“Drop and Roll” — How The 2020 Election Was Stolen From President Donald Trump

You went Full Gateway Pundit - - - AGAIN? :laughing0301:

We KNOW the election is being stolen. Will the socialist fuckers get away with it or not?
That's the thing. Our best hope still lies with the Supreme Court to sweep away all the corrupt
garbage Biden and his criminal enablers are trying to pull.
They will, if there is no proof. It doesn't even matter if it's true or not... There has to be proof. No proof... Got nothing. I will not support shit without proof. There are a lot of people like me.
A preponderance of evidence equals proof in a court of law. They Repubs are putting our mountains of eveidence & it keeps coming in.
All the Dems have is denial there is any such thing as election or voter fraud & "fact checking" from the same MSM allies who have helped them perpetrate said fraud
Frivolous lawsuits.

Can you show us some of this evidence?

Please keep in mind voting irregularities happen in every election. But the number of irregularities doesn’t amount to enough that trump has a leg to stand on.

I don’t think that matters to you putin supporters.

Because American republicans who support trump are no different than Russians who love putin

Their “evidence” of vote fixing is much stronger on the internet than it is in a court of law
you twats hope for a venezuelan style supreme court propping up your loser god. that's WINNING
The SCOTUS needs to intervene since several States are failing miserably in the election and post-election process.

Not to burst your bubble, but SCOTUS will not "intervene".
This has already been settled by states and 30 failed lawsuits.
You lost :)
Of course you do - as a matter of unquestioned divine revelation, not of objective, empirical truth.
Okay, Popeye....can you explain the unprecedented halt in counting of all ballots in every contested state
in which Trump went in with a comfortable lead and came out of it behind everywhere, simultaneously?

Let me know when you have a reasonable simple explanation for all this. And don't bother me until
We KNOW the election is being stolen. Will the socialist fuckers get away with it or not?
That's the thing. Our best hope still lies with the Supreme Court to sweep away all the corrupt
garbage Biden and his criminal enablers are trying to pull.
They will, if there is no proof. It doesn't even matter if it's true or not... There has to be proof. No proof... Got nothing. I will not support shit without proof. There are a lot of people like me.
A preponderance of evidence equals proof in a court of law. They Repubs are putting our mountains of eveidence & it keeps coming in.
All the Dems have is denial there is any such thing as election or voter fraud & "fact checking" from the same MSM allies who have helped them perpetrate said fraud
Frivolous lawsuits.

Can you show us some of this evidence?

Please keep in mind voting irregularities happen in every election. But the number of irregularities doesn’t amount to enough that trump has a leg to stand on.

I don’t think that matters to you putin supporters.

Because American republicans who support trump are no different than Russians who love putin

Their “evidence” of vote fixing is much stronger on the internet than it is in a court of law
There is court of law that is believed and court of law that is not.
We KNOW the election is being stolen. Will the socialist fuckers get away with it or not?
That's the thing. Our best hope still lies with the Supreme Court to sweep away all the corrupt
garbage Biden and his criminal enablers are trying to pull.
They will, if there is no proof. It doesn't even matter if it's true or not... There has to be proof. No proof... Got nothing. I will not support shit without proof. There are a lot of people like me.
A preponderance of evidence equals proof in a court of law. They Repubs are putting our mountains of eveidence & it keeps coming in.
All the Dems have is denial there is any such thing as election or voter fraud & "fact checking" from the same MSM allies who have helped them perpetrate said fraud
Frivolous lawsuits.

Can you show us some of this evidence?

Please keep in mind voting irregularities happen in every election. But the number of irregularities doesn’t amount to enough that trump has a leg to stand on.

I don’t think that matters to you putin supporters.

Because American republicans who support trump are no different than Russians who love putin

Their “evidence” of vote fixing is much stronger on the internet than it is in a court of law
There is court of law that is believed and court of law that is not.

Sorry.....not playing your game

Any entity that demands actual facts is not believed by Trump supporters
Orange Jesus lost and he's trying to steal the election.

He's lying to his base, making shit up about election fraud.

View attachment 418380

Math, analytics, and science says Dems stole it.

Sounds easy enough to prove in court. When are they going to submit the evidence?

When the attorney's are ready to present it, like all court cases. Did you get your law degree via mail order?

