Dr Martin Luther King saved this country

So, FIVE, committed by a few dozen, at MOST, people, and you want to smear the whole nation of 1940 America?

Like I said, that is bullshit.

America of the 1940s was a great nation.
Nice try Klan Boy

Those were just off the top of my head and do not include the terrorist threats, beatings, bombings and public abuse of power

the KKK was mostly made up of democrats. democrats voted against the civil rights act. You need to remove your head from your ass and deal with reality

The KKK is made up entirely of Republucans. Their political platform is virtually indistinguishable from Republicans today

do you post stupid things because you are stupid or do you post them so everyone will think you are stupid?

We were talking about the KKK in the late 1800s and early 1900s up to around 1969. They were almost all democrats of the George Wallace mold. Democrats voted against the civil rights act in the 60s, republicans voted for it almost 100%.

When you try to equate "make America great again" to the KKK lynching blacks, you just confirm what we all knew about you, you are a complete partisan asshole not capable of rational thought or cogent debate.

What he wants is to jump around a lot, and keep saying Klan, and Republican in the same post.

He is not trying to make sense really, just to repeat his shit enough so that people not paying enough attention might start to think that where there is smoke there must be fire.

That is why, the correct response to being called a racist, no matter how they dress it up, is not to call them an asshole, but to punch them in the face.

This is the propaganda strategy they have been playing all along, as it is working.
Shut up Klan Boy
for winger

if you want to change your statement to: MLK saved us from a lot of interracial violence, then you are close to correct. But he did not "save the country".

Saved the country in two ways

Prevented violent revolt
Saved our soul

If you cared about that, you would not be here, calling people slurs like "klan boy".

People like you, are tearing this nation a part.
Nice try Klan Boy

Those were just off the top of my head and do not include the terrorist threats, beatings, bombings and public abuse of power

the KKK was mostly made up of democrats. democrats voted against the civil rights act. You need to remove your head from your ass and deal with reality

The KKK is made up entirely of Republucans. Their political platform is virtually indistinguishable from Republicans today

do you post stupid things because you are stupid or do you post them so everyone will think you are stupid?

We were talking about the KKK in the late 1800s and early 1900s up to around 1969. They were almost all democrats of the George Wallace mold. Democrats voted against the civil rights act in the 60s, republicans voted for it almost 100%.

When you try to equate "make America great again" to the KKK lynching blacks, you just confirm what we all knew about you, you are a complete partisan asshole not capable of rational thought or cogent debate.

What he wants is to jump around a lot, and keep saying Klan, and Republican in the same post.

He is not trying to make sense really, just to repeat his shit enough so that people not paying enough attention might start to think that where there is smoke there must be fire.

That is why, the correct response to being called a racist, no matter how they dress it up, is not to call them an asshole, but to punch them in the face.

This is the propaganda strategy they have been playing all along, as it is working.
Shut up Klan Boy

You are a coward, and actively working to bring harm to this nation, and it's people.

Fuck you.
for winger

if you want to change your statement to: MLK saved us from a lot of interracial violence, then you are close to correct. But he did not "save the country".

Saved the country in two ways

Prevented violent revolt
Saved our soul

If you cared about that, you would not be here, calling people slurs like "klan boy".

People like you, are tearing this nation a part.

agree, their primary emotion is hate. and its all because crooked Hillary got beat. They will never get over it, they are pathetic losers.
for winger

if you want to change your statement to: MLK saved us from a lot of interracial violence, then you are close to correct. But he did not "save the country".

Saved the country in two ways

Prevented violent revolt
Saved our soul

If you cared about that, you would not be here, calling people slurs like "klan boy".

People like you, are tearing this nation a part.

agree, their primary emotion is hate. and its all because crooked Hillary got beat. They will never get over it, they are pathetic losers.

And they know it, and seem ok with that.

It boggles my mind.
for winger

if you want to change your statement to: MLK saved us from a lot of interracial violence, then you are close to correct. But he did not "save the country".

Saved the country in two ways

Prevented violent revolt
Saved our soul

If you cared about that, you would not be here, calling people slurs like "klan boy".

People like you, are tearing this nation a part.
Call them like I see them

MLK saved us from a society like you honor Klan Boy
for winger

if you want to change your statement to: MLK saved us from a lot of interracial violence, then you are close to correct. But he did not "save the country".

Saved the country in two ways

Prevented violent revolt
Saved our soul

If you cared about that, you would not be here, calling people slurs like "klan boy".

