Dr Robert Malone on information being censored.

My own work, from today...

Data from here:

I plotted it all. Every county in the US. Here’s what you get…


Conclusion: Case rate in fully-vaccinated counties is ten times that of unvaccinated counties.
Total garbage.
What goofiness is this , are you suggesting I'm apposed to shining UV light down a persons throat , what the hell is your point. When You deal with the right you deal with the brain dead and lies.

The majority of his improv brainstorming was great. REFRESHING to see a Chief Exec that INVOLVED in understanding and problem solving.. It's a skill that your lump of flesh puppet Brandon never had.

MOST of the comment WAS about UV sterilization which MAYBE he wasn't aware was "a thing". And he was RIGHT ON about that since procedures and equipment for throat/pulmonary disinfecting have been around for decades and there's new ones all the time.

TESTING on whether ultraviolet light could zap cells infected with the coronavirus was already underway when President Trump floated the idea at a press briefing.

Aytu BioScience had signed a deal with Cedars-Sinai to develop and commercialize a UV light as treatment for coronavirus infected patients

The comment about "disinfecting" is not totally whacked, but not with bleach. There are whole lung lavage procedures that are used for certain lung conditions. They inject QUARTS of liquid in the lung under suction to vacuum them out.

REALLY INTERESTING video to watch:

I kinda MISS a Chief Exec that's into the brainstorming and OPEN with his process of thinking. You can ADMIRE someone who's ENGAGED and trouble-shooting.

What you can DESPISE is someone in charge of this country's Fed govt who's CLUELESS, DETACHED, throttle by its handlers and "angry and frustrated WITH YOU" all the time.

My own work, from today...

Data from here:

I plotted it all. Every county in the US. Here’s what you get…


Conclusion: Case rate in fully-vaccinated counties is ten times that of unvaccinated counties.

Vaccine was never claimed to prevent CV infection. It's an immune system training exercise. So the virus WILL REPLICATE before the immune system reacts. If the vaccine WANES -- or in the case of your graph -- mutates BEYOND the mRNA "recipe" -- they'll be less and less diff between vaxxed and unvaxxed in terms of "CASES". We're in that NEW WORLD of "waning and mutating" since about 1st of January.

All you've really plotted tho is the ratio of vaxxed to unvaxxed vs cases. Because if a county is 80% vaxxed, there's only 20% that isnt. And the CASE RATE if the vax is waning will be DRIVEN by the LARGER segment of the population. If it was EQUAL probability of CONTRACTING Covid - 80% of the VAX and 20% UNVAXXED would make up the case load. And there's 4 times as MANY OF VAXXED. And vice/versa for the 20/80 case.

All this WAS NOT the case prior to Omicron and "waning". The vaccines did a BRILLIANT job of preventing serious infection, hospitalization, death.
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Wow, look at this everyone , this guy is so profound . I bury stupidity and sometimes they say something to respond and sometime they respond by saying nothing. your response is a nothing.
My op speaks for itself, while you're here pedalling whatever CDC nonsense they've sold you, and only your fellow sheep are buying it.
Last edited:
The majority of his improv brainstorming was great. REFRESHING to see a Chief Exec that INVOLVED in understanding and problem solving.. It's a skill that your lump of flesh puppet Brandon never had.

MOST of the comment WAS about UV sterilization which MAYBE he wasn't aware was "a thing". And he was RIGHT ON about that since procedures and equipment for throat/pulmonary disinfecting have been around for decades and there's new ones all the time.

TESTING on whether ultraviolet light could zap cells infected with the coronavirus was already underway when President Trump floated the idea at a press briefing.

Aytu BioScience had signed a deal with Cedars-Sinai to develop and commercialize a UV light as treatment for coronavirus infected patients

The comment about "disinfecting" is not totally whacked, but not with bleach. There are whole lung lavage procedures that are used for certain lung conditions. They inject QUARTS of liquid in the lung under suction to vacuum them out.