The clock is ticking......and you still got nothing

Courts demand actual evidence, the internet does not
Drop and Roll”

How The 2020 Election Was Stolen From President Donald Trump (Video)

They can’t tell me they held back on only the 90% for Biden inner cities. If anything, it’s the rural 95% Trump districts that would be expected to be late reporting.
There was no fraud.

The election wasn't stolen.

You lost.

Get over it.
We KNOW the election is being stolen. Will the socialist fuckers get away with it or not?
That's the thing. Our best hope still lies with the Supreme Court to sweep away all the corrupt
garbage Biden and his criminal enablers are trying to pull.
We will get justice or revenge. Let the democrats choose which we will have.
go fuk a confederate flag
Don't worry little Demon, Daddy Satan is coming for you, and your Messiah The AntiChrist can't wait to stamp his 666 tattoo right between your eyes.

Then you get to enjoy watching The World be torn apart and the 21 Judgments rain down from heaven on your pathetic evil ass.

Then the return of Christ and judgment day and you all get thrown in to Hell for your lies, deceit, and treachery, and treasons.

silly me

i totally forgot you are a deranged wacko!

another testament to the goodness of liberals....you are allowed a computer with access to the internet in your padded cell!

no conservative would ever allow that
Perhaps the person typed that because you guys have gone full psycho on social justice and extremism on endless agendas. Your own confederation of groups that form the Progressive Socialist Universe do not even mesh with each other nicely and show cracks in it.
Neither Trump nor his supporters have any integrity at all. Why should anyone believe them now? They've been lying nonstop since 2015.

Are we supposed to believe that they would not accuse Biden's people of election fraud if none existed? Of course not!

Trump and his lunatics made it clear that they were going to make accusations of voter fraud long before the election - and without any proof.

One thing is clear - Trump and his minions want to overturn Democracy and force rule by a minority.

They are shamelessly UnAmerican!
That's "By" not "From"

Or at least it would have been had Orange Jesus not hired third-rate amateurs like Rudy Giuliani

Obviously you live in a deep hole under a rock.
Giuliani convicted a lot of mobsters under the RICO Act. AS mayor of New York City he cleaned up the City that Democrat mayors allowed the City to disintegrate for decades. Then he handled the 911 attack well.
One can only believe that if Giuliani was a Democrat he would be brilliant and smart in your view.
We KNOW the election is being stolen. Will the socialist fuckers get away with it or not?
That's the thing. Our best hope still lies with the Supreme Court to sweep away all the corrupt
garbage Biden and his criminal enablers are trying to pull.
We will get justice or revenge. Let the democrats choose which we will have.
go fuk a confederate flag
Don't worry little Demon, Daddy Satan is coming for you, and your Messiah The AntiChrist can't wait to stamp his 666 tattoo right between your eyes.

Then you get to enjoy watching The World be torn apart and the 21 Judgments rain down from heaven on your pathetic evil ass.

Then the return of Christ and judgment day and you all get thrown in to Hell for your lies, deceit, and treachery, and treasons.

silly me

i totally forgot you are a deranged wacko!

another testament to the goodness of liberals....you are allowed a computer with access to the internet in your padded cell!

no conservative would ever allow that
Perhaps the person typed that because you guys have gone full psycho on social justice and extremism on endless agendas. Your own confederation of groups that form the Progressive Socialist Universe do not even mesh with each other nicely and show cracks in it.

Individualism is obviously beyond your comprehension.
We KNOW the election is being stolen. Will the socialist fuckers get away with it or not?
That's the thing. Our best hope still lies with the Supreme Court to sweep away all the corrupt
garbage Biden and his criminal enablers are trying to pull.
They will, if there is no proof. It doesn't even matter if it's true or not... There has to be proof. No proof... Got nothing. I will not support shit without proof. There are a lot of people like me.
A preponderance of evidence equals proof in a court of law. They Repubs are putting our mountains of eveidence & it keeps coming in.
All the Dems have is denial there is any such thing as election or voter fraud & "fact checking" from the same MSM allies who have helped them perpetrate said fraud
Frivolous lawsuits.

Can you show us some of this evidence?

Please keep in mind voting irregularities happen in every election. But the number of irregularities doesn’t amount to enough that trump has a leg to stand on.

I don’t think that matters to you putin supporters.

Because American republicans who support trump are no different than Russians who love putin
Progs loved the Soviet Union. It fell like we will when we get to your utopia. Then what was left of the Soviet Union became Russia again and Christianity became legalized and embraced by many. The Progs who loved the Soviet Union who were Socialist/Communist and many Atheists could not have that. So Russia became the enemy and worse, it resists the Globalism.
Orange Jesus lost and he's trying to steal the election.