People like you, are tearing this nation a part.
Call them like I see them

MLK saved us from a society like you honor Klan Boy

Except that I have challenged you to support your vile smears, and you have never even tried.

You are nothing but a troll.
for winger

if you want to change your statement to: MLK saved us from a lot of interracial violence, then you are close to correct. But he did not "save the country".

Saved the country in two ways

Prevented violent revolt
Saved our soul

If you cared about that, you would not be here, calling people slurs like "klan boy".

People like you, are tearing this nation a part.
Call them like I see them

MLK saved us from a society like you honor Klan Boy

Except that I have challenged you to support your vile smears, and you have never even tried.

You are nothing but a troll.

Dr King had a dream....of a society where all men are evaluated by their character

We have now entered a Trumpian Democracy. A society based on lies, bullying and petty insults

In a Trumpian society, petty names based on individual characteristics substitute for informed debate

Get it now Klan Boy?
for winger

if you want to change your statement to: MLK saved us from a lot of interracial violence, then you are close to correct. But he did not "save the country".

Saved the country in two ways

Prevented violent revolt
Saved our soul

If you cared about that, you would not be here, calling people slurs like "klan boy".

People like you, are tearing this nation a part.
Call them like I see them

MLK saved us from a society like you honor Klan Boy

Except that I have challenged you to support your vile smears, and you have never even tried.

You are nothing but a troll.

Dr King had a dream....of a society where all men are evaluated by their character

We have now entered a Trumpian Democracy. A society based on lies, bullying and petty insults

In a Trumpian society, petty names based on individual characteristics substitute for informed debate

Get it now Klan Boy?

SO, you're blaming your behavior on Trump?

When has he race baited like you are? When has he done anything like you do to tear this nation apart?

Dude. All you are doing is being an incredible asshole.
for winger

if you want to change your statement to: MLK saved us from a lot of interracial violence, then you are close to correct. But he did not "save the country".

Saved the country in two ways

Prevented violent revolt
Saved our soul

If you cared about that, you would not be here, calling people slurs like "klan boy".

People like you, are tearing this nation a part.
Call them like I see them

MLK saved us from a society like you honor Klan Boy

Except that I have challenged you to support your vile smears, and you have never even tried.

You are nothing but a troll.

Dr King had a dream....of a society where all men are evaluated by their character

We have now entered a Trumpian Democracy. A society based on lies, bullying and petty insults

In a Trumpian society, petty names based on individual characteristics substitute for informed debate

Get it now Klan Boy?

Saved the country in two ways

Prevented violent revolt
Saved our soul

If you cared about that, you would not be here, calling people slurs like "klan boy".

People like you, are tearing this nation a part.
Call them like I see them

MLK saved us from a society like you honor Klan Boy

Except that I have challenged you to support your vile smears, and you have never even tried.

You are nothing but a troll.

Dr King had a dream....of a society where all men are evaluated by their character

We have now entered a Trumpian Democracy. A society based on lies, bullying and petty insults

In a Trumpian society, petty names based on individual characteristics substitute for informed debate

Get it now Klan Boy?

SO, you're blaming your behavior on Trump?

When has he race baited like you are? When has he done anything like you do to tear this nation apart?

Dude. All you are doing is being an incredible asshole.

that's his role on USMB, resident asshole. I may put him on ignore rather than continue to waste my time with that fool.
Saved the country in two ways

Prevented violent revolt
Saved our soul

If you cared about that, you would not be here, calling people slurs like "klan boy".

People like you, are tearing this nation a part.
Call them like I see them

MLK saved us from a society like you honor Klan Boy

Except that I have challenged you to support your vile smears, and you have never even tried.

You are nothing but a troll.

Dr King had a dream....of a society where all men are evaluated by their character

We have now entered a Trumpian Democracy. A society based on lies, bullying and petty insults

In a Trumpian society, petty names based on individual characteristics substitute for informed debate

Get it now Klan Boy?

SO, you're blaming your behavior on Trump?

When has he race baited like you are? When has he done anything like you do to tear this nation apart?

Dude. All you are doing is being an incredible asshole.
Welcome to MAGA, Klan Boy

Don’t you miss those values of civility, kindness and respect?
If you cared about that, you would not be here, calling people slurs like "klan boy".

People like you, are tearing this nation a part.
Call them like I see them

MLK saved us from a society like you honor Klan Boy

Except that I have challenged you to support your vile smears, and you have never even tried.

You are nothing but a troll.