REALLY INTERESTING video to watch:

I kinda MISS a Chief Exec that's into the brainstorming and OPEN with his process of thinking. You can ADMIRE someone who's ENGAGED and trouble-shooting.

What you can DESPISE is someone in charge of this country's Fed govt who's CLUELESS, DETACHED, throttle by its handlers and "angry and frustrated WITH YOU" all the time.

Vaccine was never claimed to prevent CV infection. It's an immune system training exercise. So the virus WILL REPLICATE before the immune system reacts. If the vaccine WANES -- or in the case of your graph -- mutates BEYOND the mRNA "recipe" -- they'll be less and less diff between vaxxed and unvaxxed in terms of "CASES". We're in that NEW WORLD of "waning and mutating" since about 1st of January.

All you've really plotted tho is the ratio of vaxxed to unvaxxed vs cases. Because if a county is 80% vaxxed, there's only 20% that isnt. And the CASE RATE if the vax is waning will be DRIVEN by the LARGER segment of the population. If it was EQUAL probability of CONTRACTING Covid - 80% of the VAX and 20% UNVAXXED would make up the case load. And there's 4 times as MANY OF VAXXED. And vice/versa for the 20/80 case.

All this WAS NOT the case prior to Omicron and "waning". The vaccines did a BRILLIANT job of preventing serious infection, hospitalization, death.

Neat video and great comments on Trump's discussion of disinfectants and UV treatment.

>Vaccine was never claimed to prevent CV infection.

Uh, that is highly debateable...

Here is the CDC's definition of a vaccine on 8/26/2021...

CDC definition of vaccination 8/26/2021


Definition was changed when the vaccines broke...

CDC revised definition of vaccination

What they said specifically about he mRNA vaccines was that they prevent infection with over 90% effectiveness. We all now know that to be completely untrue, and the data shows that they are effectively completely ineffective at preventing infection and transmission, and they may even be worsenign the pandemic due to ADE and other effects.

>All you've really plotted tho is the ratio of vaxxed to unvaxxed vs cases.

You don't do math very well. It's case rate. It si data directly from the CDC. The whole country. I have done a least squares fit which indisputably shows a very strong correlation which is the exact opposite of the narrative we have been told.

Case rate in a county with 100% vaccination is 10 time that of a county with zero vaccination (if you know how to read and interpret a chart with a red line on it).

Not that it is very surprising or that Biden is an expert in anything, but Biden was still telling the American public in October that the vaccinated people for certain do not get infected or transmit the virus...
(timestamped to 24:05)
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My op speaks for itself, while you're here pedalling whatever CDC nonsense they've sold you, and only your fellow sheep are buying it.
are you kidding, lets say I am, Lets say I only listen to the CDC on the subject of covid. Now lets look at the complete idiots on the right who only except the word of Donald Trump on absolutely everything,. Now lest throw in the verified fact that Trump by far is the biggest liar ever in the American history of politics. How can I say that, quite easily it was kept track of by multiple players , he lied over 30,000 times in office All lies listed and all the verification that it was a lie. For over 30, 000 lies. Thats over 20 lies a day while in office. Ya this is your God and leader, this who is the person who controls what and how you think . The biggest chronic mentally ill cruelest ugliest LYING MAN IN THE WORLD and to top it off the most hated man in THE WORLD.
The majority of his improv brainstorming was great. REFRESHING to see a Chief Exec that INVOLVED in understanding and problem solving.. It's a skill that your lump of flesh puppet Brandon never had.

MOST of the comment WAS about UV sterilization which MAYBE he wasn't aware was "a thing". And he was RIGHT ON about that since procedures and equipment for throat/pulmonary disinfecting have been around for decades and there's new ones all the time.

TESTING on whether ultraviolet light could zap cells infected with the coronavirus was already underway when President Trump floated the idea at a press briefing.

