“Drop and Roll” — How The 2020 Election Was Stolen From President Donald Trump

Orange Jesus lost and he's trying to steal the election.

He's lying to his base, making shit up about election fraud.

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My foreign girlfriend from Belarus is a trump supporter. But she cries about how the president in Belarus is trying to steal the election. Meanwhile her dumb ass is here now voting for trump.

I talked to her sister yesterday. She can barely speak English I asked her what about trump? She said he won and biden is trying to steal it. Lol

Ita not funny though because trump supporters really believe it.

Heres what trump is doing. In every election there are discrepencils. Always have always will. But there was less this year than in 2016. And, they don’t change the results.

Trump is hoping to not give up and force it to come down to each state votes who they want to be president. And since more than 25 states are republican, trump would win.

Republicans defend the electoral college because they always lose the popular vote. Now they want to completely disrespect our numbers and they want to give little Kentucky the same power as all the people in California. So in a way they don’t defend the electoral college because California gets more electoral college votes than Kentucky for a reason.

Telling, that foreigners know what happened
But bubblecultists dont.
Sorry.....not playing your game

Any entity that demands actual facts is not believed by Trump supporters
Eh... ok then. You ... *laughs*

Ok... So asking for verification of the votes being counted correctly, you know... To know the TRUTH... FACTS... Somehow isn't in line with....

Ok... Call yourself stupid.. I don't care.
Votes were counted in accordance with the law.
Time for you to act like an adult and realize you lose sometimes

How The 2020 Election Was Stolen From President Donald Trump
The loser is getting so verklempt as recounts find no significant discrepancies, no fraud is uncovered, and judges across the land are laughing his pettifogging lickspittles out of court, he'll soon be recycling his coprolites and insisting that his private investigators have discovered evidence that Biden was born in the remote little village of Scranton, Kenya!

Screen Shot 2020-07-21 at 8.24.20 AM.png

It's Jomo Biden!
Votes were counted in accordance with the law.
Time for you to act like an adult and realize you lose sometimes
I'm absolutely alright with losing. I've voted for loser of the presidency for quite a while now. That is I didn't vote RNC or DNC.

It's time you to get yourself out of the bottom rung of political society. Stop being what you claim you don't like about the other side of the isle.

I don't care what your stance is, just don't be a hypocrite about it. I'm pretty sure you are intelligent and honest enough to know what you just said was pretty fuck'n stupid. If I didn't think that I would ignore you like I do a great many other dumbass people running around here and the world in general.

Not that I'm asking anything from you for that. Keep it to yourself... You know, that's all I really care about. But I have to call it out. If you want to continue this discussion we can... I'm game. But I have to call out hypocrisy... That's something I have to do.
Orange Jesus lost and he's trying to steal the election.

He's lying to his base, making shit up about election fraud.

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Math, analytics, and science says Dems stole it.

Sounds easy enough to prove in court. When are they going to submit the evidence?

When the attorney's are ready to present it, like all court cases. Did you get your law degree via mail order?

The clock is ticking......and you still got nothing

Courts demand actual evidence, the internet does not

You really should take a look at breaking news today. :itsok:
Drop and Roll”

How The 2020 Election Was Stolen From President Donald Trump (Video)

They can’t tell me they held back on only the 90% for Biden inner cities. If anything, it’s the rural 95% Trump districts that would be expected to be late reporting.
Trump LOST
Trump LOST Bigly
Stop making excuses

"Meanwhile, more than 1,000 witnesses of voting fraud in Michigan, Pennsylvania, Georgia, Wisconsin, Nevad and Arizona have come forward... Detailing alleged ballot dumps in favor of Biden.
More "Evidence" For You to Read, Then Deny it Exists!
Each have signed legal affidavits testifying to seeing illegal voting fraud conducted.
These were not isolated cases. A
According to China Joe, He has the "best voter fraud organization in the history of American politics".
Orange Jesus lost and he's trying to steal the election.

He's lying to his base, making shit up about election fraud.

View attachment 418380

Math, analytics, and science says Dems stole it.

Sounds easy enough to prove in court. When are they going to submit the evidence?

When the attorney's are ready to present it, like all court cases. Did you get your law degree via mail order?

The clock is ticking......and you still got nothing

Courts demand actual evidence, the internet does not

You really should take a look at breaking news today. :itsok:

Trumpybear is directly interfering by contacting one of Wayne County GOP Election official?

Was it a bribe attempt? Did Trumybear ask for another "Favor"?
Orange Jesus lost and he's trying to steal the election.

He's lying to his base, making shit up about election fraud.

View attachment 418380
My foreign girlfriend from Belarus is a trump supporter. But she cries about how the president in Belarus is trying to steal the election. Meanwhile her dumb ass is here now voting for trump.

