driver gets off for running over blm protestor

Would not help in this case. If you run over somebody, get charged with reckless driving and convicted by a jury of your peers, (even though the conviction was kind of a consolation prize because they failed on the more serious charge) you are screwed on the civil case. No way in hell you will when with that reckless driving conviction by a jury in the mix. I hope she didn't have a paid off mortgage, cause she is soon going to be an apartment dweller. I hate it, but the chick is toast. She would have been far better off killing the asshole on her hood (who was really deserving, by the way) than injuring the one to the side by swerving to discourage him from jumping on. I have not seen any video of the swerve, but it looks like it could not be sold to the jury as a panic move while under attack of a mob in the motorway.

Could be, but I think a lot of people are sick of this shit already and have had it. They can't stack the jury with a bunch of leftist rioter supporters because both attorneys get to choose the jury. When you sue somebody, you can only sue for damages. To me it doesn't sound like he was all that badly hurt and she won't lose her house over it.
Would not help in this case. If you run over somebody, get charged with reckless driving and convicted by a jury of your peers, (even though the conviction was kind of a consolation prize because they failed on the more serious charge) you are screwed on the civil case. No way in hell you will when with that reckless driving conviction by a jury in the mix. I hope she didn't have a paid off mortgage, cause she is soon going to be an apartment dweller. I hate it, but the chick is toast. She would have been far better off killing the asshole on her hood (who was really deserving, by the way) than injuring the one to the side by swerving to discourage him from jumping on. I have not seen any video of the swerve, but it looks like it could not be sold to the jury as a panic move while under attack of a mob in the motorway.

Could be, but I think a lot of people are sick of this shit already and have had it. They can't stack the jury with a bunch of leftist rioter supporters because both attorneys get to choose the jury. When you sue somebody, you can only sue for damages. To me it doesn't sound like he was all that badly hurt and she won't lose her house over it.
That is good. I didn't read how badly, or lightly he was injured. Hopefully insurance will cover it. I certainly was not on the jury and do not know how it was presented or defended, but agree with the statement of her lawyer, stating his opinion that she should not have been charge. Without better knowledge of the actual trial, I lean toward the thought of a normal panic reaction on her part after already suffering an attack by protestors. I hope you are correct.
Protestors need to get their add out of the road., stop blocking drivers, stay way from cars and jumping on them. They have no buisness obstructing traffic the way they do. They put themselves in a position to get hit.

That's why in Florida they passed a law of immunity to a driver that has to force their way through protestors to get where they need to go. If somebody gets hurt by such vehicle, they have no legal recourse. You shouldn't have been there in the first place.

If protestors would stay out of the street and quick climbing all over cars and breaking windows they would not get ran into. streets are for cars not people.
Only right wing, racist, cowards cheer when someone runs over somebody with a car.
Only right wing, racist, cowards cheer when someone runs over somebody with a car.

Yes we do when they are trying to stop a motorist to possibly cause them harm. Try that here in my state. Trying to break into my car is the same as trying to break into my home because our Castle Doctrine extends to our cars if you're a CCW holder. That guy could have been shot dead and nothing happen to the victim.

If protestors would stay out of the street and quick climbing all over cars and breaking windows they would not get ran into. streets are for cars not people.
Colorado is a Leftist Shithole.

Here in the Great State of Texas we have the Green Light to run them Communist MF's slap the Hell over.
Protestors need to get their add [sic] out of the road., stop blocking drivers, stay way from cars and jumping on them. They have no buisness [sic] obstructing traffic the way they do. They put themselves in a position to get hit.
Only right wing, racist, cowards cheer when someone runs over somebody with a car.
Perhaps it seems that way to someone whose mind and soul is so profoundly fucked up that he thinks that basic decency and common sense constitute being a “right wing, racist, coward”.

Reginald Denny, long ago, demonstrated the folly of an actual human being, stopping a vehicle to avoid running over subhuman pieces of shit who are blocking the road.

If you don't want to be run over, then don't put yourself in the path of a car that weighs ten times as much as you do.


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