He's lying to his base, making shit up about election fraud.

View attachment 418380

Math, analytics, and science says Dems stole it.

Sounds easy enough to prove in court. When are they going to submit the evidence?

When the attorney's are ready to present it, like all court cases. Did you get your law degree via mail order?

Tic Toc Doc. The courts are eagerly awaiting actual evidence of wide spread voter fraud (in a few predominantly more colorful neighborhoods).

Dirtbag Donnie's last hope at a coup is unfaithful legislators who he hopes will attempt to overthrow the law of the land and illegally disenfranchise the voters of their respective states.
Sorry.....not playing your game

Any entity that demands actual facts is not believed by Trump supporters
Eh... ok then. You ... *laughs*

Ok... So asking for verification of the votes being counted correctly, you know... To know the TRUTH... FACTS... Somehow isn't in line with....

Ok... Call yourself stupid.. I don't care.
We KNOW the election is being stolen. Will the socialist fuckers get away with it or not?
That's the thing. Our best hope still lies with the Supreme Court to sweep away all the corrupt
garbage Biden and his criminal enablers are trying to pull.
They will, if there is no proof. It doesn't even matter if it's true or not... There has to be proof. No proof... Got nothing. I will not support shit without proof. There are a lot of people like me.
A preponderance of evidence equals proof in a court of law. They Repubs are putting our mountains of eveidence & it keeps coming in.
All the Dems have is denial there is any such thing as election or voter fraud & "fact checking" from the same MSM allies who have helped them perpetrate said fraud
Frivolous lawsuits.

Can you show us some of this evidence?

Please keep in mind voting irregularities happen in every election. But the number of irregularities doesn’t amount to enough that trump has a leg to stand on.

I don’t think that matters to you putin supporters.

Because American republicans who support trump are no different than Russians who love putin

Their “evidence” of vote fixing is much stronger on the internet than it is in a court of law
There is court of law that is believed and court of law that is not.

Sorry.....not playing your game

Any entity that demands actual facts is not believed by Trump supporters

Trump’s blatant effort to steal an election he lost by 82 electoral votes and 6 million popular votes….First, Trump telegraphed the entire scheme to steal the election ahead of time, If it looked like he would lose, he planned to claim that late-counted absentee ballots were fraudulent and illegal and to file lawsuits to stop the certification of results in states where he trailed. The hope then was that Republican-controlled legislatures or governors would just hand him their state’s electoral votes. Those lawsuits claiming election and voter fraud have almost all been laughed out of court after Trump’s own lawyers admitted they had no evidence of said fraud.

The majority of Republicans state a belief that the election was rigged against Trump. (It wasn’t.)

This could all be laughed off as the absurd theater that it no doubt is, but this narrative is taking root within the Republican Party and will likely structure American politics in the years to come. And that’s not funny.

Trump’s Effort To Steal The Election Is Comically Stupid — And Extremely Dangerous
Neither Trump nor his supporters have any integrity at all. Why should anyone believe them now? They've been lying nonstop since 2015.

Are we supposed to believe that they would not accuse Biden's people of election fraud if none existed? Of course not!

Trump and his lunatics made it clear that they were going to make accusations of voter fraud long before the election - and without any proof.

One thing is clear - Trump and his minions want to overturn Democracy and force rule by a minority.

They are shamelessly UnAmerican!

While you claim Leftists like you have integrity and honor? :laughing0301: :abgg2q.jpg:
Orange Jesus lost and he's trying to steal the election.

He's lying to his base, making shit up about election fraud.

View attachment 418380

Math, analytics, and science says Dems stole it.

Sounds easy enough to prove in court. When are they going to submit the evidence?

When the attorney's are ready to present it, like all court cases. Did you get your law degree via mail order?

Tic Toc Doc. The courts are eagerly awaiting actual evidence of wide spread voter fraud (in a few predominantly more colorful neighborhoods).

Dirtbag Donnie's last hope at a coup is unfaithful legislators who he hopes will attempt to overthrow the law of the land and illegally disenfranchise the voters of their respective states.
He hopes that even if just 1 state holds out and he doesn't concede then it'll come down to this vote in the house where each state gets one vote.

Kentucky should not get 1 vote and California 1 vote. That would disenfranchise millions of voters. There are more red states than blue but they have low populations.

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