Dr Oz and Dr Phil are on Fox New spewing ignorance, disinformation and cruelty

Morning Joe unloads on the idiocy

Using Morning Joe ?

You must be really desperate.

That guy used to be reasonable.

He's turned into a first class pile of shit.

And his brainless sidekick isn't even first class.

Morning Joe used to be entertaining.
He lost my respect when he cheated on his wife with his sidekick Mika.

TEE VEE manipulate and lie, it is what they do.

Folks need to continually be on guard and use their heads.
Morning Joe unloads on the idiocy

lol.....the independent one listening to what they say?...yea you are an independent .....

Joe was a lifelong Republican before Trump. He remains a conservative. All REAL conservatives have distain for Trumpism.

All liberty loving Americans should distrust all corporate and government media and ALL politicians, no matter who they are.

Bullshit .. Then what - Gateway Pundit, Breitbart, Infowars, Fox, & The Propaganda Network for local news?
Whatever man, you're going from mildly toxic to deathly toxic. :cuckoo:

Morning Joe unloads on the idiocy

No, Dr. Oz Didn't Say Only 2–3% of Children Would Die of Coronavirus If Schools Reopened
Dr. Oz deserves criticism, but he was clumsily referencing a real—and actually encouraging—scientific study.

Anyone who duhfends Dr Quack is borderline retarded :)
The bigger problem is anybody who supports abortion espousing that we need to keep things shut down because life is just too important. They shouldn't be taken seriously. Dr Oz, Phil or Dre. Doesn't matter to me.

Can you wingnuts EVER keep unrelated references to abortion or Hillary out of a response? Sad :(
Hillary was built up into something she is not. She was given power. Given it! Given opportunities to be President. And blew it twice! Failed as a Senator! Failed as a Sec. of state! She gave W. Bush a stare down as a N.Y. Senator at a State of the Union and that was her highlight of her career. Disappointing. All of those years and nothing to show for it. I expected more.

Sorry, but she was fairly effective as a First Lady, Senator and Secretary of State.
Mildly crooked? Yes - Which is why I didn't vote for her.
Perhaps YOU are the failure? :)
These men aren't stupid, so why are they saying stupid stuff? I suggest pure self promotion and to get on Fox. For shame

We'll start with Phil "Not an MD" McGraw:​
TV personality Dr. Phil McGraw appeared on Fox News on Thursday evening to slam the shutdowns intended to stop the spread of coronavirus.​
McGraw, a psychologist, talked about the mental health toll on people living in isolation and said the lockdowns would “create more destruction and actually more death across time than the actual virus will itself.” Then, he compared the toll of the virus to other causes of death.​
“Forty-five thousand people a year die from automobile accidents, 480,000 from cigarettes, 360,000 a year from swimming pools,” McGraw said, “but we don’t shut the country down for that. But yet we’re doing it for this?”​
Some of McGraw’s numbers were off. According to the CDC, there are about 3,500 fatal unintentional drownings per year in the United States; another 32,000 are killed in motor vehicle accidents.​
Swimming deaths and traffic fatalities are also not contagious.

And then we have Dr "Quack Quack" Oz suggesting that a 2 to 3% mortality rate we may have by putting kids back in school was acceptable. For TRIPLE shame :mad:

watch out for the boogeyman! ewwwwwwwwwww
Morning Joe unloads on the idiocy

Using Morning Joe ?

You must be really desperate.

That guy used to be reasonable.

He's turned into a first class pile of shit.

And his brainless sidekick isn't even first class.

Morning Joe used to be entertaining.
He lost my respect when he cheated on his wife with his sidekick Mika.

Got a link on that? :link:

I see the internet is not your friend. it took all of ten seconds to pull up

Morning Joe unloads on the idiocy

lol.....the independent one listening to what they say?...yea you are an independent .....

Joe was a lifelong Republican before Trump. He remains a conservative. All REAL conservatives have distain for Trumpism.

