Dr Martin Luther King saved this country

Want an example of how Dr King saved us?

Look at the closest comparison from his era........Northern Ireland

While the Irish had a legitimate beef against England, their abuse was nowhere close to what American Blacks were enduring

The Irish chose to resort to violence.......Bombings, assassinations, Terrorist threats against the people

What if Black Civil Rights had chosen similar tactics?
They would have been obliterated and the modern Democratic Party never would have been born.

Soon the Irish will be fighting with the English against colonialism and then you can see what a real civil rights movement is like.

There would have been tit for tat retribution, assasination if southern leaders, killings of white children

MLK saved us

I take with a grain of salt anything published by the New Yorker, but lets assume the article is accurate. There is a lot of our history that includes terrible abuses of various people, jews, pollocks, irish, native americans, Japanese, blacks, Christians, Muslims, and others.

Every country in the world has those kinds of things in its history. If we try to erase it by removing the things that remind us of it, then we fail to learn from history. It is also true that those of us living today cannot undo the wrongs of our ancestors any more that Germans today can undo what the Third Reich did, or Japanese today can undo what Hiro Hito did, Or Ungandans today can undo what Idi Amin did.

That's why I strongly objected to removing confederate statues. We need to remember our history in order to not repeat it.

We are seeing the same kinds of discriminatory rhetoric today against white males and Christians. Discrimination exists in many forms, to pretend that the only victims were blacks is ignorant and damaging.
The New Yorker?
Go fuk yourself

No, every other country has not had the same experience......unless you count South Africa

Name a nation that does not have such a history, or apologize to US all, for your vile smears.
I don’t live in those nations, I live in this one

Martin Luther King saved us

Of course Dr. King saved us, he was Republican.
Prove MLK Jr. was a Republican.....
I take with a grain of salt anything published by the New Yorker, but lets assume the article is accurate. There is a lot of our history that includes terrible abuses of various people, jews, pollocks, irish, native americans, Japanese, blacks, Christians, Muslims, and others.

Every country in the world has those kinds of things in its history. If we try to erase it by removing the things that remind us of it, then we fail to learn from history. It is also true that those of us living today cannot undo the wrongs of our ancestors any more that Germans today can undo what the Third Reich did, or Japanese today can undo what Hiro Hito did, Or Ungandans today can undo what Idi Amin did.

That's why I strongly objected to removing confederate statues. We need to remember our history in order to not repeat it.

We are seeing the same kinds of discriminatory rhetoric today against white males and Christians. Discrimination exists in many forms, to pretend that the only victims were blacks is ignorant and damaging.
The New Yorker?
Go fuk yourself

No, every other country has not had the same experience......unless you count South Africa

Name a nation that does not have such a history, or apologize to US all, for your vile smears.
I don’t live in those nations, I live in this one

Martin Luther King saved us

Of course Dr. King saved us, he was Republican.
Prove MLK Jr. was a Republican.....
I love how Republicans claim MLK now

When he was alive, they called him a Commie
The New Yorker?
Go fuk yourself

No, every other country has not had the same experience......unless you count South Africa

Name a nation that does not have such a history, or apologize to US all, for your vile smears.
I don’t live in those nations, I live in this one

Martin Luther King saved us

Of course Dr. King saved us, he was Republican.
Prove MLK Jr. was a Republican.....
I love how Republicans claim MLK now

When he was alive, they called him a Commie
I do not know that. But I see the men who were with them and the are corrupted commies today.
Name a nation that does not have such a history, or apologize to US all, for your vile smears.
I don’t live in those nations, I live in this one

Martin Luther King saved us

Of course Dr. King saved us, he was Republican.
Prove MLK Jr. was a Republican.....
I love how Republicans claim MLK now

When he was alive, they called him a Commie
I do not know that. But I see the men who were with them and the are corrupted commies today.
You guys never change
The New Yorker?
Go fuk yourself

No, every other country has not had the same experience......unless you count South Africa

Name a nation that does not have such a history, or apologize to US all, for your vile smears.
I don’t live in those nations, I live in this one

Martin Luther King saved us

Of course Dr. King saved us, he was Republican.
Prove MLK Jr. was a Republican.....
I love how Republicans claim MLK now

When he was alive, they called him a Commie

All of them?
Name a nation that does not have such a history, or apologize to US all, for your vile smears.
I don’t live in those nations, I live in this one

Martin Luther King saved us

Of course Dr. King saved us, he was Republican.
Prove MLK Jr. was a Republican.....
I love how Republicans claim MLK now

When he was alive, they called him a Commie
I do not know that. But I see the men who were with them and the are corrupted commies today.