Dr King had a dream....of a society where all men are evaluated by their character

We have now entered a Trumpian Democracy. A society based on lies, bullying and petty insults

In a Trumpian society, petty names based on individual characteristics substitute for informed debate

Get it now Klan Boy?

SO, you're blaming your behavior on Trump?

When has he race baited like you are? When has he done anything like you do to tear this nation apart?

Dude. All you are doing is being an incredible asshole.
Welcome to MAGA, Klan Boy

Don’t you miss those values of civility, kindness and respect?

A couple of problems with your view on this.

1. You lefties have been playing the name calling game as a propaganda strategy WAY before Trump hit the scene.

2. Trump targets people in the game, not normal innocent civilians. You libs target random innocent people AND large swaths of the population, something Trump has not done. You are the ones being divisive.

3. You could have made this point with at most, DAYS of asshole behavior. Instead it has been over two fucking years, fucktard.

4. My questions, stands. When has he done anything like you to tear this nation apart?
Of course Dr. King saved us, he was Republican.
Prove MLK Jr. was a Republican.....
I love how Republicans claim MLK now

When he was alive, they called him a Commie

Nope. That was the Democrats and Hoover calling him a Commie. JEH was neither D nor R.
I take this to mean you were full of shit when you falsely claimed MLK Jr. was a Republican.

That made ZERO sense. Even judged relative to your normal.
Well then let me explain it to ya...

LeftofLeft falsely claimed MLK Jr. was a Republican. There’s zero evidence of that, so I challenged him to prove his bullshit wasn’t bullshit as I knew he couldn’t. He’s now running away from my challenge, which is evidence even he knows he can’t prove his idiotic comment. So when he ran away from my challenge by posting something else, I called him on it by pointing out the obvious, which is obviously not obvious to you, that he was “full of shit when you falsely claimed MLK Jr. was a Republican.”

Prove MLK Jr. was a Republican.....
I love how Republicans claim MLK now

When he was alive, they called him a Commie

Nope. That was the Democrats and Hoover calling him a Commie. JEH was neither D nor R.
I take this to mean you were full of shit when you falsely claimed MLK Jr. was a Republican.

That made ZERO sense. Even judged relative to your normal.
Well then let me explain it to ya...

LeftofLeft falsely claimed MLK Jr. was a Republican. There’s zero evidence of that, so I challenged him to prove his bullshit wasn’t bullshit as I knew he couldn’t. He’s now running away from my challenge, which is evidence even he knows he can’t prove his idiotic comment. So when he ran away from my challenge by posting something else, I called him on it by pointing out the obvious, which is obviously not obvious to you, that he was “full of shit when you falsely claimed MLK Jr. was a Republican.”


Clearly, he must have voted Democrat; especially since it was the Party fighting Civil
Rights as part of its KKK heritage. What did Democrats stand for that he stood for? He was killed in 1968 which was about the time Democrats finally turned a leaf to support Civil Rights. MLK, the icon for Civil Rights over a lifetime was going to vote for or with the Party replete of people who did not support his cause.

If you vote with the Party that is against you, then yea, you got me. If you vote for or with the Party that at a minimum, does not go against you, what does that make you?
I love how Republicans claim MLK now

When he was alive, they called him a Commie

Nope. That was the Democrats and Hoover calling him a Commie. JEH was neither D nor R.
I take this to mean you were full of shit when you falsely claimed MLK Jr. was a Republican.

That made ZERO sense. Even judged relative to your normal.
Well then let me explain it to ya...

LeftofLeft falsely claimed MLK Jr. was a Republican. There’s zero evidence of that, so I challenged him to prove his bullshit wasn’t bullshit as I knew he couldn’t. He’s now running away from my challenge, which is evidence even he knows he can’t prove his idiotic comment. So when he ran away from my challenge by posting something else, I called him on it by pointing out the obvious, which is obviously not obvious to you, that he was “full of shit when you falsely claimed MLK Jr. was a Republican.”


Clearly, he must have voted Democrat; especially since it was the Party fighting Civil
Rights as part of its KKK heritage. What did Democrats stand for that he stood for? He was killed in 1968 which was about the time Democrats finally turned a leaf to support Civil Rights. MLK, the icon for Civil Rights over a lifetime was going to vote for or with the Party replete of people who did not support his cause.

If you vote with the Party that is against you, then yea, you got me. If you vote for or with the Party that at a minimum, does not go against you, what does that make you?
King supported LBJ in 1964

It was LBJ who lobbied for and signed the Civil Rights Act
I love how Republicans claim MLK now

When he was alive, they called him a Commie

Nope. That was the Democrats and Hoover calling him a Commie. JEH was neither D nor R.
I take this to mean you were full of shit when you falsely claimed MLK Jr. was a Republican.