Aytu BioScience had signed a deal with Cedars-Sinai to develop and commercialize a UV light as treatment for coronavirus infected patients

The comment about "disinfecting" is not totally whacked, but not with bleach. There are whole lung lavage procedures that are used for certain lung conditions. They inject QUARTS of liquid in the lung under suction to vacuum them out.

REALLY INTERESTING video to watch:

I kinda MISS a Chief Exec that's into the brainstorming and OPEN with his process of thinking. You can ADMIRE someone who's ENGAGED and trouble-shooting.

What you can DESPISE is someone in charge of this country's Fed govt who's CLUELESS, DETACHED, throttle by its handlers and "angry and frustrated WITH YOU" all the time.

Vaccine was never claimed to prevent CV infection. It's an immune system training exercise. So the virus WILL REPLICATE before the immune system reacts. If the vaccine WANES -- or in the case of your graph -- mutates BEYOND the mRNA "recipe" -- they'll be less and less diff between vaxxed and unvaxxed in terms of "CASES". We're in that NEW WORLD of "waning and mutating" since about 1st of January.

All you've really plotted tho is the ratio of vaxxed to unvaxxed vs cases. Because if a county is 80% vaxxed, there's only 20% that isnt. And the CASE RATE if the vax is waning will be DRIVEN by the LARGER segment of the population. If it was EQUAL probability of CONTRACTING Covid - 80% of the VAX and 20% UNVAXXED would make up the case load. And there's 4 times as MANY OF VAXXED. And vice/versa for the 20/80 case.

All this WAS NOT the case prior to Omicron and "waning". The vaccines did a BRILLIANT job of preventing serious infection, hospitalization, death.

What a hoot this is what you say is thinking out of the box ,
The majority of his improv brainstorming was great. REFRESHING to see a Chief Exec that INVOLVED in understanding and problem solving.. It's a skill that your lump of flesh puppet Brandon never had.

MOST of the comment WAS about UV sterilization which MAYBE he wasn't aware was "a thing". And he was RIGHT ON about that since procedures and equipment for throat/pulmonary disinfecting have been around for decades and there's new ones all the time.

TESTING on whether ultraviolet light could zap cells infected with the coronavirus was already underway when President Trump floated the idea at a press briefing.

Aytu BioScience had signed a deal with Cedars-Sinai to develop and commercialize a UV light as treatment for coronavirus infected patients

The comment about "disinfecting" is not totally whacked, but not with bleach. There are whole lung lavage procedures that are used for certain lung conditions. They inject QUARTS of liquid in the lung under suction to vacuum them out.

REALLY INTERESTING video to watch:

I kinda MISS a Chief Exec that's into the brainstorming and OPEN with his process of thinking. You can ADMIRE someone who's ENGAGED and trouble-shooting.

What you can DESPISE is someone in charge of this country's Fed govt who's CLUELESS, DETACHED, throttle by its handlers and "angry and frustrated WITH YOU" all the time.

Vaccine was never claimed to prevent CV infection. It's an immune system training exercise. So the virus WILL REPLICATE before the immune system reacts. If the vaccine WANES -- or in the case of your graph -- mutates BEYOND the mRNA "recipe" -- they'll be less and less diff between vaxxed and unvaxxed in terms of "CASES". We're in that NEW WORLD of "waning and mutating" since about 1st of January.

All you've really plotted tho is the ratio of vaxxed to unvaxxed vs cases. Because if a county is 80% vaxxed, there's only 20% that isnt. And the CASE RATE if the vax is waning will be DRIVEN by the LARGER segment of the population. If it was EQUAL probability of CONTRACTING Covid - 80% of the VAX and 20% UNVAXXED would make up the case load. And there's 4 times as MANY OF VAXXED. And vice/versa for the 20/80 case.

All this WAS NOT the case prior to Omicron and "waning". The vaccines did a BRILLIANT job of preventing serious infection, hospitalization, death.