DO NOT ASSUME that what a lib says is the truth. THey lie all the time. RW has been caught in many lies.

Demand he supports his claim.
I don’t live in those nations, I live in this one

Martin Luther King saved us

Of course Dr. King saved us, he was Republican.
Prove MLK Jr. was a Republican.....
I love how Republicans claim MLK now

When he was alive, they called him a Commie
I do not know that. But I see the men who were with them and the are corrupted commies today.
You guys never change

People change all the time. Parties change. That you deny this, is a form of living in the past.

YOU are the one afraid of change.
The New Yorker?
Go fuk yourself

No, every other country has not had the same experience......unless you count South Africa

Name a nation that does not have such a history, or apologize to US all, for your vile smears.
I don’t live in those nations, I live in this one

Martin Luther King saved us

Of course Dr. King saved us, he was Republican.
Prove MLK Jr. was a Republican.....
I love how Republicans claim MLK now

When he was alive, they called him a Commie

Nope. That was the Democrats and Hoover calling him a Commie. JEH was neither D nor R.
Name a nation that does not have such a history, or apologize to US all, for your vile smears.
I don’t live in those nations, I live in this one

Martin Luther King saved us

Of course Dr. King saved us, he was Republican.
Prove MLK Jr. was a Republican.....
I love how Republicans claim MLK now

When he was alive, they called him a Commie

Nope. That was the Democrats and Hoover calling him a Commie. JEH was neither D nor R.
I take this to mean you were full of shit when you falsely claimed MLK Jr. was a Republican.
I don’t live in those nations, I live in this one

Martin Luther King saved us

Of course Dr. King saved us, he was Republican.
Prove MLK Jr. was a Republican.....
I love how Republicans claim MLK now

When he was alive, they called him a Commie

Nope. That was the Democrats and Hoover calling him a Commie. JEH was neither D nor R.
I take this to mean you were full of shit when you falsely claimed MLK Jr. was a Republican.

That made ZERO sense. Even judged relative to your normal.
Want an example of how Dr King saved us?

Look at the closest comparison from his era........Northern Ireland

While the Irish had a legitimate beef against England, their abuse was nowhere close to what American Blacks were enduring

The Irish chose to resort to violence.......Bombings, assassinations, Terrorist threats against the people

What if Black Civil Rights had chosen similar tactics?
They would have been obliterated and the modern Democratic Party never would have been born.

Soon the Irish will be fighting with the English against colonialism and then you can see what a real civil rights movement is like.

There would have been tit for tat retribution, assasination if southern leaders, killings of white children

MLK saved us
No, they would have been wiped out before they could do much of any of that.

MLK did his part to destroy this country.
Want an example of how Dr King saved us?

Look at the closest comparison from his era........Northern Ireland

While the Irish had a legitimate beef against England, their abuse was nowhere close to what American Blacks were enduring

The Irish chose to resort to violence.......Bombings, assassinations, Terrorist threats against the people

What if Black Civil Rights had chosen similar tactics?
They would have been obliterated and the modern Democratic Party never would have been born.

Soon the Irish will be fighting with the English against colonialism and then you can see what a real civil rights movement is like.

There would have been tit for tat retribution, assasination if southern leaders, killings of white children

MLK saved us
No, they would have been wiped out before they could do much of any of that.

MLK did his part to destroy this country.
Would have been a bloodbath

MLK saved us
I read the op. There was no link to a larger article.

AND, like I said, "4000" is bullshit.

Lynching peaked before the end of the 1800s. The numbers I've seen for the post WWii, or the Civil Rights are, have been, dozens, or scores.

Smearing all the members of a nation of well over one hundred million, because of the actions of a few hundred people,

is not a reasonable thing to do.

America of the 1940s was a great nation.
OP is original material

4000 lynchings is in the history of the US

Post WWII?
How about Medgar Evers, Emmit Till and the Mississippi Burning trio?

So, FIVE, committed by a few dozen, at MOST, people, and you want to smear the whole nation of 1940 America?

Like I said, that is bullshit.