I talked to her sister yesterday. She can barely speak English I asked her what about trump? She said he won and biden is trying to steal it. Lol

Ita not funny though because trump supporters really believe it.

Heres what trump is doing. In every election there are discrepencils. Always have always will. But there was less this year than in 2016. And, they don’t change the results.

Trump is hoping to not give up and force it to come down to each state votes who they want to be president. And since more than 25 states are republican, trump would win.

Republicans defend the electoral college because they always lose the popular vote. Now they want to completely disrespect our numbers and they want to give little Kentucky the same power as all the people in California. So in a way they don’t defend the electoral college because California gets more electoral college votes than Kentucky for a reason.

Telling, that foreigners know what happened
But bubblecultists dont.
She’s been brainwashed. Some republican is feeding them all the lies you guys are telling.
you twats hope for a venezuelan style supreme court propping up your loser god. that's WINNING

We are trying to stop an actual venezuelan system from stealing it.
nope. you are queefing around on the internet, spreading lies and disinformation because you can't handle that your beloved troll has lost an election.

Sydney Powell is destroying your dumbass right at this moment.
wow. That’s harsh. who is next? Rudy Giuliani? Orly Taitz? Lil Pump?
The loser is getting so verklempt as recounts find no significant discrepancies, no fraud is uncovered, and judges across the land are laughing his pettifogging lickspittles out of court, he'll soon be recycling his coprolites and insisting that his private investigators have discovered evidence that Biden was born in the remote little village of Scranton, Kenya!
Your references and vocabulary suggest you are very intelligent.
Your allegiance to a criminal plot to steal the 2020 presidential election tells another story, however.
It's quite possible you could be bright and have the morals of a slug, however, and that's how it looks like you roll, unfortunately. Like a slimy creature with no morals at all.

Because only an absolute irredeemable idiot would, of his own free will, engage in a crude attempt to steal
the election, which, as the great sage Barack Obama has said, is not possible.
Turns out he's right, for once. This crime will not stand, despite the support of repugnant asses like you.

As the collection of evidence piles up and witnesses come before the court it will be as clear as
can be that this election was corrupted and stolen by a cabal of leftist actors working in unison
under a central plan and, presumably, direction have followed a plan (all the ballot counting that
stopped in unison, in an unprecedented action, was caused by Dominion's algorithms that broke down
due to the vast number of votes needed to steal from Trump and give to Biden).

Sydney Powell and Lin Wood are going to provide all the answers in full detail once in front of
the sitting Supreme Court justices. Smartmatic and Dominion...remember those names.
I know you are smart enough to do that but not smart enough to stop yourself from being a distant accomplice in an unprecedented crime against the United States of America.

You are traitorous scum who, in a just world, should be deported to Venezuela.
Last edited:
Drop and Roll”

How The 2020 Election Was Stolen From President Donald Trump (Video)

They can’t tell me they held back on only the 90% for Biden inner cities. If anything, it’s the rural 95% Trump districts that would be expected to be late reporting.
Trump LOST
Trump LOST Bigly
Stop making excuses

She’s been brainwashed. Some republican is feeding them all the lies you guys are telling.
Ha. Hilarious! You guys are funny, in a stupid uninformed malevolent sort of way.

Us? Trump is openly trying to steal this election.

In recent days, his campaign has alleged, without evidence, “massive fraud” as Trump tweets one lie after another.

“In Detroit, there are FAR MORE VOTES THAN PEOPLE. Nothing can be done to cure that giant scam. I win Michigan!” he wrote Wednesday morning.

And campaign in-house lawyer Jenna Ellis wrote enthusiastically Tuesday evening of sending the election results in Michigan ― which President-elect Joe Biden won by 154,000 votes ― to the state’s GOP-run legislature: “Huge win for @realDonaldTrump.”

Ruth Ben-Ghiat, an expert on authoritarianism at New York University, said Trump’s claim to have won an election he lost by 74 Electoral College votes and 6 million votes overall is a clear danger sign. The red line is the election,” said Ben-Ghiat, whose new book, “Strongmen,” puts Trump in the context of a century of fascist leaders. “If you don’t recognize an election, you have gone into the territory of a non-democracy.”

“They’re either purposely spreading false information and conspiracy theories and don’t care, or they actually believe this nonsense,” Mahoney said. “Either way, they’re subverting democracy with evidence-free allegations. There is no evidence of widespread fraud. It’s time to accept the results. Joe Biden won.”

While most Americans do take Trump’s assertions with several grains of salt, some of his hard-core supporters do not and have taken to harassing and threatening election officials in battleground states.

Biden won Arizona by 10,400 votes and Georgia by 14,000. Trump has falsely claimed those results point to fraud, an accusation that has riled up his supporters in those states.

Trump Getting Ever More Brazen In His Attempts To Steal The Election He Lost

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