This is what You think is thinking outside of the box , all you have to do is look at the people around Trump when he crapped this comment out of his stupidity, Their resonse is visable , even though they are selected by scum bag only on the willingness to kiss his ass TRumps OWN words
"And then I see the disinfectant, where it knocks it out in one minute. And is there a way we can do something like that, by injection inside or almost a cleaning, because you see it gets in the lungs and it does a tremendous number on the lungs, so it’d be interesting to check that, so that you’re going to have to use medical doctors with, but it sounds interesting to me. So, we’ll see, but the whole concept of the light, the way it kills it in one minute. That’s pretty powerful." What a fricken brain dead idiot.
Your Lung lavage nonsense has nothing to do with disinfectants. you trying to correlate lung lavage with disinfectants shows exactly where you are coming from . They use saline solution, Tell me without extra bogus nonsense what this treatment has to do with disinfectants. You people are a joke.
Neat video and great comments on Trump's discussion of disinfectants and UV treatment.

>Vaccine was never claimed to prevent CV infection.

Uh, that is highly debateable...

Here is the CDC's definition of a vaccine on 8/26/2021...

CDC definition of vaccination 8/26/2021

View attachment 587873

Definition was changed when the vaccines broke...

CDC revised definition of vaccination

What they said specifically about he mRNA vaccines was that they prevent infection with over 90% effectiveness. We all now know that to be completely untrue, and the data shows that they are effectively completely ineffective at preventing infection and transmission, and they may even be worsenign the pandemic due to ADE and other effects.

>All you've really plotted tho is the ratio of vaxxed to unvaxxed vs cases.

You don't do math very well. It's case rate. It si data directly from the CDC. The whole country. I have done a least squares fit which indisputably shows a very strong correlation which is the exact opposite of the narrative we have been told.

Case rate in a county with 100% vaccination is 10 time that of a county with zero vaccination (if you know how to read and interpret a chart with a red line on it).

Not that it is very surprising or that Biden is an expert in anything, but Biden was still telling the American public in October that the vaccinated people for certain do not get infected or transmit the virus...
(timestamped to 24:05)

Now lets add in what else they said about it , it's effective only with 93% of the patients and after 6 months it is less then 60% effective. Love you people running around in center ring trying to get as many as you can into a little car. Beep Beep!
"And then I see the disinfectant, where it knocks it out in one minute. And is there a way we can do something like that, by injection inside or almost ...

Trump is not a doctor. He was speaking in layman's terms. Not sure why you take those words so literally. It was obvious Trump was speculating about possible treatments and trying to reduce panic in the populace. There are now many effective treatments.

Now lets add in what else they said about it , it's effective only with 93% of the patients and after 6 months it is less then 60% effective. Love you people running around in center ring trying to get as many as you can into a little car. Beep Beep!
That's the new narrative. In the beginning, they told you if you got vaxed, you were protected. They never told people you would need a booster every three months. This was the appeal of the one-shot J&J vaccine which is completely useless after just two months.

Biden told everyone they could take off their masks if they got vaxed. That lasted all of two months, and then he told the vaccinated to put their masks back on.

Get your vax and boosters if you want. I had Alpha COVID. I don't need them. Omicron is nothing compared to Alpha.

One thing seems for sure. The vaccines can cause strokes and heart attacks. While COVID can too, it should be up to the people to decide for themselves which risks they want to take with their own health. The vaccines don't prevent infection or transmission, so in effect, they are treatments, just like Trump's "disinfectant."
Trump is not a doctor. He was speaking in layman's terms. Not sure why you take those words so literally. It was obvious Trump was speculating about possible treatments and trying to reduce panic in the populace. There are now many effective treatments.

That's the new narrative. In the beginning, they told you if you got vaxed, you were protected. They never told people you would need a booster every three months. This was the appeal of the one-shot J&J vaccine which is completely useless after just two months.