That made ZERO sense. Even judged relative to your normal.
Well then let me explain it to ya...

LeftofLeft falsely claimed MLK Jr. was a Republican. There’s zero evidence of that, so I challenged him to prove his bullshit wasn’t bullshit as I knew he couldn’t. He’s now running away from my challenge, which is evidence even he knows he can’t prove his idiotic comment. So when he ran away from my challenge by posting something else, I called him on it by pointing out the obvious, which is obviously not obvious to you, that he was “full of shit when you falsely claimed MLK Jr. was a Republican.”


Clearly, he must have voted Democrat; especially since it was the Party fighting Civil
Rights as part of its KKK heritage. What did Democrats stand for that he stood for? He was killed in 1968 which was about the time Democrats finally turned a leaf to support Civil Rights. MLK, the icon for Civil Rights over a lifetime was going to vote for or with the Party replete of people who did not support his cause.

If you vote with the Party that is against you, then yea, you got me. If you vote for or with the Party that at a minimum, does not go against you, what does that make you?

Is that supposed to prove MLK Jr. was a Republican??


“I don’t think the Republican party is a party full of the almighty God nor is the Democratic party. They both have weaknesses. And I’m not inextricably bound to either party.”
~ MLK Jr.
Prove MLK Jr. was a Republican.....
I love how Republicans claim MLK now

When he was alive, they called him a Commie

Nope. That was the Democrats and Hoover calling him a Commie. JEH was neither D nor R.
I take this to mean you were full of shit when you falsely claimed MLK Jr. was a Republican.

That made ZERO sense. Even judged relative to your normal.
Well then let me explain it to ya...

LeftofLeft falsely claimed MLK Jr. was a Republican. There’s zero evidence of that, so I challenged him to prove his bullshit wasn’t bullshit as I knew he couldn’t. He’s now running away from my challenge, which is evidence even he knows he can’t prove his idiotic comment. So when he ran away from my challenge by posting something else, I called him on it by pointing out the obvious, which is obviously not obvious to you, that he was “full of shit when you falsely claimed MLK Jr. was a Republican.”


Pretty likely that a black man from that era was a republican.
Nope. That was the Democrats and Hoover calling him a Commie. JEH was neither D nor R.
I take this to mean you were full of shit when you falsely claimed MLK Jr. was a Republican.

That made ZERO sense. Even judged relative to your normal.
Well then let me explain it to ya...

LeftofLeft falsely claimed MLK Jr. was a Republican. There’s zero evidence of that, so I challenged him to prove his bullshit wasn’t bullshit as I knew he couldn’t. He’s now running away from my challenge, which is evidence even he knows he can’t prove his idiotic comment. So when he ran away from my challenge by posting something else, I called him on it by pointing out the obvious, which is obviously not obvious to you, that he was “full of shit when you falsely claimed MLK Jr. was a Republican.”


Clearly, he must have voted Democrat; especially since it was the Party fighting Civil
Rights as part of its KKK heritage. What did Democrats stand for that he stood for? He was killed in 1968 which was about the time Democrats finally turned a leaf to support Civil Rights. MLK, the icon for Civil Rights over a lifetime was going to vote for or with the Party replete of people who did not support his cause.

If you vote with the Party that is against you, then yea, you got me. If you vote for or with the Party that at a minimum, does not go against you, what does that make you?

Is that supposed to prove MLK Jr. was a Republican??


“I don’t think the Republican party is a party full of the almighty God nor is the Democratic party. They both have weaknesses. And I’m not inextricably bound to either party.”
~ MLK Jr.

Your quote did nothing to support your argument.
I love how Republicans claim MLK now

When he was alive, they called him a Commie

Nope. That was the Democrats and Hoover calling him a Commie. JEH was neither D nor R.
I take this to mean you were full of shit when you falsely claimed MLK Jr. was a Republican.

That made ZERO sense. Even judged relative to your normal.
Well then let me explain it to ya...

LeftofLeft falsely claimed MLK Jr. was a Republican. There’s zero evidence of that, so I challenged him to prove his bullshit wasn’t bullshit as I knew he couldn’t. He’s now running away from my challenge, which is evidence even he knows he can’t prove his idiotic comment. So when he ran away from my challenge by posting something else, I called him on it by pointing out the obvious, which is obviously not obvious to you, that he was “full of shit when you falsely claimed MLK Jr. was a Republican.”