All liberty loving Americans should distrust all corporate and government media and ALL politicians, no matter who they are.

Bullshit .. Then what - Gateway Pundit, Breitbart, Infowars, Fox, & The Propaganda Network for local news?
Whatever man, you're going from mildly toxic to deathly toxic. :cuckoo:

Yup, even them. Local news are all owned by national syndicates, this is why they all broadcast the same propaganda and brainwashing, which, just echos the same programing of the national networks and cable brainwashing. Why don't you get this?

Independent news and research journalists, and open source intelligence is your best bet.

If you find that toxic? You are living in denial bud.


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Morning Joe unloads on the idiocy

No, Dr. Oz Didn't Say Only 2–3% of Children Would Die of Coronavirus If Schools Reopened
Dr. Oz deserves criticism, but he was clumsily referencing a real—and actually encouraging—scientific study.

Anyone who duhfends Dr Quack is borderline retarded :)

Anyone who automatically assumes Rockfeller based medicine has your best interests at heart doesn't know shit about health either.

Since the turn of the century, billionaires and trillionaires have taken over the "deathcare" industry. This industry doesn't care about your health, only about managing your slow decline into the grave, for a profit of course.

The modern medical paradigm is TREATMENTS ONLY, NO CURES.


If you have a health problem, quiz your doctor, ASK THEM, instead of looking for a drug or a treatment for your condition, ask them what caused it, and how you can cure the condition. You won't ever get an answer to that question.

Do you even know what the difference between an M.D. and an O.D. is? Personally, I would have far more respect for Dr. Oz if he were an O.D. rather than an M.D.

McGraw, a psychologist, talked about the mental health toll on people living in isolation and said the lockdowns would “create more destruction and actually more death across time than the actual virus will itself.” Then, he compared the toll of the virus to other causes of death.

THis is a perfectly debatable point.. The cost in people losing their minds -- is tangible.. Maybe paramount to suicide if your entire retirement disappears for the 3 or 5 years you have left to live..

Maybe you ought to tune into Nancy Pelosi bragging about the TON of classy ice cream she has in her freezer, while others are wondering if they'll BUY ice cream again.... Seems to be a pattern here..
McGraw, a psychologist, talked about the mental health toll on people living in isolation and said the lockdowns would “create more destruction and actually more death across time than the actual virus will itself.” Then, he compared the toll of the virus to other causes of death.

THis is a perfectly debatable point.. The cost in people losing their minds -- is tangible.. Maybe paramount to suicide if your entire retirement disappears for the 3 or 5 years you have left to live..

Maybe you ought to tune into Nancy Pelosi bragging about the TON of classy ice cream she has in her freezer, while others are wondering if they'll BUY ice cream again.... Seems to be a pattern here..

No, it's not a debatable point. Car accidents, drownings etc are not contagious. The suicide rate bumped about 5% during the great depression. We have 50,000 suicides a year in this country. Add 5% and you have 52,500. We're losing 2.500 people PER DAY on some days.

Dr Phil is a fucking idiot :)
These men aren't stupid, so why are they saying stupid stuff? I suggest pure self promotion and to get on Fox. For shame

We'll start with Phil "Not an MD" McGraw:​
TV personality Dr. Phil McGraw appeared on Fox News on Thursday evening to slam the shutdowns intended to stop the spread of coronavirus.​
McGraw, a psychologist, talked about the mental health toll on people living in isolation and said the lockdowns would “create more destruction and actually more death across time than the actual virus will itself.” Then, he compared the toll of the virus to other causes of death.​
“Forty-five thousand people a year die from automobile accidents, 480,000 from cigarettes, 360,000 a year from swimming pools,” McGraw said, “but we don’t shut the country down for that. But yet we’re doing it for this?”​
Some of McGraw’s numbers were off. According to the CDC, there are about 3,500 fatal unintentional drownings per year in the United States; another 32,000 are killed in motor vehicle accidents.​
Swimming deaths and traffic fatalities are also not contagious.

