Dr Oz and Dr Phil are on Fox New spewing ignorance, disinformation and cruelty

The bigger problem is anybody who supports abortion espousing that we need to keep things shut down because life is just too important. They shouldn't be taken seriously. Dr Oz, Phil or Dre. Doesn't matter to me.

Can you wingnuts EVER keep unrelated references to abortion or Hillary out of a response? Sad :(
Hillary was built up into something she is not. She was given power. Given it! Given opportunities to be President. And blew it twice! Failed as a Senator! Failed as a Sec. of state! She gave W. Bush a stare down as a N.Y. Senator at a State of the Union and that was her highlight of her career. Disappointing. All of those years and nothing to show for it. I expected more.

Sorry, but she was fairly effective as a First Lady, Senator and Secretary of State.
Mildly crooked? Yes - Which is why I didn't vote for her.
Perhaps YOU are the failure? :)
You are literally, impossibly, painfully, stupid! Folks, there is absolutely no value in trying to communicate with such a sub-moronic individual, these types of humans are simply immunized from truth in any form..... The Clinton's were never mildly crooked, they were, and the remain nakedly psychopathic, they are legendary in DC for their rapacious greed, both routinely sold out the national security of the United States in exchange for personal wealth.

Her hubby traded the CCP the most ultra-advanced computer technology the United States possessed, tech which was just as highly classified as it was hihgly advanced, traded for cash from the CCP. That deal transformed China from a regional bully into a global thermonuclear superpower which could now thanks to Clinton, launch ICBM's anywhere on earth with equal precision to our own! His evil wife picked up right where he left off when she carpetbagged her way into the senate, and later as Obama's treasonous Secretary of State!

The Clinton foundation was and remains a money laundering scam, likely involving the entire US senate by the way, just ask any Hatian what they think of the Clinton's(The Clinton's and their cronies plundered every dime of the billion plus dollars in donations to it following the catastrophic Hatian earthquake)? Her home brewed computer server wasn't intended simply to evade FOIA, it was really done so as to offer the CCP unfettered access to the nations most closely guarded secrets, and its all but certain that her server was exactly how the CCP learned of every CIA asset within the CCP's central committee, all of whom were executed in 2013! This idiot I have quoted is literally a sub-moron, do not waste valuable energy upon him......
Dr. Phil is a pompous ass. He misses doing his live audience shows, I bet. If he's still on the air.....I stopped watching years ago when all he would do is publicly beat up on drug addicts.

He's doing his show, five days a week. Everything the past couple of weeks has been on the Coronavirus.

When does he beat up on addicts? Nobody forces them to come on the show, no one jumps out from behind the bushes and drags them kicking and screaming onto the stage and off to rehab. My guess is that he hits a to close to home for your liking.
Nonsense - Like me, Joe is a fiscal con and social progressive

Isn't that an example of word oxymoron?

You can’t be socially progressive and economically conservative
March 19, 2017
Mike Epifani
By Mike Epifani

If you want to be socially progressive, you have to support initiatives that foster social progress, like education equality, women’s health resources, criminal justice reform, universal healthcare, workplace equality, and so on. These initiatives either cost taxpayer money, require governmentally enforced regulation, or both. If you believe in smaller government and want to pay less in taxes, how do you propose social progress be made? Because if there’s no social progress funding, there’s no social progress. Passive support is no support at all.

You can be socially conservative and fiscally conservative, but if you’re fiscally conservative, you can only be either socially conservative or a person who doesn’t give a shit. And not giving a shit is not progressive.

Granted, social conservatives seek to actively digress social progress while social progressives, as the label indicates, actively seek to further social progress. But if you’re not actively seeking either, again, you just don’t care.

I don’t understand why people can’t just admit they don’t care. You can just say: “Well, however it works out for them, so be it. I’m staying out of it.” That’s what you’re already saying when you say, “I’m socially progressive and economically conservative.” Just own it.

Will you protest a Planned Parenthood building? No, but are you willing to have your tax money go toward paying for Planned Parenthood? No? So, you’re not progressive. You don’t have to be, but you also can’t truthfully, at any level, say that you are.

You don’t support something if you don’t care whether or not it happens.

In college, I was told that I was economically progressive because I didn’t have any money, and I would bet that most economically progressive people have been told the same thing. But now I’m making a comfortable living, and my opinions have only become more progressive. From reparations to universal basic income to free healthcare and education, the further I advance in my career, the more I want to see others afforded comparable opportunities.
Dr. Phil is a pompous ass. He misses doing his live audience shows, I bet. If he's still on the air.....I stopped watching years ago when all he would do is publicly beat up on drug addicts.

He's doing his show, five days a week. Everything the past couple of weeks has been on the Coronavirus.

When does he beat up on addicts? Nobody forces them to come on the show, no one jumps out from behind the bushes and drags them kicking and screaming onto the stage and off to rehab. My guess is that he hits a to close to home for your liking.
He used these fake public interventions to pull out the gut wrenching stories from the family and then call the addict onto the carpet, give them a stern lecture and tell them they were leaving for rehab right that minute. A person would appear to escort the addict and the addict was NEVER ready to go. Reality tv.

I was working with drug addicted parents who badly needed rehab at the time, so yeah, it sort of hit "close to home." Dr. Phil is a pompous, self-important ass who loves doing the scolding and then lets some others do the real work. He's nothing but a showboat, imo. BTW, I got so damned sick of working with addicts I switched jobs. It's not like I'm "on their side" or something. I was talking about Phil's behavior, not theirs.

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