Pretty likely that a black man from that era was a republican.
I take this to mean you were full of shit when you falsely claimed MLK Jr. was a Republican.

That made ZERO sense. Even judged relative to your normal.
Well then let me explain it to ya...

LeftofLeft falsely claimed MLK Jr. was a Republican. There’s zero evidence of that, so I challenged him to prove his bullshit wasn’t bullshit as I knew he couldn’t. He’s now running away from my challenge, which is evidence even he knows he can’t prove his idiotic comment. So when he ran away from my challenge by posting something else, I called him on it by pointing out the obvious, which is obviously not obvious to you, that he was “full of shit when you falsely claimed MLK Jr. was a Republican.”


Clearly, he must have voted Democrat; especially since it was the Party fighting Civil
Rights as part of its KKK heritage. What did Democrats stand for that he stood for? He was killed in 1968 which was about the time Democrats finally turned a leaf to support Civil Rights. MLK, the icon for Civil Rights over a lifetime was going to vote for or with the Party replete of people who did not support his cause.

If you vote with the Party that is against you, then yea, you got me. If you vote for or with the Party that at a minimum, does not go against you, what does that make you?

Is that supposed to prove MLK Jr. was a Republican??


“I don’t think the Republican party is a party full of the almighty God nor is the Democratic party. They both have weaknesses. And I’m not inextricably bound to either party.”
~ MLK Jr.

Your quote did nothing to support your argument.
Only a brain-dead lunatic (like the one to whom I’m replying) could read this quote...

I don’t think the Republican party is a party full of the almighty God nor is the Democratic party. They both have weaknesses. And I’m not inextricably bound to either party.”
~ MLK Jr.

... and claim that doesn’t prove MLK Jr. wasn’t a Republican.
Nope. That was the Democrats and Hoover calling him a Commie. JEH was neither D nor R.
I take this to mean you were full of shit when you falsely claimed MLK Jr. was a Republican.

That made ZERO sense. Even judged relative to your normal.
Well then let me explain it to ya...

LeftofLeft falsely claimed MLK Jr. was a Republican. There’s zero evidence of that, so I challenged him to prove his bullshit wasn’t bullshit as I knew he couldn’t. He’s now running away from my challenge, which is evidence even he knows he can’t prove his idiotic comment. So when he ran away from my challenge by posting something else, I called him on it by pointing out the obvious, which is obviously not obvious to you, that he was “full of shit when you falsely claimed MLK Jr. was a Republican.”


Pretty likely that a black man from that era was a republican.
That made ZERO sense. Even judged relative to your normal.
Well then let me explain it to ya...

LeftofLeft falsely claimed MLK Jr. was a Republican. There’s zero evidence of that, so I challenged him to prove his bullshit wasn’t bullshit as I knew he couldn’t. He’s now running away from my challenge, which is evidence even he knows he can’t prove his idiotic comment. So when he ran away from my challenge by posting something else, I called him on it by pointing out the obvious, which is obviously not obvious to you, that he was “full of shit when you falsely claimed MLK Jr. was a Republican.”


Clearly, he must have voted Democrat; especially since it was the Party fighting Civil
Rights as part of its KKK heritage. What did Democrats stand for that he stood for? He was killed in 1968 which was about the time Democrats finally turned a leaf to support Civil Rights. MLK, the icon for Civil Rights over a lifetime was going to vote for or with the Party replete of people who did not support his cause.

If you vote with the Party that is against you, then yea, you got me. If you vote for or with the Party that at a minimum, does not go against you, what does that make you?

Is that supposed to prove MLK Jr. was a Republican??


“I don’t think the Republican party is a party full of the almighty God nor is the Democratic party. They both have weaknesses. And I’m not inextricably bound to either party.”
~ MLK Jr.

Your quote did nothing to support your argument.
Only a brain-dead lunatic (like the one to whom I’m replying) could read this quote...

I don’t think the Republican party is a party full of the almighty God nor is the Democratic party. They both have weaknesses. And I’m not inextricably bound to either party.”
~ MLK Jr.

... and claim that doesn’t prove MLK Jr. wasn’t a Republican.

Do you understand that you can be a member of a party, and A. realize that they have faults, and B. be open to the idea of crossing party lines, for various reasons?

That was NOT a rhetorical question. I know that YOU, believe that your party is perfect, and that you would NEVER vote anything but straight Party,

but are you aware that no everyone is as insanely, bitterly partisan as you?

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