America of the 1940s was a great nation.
Nice try Klan Boy

Those were just off the top of my head and do not include the terrorist threats, beatings, bombings and public abuse of power

the KKK was mostly made up of democrats. democrats voted against the civil rights act. You need to remove your head from your ass and deal with reality

The KKK is made up entirely of Republucans. Their political platform is virtually indistinguishable from Republicans today

do you post stupid things because you are stupid or do you post them so everyone will think you are stupid?

We were talking about the KKK in the late 1800s and early 1900s up to around 1969. They were almost all democrats of the George Wallace mold. Democrats voted against the civil rights act in the 60s, republicans voted for it almost 100%.

When you try to equate "make America great again" to the KKK lynching blacks, you just confirm what we all knew about you, you are a complete partisan asshole not capable of rational thought or cogent debate.
Want an example of how Dr King saved us?

Look at the closest comparison from his era........Northern Ireland

While the Irish had a legitimate beef against England, their abuse was nowhere close to what American Blacks were enduring

The Irish chose to resort to violence.......Bombings, assassinations, Terrorist threats against the people

What if Black Civil Rights had chosen similar tactics?
They would have been obliterated and the modern Democratic Party never would have been born.

Soon the Irish will be fighting with the English against colonialism and then you can see what a real civil rights movement is like.

There would have been tit for tat retribution, assasination if southern leaders, killings of white children

MLK saved us
No, they would have been wiped out before they could do much of any of that.

MLK did his part to destroy this country.
Would have been a bloodbath

MLK saved us

He showed how to effect change without violence, for that he should be remembered. But he did not save the country, if he had chosen violence more people would have died, but the country would have survived, just as the UK survived the IRA.
OP is original material

4000 lynchings is in the history of the US

Post WWII?
How about Medgar Evers, Emmit Till and the Mississippi Burning trio?

So, FIVE, committed by a few dozen, at MOST, people, and you want to smear the whole nation of 1940 America?

Like I said, that is bullshit.

America of the 1940s was a great nation.
Nice try Klan Boy

Those were just off the top of my head and do not include the terrorist threats, beatings, bombings and public abuse of power

the KKK was mostly made up of democrats. democrats voted against the civil rights act. You need to remove your head from your ass and deal with reality

The KKK is made up entirely of Republucans. Their political platform is virtually indistinguishable from Republicans today

do you post stupid things because you are stupid or do you post them so everyone will think you are stupid?

We were talking about the KKK in the late 1800s and early 1900s up to around 1969. They were almost all democrats of the George Wallace mold. Democrats voted against the civil rights act in the 60s, republicans voted for it almost 100%.

When you try to equate "make America great again" to the KKK lynching blacks, you just confirm what we all knew about you, you are a complete partisan asshole not capable of rational thought or cogent debate.

What he wants is to jump around a lot, and keep saying Klan, and Republican in the same post.

He is not trying to make sense really, just to repeat his shit enough so that people not paying enough attention might start to think that where there is smoke there must be fire.

That is why, the correct response to being called a racist, no matter how they dress it up, is not to call them an asshole, but to punch them in the face.

This is the propaganda strategy they have been playing all along, as it is working.
for winger

if you want to change your statement to: MLK saved us from a lot of interracial violence, then you are close to correct. But he did not "save the country".
OP is original material

4000 lynchings is in the history of the US

Post WWII?
How about Medgar Evers, Emmit Till and the Mississippi Burning trio?

So, FIVE, committed by a few dozen, at MOST, people, and you want to smear the whole nation of 1940 America?

Like I said, that is bullshit.

America of the 1940s was a great nation.
Nice try Klan Boy

Those were just off the top of my head and do not include the terrorist threats, beatings, bombings and public abuse of power

the KKK was mostly made up of democrats. democrats voted against the civil rights act. You need to remove your head from your ass and deal with reality

The KKK is made up entirely of Republucans. Their political platform is virtually indistinguishable from Republicans today

do you post stupid things because you are stupid or do you post them so everyone will think you are stupid?

We were talking about the KKK in the late 1800s and early 1900s up to around 1969. They were almost all democrats of the George Wallace mold. Democrats voted against the civil rights act in the 60s, republicans voted for it almost 100%.

When you try to equate "make America great again" to the KKK lynching blacks, you just confirm what we all knew about you, you are a complete partisan asshole not capable of rational thought or cogent debate.
Why do you think they call them the RepubliKlan Party?
for winger

if you want to change your statement to: MLK saved us from a lot of interracial violence, then you are close to correct. But he did not "save the country".

Saved the country in two ways

Prevented violent revolt
Saved our soul

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