And then we have Dr "Quack Quack" Oz suggesting that a 2 to 3% mortality rate we may have by putting kids back in school was acceptable. For TRIPLE shame :mad:

Ya'know, I'm used to seeing these conservative retards vote against their own self interests, but against their own survival?

This is a new low.
These men aren't stupid, so why are they saying stupid stuff? I suggest pure self promotion and to get on Fox. For shame

We'll start with Phil "Not an MD" McGraw:​
TV personality Dr. Phil McGraw appeared on Fox News on Thursday evening to slam the shutdowns intended to stop the spread of coronavirus.​
McGraw, a psychologist, talked about the mental health toll on people living in isolation and said the lockdowns would “create more destruction and actually more death across time than the actual virus will itself.” Then, he compared the toll of the virus to other causes of death.​
“Forty-five thousand people a year die from automobile accidents, 480,000 from cigarettes, 360,000 a year from swimming pools,” McGraw said, “but we don’t shut the country down for that. But yet we’re doing it for this?”​
Some of McGraw’s numbers were off. According to the CDC, there are about 3,500 fatal unintentional drownings per year in the United States; another 32,000 are killed in motor vehicle accidents.​
Swimming deaths and traffic fatalities are also not contagious.

And then we have Dr "Quack Quack" Oz suggesting that a 2 to 3% mortality rate we may have by putting kids back in school was acceptable. For TRIPLE shame :mad:

Ya'know, I'm used to seeing these conservative retards vote against their own self interests, but against their own survival?

This is a new low.

Sane people accept a new normal. The Party of Trump accepts new lows with each passing day.
McGraw, a psychologist, talked about the mental health toll on people living in isolation and said the lockdowns would “create more destruction and actually more death across time than the actual virus will itself.” Then, he compared the toll of the virus to other causes of death.

THis is a perfectly debatable point.. The cost in people losing their minds -- is tangible.. Maybe paramount to suicide if your entire retirement disappears for the 3 or 5 years you have left to live..

Maybe you ought to tune into Nancy Pelosi bragging about the TON of classy ice cream she has in her freezer, while others are wondering if they'll BUY ice cream again.... Seems to be a pattern here..

No, it's not a debatable point. Car accidents, drownings etc are not contagious. The suicide rate bumped about 5% during the great depression. We have 50,000 suicides a year in this country. Add 5% and you have 52,500. We're losing 2.500 people PER DAY on some days.

Dr Phil is a fucking idiot :)

Thought we did that suicide rate just yesterday.. And the numbers of suicides attributed to a 1929 like economic crash came out to be maybe 20K or 40K -- given our CURRENT population and generally lack of mental sanity.... Why are still not using real math here?

Not only that, but DIVORCES and drug abuse and CRIME are all the EXPECTED side effects that Dr Phil was trying to lay out.. And the "mini-crimes" of delayed education, homelessness REACHING into the middle class and everything ELSE that you want to ignore...
Add 5% and you have 52,500.

It wasn't 5% in the graph I gave you it was an increase of 4 per 100,000... that 40 per million or 4,000 per 100 million -->> For 300,000,000 people gives you 20K for JUST THE SPIKE.. If you take the LENGTH of the event over 2 or 4 years -- could be 40K or even 50K for THIS recovery...
There's also the effect of DELAYED or chickening out on NECCESSARY medical procedures -- which RIGHT NOW is killing people afraid to call 911....
Add 5% and you have 52,500.

It wasn't 5% in the graph I gave you it was an increase of 4 per 100,000... that 40 per million or 4,000 per 100 million -->> For 300,000,000 people gives you 20K for JUST THE SPIKE.. If you take the LENGTH of the event over 2 or 4 years -- could be 40K or even 50K for THIS recovery...

Pure nonsense my friend, you take great liberties with numbers. ;)

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