Biden told everyone they could take off their masks if they got vaxed. That lasted all of two months, and then he told the vaccinated to put their masks back on.

Get your vax and boosters if you want. I had Alpha COVID. I don't need them. Omicron is nothing compared to Alpha.

One thing seems for sure. The vaccines can cause strokes and heart attacks. While COVID can too, it should be up to the people to decide for themselves which risks they want to take with their own health. The vaccines don't prevent infection or transmission, so in effect, they are treatments, just like Trump's "disinfectant."
You people are a joke. He thought a little injection of
You're the one advising everyone to go injure themselves with a highly questionable experimental vaccine....if it's even a real vaccine -- apparently not.
View attachment 587939
So you will go with the bleach instead then , just wondering. Love this, vaccines are bad because a mentally ill criminal scum bag says so while everyone else that knows something about it says your a joke.
That's the bottom line .
And the ones knowingly lying about it should
be held accountable for any consequences caused .... ..namely to workers forced to either be vaccinated or lose their jobs.
Put them in camps, and don't force doctors to take care of these creeps . and why would I promote the vacine to you people, when the people who deserve to die from it are the ones dying. , Hell that will only improve this countries gene pool. So promise me you won't take the vacine , you will be doing it for your country and with your group sticking to their guns will increase this country's average IQ
That's the bottom line .
And the ones knowingly lying about it should
be held accountable for any consequences caused .... ..namely to workers forced to either be vaccinated or lose their jobs.
Business Would be helping their business Getting rid of that type of scum, why would anyone care about people who doesn't give a shit about their neighbors health and are willing to sacrifice their own children to their stupidity , why would anyone want that type of slime working for them. Fire the ass holes.
Trump is not a doctor. He was speaking in layman's terms. Not sure why you take those words so literally. It was obvious Trump was speculating about possible treatments and trying to reduce panic in the populace. There are now many effective treatments.

That's the new narrative. In the beginning, they told you if you got vaxed, you were protected. They never told people you would need a booster every three months. This was the appeal of the one-shot J&J vaccine which is completely useless after just two months.

Biden told everyone they could take off their masks if they got vaxed. That lasted all of two months, and then he told the vaccinated to put their masks back on.

Get your vax and boosters if you want. I had Alpha COVID. I don't need them. Omicron is nothing compared to Alpha.

One thing seems for sure. The vaccines can cause strokes and heart attacks. While COVID can too, it should be up to the people to decide for themselves which risks they want to take with their own health. The vaccines don't prevent infection or transmission, so in effect, they are treatments, just like Trump's "disinfectant."
Dump stupid lies , you got nothing right in your comment , all made up, or Trump told you this nonsense. Lets just do the facts, stupid people who won't get the vaccine don't give a shit about their neighbors health and are even willing to sacrifice their own children to their ignorance and stupidity. That is a sick sick evil group. At this point since only the idiots are dying now , my advice to all of you Trumpy's is don't get the vaccine. You will be improving this country's gene pool doing that. All NO vaxer are a complet idiots
Trump is not a doctor. He was speaking in layman's terms. Not sure why you take those words so literally. It was obvious Trump was speculating about possible treatments and trying to reduce panic in the populace. There are now many effective treatments.

That's the new narrative. In the beginning, they told you if you got vaxed, you were protected. They never told people you would need a booster every three months. This was the appeal of the one-shot J&J vaccine which is completely useless after just two months.

Biden told everyone they could take off their masks if they got vaxed. That lasted all of two months, and then he told the vaccinated to put their masks back on.
This is where best thought of as the propaganda of blaming change.
You would claim that Bill Gates lied when he said that personal computers wouldn't need more than 640K of memory.
You would drag out articles and quotes from the 1980's to prove Bill Gates lied then, and is lying now about the vaccine.

On the truth about both is that those statements applied to the original circumstances, and when the situation changes, previous statements don't become lies.

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