?
Go fuk yourself

No, every other country has not had the same experience......unless you count South Africa

Name a nation that does not have such a history, or apologize to US all, for your vile smears.
I don’t live in those nations, I live in this one

Martin Luther King saved us

MLK did good things for the USA, no one denies that. "saved" is an exaggeration.

Hardly an exaggeration

What would have happened if the leader of the Civil Rights movement advocated eye for an eye violence in response to the violent attacks against blacks?

16th Street Baptist Church bombing - Wikipedia
In the 1940s? Bullshit.
You didn’t read the article did you?

I read the op. There was no link to a larger article.

AND, like I said, "4000" is bullshit.

Lynching peaked before the end of the 1800s. The numbers I've seen for the post WWii, or the Civil Rights are, have been, dozens, or scores.

Smearing all the members of a nation of well over one hundred million, because of the actions of a few hundred people,

is not a reasonable thing to do.

America of the 1940s was a great nation.
OP is original material

4000 lynchings is in the history of the US

Post WWII?
How about Medgar Evers, Emmit Till and the Mississippi Burning trio?

So, FIVE, committed by a few dozen, at MOST, people, and you want to smear the whole nation of 1940 America?

Like I said, that is bullshit.

America of the 1940s was a great nation.
Nice try Klan Boy

Those were just off the top of my head and do not include the terrorist threats, beatings, bombings and public abuse of power

Fuck you.

Your moving of the goal posts is accepted as an admission of defeat.
I read the op. There was no link to a larger article.

AND, like I said, "4000" is bullshit.

Lynching peaked before the end of the 1800s. The numbers I've seen for the post WWii, or the Civil Rights are, have been, dozens, or scores.

Smearing all the members of a nation of well over one hundred million, because of the actions of a few hundred people,

is not a reasonable thing to do.

America of the 1940s was a great nation.
OP is original material

4000 lynchings is in the history of the US

Post WWII?
How about Medgar Evers, Emmit Till and the Mississippi Burning trio?

So, FIVE, committed by a few dozen, at MOST, people, and you want to smear the whole nation of 1940 America?

Like I said, that is bullshit.

America of the 1940s was a great nation.
Nice try Klan Boy

Those were just off the top of my head and do not include the terrorist threats, beatings, bombings and public abuse of power

the KKK was mostly made up of democrats. democrats voted against the civil rights act. You need to remove your head from your ass and deal with reality

The KKK is made up entirely of Republucans. Their political platform is virtually indistinguishable from Republicans today

Troll boy. Shit spewing troll boy.
Dr Martin Luther King saved this country :21::21::21::21:

Saved it from what ? The Country is a cesspool drugs, violence ,gangs . Blacks are more violent than ever, tearing up dennys and fast food restaurants is there favorite past time. Trump is the only thing we have left that keeps from going over the edge.
OP is original material

4000 lynchings is in the history of the US

Post WWII?
How about Medgar Evers, Emmit Till and the Mississippi Burning trio?

So, FIVE, committed by a few dozen, at MOST, people, and you want to smear the whole nation of 1940 America?

Like I said, that is bullshit.

America of the 1940s was a great nation.
Nice try Klan Boy

Those were just off the top of my head and do not include the terrorist threats, beatings, bombings and public abuse of power

the KKK was mostly made up of democrats. democrats voted against the civil rights act. You need to remove your head from your ass and deal with reality

The KKK is made up entirely of Republucans. Their political platform is virtually indistinguishable from Republicans today

Troll boy. Shit spewing troll boy.
Potty mouth
Want an example of how Dr King saved us?

Look at the closest comparison from his era........Northern Ireland

While the Irish had a legitimate beef against England, their abuse was nowhere close to what American Blacks were enduring

The Irish chose to resort to violence.......Bombings, assassinations, Terrorist threats against the people

What if Black Civil Rights had chosen similar tactics?
Want an example of how Dr King saved us?

Look at the closest comparison from his era........Northern Ireland

While the Irish had a legitimate beef against England, their abuse was nowhere close to what American Blacks were enduring

The Irish chose to resort to violence.......Bombings, assassinations, Terrorist threats against the people

What if Black Civil Rights had chosen similar tactics?
They would have been obliterated and the modern Democratic Party never would have been born.

Soon the Irish will be fighting with the English against colonialism and then you can see what a real civil rights movement is like.
I take with a grain of salt anything published by the New Yorker, but lets assume the article is accurate. There is a lot of our history that includes terrible abuses of various people, jews, pollocks, irish, native americans, Japanese, blacks, Christians, Muslims, and others.

Every country in the world has those kinds of things in its history. If we try to erase it by removing the things that remind us of it, then we fail to learn from history. It is also true that those of us living today cannot undo the wrongs of our ancestors any more that Germans today can undo what the Third Reich did, or Japanese today can undo what Hiro Hito did, Or Ungandans today can undo what Idi Amin did.

That's why I strongly objected to removing confederate statues. We need to remember our history in order to not repeat it.

We are seeing the same kinds of discriminatory rhetoric today against white males and Christians. Discrimination exists in many forms, to pretend that the only victims were blacks is ignorant and damaging.
The New Yorker?
Go fuk yourself

No, every other country has not had the same experience......unless you count South Africa

Name a nation that does not have such a history, or apologize to US all, for your vile smears.
I don’t live in those nations, I live in this one

Martin Luther King saved us

MLK did good things for the USA, no one denies that. "saved" is an exaggeration.

Hardly an exaggeration

What would have happened if the leader of the Civil Rights movement advocated eye for an eye violence in response to the violent attacks against blacks?

16th Street Baptist Church bombing - Wikipedia
There would be a lot more dead black people.

Especially if white people adopted the same belief.
She speaks for no one but herself.

No one else in the family supports her views

exactly how do you know that? Are you personally acquainted with all of them? geez, dude stop making a fool of yourself.

you remind me of a poster on another forum named, Huge Jim Bissel. Say it fast and its you.


At the King Family Reunion, Alveda is given the wrong address

stop making up stuff, you are not funny. Just looking stupid

She is more comfortable with racists than her own family
Her family are the racists.

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