Dr Robert Malone on information being censored.

You can't fill a thimble with the number of people who died from the vaccine , you people are straight out nutsos!!! Q anon at its best. what a hoot.
Pig Breath, intelligent people may want to know about the minority that failed rather than the majority that did not, because of the science involved. Suggestion is a school somewhere near a bug-eyed mayor.
Yeah, I don't recall anyone ever suggesting drinking bleach, or even injecting bleach. You have actual video evidence of someone suggesting that people take bleach into their bodies? Let's see that.
You are stupid. HCQ has one atom of chlorine, so you should stay away from swimming pools this summer.
What a waste of bandwidth , What He said exactly is what I quoted One more time . ""And then I see the disinfectant, where it knocks it out in one minute. And is there a way we can do something like that, by injection inside or almost a cleaning, because you see it gets in the lungs and it does a tremendous number on the lungs, so it’d be interesting to check that, so that you’re going to have to use medical doctors with, but it sounds interesting to me. So, we’ll see, but the whole concept of the light, the way it kills it in one minute. That’s pretty powerful." Lets bring it around to bleach also, The most effective disinfection by far is bleach, because the other potential is alcohol and that dissipates in the air. So disinfectant for Covid = bleach" He said what he said and it proves he is a brain dead like all of the right wing. Cancer on the world. Total scum . So you are part of the bleach cure for covid group Q anon people , That's exactly what I expected. Injecting Bleach or disinfectant won't cure Covid, no matter what you say.
OK. I watched segments from the whole press conference, not just the cuts that media put out, but in one part he has some charts, and on those charts, it shows a few things, and the last one being disinfectants. Now, when he talks about disinfectants, is he referring to that chart? If so, then I would agree with you. Again, however, in any case, he never says that people should do anything, everything he says is a question to the doctors.

Maybe I'm wrong, but, I can't see anyone suggesting the injections of bleach, that would obviously be very bad. Are you suggesting that he thinks that bleach inside the human body is a good thing?
And yet you're unaware that TODAY they are "injecting" UV light down trachea tubes to KILL the virus in the upper airways.

Stuck on stupid is a bad place to be. I'd rather have someone who WORKS to find solutions than 190 or you who can only poke at them.
What goofiness is this , are you suggesting I'm apposed to shining UV light down a persons throat , what the hell is your point. When You deal with the right you deal with the brain dead and lies.
Gawd your good with tossing shit yourself. It's not CLEAR to you apparently, that Malone DID do the first studies to show that mRNA could trigger protein production in humanized mice cells.

So just because you don't understand the generations of pioneering science REQUIRED to make a CV-19 mRNA vaccine and you have a political URGE to fulfill yourself by TOTALLY DISMISSING his early work -- You are stone stupid on the facts and science. He DID that work in the LATE 80s.. WAAAAAY the fuck before it was routine to be able to SYTHESIZE RNA/DNA segments routinely.

HIS CONTRIBUTION was valuable. He probably got us 1/2 way to developing human mRNA vaccines.


He's a raving NUTCASE now after the attempts to TOTALLY NUKE him and his pioneering work. But MAINLY he's a nutcase because his early predictions that the spike protein ITSELF that the vaccines evoke from the body response COULD BE cytotoxic -- were proven false. That dismissed theory launched him into a full fledged meltdown.

And NOW -- he's avoiding the science altogether and focused on the HORRIBLE and MONSTROUS ways that people EAT other people in this new world of cancellation, censorship, and VINDICTIVE political grudges..
He is a lying pile of shit who is striving for the acceptance of a group that only excepts lies and he is filling that space with lies , like him being the inventor of the mRNA vaccine. Even though he said he invented it we know he didn't
The piece of shit lying Malone had to finally admit he didn't create the Mrna Vaccine when confronted by the people who did, He being proved to be This pile of shit liar , who of course fits into your group perfectly. Now your stupid point that he did some research on this , probably did but the creators of The mRNS vacine Drew Wiesman said that his work was on the back of hundred of other scientist and Malones research when looked at by a medical fact check group ,Is considered nothing in the research needed that allowed Wiesman and Kariko to come up with that Mrna technology. You have nothing to offer on this subject simply because you don't have a clue.
Google, Twitter and others have been removing any information which "promotes 'vaccine hesitancy'".
Here's Dr Malone on Fox.

"What the media doesn’t understand is that you can’t suppress information," he said. "It’ll find a way to be free."

My own work, from today...

Data from here:

I plotted it all. Every county in the US. Here’s what you get…


Conclusion: Case rate in fully-vaccinated counties is ten times that of unvaccinated counties.
My own work, from today...

Data from here:

I plotted it all. Every county in the US. Here’s what you get…


Conclusion: Case rate in fully-vaccinated counties is ten times that of unvaccinated counties.
I literally heard it this week on one of the 'news' networks - ABC or NBC, I believe, that the special new "Omicron booster' is in the works ( at J&J, Merck or Pfizer of course, to be fast-tracked by the CDC).

I personally know 3 people who had the first vaccine and have caught Covid and one is a nurse who says she's tired of it and not getting a booster. She may lose her job like millions of others.

Americans need to show some balls. Maybe if all the first responders, the truckers, teachers and military went on strike. I'd join in for sure.

Make Jan 6th look like a Cub Scout jamboree.
"What the media doesn’t understand is that you can’t suppress information," he said. "It’ll find a way to be free."
MISinformation, conspiracy theories, and other whacknuttery never really goes away. True. That does not mean major platforms should traffic in it.

If you tards want your unadulterated bullshit, you will have to look for it on the fringe sites where it belongs.
I literally heard it this week on one of the 'news' networks - ABC or NBC, I believe, that the special new "Omicron booster' is in the works ( at J&J, Merck or Pfizer of course, to be fast-tracked by the CDC).

I personally know 3 people who had the first vaccine and have caught Covid and one is a nurse who says she's tired of it and not getting a booster. She may lose her job like millions of others.

Americans need to show some balls. Maybe if all the first responders, the truckers, teachers and military went on strike. I'd join in for sure.

Make Jan 6th look like a Cub Scout jamboree.
This is the most stupidest remark ever , it is totally brainless, The Covid shot at there best was 93% efficient , so the are 7% who it doesn't help, get it gonzo. Ok after 6 months that protection is down to less then 60% understand Einstein? That means that 33% of the people who were covered are no longer covered. This is the only fact that counts , Now compared to the brain dead who don't get the shot, you are 17 times less likely to end up in the hospital and 20 times less likely to die .The only people dying now are the idiots that don't get the shot. Which is call justice, not just justice but it will only improve the gene pool in this country to get rid of these idiots. The anti vax people are mental cripples who thinks their rights are more important then everyone else's life. They are total idiots.
This is the most stupidest remark ever , it is totally brainless, The Covid shot at there best was 93% efficient , so the are 7% who it doesn't help, get it gonzo. Ok after 6 months that protection is down to less then 60% understand Einstein? That means that 33% of the people who were covered are no longer covered. This is the only fact that counts , Now compared to the brain dead who don't get the shot, you are 17 times less likely to end up in the hospital and 20 times less likely to die .The only people dying now are the idiots that don't get the shot. Which is call justice, not just justice but it will only improve the gene pool in this country to get rid of these idiots. The anti vax people are mental cripples who thinks their rights are more important then everyone else's life. They are total idiots.
Please get 100 shots, Skippy.

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